CONTRIBUTED THOUGHTS TOWARD THE WAR ON TERRORIST THINKING. Thru addendum 45 as sent to the State Department





















(1) POINT/COUNTERPOINT addendum 45








"…the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence." -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Response: The US has achieved half of that, no oppression. Unfortunately, when confronting madness, non-violence is weakness.


"A country which has dangled the sword of nuclear holocaust over the world for half a century and claims that someone else invented terrorism is a country out of touch with reality." -John K. Stoner

Response: There would be no John Stoner if the US had not developed a nuclear arsenal before Hitler, his axis buddies, and Stalin, a fact completely missing in the fantasy minds of meaningless word-weaving John Stoners.


"After 9/11, Bush needed to assert American power, but should have adopted a posture of consultation and cooperation.":

Response: (1) Bush can't dance indefinitely with nations unwilling to confront obvious evils in the world due to their profiting in reckless capitalism that deals with the evils. (2) Can't do both. Bush did consult, but to cooperate to do little about the evils that have attacked the US is not an option for a US President sworn to protect his people.


"All weapons are boomerangs":

Response: Not if Saddam is dead.


"As a priest for more than 40 years, I have yet to encounter the God who counsels pre-emptive slaughter in the name of peace.":

Response: (1) Unfortunately this statement has been misdirected at Bush rather than the Osama's and Muslim Fundamentalists of the world. (2) Further,  the Osama's and Fundamentalists still do not give two cents for peace, but only for their own power, (3) the Priest has not heard of Allah or Mohammad, it appears, (4) and why are peaceniks afraid to direct their barbs at the real killers in the world, and instead pick on the honorable guy doing the right thing, such as Bush?


"As soft as angels wings, As quiet as night, As gentle as a snowflake, May Peace come to your heart." -Unknown:

Response: Had this Unknown known his verse would have been so misapplied here, he wouldn't have said it. Misapplied because this loony liberal is directing it at the US rather than where it should be directed at, the tyrants of the world aligned against the US.


"Basra is a humanitarian disaster since the war began.":

Response: Then how does that explain the population rising from 15,000 to 40,000 since the Brits took over?


"Boycott Bush's Corporations to stop the war":

Response: Bush would be in dereliction of his duty to protect airheads like you if he did not pursue terrorists and the states that deal with them to the ends of the earth, as he is doing.


"Breathe in terrorists, Breathe out sleeping children and fresh mown fields. ...Act as if armistice has already arrived. Don't wait another minute. Celebrate today." -Judyth Hill:

Response: Creepy, and eerily irresponsible, in the face of such blatant tyranny and Osama, terrorists, Mad Mullahs, and their millions of blind, prejudiced, arrogant, and ignorant followers. More like "Breathe in terrorists, Breathe out sarin gas, and then breathe no more." and "Celebrate today, because you are targeted by terrorists who kill defenseless, unsuspecting people like you to acheive their goals, and tomorrow may not come for you."


"Bush alienated US allies before the war.":

Response: No, in fact he brought out their true colors… red is dead, so it can't be that… it might be yellow for some but not all, the rest are doing it for big oil contracts with Saddam, so their color is green.


"Bush and cronies are war-mongers":

Response: No, they did not war-monger before 9/11, and it doesn't take a genius to see what needs to be done. It does however take a lot of courage, which Bush's spineless critics lack.


"Bush committing the United States of America to a policy of Hitlerian military aggression…" -Chris Floyd

Response: There is no comparason except in the uninformed, devoid-of-history, juvenile mind of Chris Floyd.


"Bush does not think he is doing God's work, he thinks he IS God.":

Response: Clever, but untrue. Is Bush just pandering to the Bible thumpers in the US? No, again. In fact, Loony Liberals completely miss the point once again. Bush is bringing up religion to challenge Osama's an Muslim Fundamentalist's self-proclaimed monopoly on God's will, bringing up the point that God's Will works here too.


"Bush drunk with power"

Response: Bush would be derelict in his duty to protect American citizens if he was not pursuing terrorists, their means, and their supporters to the ends of the earth. The only one drunk with power is the one making the "drunk with power" statement.


"Bush endangering the survival of the planet":

Response: Mere cowardly conjecture.  Counterpoint: Leaving dictators in power  who desire weapons of mass destruction is much worse.


"Bush had support of world after 9/11, now he has squandered it":

Response: He has not squandered what was not really there in the first place. The rest of the world never had the nerve to stand up to the task of combating terrorist and rogue states, and therefore lash back at the US when asked to help.


"Bush has lied about Saddam and 9/11 and took advantage of that, Saddam never was a threat to the US.":

Response: To say this is to ignore the many means of indirect threats, such as a terrorist in a jumbo jet.


"Bush is a warmonger.":

Response: The only fault Bush Jr. has is that he has not displayed the proper distaste for a War that has been wrongly thrust upon his country, thereby projecting the image in the world that Americans enjoy war because they can't be touched and can't lose.


"Bush is an idiot.":

Response: Maybe it's ironic, but it seems that those Presidents who were capable of the least, accomplished the most in our recent history, just by defining clear goals and recognizing that they were not qualified to meddle.


"Bush leader of international gang of bastards"

Criminals (who said this) attack others in public by describing themselves.


"Bush spending money on "what-ifs" when "is's" are killing people in the world at this very moment":

Response: It is his job to address the what-if's when it concerns the lives of masses of American civilians.  Dealing with the "is's" is being funded.


"Bush will cut social programs to make war in Iraq":

Response: Terrorists, using Saddam's CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) agents and weapons, will target population centers full of the very deadweights who live off of the social programs and protest Bush's war on terror.


"Bush's war is aimed at diverting attention away from domestic problems.":

Response: International terrorism and states that publicly applaud them and desire weapons of mass destruction have been domestic issues since 9/11.


"But what of war and the much vaunted crime of slaughtering whole peoples?" -Seneca, c. 4 B.C. - A.D. 65:

Response: Only an all-powerful God can afford to be all-merciful. It is a law of nature, the smaller combatant can less afford mercy than the larger, and the less you are all-powerful, the less you can afford mercy. This is why Iraq was so brutal and the US so merciful, because of the degree to which each could afford it.


"But what we know is that Israel has weapons of mass destruction. Nobody talks about that.  Why should there be one standard for one country, especially because it is black, and another one for another country, Israel, that is white." -Nelson Mandela:

Response: A typical weak-minded liberal. Let me help him: Did Israel call 9./11 "God's Justice" as Saddam did? Are Israelies Muslim, as the terrorists who have declared war on, and have been attacking the US, are? Need I go on?  Because I can. Is Israel a closed and secretive tyrannical society, as Saddam's Iraq is? Is it more likely Saddam or the Israelies would harbor Muslim terrorist organizations that blindly hate the US? Have the Israeli regimes used weapons of mass destruction against it's neighbors and own people in order to keep itself in an unelected, perpetual state of power? Need I go on? Because I can. But it's time you think for yourself. As for your Black/White statement, you are racist.


"Calling them 'death squads' is a loaded description with legal implications.":

Response: (1) We'll leave that to Iraqi civilian justice after Saddam is gone. (2) Death Squads is only an accurate description of their job function as ordained by Saddam.


"Civilian deaths (accidentally caused by the US's war on Saddam) would cause hate in the future.":

Response: A cowardly statement, considering that US hate is a matter of prejudice and has nothing to do with civilian deaths, otherwise Saddam and the Baath Party the US is a war with would be hated and not the US, considering the millions of Iraqis the Baath Party has murdered.


"Death to America":

Response: Who are they going to start with, Muslim Americans?


"Death to America.":

Response: "I normally wear a pendant around my neck, inscribed with an Arabic prayer for safety; similar to the cross. A hasidic Jew came up to me and held the pendant in his hand, and looked at it. He read the Arabic out loud for a second. What he said next, I will never forget. With a deep Brooklyn accent he said "Brother, if you don't mind, there is a cloud of glass coming at us, grab my hand, let's get the hell out of here."He was the last person I would ever have thought, who would help me." -Usman Farman,
Pakistani Muslim relating experience of September 11, 2001. -Story typifies the "America" the Muslim world fails to comprehend, and chants death to.


"Democracy will never happen in Iraq. Old rivalries will resume.":

Response: (1) that is not an option for Iraqis. (2) A little enlightenment and creativity and compassion applied to the problem is enough to solve it, along with the heavy hand above. (3) a good example of Liberal defeatism bread by a generation of cynicism that should have died with the objects of that cynicism.


"Desert Storm will be another Vietnam.":

Vietnam:  Political Leaders during Vietnam fancied themselves tacticians who could instruct the military how to conduct daily operations in response to minute perceived foreign relations. Ask Robert McNamara if it was successful. Also dig out a history book.   Desert Storm:  In Desert Storm, the military was given a clear goal and allowed to do their job to reach it, without meddling from Washington. Do you remember if that was successful? In fact, the only failure in Desert Storm was when Washington stepped in at the end and meddled.


"Diplomacy never got tried with Iraq":

Response: only for 12 long years. Also, the sanctions you condemned for killing 5000 children a day were part of your very "diplomacy".


"False reality where war=peace, invasion=democracy":

Response: The only falseness I see is your logic.


"How long until you occupy…"

Occupy? As for occupy, it would be less costly for the US if the UN contributed to the guidance of Iraq away from a Saddam system of government to something more inducing to peace and prosperity.  France has shown interest in a bellicose fashion in leading that coalition, if for honorable reasons, good, if they go in as a colonial vulture, bad.


"I do not see Iraq liberated. All I see is the murder of innocent men, women and children.":

Response: (1) By who? People like this only see accidental casualties cause by the US as it frees Iraq from it's cancer, while turning a blind eye to all the innocent men, women, and children Bin Laden and Saddam are killing. Why? Blind prejudice against the US. (2) I see Iraqis liberated.


"I would like to see an International Court established in which to settle disputes between nations." -Robert Green Ingersoll
Boston, 1897:

Response: (1) Unfortunately the French and Russians would corrupt the court in the interests of their pending huge oil contracts with Saddam. (2) Send armies of debate teams instead to help the disputing parties ferret out the truths.


"If a reporter pursued the story of why we are spending $300 billion on the military, he or she would appear to have an axe to grind and therefore to be unprofessional." -Robert McChesney:

Response: Another confused, distorted liberal.  The fact is the US spends proportionally less of it's gross national product on the military than any other nation in the world.


"If AIDS were pandemic in the White population, the reaction to AIDS would be much different":

Response: There isn't a pandemic for a good reason- White people are hard at work making the world a better place to live in, rather than fooling around in flea-bitten beds with other disreputable pleasure-seekers.


"If Saddam has Civilian Mass Murder weapons, why weren't they used on 9/11?

Response: (1) Because Osama wanted something more dramatic. (2) It was Osama's poetic justice to attack the World Trade Center and it's supporting apparatus on the day his crony was being sentenced for the first World Trade Center terrorist bombing attempt. (3) Hijacking planes was easier than smuggling in, hiding, and implementing Civilian Mass Murder agents.


"If they don't find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Bush will lose face.":

Response: Not with me. I have enough insight in the matter to see that with one swing Bush has struck blows against terrorism, tyranny, and anti-US prejudice throughout the world.


"If you want peace, work for justice." -Pope Paul VI:

Response: The very adage the US is abiding by in it's war on Iraq.


"Implication in some of these emails that 'worried coalition families are somehow morally superior' to worried Iraqi ones.":

Response: (1) This person misread them. It's "morally superior to Saddam's regime", (2) Worried coalition families are not ruled by a murderous madman who openly supports terrorist attacks against others.


"In it's campaign in Iraq, the US is virtually alone.":

Response: (1) I can foresee this same despicable coward will trying to take credit for being behind the US once the US is victorious and the benefits of that victory begin to bear fruit in the world. (2) 45 nations support the US, and they aren't all Micronesia's.


"In the history of world British troops along with their allies probably killed more innocent civilians then any other "regime". What about Hiroshima and Vietnam, USA has forgotten history.":

Response: What about the Imperial Japanese in China, the Communist Chinese in China, the Communist North Vietnamese in South Vietnam, Pol Pot's regime in Cambodia, not to mention Stalin, Hitler, and the dozens of other mass-murdering dictator regimes Britain and the US have fought in the last century? To single out Hiroshima and Vietnam against the US is to have an unbalance, unhealthy, if not to mention twisted, view of history, with equally twisted nefarious motives behind such twisted statements. You're probable a dictator.


"In the past, Europe could oppose the US, but that opposition was balanced by the Soviet threat of Stalinist Communism":

Response: Looks like Europe has forgotten who it's friend is.


"In Vietnam, a disproportionate amount of blacks were killed."

Response: Only 11% of vets were black, and sustained 12% of the casualties. In 1991 Gulf War, blacks were 23% of military, but only 11% of casualties, and only 10% in combat roles.


"Individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring." -Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal, 1950:

Response: Aimed at the US, but more aptly aimed at the subjects of the remaining tyranical states, and states that harbor terrorist organizations.


"Iraq celebration in the streets after being liberated by the US is a slap in the face of the Muslim world.":

Response: Good, I hope the Muslim world wakes up out of it's anti-US state-induced stupor.


"Iraq does not pose a threat to the US":

Response: Read Saddam's headlines "God's Punishment" in reference to 9/11, and it is not hard to deduce the threat in today's present generation of International Terrorists and Mad Muslims.


"Iraq more credible to media in terms of civilian casualties."

Response: I presume this person believes the Iraq MisInformation Ministry when it stages bombings in civilian areas?


"Iraq more credible to media in terms of troop placement."

Response: (1) I hope the US military is not giving away it's troop placements to the mindless media. (2) This statement was made before the Iraq MisInformation Ministry revealed it’s true job (of making false statements in favor of Saddam) by denying the US held Baghdad International Airport or had entered Baghdad itself, when embedded reporters were a block away among US troops.


"Iraq success could embolden Bush to go on to other wars.":

Response: (1) Mere conjecture. If Bush goes on to other wars, it will be out of his oath to protect and serve as the President. (2) This reveals the Left’s intent on making the Iraq campaign appear a failure even if it is a success.


"Iraq war a gamble, we don't know if it will create less or more terror.":

Response: Take it from a Muslim, "Muslims respect power. You will see less terrorism now."


"Iraq war is a big business war, like US trade policy, is part of globalization where Third World is exploited for labor. Look at the corruption of the stock market to know who's controlling things":

Response: (1) This liberal parasite has blinded himself to 9/11 and the madness of the Muslim world. (2) If this liberal is right, I would still take big business over Muslim madness. (3) France, Germany, and Russia's stance is due to Big Business, which liberals refuse to see in their blind hatred for Bush.


"Iraq war is not making Americans safer":

Response: It will because Bush is speaking the only language bullies like Osama, Terrorists, and Saddam know.


"Iraq war is not making Americans safer":

Response: Yes it is.  It is keeping Osama at bay and dealing with an unstable and evil regime that has collected Civilian Mass Murder agents and weapons, a regime that deals with unprincipled Militant Muslims and barbaric savage terrorists.


"Iraq war off target, totally forgot about Osama.":

Response: (1) On Target. Every country in the world is looking for Osama, including the US intelligence. (2) Saddam is part of the terrorist problem. (3) With Saddam gone, the Shiites are part of the terrorist problem.


"Iraq war will beget more terrorism.":

Arab American: "No, there will be less terrorism, because the Muslim World respects power."


"Iraq will become another Vietnam.":

Response: (1) There is no Jungle for the evil forces to hide in; (2) there is no Johnson/McNamara to screw things up, (3) this is just enemy propaganda the Liberals have swallowed, designed to scare the US away from Saddam.


"Iraqi Looting Bad":

Response: In two days the Iraqis damaged more of Saddam's regime than the US coalition did in three weeks.


"Iraq's rebuilding will cost more than $70 billion, and, coupled with Bush's proposed tax cut for the rich and the aid package for a bankrupt Israel will devastate the US.":

Response: typical portent of liberal doom and gloom. Liberal fails to mention the alternative, billions thrown away on socially destructive harebrained liberal programs designed to create zombie economic dependents of the Democratic Party who's rallying cry is "Give Me da Money".


"Islam is not a violent, hateful religion, so by creating an image that Muslims are all bloodthirsty warriors of jihad will only create more hatred. Don't let the few truly bloodthirsty fanatics of Islam ruin it for the many peaceful Muslims.":

Response: (1) So you freely admit Militant Muslim extremists are bloodthirsty. So what are you doing about it, waiting for the US to confront them?  This is exactly the reason Osama attacked the US in the first place, to get their attention and have them topple every totalitarian regime in the Middle East. (2) By "few" you mean many mindless millions, not like a David Koresh's few dozen.


"It is a conviction that war is not an answer to human conflict." -Bruce Kent, Pres.
International Peace Bureau:

Response: If Bruce was doing his job, he would have gotten to Osama.


"It is fundamental that the great powers of Congress to conduct war and to regulate the Nation's foreign relations are subject to the constitutional requirements of due process." -Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg:

Response: Again the reality-denying liberal is implying Congress did not give Bush the go-ahead already.


"It's our world. We want peace. US, please stop":

Response: What about 'Jihad, please stop', or 'Militant Muslims, please stop', or 'Terrorists, please stop'?  It is plain to see that you're too afraid to confront them, because they are so mean, ignorant, arrogant, and bloodthirsty, so you cowardly and despicably pick solely on the nice guy on the block - the US.  If you want peace, you will address both sides, please.


"Jessica Lynch was rescued because she was white. The US would never have rescued a black.":

Response: (1) No, she was rescued because the US received a tip from an Iraqi, who couldn't stand seeing a woman being beat by Saddam's thugs. As to racism or gender prejudice, you'll have to take that up with the Iraqi lawyer who repeatedly risked his live to aid in the planning of the rescue. (2) Now the seven POW's have been rescued, and I saw the one black female being treated kindly by her fellow soldiers.


"Kuwait is a US colony for allowing the US military there.":

Response: (1) No, Kuwait is grateful to the US, and hates Saddam. (2) This person is a Saddam henchman for being anti-US.


"Lack of law and order in newly-freed Iraq US's fault:

Response: Bizarre conclusion. One has to have a deep insight into human and animal nature to understand what is going on. I see the Iraqis tearing down anything that has the smell of their oppressors, taking what was denied them, and after they are finished with such destruction and taking, they will turn to their own construction and giving. Unfortunately Saddam let loose the criminals who will take advantage of this apparent chaotic tearing-down process to take the looting beyond Baath Party targets. (2) With Saddam's currency worthless, looting is the only source of potential income until the US and UN pays them for reconstruction jobs.


"Live and Let Live":

Doesn't work when your enemy wants you dead.


"Moreover, when the issues at hand seem as perplexing as they often do in the case of dreadful conflict, we are always on the verge of being mesmerized by uncertainty. But we must move on. . ." -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Response: Bush moved on, the world stood mesmerized.


"Muslims in despair over yet another defeat in history of an army of the Muslim world.":

Response: Spoken like a true blood-thirsty Muslim who identifies with a blood-thirsty dictator over a nation that has shown such a high regard for individual life and individual property, even in other countries.


"Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it." -Albert Einstein:

Response: Obviously aimed toward taking an anti-war stance. More aptly applied to Bush's going after Saddam in the face of loony liberal peace demonstrations.


"Non-violence is not inaction. It is not for the timid or weak. . . non-violence is hard work. It is the willingness to sacrifice." -Cesar Chavez:

Response: If applied here then the sacrifice the peaceniks are willing to make are the lives of other Americans, as long as it is not themselves. There is nothing honorable in that.


"Not a shred of evidence Saddam was supporting terrorists":

Response: How do you know what he's been up to, his being a closed society?


"Our only real safety lies in crafting an American success story that does not rely upon the repression of the world's people and the destruction of their systems of self-determination for the sake of our industrial needs." -Granny Haddock

Response: This hogwash is typical of the liberal left's confused state of mind. They attack phantoms that do not exist, such as an Iraq system of self-determination under Saddam, and the US's interest being only it's own industrial needs.


"Painful armed conflict is threatening humanity's hope in a better future.":

Response: Tell that to the recently freed Iraqi civilians who wanted no part of Saddam and the Baath Party of terror and death.


"Painful armed conflict is threatening humanity's hope in a better future.":

Response: This statement is completely out of touch with the minds of dictators.


"Peace is not only the absence of violence, but the presence of a higher evolution of human awareness with respect, trust and integrity toward humankind." -Congressman Dennis Kucinich

Response: This is totally lost on the Osama's and Saddam's of the world. To abide by these platitudes unilaterally has shown it's consequences on 9/11.


"Peace lies in the hearts and minds of all people." -John F. Kennedy:

Response: Unfortunately Osama has declared war, and lives by it.


"People who are for the war are getting unbalanced information from the media.":

Response: As for myself I had to buck the liberal media to come to self-deduced conclusions that supported the war.


"Reagan spent 2 trillion on Star Wars and it got the US nothing but foreign debt.":

Response: (1) To date $40 billion as of 1998, or $60 billion as of 1999 (depending on the source) not $2000 billion. (2) With Kim Jong Il's madcap antics, Star Wars seems perfectly justified now. (3) It helped defeat the Soviet Union and end the Cold War (the US's show of strength in the Gulf War was the nail in the coffin).


"Republicans paid Noreiga to let drugs enter the US in exchange for intelligence information.":

Response: Liberals never ask themselves "What were America's enemies doing then, was it worse than what the Americans were doing? (Yes). (2) Liberals use US activities in the past to attack Bush in the present, when there is no link. (3) When bringing up past US transgressions, liberals always forget about the Cold War, and which side was evil. Liberals have forgotten Stalinism, and embrace Communism like the first fools before the Lenin/Stalin/Mao Communist system defect revealed itself.


"Saddam and Osama posed no threat to the US.":

Response: Saddam and Osama were both thugs, were both in the business of Civilian Mass Murder, each for their own purposes; both wanted Weapons of Mass Destruction; both have used them; and both were at war with the US, Osama openly declaring and pursuing it, Saddam openly applauding it. It escapes me how liberals and peaceniks can't figure this one out on their own.


"Saddam is a leader.":

Response: Saddam is not a leader. Where is he leading Iraq?


"Saddam is a US product":

Response: No, Saddam is a Cold War product, an only an idiot fails to see who was the good-guy and who was the bad-guy in the Cold War.


"Shock and Awe are oppressing the Iraqi people":

Response: Pure liberal hogwash.  The Iraqis have been amply told the purpose of this war, that they are not the targets or to be used as targets, and actually go about their daily business waiting for Saddam and his evil regime to fall.


"South Korea more worried about what the US may do rather than North Korea, where the US may cause 100,000 South Korean deaths."

Response: A typical liberal statement, not at all concerned about what tyrants do in the world, and instead picking on phantoms in the US that were gone in the 60's.


"Spend money on fighting AIDS instead":

Response: Money is being spent on AIDS, a self-inflicted disease caused by irresponsibility and avarice.


"The Bush Administration worries critics.":

Response: (1) The nature of critics is not to help, but to sit back and criticize. If I had a choice between Bush and critics, I'd take Bush. At least he has the capacity to do something. (2) Should read "worries enemies of freedom and democracy, and enemies of the US."


"The chain reaction of evil -- hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars -- must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation." -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

Response: Lucky for the Dr. the US did not act out of hate.


"The debate is not about Saddam anymore, but about America and it's roll in the world.":

Response: (1) A victory for the Iraq MisInformation Ministry, and the reckless capitalist allies of the US. (2) The child (anti-US elements) will always rebel when the mature parent (the US) is protecting them from themselves.


"The economy is going to hell and Bush wants to spend money on war":

Response: The war is upon you. The enemy's aim is civilian mass murder and economic disruption.  There will be no economy with dead civilians and said disruptions.


"The fact that it is monstrously immoral ought to count for something, too." -Granny Haddock:

Response: Unfortunately this peacenik is addressing the wrong party, the US, instead of the tyrants of the world. They are too chicken to address such murderous parties. Simply despicable.


"The Geneva Conventions are very clear that "starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited.":

Response: Again aimed at the wrong party (the US) by US bashers. More appropriately aimed at the UN for their sanctions rather than the deposing of Saddam.


"The Iraq war is a war for oil.":

Response: Contraire, gas prices have fallen since the war began, while gas prices rose considerable while the US was playing footsy with the UN over Iraq.


"The media only reports the facts.":

Response: If the media reports only the negative aspect of a social situation, the media will have a negative effect on that which they are reporting on.


"The media only reports the facts.":

Response: The media does not just report the facts, because the media has an effect on any social event which it is reporting on, and they know it, and they use it to sell more media, and damn the victims or social consequences.


"The Muslim world is in shock (at the celebration in Baghdad).":

Response: (1) A good example of the results of a controlled media by totalitarian states. The celebration was nothing like the anti-US bias their state-controlled media was feeding them, while calling for suicide bombers. (2) From radio interview: The suicide shops have since closed saying "go home, the war is over.


"The only rays of hope I see are the growing anti-war protests here in the US and the fact that each day brings us closer to the 2004 elections.":

Response: In other words, the only ray of hope this person sees is taking the pressure off of Osama and leaving Saddam and his acknowledged evil regime sitting on top of the largest oil reserves on earth, spending it's wealth in keeping themselves in perpetual power through brutality, starvation, and murder of the Iraqi population, blaming it on the US, stiring up hatred against the US, and then openly supporting terrorist acts against the US.


"The question one must ask when confronting this doctrine of preemption is, where will it end? Which dictator will be next?" -Rep. Barbara Lee:

Response: That entirely depends on the actions of the tyrants of today's world.


"The resolution for war with Iraq reinterprets the Constitution to suit the will of the Executive Branch." -Senator Robert Byrd:

Response: Nonsense. It is and ever has been the primary duty of the President of the United States to PROTECT and serve the American people. Protect in this case is "go get them", something fraidy cat liberals refuse to acknowledge.


"The resolution for war with Iraq would give the President blanket authority to launch a unilateral preemptive attack on a sovereign nation." -Senator Robert Byrd:

Response: Again a misnomer, and a weak beg of the question that Iraq is a soverign nation. The author is assuming Iraq is a Soverign Nation, which it is not, having an illegitimate leadership that came to power through the murder and oppression of it's own people.


"The trumped-up war in Iraq is power madness and pure stupidity." -Granny Haddock

Response: Again the confused liberal left has confused Bush's simple common sense and gut instinct with trumping up.


"The UN process could have worked if Saddam realized the seriousness of Bush's intent.":

Response: Negative. Saddam was too entrenched in his totalitarian brutality and murder to pay much attention to the outside world.


"The United States spends a fortune on the military for no publicly debated or accepted reason." -Robert McChesney:

Response: The world can thank it's lucky stars for that, otherwise Osama's, Saddam's, and Kim Jong Il's would rule the world, and believe me, there would be no loony liberal left.


"The US did away with Iraqi police, and left the civilians at the mercy of criminals.":



"The US did not sign on to the International Criminal Court, and therefore is selfish.":

Response: The International Criminal Court was a ruse by totalitarian governments to protect themselves from the free world. It would have given them an avenue to try American soldiers for political reasons.


"The US hasn't been able to use its power and abilities to deal with Pakistan."

Response: Again liberals and Muslims let their pride skew their perceptions, here confusing US "restraint" with US "inability". I have no doubt that if Pakistan declared war on the US, Pakistan would be gone in 21 days, maybe sooner if it nuked itself in a vain attempt to have an effect on a US military that is NBC hardened.


"The US is killing children in Iraq.":

Response: If you want to be fair, you should side with the regime that has killed less women and children, which is by far the US (score: Saddam and the Baath Party: 1.5 million deaths, US: 400 deaths). It is completely unfair and blindly biased to side against the US.


"The US is making the world unstable and dangerous.":

Response: The rest of the world can be thankful the US is not suicidally evil like the Taliban, Palestinians, Saddam's killers, or dozens of other murderous, anti-American Muslims who, with America's arsenal and their own peanut brains, would have brought an end to the human race already.


"The US is nothing but big corporations exploiting the poor of the world.":

Response: Hogwash. (1) The US has helped billions of poor around the world who wish to help themselves. (2) Working for or in the US means wages many times that which the poor can get in their own homelands. (3) Liberals are still chasing phantoms of the past.


"The US is wrong if it thinks a successful war in Iraq will snap the world out of a deep resentment of US foreign policy.":

Response: (1) Mere conjecture. There are already many countries who have not forgotten the US's role in liberating them from evil totalitarian regimes. (2) You forgot the war is on terrorism and the underlying causes, not Saddam alone.


"The US isn't doing enough in bringing medicine into Iraq.":

Response: (1) That's a tall order with fighting still going on. (2) Liberals forget that Saddam completely destroyed the medical, economic, and educational base of the country.


"The US may embark on a path of making the world safer FOR THE US."

Response: Typical liberal US bashing. It was totally unnecessary to throw in FOR THE US. This was said as if the US only had it's own interests at heart. Only a fool again would try and pin a selfish label on the US in this matter, or fail to see that what the US is doing will make the world safer for the world, and not just "FOR THE US".


"The US must stop preemptive invasion policy and keep our sons out of harm's way"

Response: Best defense is offense when pursuing an enemy that hits and hides.


"The US should not use force.":

America roused to a righteous anger has always been a force for good.


"The US should not use force.":

At a bare minimum, tactical nuclear capabilites should be used against the bin Laden camps in the desert of Afghanistan. To do less would be rightly seen by the poisoned minds that orchestrated these attacks as cowardice on the part of the United States and the current administration.


"The US thinks the Third World is not as human as Americans, because Americans gave money to the World Trade Center attack Victims, but not to the African Embassy bombing victims."

Response: It seems more like a case of a nation taking care of it's own.


"The US wants to take over the world.":

Response: No, it all comes down to killing. If the Muslims didn't want to anything but kill, kill, kill, the US would not even be in Iraq right now.


"The War is for Oil.":

Response: I see no greed or cynicism in the Bush White House. I see integrity, strong beliefs, and vision, all which happens to be right. In the Left, however, I see blatant misapplied cynicism, self-aggrandizment, bizarre conspiracy theories, and taking anti-US sides on international issues.


"There are some fears in the world of US imperialism.":

Response: (1) Sure, from totalitarian regimes and their cowardly apologists. (2) These are the fears created by media in the childish mind of world opinion.


"There is a lack of an uprising in Basra.":

Response: What do you expect, the civilians fight Saddam's armed assassins with sticks and stones?


"This seems to portray the mentality of pro-wars to the people across the globe, you pro-war peep":

You obviously know nothing about human suffering. What are these anti-US history-revisionist professors teaching kids these days? Drivel designed to impress one another, with no concern about the damage it's doing to the few forces of good in this world, of which the US is a leader.


"This seems to portray the mentality of pro-wars to the people across the globe, you pro-war peep":

You seem to be more concerned about the US image abroad than doing a deed so blindingly right while protecting American citizens in the process. Let me tell you about "images": Images are "soft power". Soft power only works when your opponent wants to be like you. I'm afraid, my egotistical peacenik, that Saddam and Osama and their zombie Muslim minions do not want to be like you. In fact, they despise you.


"To want to eradicate Saddam's regime is respectable, but to destroy a whole nation in the process is immensely immoral.":

Response: (1) How can anyone with an ounce of brain-matter accuse the US, and not Saddam, of destroying Iraq? (2) An area held together by assassins is not a nation. (3) good example of typical mindless bizarre leftist babble with no correlation to reality.


"Today the world faces a single man armed with weapons of mass destruction, manifesting an aggressive, bullying attitude, who may well plunge the world into chaos and bloodshed if he miscalculates. This person, belligerent, arrogant and sure of himself, truly is the most dangerous person on Earth. The problem is that his name is George W. Bush, and he is our president." -Jack M. Balkin:

Response: Pure horse manure. Tyrants have put the US to the test. Liberal weenies like this are not up to the test, and boo-hoo Bush because he is.


"University of Tennessee against the War.":

Response: Does the University of Tennessee know what Saddam did with his Universities? He used them for ammunition dumps. Is this the kind of University the University of Tennessee supports?


"US and Britain want to control gulf oil.":

Response: No, just get an obvious evil off the top of it, and change who spends it's wealth from a small, murderous, self-serving body to a body that pursues peace and prosperity.


"US betrayed and abandoned Kurds and Shiites after Gulf War.":

Response: Myths. Bush called for the Sunni Muslims to rise up against Saddam.  The US then did all it could to protect Shiites and Kurds, in the face of international opposition, by setting up no-fly zones in Iraq. People who mindlessly spout out that the US abandoned anyone is to ignore the forces aligned against the US at the time, and which there still remains many remnants (consider France, Germany, Russia, and China, to name a few). It was worse back then. The US could not get rid of Saddam. The free world was not as strong willed back then.


"US causing less peace in the world.":

Response: Woolsley summed it up succinctly: World War IV is upon the US from three sources: (1) Mad power-hungry Mullahs, (2) Facist states like Iraq and Syria, and (3) the Osama-like terrorists of the world.


"US demonizing Iraqis.":

Response: Saddam's regime has demonized itself. The US doesn't have to do anything other than report it.


"US Forefathers a million times worse than Saddam. They used the same tactics. It's hypocracy.":

Response: More liberal cracked logic. (1) US Forefathers used guerrilla warfare, but without human shields or execution of families, or calls for suicide bombings. They were, 200 years ago, more civilized than Saddam's defenders are today. (2) Racist Liberals want the US and all of it's history to be perfect before they confront today's evils. (3) US Forefathers were fighting for the people against tyranny. Saddam is fighting for tyranny against the people.


"US foreign debt $2 trillion, US living beyond it's means; the dollar has fallen 25% against the Euro. This is the US's Achille's Heel.":

Response: (1) Is this paranoid, leftist economic views, or a true finger on a US problem? And who is more inclined to self-indulgence and largesse beyond their means in order to garner votes, liberals or conservatives? The Liberals, that's who. (2) The US has given the world far more than $2 trillion. A few years of no foreign aid will pay that off many times over. (3) This one-sided anti-US-biased view fails to give the figure of how much other countries owe the US, of which the US forgives much in the end.


"US gave $40,000 to the Taliban, then turn around and oust them":

Response: (1) The money was for humanitarian aid.  The Taliban then turned around and bit the hand that helped them by harboring US-citizen-murdering Osama. (2) As time marched on, the Taliban mutated into a monster with the aid of the gangster Osama.


"US giving out misinformation, like Saddam dead and his Generals defecting.":

Response: Who said that was misinformation?


"US has failed in Iraq because it is calling in more troops.":

Response: (1) US has tested Iraq to see how deep Saddam's evil goes. (2) US plan was to get war underway with what's there and test the waters, then gradually bring in more troops if necessary.


"US is bombing Iraqi Hospitals.":

Response: Saddam's thugs have used all hospitals for military headquarters and ammunition dumps.  Has anyone in the leftist or Muslim media complained or mentioned that? Hell no. They are completely anti-US-biased.


"US is bombing Iraqi schools.":

Response: Saddam's thugs have used 123 schools for military headquarters and ammunition dumps. Has anyone in the leftist or Muslim media complained or mentioned that? Hell no. They are completely anti-US-biased.


"US is evil":

Response: (1) US is leading the world in making the world a better place for the human race, and in improving the human race's behavior altogether, and improving the life of the common man.  (2) The "US is evil" statement comes from mis-information ministries in totalitarian states. (3) The US shares it's good with the world, such as advances in medicine. Who do you think eradicated smallpox? Osama? Saddam? Hitler? Stalin? Mussolini? Pol Pot? Mao?


"US is protecting the oil and not the hospitals.":

Response: The US is protecting the future well being of Iraqis. Hospitals can be repaired faster than another Kuwait ecological disaster caused by Saddam, a disaster for which Saddam should have been deposed right then and there, if the UN had it's shit together. It didn't. It was poisoned by harebrained liberals.


"US is racist. Just look at the Tuskegee experiments in Alabama, the Smallpox and nuclear experiments on American Indians…"

Response: The present US generation has made up for those acts by previous generations, who incidentally lived in a universally prejudiced-filled world, 1000 times over. The "racist" card blacks play is now no more than a con game by liberal-created government dependent prejudiced parasites.


"US is the most powerful nation on earth, unfortunately":

Response: The "Unfortunately" is a product of the anti-US drivel American University ex-hippie conspiracy-crazed professors feed their student population.  Let the moron Salih live under Kim Jong Il for a while.


"US is unconcerned about world opinion."

Response: This is an unbalanced statement. Balance it with how much regard Saddam gives for world opinion (when he is not in danger of being deposed by the US).


"US journalists are firing on Arab journalist to keep Arab journalists from reporting the truth.":

Response: When was the last time an Arab journalist reported the truth? Never. They are too anti-US biased for that. The Muslim world did not even air the toppling of Saddam's statue.


"US led sanctions that prevented water treatment equipment from reaching Iraq, and Iraqi children died."

The alternative to sanctions, which was the UN's idea, was removing Saddam from power, which the UN opposed.


"US losing war."

Response: Erroneous view of the left as a result of the anti-Bush and pro-Saddam media blitz.


"US should not confront evils as they perceive them in others.":

Response: This is a good example of the complete lack of perception on the part of liberals. What this liberal is implying is that the evils of Saddam are just a matter of perception and don't really exist.


"US sold Saddam his bio and chemical weapons":

Response: And 23 other countries. Yet Saddam tells the UN he doesn't have any, and the peaceniks who pointed out the US sold them to him believe him.


"US strategy in Middle East risks the wrath of the Muslim world due to the mounting toll of civilian life and property in the War in Iraq.":

Response: If the Muslim world's wrath is based on biased reporting, then it is the Muslim world who risks the wrath of US strategy, the Muslim world being much weaker that the US, more barbaric, and less educated.


"US strategy in Middle East risks the wrath of the Muslim world.":

Response: (1) Author of this statement has little knowledge of human nature and the diversity of the Muslim world, and is instead referring to a sensationalist media's representation of the Muslim world. (2) Statement is mere bogus and biased conjecture, and is trying to be a self-fulfilling prophesy.


"US trying to take over the world.":

Response: No, US is merely taking the lead in combating the problems the world faces, from terrorism to AIDS to nuclear proliferation to evil regimes.


"US used A-bomb on Hiroshima":

Response: It was refugees and dissidents from fascism, which would have crushed Islam, that convinced the US to go on a crash program to develop the A-bomb in the first place.


"US war on Iraq is not supported by the international community.":

Response: By "International Community" you mean countries that had lucrative oil contracts lined up with Saddam, to the detriment of Iraq and the world.


"US war on Iraq will harm Muslim/Christian relations":

Response: Nothing can harm Muslim/Christian relations more than what the Muslims are doing themselves to Christians and non-Muslims alike.


"US will attack Iraq":

Response: Saddam is not Iraq. He holds it hostage.


"US will look bad if it finds no weapons of mass destruction.":

Response: Oops. Here, Iraq, we'll put Saddam and the Baath Party back in power. Sorry for the inconvenience, Iraq. You can go back to your nightmarish state of affairs. At least France, Germany, and Russia will be appeased, and can rub the US's nose in the dirt.


"Use the money for the war instead on the poor in this country":

Response: There is nothing worse than internal parasites on a free democracy.


"Victory in Iraq will embolden Bush to wage more wars.":

Response: (1) Yes, wars on ignorance, poverty, disease, the unknown in science, auto fatalities, potential conflicts around the globe, and global misunderstandings, and recognized evil leaders and their blood-stained supporters, for starters. (2) Saddam was a unique and immediate threat. The others still have a chance to mend their diabolical ways.


"Vietnam draft favored Whites through college attendance.":

Response: (1) If blacks had a higher regard for academic smarts rather than street smarts they would have been in college; (2) Most whites go deep into debt to get through college, blacks are not willing to take that risk, and do not value academic education enough to work so hard for it.


"Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence." -Alexander Solzhenitzyn:

Response: More aptly applied to Osama and his gang of Mad Mullahs and Imbecilic Imams.


"Want proof Saddam has WMD's":

Response: Then peaceniks turn around and say the US sold them to him.


"War in Iraq unjust":

Response: Just read Saddam's headlines "God's Punishment" in reference to 9/11, and there is ample justification, apart from Saddam's being able to contribute to the mad Muslim jihad against the rest of the world.


"War is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses." -Major General Smedley Butler:

Response: The war on Iraq was just the opposite, a feat the liberals will deny in their US-bashing fantasies.


"War is over if you want it. War is over now." -John Lennon:

Response: Tell that to Saddam's subjects.


"War on Iraq not legitimate (according to the UN).":

Response: UN did not authorize force, not out of concern for the continuation of terrorism, or out of concern for Iraqi civilians that do not take part in Saddam's regime, but out of a twisted need to contain the US.


"War will split the international community":

Response: Mere conjecture. The opposite may equally occur.


"We are critical of the US."

Only a fool who turns a blind eye to tyranny would be against the actions the US has taken since 9/11.


"We are critical of the US."

Self-criticism is healthy as a people, but to take it to the extremes demonstrated on this topic reveals a world that does not know a good thing (US power) when it sees it.


"We are rushing into war without fully discussing why." -Senator Robert Byrd:

Response: Only a cowardly fool would sit around and discuss why after 9/11.


"We have overlooked the long-term solution of peace for instant gratification of war." -Congressman Dennis Kucinich:

Response: Unfortunately the current liberal movement has overlooked the long-term solution of war for the instant-gratification of peace in regards to the tyrants of today's world.


"We hope to succeed in presenting the most accurate and objective picture," Maher Abdullah, a reporter with al-Jazeera, said Sunday while reporting from Baghdad.

Response: He's really saying "Maybe if we say this the US won't bomb our facilities for propagating known complete falsehoods against the US to gullible ignorant Muslim masses in order to stir up a larger war (which, Al Jazeera irresponsibly neglects to foresee, will result in more Muslim casualties).


"We must never be allowed to divide world religions.":

Response: This statement is completely out of touch with Muslim desires.


"Wealth governs this country, and wealth uses military violence to control the rest of the world as best it can." -Ramsey Clark:

Response: This statement last had relevance during World War I.


"What I am condemning is that one power, with a president who has no foresight, who cannot think properly, is now wanting to plunge the world into a holocaust." -Nelson Mandela:

Response: Mere cowrdly conjecture in the face of tyranny.


"What we need now are techniques of harmony, not those of contention. The Art of Peace is required, not the Art of War." -Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido

Response: This art only works from a position of no current war, or in the preventing future wars.  The terrorists have already declared their war and have embarked on civilian mass murder. It is too late for them.


"When the chosen people grew too strong, the rightful cause became the wrong."

Response: (Alluding to the US becoming too strong with a rightful cause and the rest of the world countering with false claims in order to oppose the US): It is the rest of the world that has to wake up and benefit from this statement, so they don't fine themselves countering that which is good in the world out of sheer jealousy, envy, ignorance, selfishness, and hate.


"Winning the peace will be more difficult than winning the war.":

Response: Poetic, but wrong. Peace, according to liberals, only requires inaction.


"World uncomfortable with the US going out and changing regimes whenever they want to":

Response: This is a stupid and inappropriately over-generalized statement completely ignoring all right/wrong/moral aspects of the present situation.  The only nations opposed to the US actions are nations that are prejudiced against the US.


"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake." -Jeannette Rankin:

Response: Poetic, but stupid in the face of tyranny.


10,000 Protestors: "No Saddam, No US, we want Islam.":

Response: You are but 10,000 Sunni's in a land of 23,000,000, which includes Shiites and Kurds. Where do they fit into your Imam's scheme of things?


9/13/01: "Bush's policy on national defense is wrong (Missile Defense System).":

Response: This person did not know about Kim Jong Il's nuclear plans like the US did, and it was before Kim Jong Il's statement "The world does not need to exist if there is not Kim Jong Il."


Abdul Bari Atwan: "Having borne arms against the Russians in Afghanistan for 10 years, we think our battle with the Americans will be easy by comparison." :

This is the stuff that gets liberal Americans peeing in their pants.  He forgets who gave them the arms and training to fight the Soviets - the Americans.


Afghan Extremist Schools:

Afghan Children in Extremists Schools: Do the Afghan children being taught "All non-Muslims are their enemy, and "Osama bin Laden is good.": Are they taught America is a country where Muslims go to be free, and a nation where all religions in the world live side by side in peace? Are they taught that people from all over the world and from many different religions worked in the World Trade Center, including Muslims, and bin Laden praised the suicidal murders who snuck into the United States, hijacked passenger jets, killed the pilots, stabbed the attendants and passengers, then crashed the jets into the World Trade Center, killing themselves and many people from all religions from all over the world who were working peacefully in the World Trade Center? Are they taught this is a crime praised by bin Laden? They need to be taught facts and morals so they can stand on their own two feet in today's world, and contribute something positive, rather than be taught to go suicidally through it with a worthless, pathetic life.


Afghanistan and Ramadan:

The US could stop the overt military action (just the bombing), and use the time to get ahead in the other behind-the-scenes aspects of the war on terrorism - resupplying, maintenance, R&R, propaganda, intelligence gathering, planning, government forming, and ally building. Bombing could be restricted to reacting to the enemy's military actions - which include digging in, resupplying, and maneuvering.


Al Douri on Iraqi Thought: "Saddam hero for standing up to superpower so long.":

Counter Insult: Yes, Saddam's evil runs deep, as deep as evil runs in the rest of the Muslim world.


Al Douri on Iraqi Thought: "The US already took longer that the Israelis did in the '67 war, making the US look bad.":

Response: Not considered: how long it would have taken Israel to depose Saddam.


Al Douri on Iraqi Thought: "We can't get rid of Saddam, but once the US does it, it will be easy to get rid of the US, because the US is easier to terrorize.":

Response: I don't think any Iraqi is thinking that, but I do think Al Douri is presenting a good example of Muslim madness.


Al Douri: "US bombed hospitals, schools, and civilians.":

Response: Where did Saddam's thugs hide themselves and their ammunition? In hospitals, schools, and next to civilian homes. Did the Americans deliberately bomb them? No. Why? The Americans have a higher regard for innocent human lives that Saddam and his lackies like Al Douri.


Al Jazeera "Coalition forces defeated at Kut a 'shining example'…":

Response: Yes, this report is a shining example of why Al Jazeera is an enemy of the free world, and a shining example of how Al Jazeera has no regard for the truth or for objectivity, since there wasn't any coalition defeat at Kut, only a few disabled vehicles and a few casualties, with thousands of Saddam's killers sent to their Satan master.


Al Jazeera News:

"Innocent Afghans being killed by US bombing, and the world remains silent." Al Jazeera itself turns a blind eye and remains silent on the atrocities of the Taliban. It views the world with one eye - anti-American. The bombing must be weighed against the innocent people being killed by the enemies of America - the Taliban. Al Jazeera does not do this, it is strictly anti-American.


Al Jazeera: "Iraqis didn't like the war, but are relieved Saddam is gone.":

Response: Al Jazeera is implying the US did a bad thing in conducting a war to get rid of Saddam, and won't admit there is no other way of dealing with an entrenched, murderous dictator and his mad party in a timely manner, which was required due to that other madness in the world - fanatical, mass-murder-crazed Islam.


Al Qaeda:

"Muslims should not be fighting Muslims." They try to hid the fact that there are good and bad Muslims, and they are the bad.



Alouni: Referring to Northern Alliance in Kabul: "witnessed scenes that, I'm sorry, I couldn't describe to anybody." How about the atrocities the Taliban committed while they were in power, why has Alouni been so silent on that? Because he is slanted toward the Taliban and is unreasonably anti-Western.


American Citizen: "Since Americans and most whites do not care much for Asians…." and "Americans secretly think whites are superior to all others…" and "Americans only really, deep-down, care about their white families and dynasties…" and "The religions of America are businesses derived from industrial thinking.":

Response to this juvenile thinking: Certainly not the back-to-nature hippies in America. Certainly not the Americans who give money, food, and medicine to every nation on earth, even nations that hate Americans, which is a Christian thing to do. Certainly not the scientists who have developed medicines that keep everyone in the world free from disease, including nations that hate America. Certainly not the Americans who have shared inventions with the world in order to free people around the world from daily toils. The only prejudice I see in America is from those who work hard for their freedom and strength against those who do not.


American Citizen: "The united states should also ask themselves why this happen in a highly secured country like the US.":

Response: "Highly secured" is a common misconception by people from countries that do not allow their citizens many freedoms at the pain of death.  Why it happened is easy to see.  This happened because the brainwashed barbarians who did this used the freedoms in America that allow American citizens to become strong and peaceful against Americans.



American: "It would be U.S. geopolitical folly to simultaneously attack Afghanistan, Iraq, Hezbollah, and other terrorist groups in other Muslim countries." This could only have been spoken by a weak old American.


Amin, an Iraqi General: said on Iraqi TV that Bush's speech was full of ``cheap lies with a political purpose.'':

The only interest the General has is to score points with his dictator, and thereby keep his head another day, fully knowing that his dictator himself is full of cheap lies with political purpose.


Anti-American News Article: "(The US unilaterally) Stop the fighting during Ramadan":

If Ramadan had already been here and the US had stopped the fighting, (1) the citizens of Kabul would not be presently liberated, (2) the 8 relief workers may have been murdered or killed already rather than rescued, (3) Radio Afghanistan would not be up and running, (4) women would not have been hired at Radio Afghanistan, (5) children in Kabul would not be flying kites, (6) men would still have their 5 year old beards, (7) the Taliban would still be terrorizing the citizens of Kabul, (8) Tribes would not be revolting against the Taliban in the South, (9) people in Kabul would not be literally dancing for joy in the streets. The author's aim perhaps was to impress his imaginary (and eternally naive) hippie friends. It is sad that people view the world with only one eye, and an anti-American one at that.


Anti-American News Article: "(The US unilaterally) Stop the fighting during Ramadan":

If the Afghans wonder why the Americans waited so long to liberate them if it was going to be so easy, the answer is easy: Democrats and their one-eyed anti-American rhetoric that does not weigh the suffering caused by the enemies of America on us and on their own people.


Anti-American News Article: "(The US unilaterally) Stop the fighting during Ramadan": "We need more dialog and less fighting.":

 A one-eyed anti-American statement that should be addressed to the terrorists who blow up civilian targets and proclaim they are going to continue to do it until they are masters of the world.


Anti-American News Article: "(The US unilaterally) stopping the bombing during Ramadan would show the Muslim world we are not savages.":

 The Muslim world already knows that. The issue with the Muslim world is America's decadence.


Anti-American News Article: "The US (unilaterally) stopping the fighting during Ramadan would accomplish more than continuing…":

 It would only cause Muslim extremists to conclude the US is weak, and they would be emboldened once again.


Anti-American News Article: "There are those pressing the US to respect the Islamic tradition of Ramadan." :

Does the author naively think that if there were only 50 US soldiers exposing themselves to 50000 Taliban, that the Taliban would take a month off before slaughtering the 50 Americans? Unfortunately, all of mankind is not ready or capable of honoring such a high ideal as Ramadan, least of all the terrorists and the Taliban leadership.


Anti-American News Article: "There is a pall over Ramadan as the US fights the war." :

This anti-American-slanted statement should read "As the US-led coalition, Terrorists, and the Taliban fight the war." We all know the terrorists will continue to fight their anti-American war through Ramadan.


Anti-US Dogma: "US is a bully":

Maybe. However it's Big Bully picking on Little Bully so Little Bully can't pick on you.


Anti-US Leftist: "Iraq is not a model of the New Order in the Middle East.":

Response: I beg to differ, my leftist anti-US anti-Freedom-spreading loony. Your statement should read "You don't want Iraq to be a model to the rest of the Middle East because the US has brought it about, and you harbor a blind, ill-conceived hate for the US.


Anti-US Leftist: "The US doesn't know what to do with Iraq.":

Response: I have submitted many proposals on Post-War Iraq, beginning with getting the UN in there to protect civilians from Saddam's assassins and criminals and to administer humanitarian aid, the nationalization of oil revenues to keep greedy, reckless capitalistic nation-rapers who wanted to keep Saddam in power like France, Germany, and Russia at bay, and having term limits, checks, balances, and a free press to keep religious and political tyrants at bay.


Anti-US Leftist: "The US in acting on it's own will cause discord in the world.":

Response: So what wrong with stirring up a few insane dictators, a few nations engaged in greedy, reckless capitalism, and a few nations encouraging fanatical mass-murdering terrorism to advance their agendas?


Anti-US Leftist: "The US wants to impose it's will on the world.":

Response: Let's assume this shot-in-the-dark conjecture is accurate. So what's wrong with US will? It's been right on target for the last 100 years when it mattered on a world-wide scale regarding the promotion of peace and prosperity.


Anti-US Leftist: "US feels it's view of the world has been confirmed.":

Response: So, what's your point? What other view is there, other than those of brutal dictators and those weenies that appease them?


Anti-US Liar: "The US and Britain want to take over the world.":

Response: Simpleton statement with a blindness to right and wrong.


Anti-US Muslim Media: "The new Iraq will have an American taste and an American smell."

Response: So you prefer the Muslim Fundamentalists' taste for blood and the smell of atrocity?


Anti-US Muslim Media: "The new Iraq will have an American taste and an American smell."

Response: So, what's your point? You liked better the taste and smell of Muslim tyrannical politics or Muslim tyrannical religion?


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist "Although you feel somewhat reticent about taking advantage of the modern American Wehrmacht…":

Response: Totally bad analogy, America and the Wehrmacht. I think the author could not find any other use for his new-found word, and so misapplies it here. The Wehrmacht represented murderous repressive Dictatorship. America represents individual freedom, including oil moguls.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist "Khalilzad has an unsavory past. during the Reagan years, Khalilzad helped supply the anti-Soviet mujihadeen with weapons they're now using to fight Americans. During the '90s he worked as Unocal's chief consultant on its Afghan pipeline scheme.":

Response: What's so unsavory about these things, protecting the world from the Soviets and working in the oil business?


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist "The Taliban government and their Al Qaeda "guests", after all, both were at best bit players in the terror biz. If the U.S. had really wanted to dispatch a significant number of jihad boys to meet the black-eyed virgins, it would have bombed Pakistan. Instead, the State Department inexplicably cozies up to this snake pit of anti-American extremists (Pakistan), choosing a nation led by a dictator who seized power in an illegal coup as our principal South Asian ally.  Moreover, the American military strategy in Afghanistan – dropping bombs without inserting a significant number of ground troops – all but guaranteed that Osama would live to kill another day.  So the Third Afghan War obviously isn't about fighting terrorism – leading cynics to conclude that it must be about (yawwwwwwn!) oil.":

Response: How cynics mislead themselves into webs of illogical conclusions.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "1. During 1989-1990, the Kuwaiti monarchy was overproducing and driving down the price of oil, a policy that cost Iraq $14 billion in lost revenue.":

Response: We know now what Saddam was spending his billions on, with his 27 odd palaces while Iraqi civilians starved.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "1. General Norman Schwarzkopf was conducting sophisticated war games pitting hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops against Iraqi armored divisions.":

Response: Lucky for the world he was.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "1. King Fahd also told King Hussein that there was no evidence of a hostile Iraqi build-up on the Saudi border, and that despite American assertions, there was no truth to reports that Iraq planned to invade Saudi Arabia.":

Response: I guess good ole King Fahd was wrong, wasn't he. Again, the author is saying these things even after Iraq's invasion of Saudi Arabia, because his intended audience is unread and weak-minded.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "1. The Bush administration lied when it stated on August 8, 1990, that the purpose of the U.S. troop deployment was "strictly defensive" and necessary to protect Saudi Arabia from an imminent Iraqi invasion.":

Response: Looks like Bush was proved right when Saddam invaded Saudi Arabia during the 1991 Gulf War at the Battle of Khafji. I don't know how the author expects any intelligent person to swallow his vapid arguments, but then I believe the author is playing to the populist airheads.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "1. The Saudis only bowed to U.S. demands that the Saudis "invite" U.S. troops to defend them following a long meeting between the king and Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney. The real substance of this discussion will probably remain classified for many, many years.":

Response: In retrospect we can see this was spoken like a true conspiracy theorist to his airhead audience.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "As many as 50,000 to 100,000 Iraqi soldiers may have died after the Iraqi government had fully capitulated to all U.S. and UN demands.":

Response: Saddam never offered any capitulations, this was the time of his infamous "Mother of all Battles" statement.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "Bush also rejected Iraq's withdrawal offer of February 15, 1991, two days aver U.S. planes incinerated hundreds of women and children sleeping in the al-Arneriyah bomb shelter.":

Response: Incinerated, the author conveniently leaves out in order to make the US look bad, because Saddam put them there, knowing full well it was a military installation by day, and that it was a legitimate military target.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "Heller concludes that as of January 6, 1991, the Pentagon had not provided the press or Congress with any proof at all for an early buildup of Iraqi troops in southern Kuwait that would suggest an imminent invasion of Saudi Arabia. The usual Pentagon evidence was little more than "trust me.":

Response: In hindsight it's lucky Congress trusted the Pentagon.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "Information that has come to light suggests that the United States interfered in and aggravated the Iraq-Kuwait dispute, knew that an Iraqi military response against Kuwait was likely, and then took advantage of the Iraqi move to carry out a long-planned U.S. military intervention in the Middle East.":

Response: OK, I'll give him an ear…. Wait a minute, the author is singling out the US completely out of  context of the Cold War, which was still raging. If fact, Iraq's military almost completely consisted of hardware purchased from the evil Soviet Union. So, personally, even if this was true, I can clearly see that the Soviet threat (and an evil one it was) clearly outweighed any oil conspiracy theory for US actions in the Middle East.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "Iraq neither attacked nor threatened the United States. We believe that this was a war to re-divide and redistribute the fabulous markets and resources of the Middle East, in other words this was an imperialist war. The Bush administration, on behalf of the giant oil corporations and banks, sought to strengthen its domination of this strategic region. It did this in league with the former colonial powers of the region, namely Britain and France, and in opposition to the Iraqi people's claim on their own land and especially their natural resources.":

Response: (1) Author forgot the 1987 USS Stark incident during the Iraq/Iran conflict, in which Saddam shot an Exocet missile at because the US would not sell him modern tanks, and before Saddam's hand in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. (2) Redistribute the oil, yes- from a paranoid murderous dictator to a democratic and free Iraq. (3) "In league with Britain and France": France's opposition to the second gulf war shoots this theory down the toilet, just as Iraq's French Mirages were blown out of the sky. (4) "Iraqi people's claim on their own land and especially their natural resources": The author sounds like a true lying Communist. If fact, the Iraqi people presently claim nothing that Saddam does not want them to claim.  Saddam owns everything, and distributes the wealth through a network of assassins.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "It is thus obvious that the U.S. government did not fight the war to secure Iraq's eviction from Kuwait but rather proceeded with this unparalleled massacre for other foreign policy objectives.":

Response: I don't know what bonehead would believe that the casualties inflicted in the Gulf War compares in any way of the massacre the author's beloved Saddam inflicted during his butcherus reign of terror, of which the author mentions nothing of, for whatever twisted reasons.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "Satellite photographs taken by the Soviet Union on the precise day Bush addressed Congress failed to show any evidence of Iraqi troops in Kuwait or massing along the Kuwait-Saudi Arabian border.":

Response: Again the audacity of the author to say these things even after the events to the contrary have already occurred. This is clearly a case of a conspiracy theorist not wanting to give up his conspiracy theory even after events have proven him wrong, such as the Iraqi army in Kuwait being destroyed while 100,000 other surrendered, and Saddam's thwarted invasion of Saudi Arabia during the Battle of Khafji..


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "That's why it is important to get the facts. There is ample evidence that the U.S. was eagerly planning to fight the war even before the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990.":

Response: This implies a US conspiracy to get Saddam to attack Kuwait, then mass his forces on the Saudi Border and then invade Saudi Arabia, rather than the simple militaristic adventurism of a petty, meglo-maniacal, murderous dictator who no one has seriously opposed, like a spoiled child.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "The "New World Order" is that the U.S. figures that if the Soviets are willing to abandon Iraq and their other traditional allies in the Third World then the U.S. and other western capitalist countries can return to their former dominant position in various areas of the world.":

Response: The author must be aghast and crying in his vodka now after the world has recently learned his beloved former Soviet Union is now engaging in the very reckless arms-dealing capitalism (GPS Jammers and Night Vision Goggles to Saddam) that the Soviets hypocritically berated the West for.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "The basic premise of U.S. policy has been to eliminate or severely weaken any nationalist regime that challenges U.S. dominance and control over the oil-rich region.":

Response: Looks like Gulf War 2 is proving the author wrong again.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "The Bush administration has never presented any evidence whatsoever for its charges that Iraq used poison gas on its own citizens.":

Response: There is plenty of evidence now since 1992. This is just the kind of thing foreign-influenced anti-US liberals wish to hide. This theorist quotes from a "Liberation and Marxism" publication, among other leftist media sources. I suppose this theorist thinks Stalinist Russia was a good idea, too.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "The goal of the U.S. war is to roll back the Arab revolution and all the other revolutionary movements that have swept the region since World War II.":

Response: As if the Arab "revolutions" were good for the Muslim masses and not just a few self-enriching, murdering dictators.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "The New World Order that Bush has in mind is, in fact, not so new. It is an attempt to turn the clock back to the pre-World War II era of unchallenged colonial domination and plunder of the land, labor, and resources of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East by a handful of industrialized capitalist countries.":

Response: Mistakenly thinks that only large, industrialized nations are capitalists.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "The royal families of the oil-rich Arabian peninsula, who were put on their thrones by the British empire and are kept there by the U.S. military and the CIA, have loyally turned their kingdoms into cash cows for Wall Street banks and corporations.":

Response: The US would prefer independent democracies  that are on a path of peace and prosperity , than rickety kingships and bloody dictators.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "The U.S. and its imperialist allies have won a temporary victory in the Middle East. But their policy of military domination to stop the natural progression of history - for people to liberate themselves from the yoke of colonialism - cannot succeed.":

Response: (1) Should read "help the people liberate themselves from the yoke of totalitarianism will succeed in spite of oil-conspiracy theorists." (2) Every Kuwaiti is born a millionaire. How does that fit in with the "poor and down-trodden" view espoused by this theorist? (3) Saddam's rule in no way represents this theorist's "poor and down-trodden" view.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "The U.S. ground war against Iraqi positions resulted in the greatest number of casualties in the conflict. As many as 50,000 to 100,000 Iraqi soldiers may have died after the Iraqi government had fully capitulated to all U.S. and UN demands.":

Response: Now the conspiracy theorists want to rewrite history to suit their fantasies. I remember Saddam defiant to the last, just as he is 12 years later.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "While the Pentagon was claiming as many as 250,000 Iraqi troops in Kuwait, it refused to provide evidence that would contradict the Soviet satellite photos.":

Response: So now the oil conspiracy theorist is putting his faith in a post-Stalinist Soviet satellite photo. This oil-conspiracy theory is beginning to look like a weak-minded attempt to fool the weak-minded with the aid of weak-minded, lying regimes.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist, 1992: "With its plans in tact, we must determine if it is possible that the U.S. government actually sought a pretext for a military intervention in the Middle East.":

Response: I'll give you a pretext now: the Osama's running around the world committing civilian mass murder and Saddam publicly applauding it.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: ""Bush's administration seems almost uniformly to dismiss most of the civilities and practices that other nations would identify with a common civilization. Civilized people operate by consensus . . . Diplomacy is the common language.":

Response: The world has tried diplomacy with dictators, many times over, with the same sorry results. The author is erroneously placing dictators on a civilized plain.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: ""For example, they repeat accounts of al Qaeda members seeking refuge in Iraq and of terrorist operatives meeting with Iraqi intelligence officials, even though U.S. intelligence reports raise doubts about such links.":

Response: The war in Iraq has cleared up this issue, with al Qaeda in Iraq and aligned closely with Saddam.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: "Americans will not have heard much about PNAC because the national media has chosen not to tell them about it.":

Response: Because it came and went according to human tiredness.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: "And a front-page story in the Jan. 9 New York Times reveals that "the United States is preparing a military presence in Central Asia that could last for years," including a building permanent air base in the Kyrgyz Republic, formerly part of the Soviet Union. (The Bushies say that they just want to keep an eye on postwar Afghanistan, but few students of the region buy the official story.":

Response: The author is again taking the stand that anything American is defacto bad.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: "Any compromise of Washington's freedom to act is treated as a hostile act.":

Response: Should read "any act by Washington is treated as a hostile act by it's enemies and competitors."


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: "Did Bush exploit the Sept. 11 attacks to justify a Central Asian oil grab? The answer seems clear. On Dec. 31, Bush appointed his special envoy to Afghanistan: Zalmay Khalilzad. "This is a moment of opportunity for Afghanistan.":

Response: (1) Again, I don't see anything wrong with helping Afghanistan generate some income. The author seems to be saying anything that generates a profit is bad, especially if it's the oil business. (2) I think Afghanistan has more to fear from our "Unwilling Allies, France, Germany, Russia, and China, who are still not above swooping down like vultures in a reckless, dangerous, irresponsible form of Capitalism, as evidenced by their arms dealings with Saddam in the past 12 years.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: "Imagine how bad things would be if oil companies didn't rule the world.":

Response: What were the oil companies doing when Clinton was in office, or does this refute the conspiracy, and is not considered?


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: "Meanwhile, Bush has not yet produced credible evidence that Iraq is the immediate and direct threat that his administration claims…(2) Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: "To quash the International Criminal Court (ICC), for example, the administration threatened in June to withdraw all funds for UN peacekeeping. Global warming may be occurring, as an administration report finally admitted in the spring, but the White House nonetheless trashed the Kyoto Protocol that the international community spent ten years negotiating. And it offered no alternative plan.":

Response: (1) Once again the link that is staring them in the face the liberals cannot see - the misuse of mass media by Saddam and it's insane effect on the Osama's in this world. (2) So how do the separate issues of the Kyoto Treaty and the International Criminal Court tie in to the blatant evil of Osama and Saddam? I can agree with Bush on one issue and take odds with him on others, why can’t you?


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: "On Iraqi weapons programs, administration officials draw the most pessimistic conclusions from ambiguous sources," according to Diamond.":

Response: The author ignores the fact that Saddam's civilian mass murder arsenal was obtained from a not-so-ambiguous source - the US itself. So the US should know what Saddam has not declared.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: "There is an oil conspiracy behind the war in Iraq.":

If you believe in an oil conspiracy, you lost money this summer. -Jerry Bowyer.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: "To quash the International Criminal Court (ICC), for example, the administration threatened in June to withdraw all funds for UN peacekeeping. Global warming may be occurring, as an administration report finally admitted in the spring, but the White House nonetheless trashed the Kyoto Protocol that the international community spent ten years negotiating. And it offered no alternative plan.":

Response: There they go, back to the ICC and the Kyoto treaty. I should investigate them next, to see why Bush was against them.


Anti-US Oil Conspiracy Theorist: "With the US controlling Iraqi oil, the oil businesses will gain large profits.":

Jerry Bowyer: With the declining oil portfolio as evidence, the oil-conspiracy theory is false. If Iraq were to undergo a regime change, its production of oil would likely increase and this production would enter the flow of oil trade around the world. When supply goes up, prices go down, which is bad for the oil companies.


Anti-US Propaganda: "The Shiites in Iraq have an allegiance to Iran and Jordan and will not allow a democratic Iraq.":

Response: Shiite in Iraq are moderate, and have not allegiances to Iran or other extremist states.


Anti-US Protestor: "US wants to dominate the world.":

Response: Protecting your civilian population by combating international terrorists and their sympathizing states is not wanting to dominate the world.


Anti-US: "Press is censored.":

Response: That's a laugh, with the Bush bashing party going on.


Anti-US: "the humanitarian disaster in Iraq that the US created.":

Response: Fails to tell us how Iraq was a humanitarian disaster for the past 40 years under Saddam, which was much worse, and intentional, and still ongoing, as opposed to the US's unintentional hardships which it works hard to remedy as it fights Saddam. This anti-US bitterness has seriously blinded this person's judgment.


Anti-US: "US military experimented on soldiers with drugs, and soldiers could not refuse.":

Response: I don't know what happened in the past, but when I was in the military it was the healthiest place around in regards to psychology and medicine. I saw no conspiracies other than in the minds of the absurd.


Antiwar Activists "War is not the answer":

What are they going to do, spank Saddam? They are posturing with an imagined strength they do not possess. It is my theory that the weaker one is in relation to one's enemy, the more ruthless one will be, and conversely, the stronger one is in relation to one's enemy, the more merciful one will be. The activists are assuming the US is so much stronger that their enemies that the US can afford to be God-like in it's consideration and mercy, which is a current myth.


Anti-war Countries:

Are merely afraid of the uncertainties created by war, even if there will most likely be outcomes that promote peace and prosperity.


Antiwar Liberal: "What goes around, comes around." (referring to US military action against Saddam):

Response: Yes, liberation goes around, thanks comes around.


Anti-War Mother: "Our kids are dying fighting seasoned warriors. Bring them home.":

Response: (1) I would rather die fighting over there than die by Osama's hand here while hiding in my mother's lap. Oh, by the way, I am more of a seasoned warrior than they are. (2) This boo-hooing is a prime example of why women were banned from politics throughout history- their tendency to bury their heads at the first sign of trouble.


Antiwar News Article: "A gauntlet of antiwar protestors carrying American flags":

Terrorists, dictatorial nations, and Muslims hate the American flag. Try and carry it over there, as anyone is free to carry any flag over here.


Antiwar News Article: "America is an Aggressive Imperial Power":

Response: Does the US not have an all volunteer armed force? Did they not leave Afghanistan after the horrible situation there was taken care of? Are the enemies of the US and the supporters of terrorism and rogue nations pursuing peace and prosperity, or are they murderous repressive regimes, enemies of the free world, and whose arms clients include international terrorist organizations? Are you saying the US is not justified in it's actions?


Antiwar News Article: "Attack Iraq doesn't seem natural (in the war on terrorism).":

Response:  Deposing Saddam will have to be done sooner or later in the war on terrorism.  Bush is doing it perhaps sooner than most think "natural" or obvious, hence the protests and misgivings.  It is unfortunate that, with the technology available today, we will all be dead before it becomes "obvious".


Antiwar News Article: "Honk for Peace":

Muslim fundamentalists hate car horns.


Antiwar News Article: "I believe King’s principle of overcoming enemies with love is the only solution to the problems facing us today, both at home and abroad.":

Response: I don't think you'll soften Saddam with love. First of all you're not his type. Second, Saddam is holding on to power by committing crimes against humanity.


Antiwar News Article: "If Bush had to send his children to war, he'd think twice about it.":

Response: Sure, and then he'd do it anyway. All Americans should serve their country for a period of time.


Antiwar News Article: "Iraq is a Sovereign Nation":

Response: It is not. It is a nation held hostage. Put in in this perspective: You are developing a one-sheet summary on each government in the world which explains how the government works. In the US there are three branches of government than keep each other in check. In parliamentary systems you have Prime Ministers and Cabinets. Now you get to Iraq. Go ahead and do your summary, and then tell me Iraq is a sovereign nation.


Antiwar News Article: "Iraq is an elective campaign":

Response: This statement lacks the insight that all terrorist roads lead to Saddam, and lacks the wisdom that if the US has the capability to depose Saddam, they should do it. That it is a good deed is as plain as black and white.


Antiwar News Article: "Iraq is not a threat.":

How does anyone know Iraq did not attack the US with anthrax already? Saddam's desire to possess weapons of mass destruction, his already obtaining them, and his prior use of them makes him a threat to all, including the blind.


Antiwar News Article: "Only one congressman has a son in the military, so you can see their mindset (hawks).":

Response: It's this kind of weenie talk that has emboldened the Saddam's and Osama's of the world, and which has invited terrorists to US soil. They frequently gloat over Lebanon and Somalia where the US turned tail and ran, not wanting to sustain any casualties, being "civilized" and valuing human life over principles.


Antiwar News Article: "Russia during the cold war had many weapons of mass destruction. The US did not declare war on them.":

The world then was a much more barbaric place- repressive dictatorial regimes were more prevalent, and allies were less hesitant in screwing each other. In such a world the US would truly been acting alone in the name of good.


Antiwar News Article: "Soccer moms, religious leaders, longtime activists, senior citizens, and professionals have recently taken to the oft-freezing streets to show their support for a peaceful solution.":

The enemies of the US who these protestors want peace with do not operate on such lofty platitudes. In Saddam's world soccer moms are evil, religious leaders are repressed, activists never become "long-time" and their families killed and tortured, senior citizens are ignored, and professionals are enslaved or killed. What is keeping Saddam from exporting that rule here? The very government that is protecting them from Saddam. The protestors are blind in every direction except the direction of lofty platitudes.


Antiwar News Article: "The US is a bully, it did not sign the Kyoto treaty on global warming, did not support S. Korea's "Sunshine" policy toward N. Korea, did not join the International Criminal Court, withdrew from the Antiballistic Missile treaty, and has a preventive war doctrine.":

Response: The US has it's points on each of these issues, of which anti-US proponents have conveniently forgotten, especially regarding N. Korea, who make it known that they were going to pursue nukes long ago, and are now so eager for war.


Antiwar News Article: "The US is becoming the next colonial power.":

Response: How can the US do that with a volunteer military that is only a fraction of what it could be?


Antiwar News Article: "The US is bullying Iraq":

Response: The US is speaking in the only language a dictator understands.


Antiwar News Article: "What are you going to do after Iraq, attack all other dictators and countries with ties to terrorists?":

That depends on what happens after Saddam is deposed and his arsenal rounded up. If it is perfectly clear that must be done, then it must be weighed.


Antiwar Protesting:

Is snuffed out in the Iraq's and North Korea's of the world. Why should the US listen to it? Peace is not a unilateral phenomenon.


Antiwar Protestor Argument: "Why pick on Iraq? Saddam doesn't have the ballistic missiles to reach the U.S. with nukes, even if he had them.":

 He doesn't need them.  He can use Muslim Fundamentalists and Boeing planes.


Anti-war Protestor: " We can't change our position based on one news clip (of Baghdad celebrations in the street).":

Response: This proves that antiwar protestors will cling to their views inspite of actual contradictory events, not just as boobs, but as hard-headed boobs.


Antiwar Protestor: "Bush is a murderer."

Response: (1) If he did nothing, and terrorists murdered their next antiwar protestors in the US, then he'd be a murderer. (2) OK, let's take your view, he is a murderer. Who then, is the worse murderer, Bush or Saddam, and who's side is this person on?


Anti-war Protestor: "Iraqi people won't gain anything by the removal of Saddam.":

Response: Mere sour grapes conjecture. Sour grapes because anti-war protestors have, now that Saddam has been toppled, been revealed as biased anti-US propagandasts willing to throw the lives of a nation away in order to push their bizarre theories.


Antiwar Protestor: "Peace Now."

Response: When you enemy is suicidally dealing out civilian death and destruction, attacking those who are protecting you won't save you.


Antiwar Protestor: "Think of the lives of innocent women and children.":

Response: This war is far, far better for the lives of Iraqi women and children than leaving the Baath Party in power, a party that has killed an average of 43,000 Iraqi civilians, including women and children, every year for the past 35 years. Why? To stay in perpetual totalitarian power, keep the wealth, and let the population starve.


Antiwar Protestors:

Are hated because they are untested in the face of the trials the rest of the world has to endure. It  is easy to predict that the protestors ultimately would break down and act no less violently than others have in the face of such trials.


Antiwar Protestors:

Are hypocrites. They want to bully the rest of the world peacefully.


Antiwar Protestors:

Are not anti-war, or they would have been out on 9/12. It is merely a Democratic Party induced hysteria aimed at a Republican Party White House.


Antiwar Protestors:

Are posturing from a position of strength which was won not by appeasing the Saddam's and Kim Jong Il's of history, which was in fact won by the blood of their ancestors, who are being remembered ungraciously by such protestors in that the wars that they fought were wrong.


Antiwar Protestors:

They take the side of the higher principles of "no-war-at-any-cost" and "not-forcing-you-will-on-others-by-force" over the realities of good-vs.-evil and human suffering. So what side do you take, the principled side or the realities side?


Antiwar Protestors:

Think that opposing war in Iraq will appease terrorists and dictators.  It will not because Muslim terrorists and dictators already have a multitude of delusions logically-cracked mindsets that in their minds justify exterminating the West and everyone in it, such as bombing Hiroshima and killing civilians in Panama.


Antiwar Protestors:

Treat Saddam as an empirical issue, without any regard to good and evil. Bush cuts through this bull.


Antiwar Protestors: "Bush's imposing a Western-style government on others"

Response: Degrading those concepts shows they do not know anything about human suffering, such as the horrible conditions in North Korea under classic communism, or under any other classic communistic regime in the last century under Asian, African, European, and Middle Eastern totalitarian regimes.  They are speaking out of complete ignorance of human suffering, as taught at American University by revisionist anti-US professors.  Only a complete moron would diminish democracy as merely a "Western-style" government, especially after the recent lessons of the 20th century, which revisionists are attempting to rewrite to earn brownie points with fellow misguided intelligentsia.


Antiwar Protestors: "It's too bad Bush doesn't show the same sorrow over the Iraqi's he's going to bomb as he showed over the loss of the Shuttle crew.":

Another one-way criticism. What about the anti-war protestor's terrorist friends who show no sorrow in exhorting mindless Muslims to kill themselves while committing mass murder of civilian populations?


Antiwar Protestors: "War in Iraq like the massacre of women and children by out of control generals in the West":

Response: The only movie this person has seen is "Little Big Man", which was a bunch of one-sided and out of context horsedung playing to a mindless popular opinion.


Antiwar: "Bush and Blair delivering death and destruction, blood on their hands, and should be held accountable":

Where is the mention of Muslim Militants from this one-sided coward who is too afraid to confront Muslim Militants and instead picks on the nice guys?


Antiwar: "Bush and Blair delivering death and destruction, blood on their hands, and should be held accountable":

With this logic you'd tell your kid to not fight back when the bullies beat him up.


As the realist theorist Kenneth Waltz argues, "North Korea, Iraq, Iran and others know that the United States can be held at bay only by deterrence.":

Response: So Kenneth Waltz and Scott Burchell approve of Kim Jong Il's pursuit of nuclear weapons, given the hell North Koreans live in, and Kim's statement "The earth does not need to exist if there is not Kim Jong Il." Now they are apologizing for Kim Jong Il! It should be "Scott Burchell, lecturer in justification for evil and basher of heroic US". Let his punishment be his being exposed as an errant critic and a tool of evil regimes.


Baath Party "US has no right to change regime":

Response: The US has the right to protect itself from the whims of a dictator who possesses CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) agents and weapons who has had no one in his own country to stop him from passing them out or using them.


Baath Party:

Does not hesitate to push civilians in front of bullets in order to stay in power and out of the hands of civilian justice.


Baath Party:

Modeled after Stalin and Hitler, while those two were still in power. It is a present day evil anachronism.


Baath Party:

Only honorable thing left for them to do is to regret what they have done and face Iraqi justice.


Baath Party: "Defend Iraq, the dignity of it's people, and the destiny of the Muslim world.":

Response: Poetic, but deceiving. The Baath Party has raped Iraq, stole the dignity of it's people, and could care less about the destiny of the Muslim world as evidenced by the atrocities the Party has committed in it's perpetual quest for power.


Banned Omar Interview: "America controls the governments of the Islamic countries.":

The US does not control Saddam, Kadafi, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Malaysia, Indonesia, and others. This is a good example of a secularly ignorant Mullah's self-serving propaganda aimed at the ignorant street Muslim.


Banned Omar Interview: "Not an issue of Osama, but of Islam's prestige and Afghanistan's tradition.":

He is dragging down both. It is only an issue of the Taliban's atrocities being exposed, and the embarrassment it will cause to Islam and the Afghan tradition.


Banned Omar Interview:: "America is very strong… but it could not be strong enough to defeat us.":

Spoken like a true barbarian, using words like "strength". That is the only language he understands.


Banned Omar Interview:: "If you (I) start a journey on God's path, you can reside anywhere on earth and be protected.":

So who says he is on God's path? Not anyone with no stake in the matter.


Banned Omar Interview:: "If you look at Islamic countries, the people are in despair.":

Contradicts his other statements. And yes, because of corrupt totalitarian oppressive Islamic regimes, and not because of any Western nation. The US has been overly tolerant of recent Islamic antics and rhetoric.


BBC Headline: "Baghdad's anger: Residents' rage after a shopping area was apparently hit by coalition bombs.":

Should Read: "Iraq (Mis-)Information Ministry stages false public rage by threatening civilians if they do not, and makes false claim that coalition bomb hits shopping area."


Ben & Jerry's Ben Cone, a few days before 9/11:

"We don't need a large military (implying everybody loves Americans)."


Biden "mano-e-mano":

Response: If people want a quicker end to the bombing, then build a larger coalition force, and get other non-terrorist countries to contribute more toward the effort, especially those complaining and whining.


Biden "mano-e-mano":

Response: If the military commanders are timid, burned out, need new blood, or need to implement a change of command appropriate to conducting a new phase, then get second opinions, be ready to back up your arguments, and then speak up and take action as an American citizen.


Biden "mano-e-mano":

Response: Rather than meddling in US military tactics in order to appease the young, misinformed, minority, lunatic Fundamentalists in the Muslim world, you should instead be supporting your military commanders against our enemies, and the strategy and tactics they've been trained to create to reach their given goals, while they minimize American casualties, destroy the enemy in a timely manner, and adhere to the moral standards of the Western World.


Biden "mano-e-mano":

Response: You should again understand that the US military commanders are doing what is necessary to win in the shortest time possible with the resources given, and within the highest moral standards.


Biden "mano-e-mano":

Response: You should be fighting the misinformation spread by the Muslim Fundamentalist Menace faced by the US, rather than wringing your hands over their perceived (and in my opinion hollow) threats.


Biden "mano-e-mano":

Response: You should be more concerned with goals, while trusting in the strategies and tactics created by military professionals, and stop being an armchair general.


Biden "mano-e-mano":

Response: You should not be playing petty partisan politics during such a potentially dire crisis.


Biden "mano-e-mano":

Response: You should not succumb to taunting by ignorant Mullahs wishing for a ground war and eternal glory, or the impatient complaints of Northern Alliance troops, or the street shows in Iran, Malaysia and Indonesia put on by totalitarian states, street thugs, and self-serving Ignorants.


bin Laden:

Attacks a nation (in the name of Islam) that has been more welcome to Muslim immigration more than any other country in the world. A nation that has fought for beleaguered Muslims four times in four different places in the past decade alone (Afghanistan against Soviets, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia against a militaristically adventurous neighboring Dictator, Bosnia against Christians, Somalia against anarchy. )


bin Laden:

Erroneously equates strong with bad, and weak with good, in international relations, but hypocritically is strong himself with respect to Muslim peasants.


bin Laden:

His plan would not have worked if he did not misuse the very freedoms that he, in his twisted mind, is at war with. He used American freedoms to sneak into the U.S., freely take specialized trainings with no governmental investigations, sneak aboard the planes, hijack them, and suicidally fly them into civilian buildings.


bin Laden:

Says the U.S. is "heavy handed" in one statement and "weak" in the next. A contradiction.


bin Laden:

The non-Muslim world must avoid talking the language of Islam - that of deceit, threat, and force. However, that is why bin Laden thinks the West is weak, because they don't talk his language (that of deceit, threat, and force).


bin Laden: "...if avenging the killing of our people is terrorism, let history be a witness that we are terrorists.":

Here he is avenging the killing of his people by killing more of his people (Muslims who worked in the World Trade Center). Simply illogical.


bin Laden: "Children are dying in Iraq and nobody says anything.":

(1) Osama is not fighting for Iraq, he is Iraq's enemy. (2) Children were dying, but ask yourself who was killing them when Saddam's Republican Guard hoarded and ate the "Oil for Food" rations while protecting Saddam, while giving nothing to the starving, dying Iraqi children. Your blind hate for the West is misdirected.


bin Laden: "Iraq invaded Kuwait to liberate Palestine.":

How much more illogical can he get?


bin Laden: "Punish U.S. for all the pain it has caused the world":

(1) Suppose it is even partly true, what about all the good the U.S. has done in the world throughout the 20th century by present and past American generation, such a preventing a Nazi Middle East. That can't be unconsidered. Yet the terrorist mind selectively blocks out any facts that interfere with the activities that give them so much pleasure - that of death and destruction. It's their video game, and they're in an intoxicating fantasy world. It gives their miserable existence some meaning and companionship, however macabre. (2) by "the US" he does not know what or who he is referring to, he is over generalizing, has a fantasy mindset, and is criminally insane.


bin Laden: "The American soldier is weak as evidenced in Beirut and Somalia":

(1) Bin Laden mistakes the weakness as being the soldier instead of the leadership. He forgets that American leadership is up for election every 2-4 years. (2) then the Muslim world turns around and calls the US a 'bully' for deposing Saddam, the most brutal killer the world has ever seen.


bin Laden: "The Americans must pay for the pain and suffering they've caused.":

(1) The pain and suffering in the Middle East is caused by their own leadership's decadence and corruption which has left the general population in ignorance and isolation. (2) America is the birthplace of Barney the Dinosaur and Mr. Rogers. So what pain?


bin Laden: "The U.S. has caused suffering in Iraq.":

The Iraqi people and the Muslim world have caused suffering in Iraq, not the West or the U.N. They have, against President Bush Sr.'s advice, allowed Saddam to continue ruling in his insane maniacal ways, and violate U.N. mandates. Muslim extremists wish to shift the blame away from Saddam and the Muslim world where it belongs, and over to the West, where it does not belong. Like children, they are not accepting their responsibilities in the matter.


bin Laden: "Use of atom bomb in WWII was terrorism":

WWII was all out war between a free nation and deadly, fanatical, merciless, aggressive reigns in Japan and Germany. He refuses to admit there would be no Muslim world today if the Axis Leaders had the bomb. He is talking out of context, in which the US was the good guy, in order to support his twisted views.


bin Laden: "We have lost loved ones unjustly, or are being treated with unjust prejudice, so we kill Americans.":

 They are relying on the civility of Americans, who he gambles won’t retaliate in kind on his loved ones.  If terrorists don’t care if they are placing their loved ones in danger, then they are contradicting their initial purpose "for Allah and country" and for loved ones.


Blacks "were the only victims of Slavery in the US, and should side with the enemies of the US, such as evil dictators and terrorist organizations":

Slavery was the culture up to the 1800's in many countries and still exists today in many countries.  In 1834 a white man convicted of vagrancy was sold to a black man for a nickel in Chicago. Let the prejudiced blacks argue that one.


Bush whining about the Geneva Convention, what a joke! What about starting a war against the rules of the UN charter? What about the Kyoto treaty? What about the international court? What about import taxes of up to 30% on foreign steel? Bush doesn't care at all about international law and regulations. He uses them when they suit him, ignores them when they stand in his way.

Response: Another 'Peace Now, See No Evil' person. Bush has perfectly good reasons for his actions. He cannot let world prejudice against the US determine his actions. He has a responsibility to the United States, not to foreign powers trying to diminish it.


Chinese Citizen-Slave (or gov. propaganda): "America has never apologized for Vietnam, which was millions of times worse than the terrorist attacks in USA.":

Response: America was trying to stop the spread of the communist evil like Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Tung represented, but the world was too childish to understand. The US did not start that war. The communists attacked the non-communists. The US swore to protect the non-communists from the horrors of communism, and they failed.  The only apology the US should make about Vietnam is for letting the communists take over, which led to many times more deaths than the communists caused (for the US did not invade the South) during the Vietman war.


Chinese Citizen-Slave (or gov. propaganda): "Ever since Bush came to power, USA has committed many atrocity outside USA, causing huge loss of human life.":

Response: Can the US government shed some light on this? How come I as an American citizen do not know about these things? Let me check the Internet…….. Pure one-sided bull, with a blind eye to the many times more deaths caused by the evils the US battled.


Chinese Citizen-Slave (or gov. propaganda): "I think America needs to realize that not everyone in this world appreciate its way of life. In pursuing freedom, it cannot exercise its superpower at other country's expense, making war in other country's territory and threatening other nation's sovereign.":

Response: (1) Not everyone in world appreciate US way of life - yes, the likes of Kim Jong Il, Castro, Idi Amin, Saddam, Osama bin Laden, Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Khan, Ivan the Terrible, Ho Chi Min, Mao, Charles Manson, and Al Capone, and a present-day repressive Chinese regime responsible for such self-perpetuating statements. (2) In Iraq, all email and all phone calls are censored. That doesn't sound like a sovereign nation. It sounds like dictator and subjects.


Chinese Citizen-Slave (or gov. propaganda): "In pursuing freedom, the US cannot exercise its superpower at other country's expense.":

Response: (1) Other country's expense like those run by un-elected, brutal, perpetual, anti-American lie-spreading dictators, such as communist countries. (2) A hypocritical statement from an evil "empire" like China.


Chinese Citizen-Slave (or gov. propaganda): "This should set people thinking about what USA has done to incur such a strong retaliation.":

Response: False anti-American propaganda and brainwashing by evil, non-democratic governments. The only thing the US did to incur such a strong retaliation is not countering false, weakminded, bizarre leftist (and Democratic Party) propaganda.


Chinese Citizen-Slave (or gov. propaganda): "US making war in other country's territory and threatening other nation's sovereign.":

Response: (1) The US does not go around chanting "Death to China" or "Death to the Middle East".  (2) The US is a peacemaker, and will defend itself from the many non-democratic madnesses in the world. (3) 62 year old Iraqi: "We (Iraq) have had so many wars I'm used to it." I don't hear any Americans saying that, while America's enemies, including China, falsely tell the world the US is a warmonger.


Christopher Dickey: "If the US stays in Iraq for 15 to 20 years, it will find itself at war with the rest of the world.":

Response: Mere cowardly conjecture. Fact is the rest of the world will counterbalance the US anyway if the US does not build alliances and coalitions.


Christopher Dickey: "Iraq will not stay together after Saddam is gone, too many tribes.":

Response: (1) Wait until the oil wealth is distributed. (2) Iraq does not have a choice, since they could not get rid of Saddam by themselves, and since terrorists roam free. It would in any case be to the US's advantage to have a splintered Iraq, then actions against terrorist-supporting states would be easier, but the US has higher principles than that.


Christopher Dickey: "Saudi Arabia a wholly-owned subsidiary of the US.":

Response: A cynical and inaccurate view. The Saudi Regime is the only present alternative to the Muslim Madness fomenting in the ranks of the barbaric.


Christopher Dickey: "War will not make the world a safer place.":

Response: It will as long as there are Saddam's to deal with.


Debate with Saddam:

How can you debate a knee-jerk denier and a pathological liar, and with one of his 17 plastic-surgeried doubles?


Democratic Constituency:

Crying "give me da money" is in competition with Africans who are crying "imagine what the War on Iraq money could do if the US gave to us needy in Africa…" and the similar statements of dozens of other nations addicted to US handouts, and then turn around and perpetuate hate against the US.


Democrats and the Media:

Believed Saddam when he said he has complied, and has no CMM's (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons.  Then the inspectors found missiles. So who is playing the Democrats and the Media for fools? Saddam is.


Democrats: "Republicans in bad situation because they haven't faced reality, are committing fiscal folly.":

Response: After Democrats were completely wrong about the war in Iraq, how can anyone listen to them on any other topic without seeing the selfishishness, blind ambitions, and morally vapid motives of their arguments?


Democrats: "This has been a long war.":

Response: This was said 14 days into the war.


Dictator Quote:

Hitler: "Democracy is Weak.."


Dictator Quote:

Kim Jong Il: "The world does not need to exist if there is no Kim Jong Il."


Dictator Quote:

Saddam: "I was elected unanimously."


Dictator Quote:

Stalin: "We are all happy here."


Famous Saying Misapplied to current War on Terrorism by Liberal Left attacking the US: "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar. -Julius Caesar.":

Response: Unfortunately this confused liberal aimed this barb at the US, and not where it is more aptly aimed, the Saddam's and Mad Mullah's of the world.


Famous Saying Misapplied to current War on Terrorism by Liberal Left attacking the US: "Either war is obsolete, or (humans) are." -Buckminster Fuller:

Response: War is almost obsolete. There are still a few Osamas and Saddams in the world, however, who live by war.


Famous Saying Misapplied to current War on Terrorism by Liberal Left attacking the US: "It is my conviction that killing under the cloak [of war] is nothing more than an act of murder." -Albert Einstein:

Response: It would be if one was all-powerful, and could not be killed, but one isn't, and can be killed by the warlike lined up against him.


Famous Saying Misapplied to current War on Terrorism by Liberal Left attacking the US: "Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind." -John F. Kennedy:

Response: It is the means of putting and end to war that is at issue in the US's actions in it's war on terrorism. The US may put an end to terrorism, but as long as there is human weaknesses such as envy, misunderstanding, and hate, there will be war.


Famous Saying Misapplied to current War on Terrorism by Liberal Left attacking the US: "No grievances or policies will justify resort to aggressive war." -Robert L. Jackson:

Response: The US's war on terror is a defensive war. The US was attacked first.


Famous Saying Misapplied to current War on Terrorism by Liberal Left attacking the US: "Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good." -Mahatma Gandhi :

Response: Duties the world is slacking in when it opposes the US in it's war on terrorism.


Famous Saying Misapplied to current War on Terrorism by Liberal Left attacking the US: "Peace can never be achieved by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." -Albert Einstein:

Response: What then does one do when one understands that the other party wants to exterminate you out of a blind madness? Exactly what the US is doing in it's war on terrorism. That is understanding.


Famous Saying Misapplied to current War on Terrorism by Liberal Left attacking the US: "War's influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force of the people." -James Madison, 1795:

Response: Spoken in 1795 by James Madison. Does it apply today? Not as long as checks and balances remain, as well as a free and investigative press, of which Mr. Madison would have been astounded by.


Famous Saying Misapplied to current War on Terrorism by Liberal Left attacking the US: "We know more about war than we know about peace." -General Omar N. Bradley:

Response: Said during World War II. Now, if the US knew more about war than it did about peace, it would have had a blueprint for Iraq, for liberating oppressed countries, and it wouldn't have been such a mess, as unpracticed endeavors are apt to be.


Famous Saying Misapplied to current War on Terrorism by Liberal Left attacking the US: The club that kills can drive a stake into the ground to hold a shelter. The hands that build bombs can be used to build schools. The minds that coordinate the activities of violence can coordinate the activities of cooperation. When the activities of life are infused with reverence, they come alive with meaning and purpose." -Gary Zukav.:

Response: This can be aptly applied to what the US has done in Iraq, which is totally lost on loony liberals.


Fareed Zakaria: "America has an arrogance of power.":

Response: Sick viewpoint. If you want to see arrogance of power, visit any anti-US country, or Fareed when he is before a microphone.


Father John Dear:  “Fifty years from now, the next generation will ask, ‘What were you doing when the children of Iraq were dying?”:

Response: (1) Hiding behind a peace sign. (2) That actually goes against you, and how you want to prolong Saddam's murderous rule and his dealings with international mass murderer organizations that are renegades of all countries and all Gods.


Father John Dear:  Conclusion:

Response: The Father may think it is his duty to mindlessly oppose war, even when it means the continued humiliation and suffering of millions.  He is doing a good job of that.  But let me remind him that his country, which is in the right, is not at war against Saddam, who is in the wrong, but is using the threat of war very effectively, and in a most civilized manner, in spite of dealing with such a brutal self-serving barbaric military-adventurer of a madman. He is opposing good and wishes to perpetuate bad, out of cowardice, unreasoning principle, and self-aggrandizement, unless he is a fabrication of Saddam, which is reasonable to conclude given the illogic, inaccuracies, and misdirecting shown in his statements.


Father John Dear: "A war aimed at “regime change” is unjust, unwise, and incompatible with any criteria for establishing long lasting peace.":

Response: If an Iraqi heard you say that he'd pewk. You care nothing for their suffering, you care only for your own self-aggrandizement in the loony-liberal community where it is the current fashion to bash America.  Let me quote a few Iraqis: "They (referring to the antiwar protestors) have good intentions but are completely naďve. In Iraq, with Saddam in power, the absence of war is not peace." Saddam will continue to spill Iraqi blood to stay in power.


Father John Dear: "An attack on Iraq will further alienate U.S. allies and dramatically increase anti-American sentiment throughout the world.":

Response: Mere conjecture. I am of the opinion that when the terrorist cowards and their benefactors witness the dismantling of one of the most powerful regimes in the Muslim world, they will crumble like a house of cards. Your statement is not only fearful but cowardly. It is just such weak statements that gave rise and boldness to the Osama's of the world.


Father John Dear: "Anyone who claims to be a Christian and supports the bombing of the children of Iraq has renounced their faith.":

Response: Oh, now you are the Pope giving edicts. Your delusions are complete. You have not weighed the cost of children's lives with Saddam in power against the cost removing him from power. You are madly anti-US beyond all judgement and reason.


Father John Dear: "Anyone who claims to be a Christian and supports the bombing of the children of Iraq… they are practicing the ultimate form of child abuse.":

Response: I don't think you, as a Catholic Priest, can use that analogy to your benefit.


Father John Dear: "Bombing Iraq will only make matters worse; it may lead even to the use of nuclear weapons, and set a horrible global precedent, that it is okay to bomb preemptively.":

Response: (1) Mere conjecture about making matters worse, and completely irresponsible using the phrase "bombing Iraq" when it is Saddam who is going to be bombed, if bombs are the answer. (2) you left out "okay to bomb horrible regimes that murder the population in order to perpetually stay in power..." Why? Because your pointless point is US bashing while disregarding all human compassion or suffering.


Father John Dear: "Bombing the children of Iraq will not solve our problems or grant us security or bring us peace or save us from terrorist attacks or help the world.":

Response: More mere conjecture.  Your statements are beginning to sound like those of an Iraqi official planting this drivel, who will say anything Saddam tells him to say, because his family is in danger from Saddam.


Father John Dear: "From a Christian perspective, war is never blessed by God. . It is never the will of God.":

Response: (1) Now you are completely off your rocker. I am assuming you are referring to the Christian God and the Christian Bible, in which the words "God will smite them" occur more than once in the Jew's "holy" battles against the Philistines, the poor victims of Jericho, and countless others who stood in the way of the Jews obtaining their promised land and were duly slaughtered, down to the last goat. Not that they were any different than everyone else back then. (2) You have forgotten your history, such as the Spanish Inquisition.


Father John Dear: "From a Christian perspective, war is never blessed by God. . It is never the will of God.":

Response: (1) That may work on a personal level, but when dictatorial power is at stake, and crimes have been committed in keeping it, as in Saddam's case, then your love approach is not only inappropriate but dangerous. (2) You are addressing the US with this when you should be addressing your mad Muslim friends who continuously chant "Kill Americans, it is God's will" as if they have a monopoly on God's will, and as if they have any idea who 'Americans' are, other than what their cracked fantasies envision.


Father John Dear: "Heading to war with Iraq is a grave mistake. It can only lead to catastrophic consequences for the suffering people of Iraq, other suffering people around the world and ourselves.":

Response: Mere conjecture. On the contrary, most Iraqi's in exile, safe from Saddam's retributions, speak out for the US removing Saddam.


Father John Dear: "I worked in New York city as a Red Cross coordinator of chaplains at the Family Assistance Center, and counseled thousands of grieving relatives and exhausted rescue workers. I have seen up close the grief that comes from massive violence.":

Response: After seeing the wreckage of the World Trade Center, I told myself I wouldn't wish this on any nation. Unfortunately your terrorist and dictator friends do not have such compassionate notions.  Your message here against massive violence is being misdirected. It is not the US you should be attacking here, but your mad mass-destruction Mullah and terrorist friends whom you have so far completely failed to reproach as you single out the US, who is opposing them, and has been a victim of them.


Father John Dear: "In fact, it will inflame millions more people around the world against us, and guarantee further terrorist attacks against us.":

Response: The only thing that will inflame the rest of the world against "us" is a weak showing in Iraq, which you wholeheartedly endorse. Remember how angry the Afghan rebels were when the US was only dropping a bomb here and there on the Taliban and their terrorist benefactors, and how they cheered when the B52's came in? Your error in logic is that you think the absence of war is the absence of suffering, when in fact in this case it will only prolong it, and I an quoting Iraqis, who in your uninformed goodwill you would actually have them suffer more.


Father John Dear: "In March 1999, I led a delegation of Nobel peace prize winners to Baghdad. We met with religious leaders, United Nations and non-governmental organization officials, and even government representatives, but most importantly, we saw with our own eyes the reality of the suffering these sanctions have caused. We saw hundreds of children dying of relievable diseases, because we have systematically destroyed Iraq’s infrastructure.":

Response: (1) You did not see the Republican Guard eating all the "Oil for Food" rations and leaving the children to starve. (2) Your lack of knowledge of current events is alarming. First sanctions on food and medical supplies were lifted by your countrymen, if indeed you are an American, which you do not sound like. So any suffering from relievable diseases are solely the cause of Saddam. If Iraq's infrastructure has been totally destroyed, how come Saddam is still in power? It sounds like you were shown what Saddam wanted you to see, believe what Saddam has told you, and have been brainwashed by their religious leaders, who's brethren call for the extermination of everything non-Muslim, starting with your countrymen. You are either a trend-following loony liberal or a traitor or a Saddam propagandist. In any event your statements are ridiculous and anti-American, and you have not the benefit of history and how Stalin manipulated visitors and the media. In other words, your statements are ignorant.


Father John Dear: "In the end, we should not go to war because it risks the lives of thousands of U.S. soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, beginning with the already suffering, innocent children.":

Response: (1) There you go with the children again, whom you care nothing for in your argument to keep Saddam in power. (2) Not taking Saddam out risks the lives of millions of Americans. Saddam has the smallpox virus. There are no vaccines for all. It has been guaranteed by experts that 1/3 of the exposed population of an attacked country will die. You are blind to that? (3) You care nothing for the Iraqi civilians if you want to keep Saddam in power. What kind of people do you think they will grow up to be, knowing that the US has the power to alleviate them from Saddam but didn't, because of twisted arguments like yours?


Father John Dear: "Instead of funding jobs, healthcare, schools, low-income housing, environmental clean-up…":

Response: Now I know you're a liberal, who thinks the government can solve all of society's woes, when in fact such unmanaged government social spending only creates sloth and dependency.


Father John Dear: "Instead of trying to overthrow any government, we should root out the causes of terrorism, starting with global poverty, widespread starvation, and weapons sales.":

Response:  Don't you realize that it is evil totalitarian governments that are the root cause of your terrorism, global poverty, and weapons sales?


Father John Dear: "Making peace throughout the world is much harder than war, and requires long-term vision.":

Response: Now what are you saying, that the US can be friends with Saddam? Are you crazy?


Father John Dear: "Most critically, preemptive war is illegal under international law.":

Response: (1) Who attacked who, and who applauded it? Osama attacked the US, and Saddam applauded it. (2) You show a complete lack of common sense. No one will argue that it would be a good deed in getting rid of Saddam. But when it comes to doing it, the cowardly put abstraction ahead of reality.


Father John Dear: "No one supports tyranny in Iraq or anywhere, but bombing these suffering people will not bring democracy":

Response: (1) Again you are delusional, your country is not bombing the suffering people of Iraq, nor is it the intention of your country to make them suffer in the process of freeing them from Saddam's evil stranglehold. Saddam, however, has no reservations. (2) Leaving Saddam in power will cause more suffering, but you don't care.


Father John Dear: "Once one country takes preemptive action, other countries will follow suit. If the U.S. bombs Iraq, and calls it self-defense, we can be assured that similar wars will break out else.":

Response: The cowardly begin to generalize and do not face the facts in the situation presented to them. In this case there is not "one country", there is the US and all that it stands for. There is not "other countries", there is Saddam and all that he stands for. Cowards ignore all that things stand for and beg generalizations when things get tough, rather than act on a case by case basis, as your much wiser leaders are doing.


Father John Dear: "Since 1990, our sanctions on Iraq have killed over one million Iraqis, over half of them children under five, according to UNICEF, the World Health Organization, the Vatican and the United Nations.":

Response: (1) UNICEF did not see the Republican Guard eating the food intended for the children under the "Oil for Food" program. (2) I hate to argue with a Father, but you are being a typical ill-aimed sheltered American.  Iraqi civilians not a part of the Baath Party are applauding Bush right now, and see nothing for themselves in the plans of the French, Germans, and Russians except more Saddam.  Blame sheltered liberals like yourself for sanctions instead of removing Saddam by force, and for any suffering sanctions have given Saddam an excuse to cause. Blame Saddam, too, which you are glaringly failing to do.  It was perceived then by the liberals in power that sanctions were the politically correct and civilized thing to do. You as a liberal are now admitting to that failure.  Also you fail to mention the Iraqi's own leader's role in the suffering of Iraqis, beginning with his military adventurism. You fail to mention any wrong doing by Saddam. You also fail to mention Iraq's #1 health problem currently: obesity. So where is their starving, if not caused by their own leader of the past several decades?


Father John Dear: "The best way to security and peace in the region continues to be through the United Nations, the UN-administered process of weapons inspections, and a strategy of regional disarmament (as called for in UN Security Council Resolution 687, article 14)":

Response: (1) Your are a hypocrite. Now you want to "bully" them into disarming "peacefully". You can't have it both ways.  (2) You do not understand the mind of a mad dictator. The only reason inspectors are back in Iraq is because of the military threat Bush has imposed on Saddam. You are prolonging the pain of Iraqis. (3) You address regional disarmament, but completely miss the point as to why Bush is bravely putting his foot down with Saddam - the point is not regional disarmament, but the availability of modern mass-destruction technology to the Osama's of the world. In Saddam's closed society, no one knows what he's up to, and one must go by his track record and statements, of which there is ample cause for Bush's heroic actions, which you so completely fail to appreciate for your own petty reasons.


Father John Dear: "The Bush administration has offered no evidence of any links between Saddam Hussein and the terrorist attacks of 9/11. There is no evidence that Iraq currently has useable weapons of mass destruction.:

Response: You do not have any proof Saddam is not dealing with terrorist organizations on a daily basis. His is a closed society, so proof is not possible. In such a case the worst case scenario must be assumed, and the appropriate responses carried out. It sounds like you just want to keep Saddam in power. Your proof will be more dead Americans, of whom you care less for than your twisted 'peaceful' views.


Father John Dear: "There are many alternatives to war, they just require patience and hard work.":

Response: You completely fail to realized that your leaders are doing just that, they are presently exercising an alternative to war: that of the threat of war. They are using the threat of war to good effect. Is that effect enough? I don't think so. That would entail trusting a brute like Saddam, and frankly I think he is daily dealing with terrorist organizations and has every intention of giving them the weapons they want to mount a suicidal offensive against the free world, which has sheltered ingrates like yourself from the Saddam's and Kim Jong Il's of the world.


Father John Dear: "These dying Iraqi children were born long after the 1991 Gulf war, have suffered under Saddam, but die because of our sanctions and bombs.":

Response: What children are dying by the bombs of the US? This is Saddam lying to us. This is no priest. (1) The sanctions were the ideas of liberals like this phony priest, and the extremely few bombs being dropped on Iraq by the US are dropped on your antiaircraft batteries that fire upon American planes, which you are so eager to shoot down. You have no reservations about using civilians as shields. Your arguments lack merit and your attitude, if you were an American, would be a disgrace to those countrymen who protect you from Saddam, who you in New Mexico think you are so safe from, and can afford to exude such high platitudes, which in any case are deplorable in their ill-aim.


Father John Dear: "War with Iraq is not only illegal and immoral, it’s just downright impractical. It’s not justified or noble, just stupid and lethal.":

Response: (1) Impractical? No military expert would even call it a war, it would be a one-way steamrolling over Iraq. Iraq has absolutely nothing to stop the "Anglo-American armada" as so disrespectfully put by a loony liberal. (2) It is justified a thousand times over (3) It is noble a thousand times over (4) As compared to higher reason, I agree, war is stupid (ask any woman), but in this case no war is stupid-er  (5) War is lethal, sure, but so is the absence of this war, especially in regard to the Iraqi children who will grow up under the thumb of an evil dictator who will sacrifice them to keep himself in power.


Father John Dear: "War with Iraq will hurt our already failing economy.":

Response: Again, mere conjecture. You cannot predict the future anymore than I can. You are a doom and gloom liberal, full of woe and foreboding, wringing your hands, incapable of dealing with such a problem, however unlikely, caused by a worthy effort.


Father John Dear: "We should lift all economic sanctions on Iraq and impose strict military sanctions not only on Iraq, but throughout the Mid-East.":

Response: (1) You are so stupid I don't know why I am wasting my time with you. Oh yes, now I know. Because the government does not waste it's time with you, and allows your drivel to go unchallenged, thereby making you believe yourself. It's the 60's all over again, when the government did not have the wit to respond to stoned-out-of-their-minds kids, who in any other epoch would have been immediately enslaved by a conqueror. (2) As to military sanctions, I don't think France, Germany, Russia, and China will abide when we are not looking. Reckless capitalism is still rampant with many nations.


Father John Dear: "we will be paying billions more to kill Iraqi children.":

Response: You are making false statements in order to be dramatic.  You are obvious in the former and a complete failure in the latter. You also care nothing for the children Saddam has killed with chemical weapons and power maintaining. What is your agenda? Personal fame? It sure isn't concern over human suffering.


Father John: "I know no God that endorses preemptive slaughter in the name of peace.":

Response: Father John has forgotten the Spanish Inquisition, hasn't he.


Fearniks "War on Iraq will divert attention away from the war on terrorism":

Response: War on Saddam a part of the war on terrorism.


France "Cannot accept ultimatum for war in face of progress on inspectors":

Response: Does anyone really think inspections will complete the job of ridding Saddam of CMM agents and weapons after 12 years of trying? Do you think inspectors will find barrels of sarin buried in a pit behind a pig farm?


France "War is always a result of a failure of the intellect":

Response: Unfortunately, no one possesses the intellect to depose an entrenched dictator who defies the UN and endeavors to hang on to his arsenal of CMM agents and weapons that he agreed to destroy 12 long years ago in exchange for his being allowed to continue to brutalize, murder, and rape his country, with thought alone.


France: "US is a rogue, reckless, arrogant superpower.":

Response: France should forgive the arrogance, considering French arrogance. Reckless, France leads the way in recklessness, considering their reckless capitalistic oil contract arrangements with an evil dictator like Saddam at the expense of the population of the country. Rogue? Only in the minds of that part of a corrupted UN that wishes to use the UN to throw their twisted weight around and impede other countries out of petty issues like arrogance, again, like France.


France: "US war on Iraq wrong morally, politically, and strategically, and will have a bad result internationally."

Response:(1) The same thing could have been said about the Nazis. (2) Mere cowardly conjecture. Look at the Baath Party. They care nothing for outside opinion as they commit their war crimes, kill civilians, and spew out transparent false propaganda, and yet they enjoy broad support from their fellow Muslims, albeit out of blind loyalty, while the US, tiptoeing on eggshells to do the civilized thing, has the entire international community against them, harboring an anti-US prejudice that turns a blind eye on good and evil.



Complain when they get blown up, but cheer when Jews get blown up.  At least the Jews express public regret for the loss in innocent life.


Hard Question Askers:  On war with Iraq: "The Soviets had such weapons, why didn't the US attack them?":

Response: The Soviets, as bad as they were, were more civilized than the free world's current enemies.  The Soviets did not go about the free world suicidally murdering masses of unarmed civilians who were guilty of nothing more than pursuing peace and prosperity.


Hard Question Askers:  On war with Iraq: "Where does it all end?":

Response: That entirely depends on the intelligence gathered and the analysis made, and what the enemies of the US are up to.



 From 99.5 AM  Radio Station in NYC: In America Muslims have good jobs, get a good education, sent their money to their poor extended family back in the old country, practice their religion fee from political oppression.



Do the people at 99.5FM in NYC still think the US is trying to bomb Islam out of existence, and that the US is bombing the poor?



From 99.5 AM  Radio Station in NYC: "America is trying to bomb Islam out of existence." From Muslim Surrendering Taliban Militiaman: "We agree with what the Americans are doing - going after International Terrorists even if it means going through regimes that protect them."



From 99.5 AM  Radio Station in NYC: (The US should) "Stop bombing the poor." Not only is this statement inaccurate - the only US bombs hitting the poor are strays and the ones the Taliban has put the poor under - but it is one-eyed in it's anti-American stance. The person who said this has not weighed America's actions against the evils the Taliban has been perpetrating against the poor over the last several years, and shows how some people, even Americans, will go to any length, even slander, to discredit the US.



From 99.5 AM  Radio Station in NYC: (The US should) "Stop bombing the poor." The US is not bombing the poor, it is bombing the wicked - the Taliban regime and the International Terrorist Organizations it protects.



From 99.5 AM Radio Station in NYC: (The US should) "Stop bombing the poor." The person turns a blind eye to the liberation US bombing has brought to the Afghan poor, as depicted through the media. The person is stuck in an Anti-American mentality fashion show devoid of all higher reasoning.



Michael Kramer: "Islam fanatics gave their lives to advance their distorted views of Islam, only a response in kind will deter them in the future." So who is Michael going to use for fodder? In fact, not throwing lives away over pride and taunts puts the US a cut above the Taliban, and the effects have rippled throughout the world. We no longer hear of protests in Malaysia and Indonesia, Pakistan and Palestine, Iran and Europe. Only cheap people with cheap personal agendas are protesting.



Michael Kramer: "Sleeper agents lurking among us indicate that the war will go on long after Afghanistan is liberated." On the contrary. Afghanistan being so obviously liberated from Muslim Fanaticism will take some if not all of the air out of the terrorist's balloon.



Michael Kramer: "We (Americans) need to prove we're not afraid to die. Winning the war in Afghanistan with bribes and proxy forces will only embolden those convinced that we lack the will to fight our own battles even when we're attacked at home." This is pure bullshit. The US under Bush doesn't have to make any amends for the US under Clinton. The US military is an arm of it's leaders, strong or weak. It has had both recently. It has always been the land of the free and the home of the brave, in spite of the temporary leaderships that have come and gone.



Michael Kramer: "We (Americans) need to prove we're not afraid to die." I'm sure he refers to sacrificing somebody other than himself. He also is not familiar with General Patton's Maxim: "You win wars by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."



Michael Kramer: His "Prove" statement he said was echoed in "talk shows and on the Web". If it was (and I doubt it) then it only demonstrates the ignorance rampant in the US due to a lack of a military draft, where entire populations are completely ignorant of military insights and have been brainwashed by liberal anti-military, anti-American media since the Vietnam war.



American Apologists say "Look at what the US does to women (as compared to the Taliban). We need to look at ourselves." As if equal opportunity isn't enough. Nothing in America can compare with the scale of oppressive Medieval treatment of women in Afghanistan. As for children, nothing in America can compare with the insanity being taught to orphan children in Pakistan. Self-criticism is healthy to a point, but completely out of proportion comparasons will not save you from the insanity of today's Muslim fundamentalists. They will kill you anyway, because of your race, your faith, and where you live. It is their fantasy.



If the US gives Israel preferential treatment, it is by choice. Israel has the more democratic, industrious, and civilized culture, more akin to American values. This choice does not make the US evil.


Homefront: "Military Tribunal's rules of evidence more lax.":

Contraire. The criminal justice system's approach to allowing evidence and higher reasoning is ludicrous. Take the case of illegally obtained evidence. What does the criminal justice system do, accept the evidence and punish the obtainers? NO! They throw out the evidence and do not punish the illegal obtainers! Completely backwards! Take the case of employing higher reasoning - the criminal justice system does not employ it. They remain  mindlessly bound by the books.


Human Shields (flying to Iraq from Western nations to shield Iraqi civilians from US bombs):

Response: The only Iraqis they will shield are Saddam and his band of killers. Saddam even kicked some of them out for arguing where they will be shielding, military or civilian areas. Saddam wants them to shield military targets, thinking "Who cares about Iraqi civilians? You shield me and my band of killers!"


I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil is permanent. -Mohandas Gandhi:

Response: Unfortunately, when Osama attacked the US, no good even came of it. The evil would be permanent if the liberals had their way and Bush did nothing about Osama and Saddam.


Indian Peace Demonstrators:

Don't look so peaceful breaking windows and making effigies to mutilate. It is hypocritical.



Are a circle of folly that the US administration cannot stand by and pay for when it is American civilian populations that are being attacked and plotted against, with Saddam's CMM toys in mind.


Inspectors "Progress is being made in ballistic, biological, chemical, and nuclear domains":

Response: only ballistic, because Saddam knows it is not needed with the tool of insane Muslim terrorists at his disposal.


Inspectors "We should keep pursuing fruitful, albeit difficult, inspections":

Response: He conveniently left out "expensive", since his continued futile inspections are made possible by and at the expense of the US forces poised to depose Saddam and take care of the problem themselves.  Hans Blix only wants to stay in the spotlight for his own personal aggrandizement.



Even if they find and destroy CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) agents and weapons, with Saddam still in power and longing for them, he will obtain and produce them again, and thumb his nose up at the UN, much as Kim Jong Il is doing now.


Inspectors: "Military presence lends support to the inspection process":

Response: Not "lends support", but "makes wholly possible, yet still not effective". Who is going to pay for the military presence, the US alone? Not fair.


Inspectors: "Why attack Iraq and attack the inspection process now?":

Response: It is expensive and perilous for the US to just sit there and let the inspectors and Saddam play hide-and-seek for another 12 years while terrorists organizations plot and carry out plans of civilian mass-murder with Saddam's CMM arsenal.


International War Crimes Commission:

A joke created by totalitarian regimes that are a joke.  A kooky liberal mentioned these "war crimes" that were brought against Bush Sr. over the Gulf War, and that the US military experimented on it's soldiers with experimental drugs without their consent, among other things. The liberal, obviously anti-US and anti-Bush, called herself "intelligent" and "well read". Well, I have excerpts from her source, a paper from the self-proclaimed "International War Crimes Commission", and you won't believe the amount of fabrication that went into this document, as will be demonstrated by my responses to them below.  It will be shown that our self-proclaimed "intelligent" and "well read" lady has displayed a complete lack of judgment, or simply will unethically grind her axe.


International War Crimes Commission: " United States war crimes breaking the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their two Additional Protocols of 1977; and the international crimes of Genocide against the People of Iraq as defined by the International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crimes of Genocide of 1948 as well as by the United States' own Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987, 18 <U.S.C>. 1901.  Finally, and most heinously of all, these Defendants actually perpetrated a Nuremberg Crime against their own troops when they forced them to take experimental biological weapons vaccines without their informed consent in gross violation of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation that has been fully subscribed to by the United States government.":

Response: (1) International Commission of Inquiry into United States war crimes at the Martin Luther, Jr. Auditorium (smells of racism already) , (2) the Nuremberg Crime Against Peace (sorry, Saddam waged war first, so there was no peace),  (3) No mention of Saddam breaking every rule in the book in war, and every rule in the book in peace (4) most points presented in this paper are complete fabrications that actual events have already proven wrong.


International War Crimes Commission: ""Superbombs" were dropped on hardened shelters with the intention of assassinating Iraqi President Saddam Hussein - a war crime in its own right.":

Response: A national leader is a legitimate target in wartime, especially one who carries a sidearm and conducts his own executions with his children present to 'toughen them up'.


International War Crimes Commission: "After the Rebellion Failed, the U.S. Invaded and Occupied Parts of Iraq Without Lawful Authority in Order to Increase Division and Hostilities Within Iraq":

Response: The lack of punctuation indicates this drivel is emanating from the Iraq MisInformation Ministry. Iraq was occupied in accordance with UN mandates to protect civilians from Saddam's continuing indiscriminately slaughter.


International War Crimes Commission: "Aircraft and helicopters dropped napalm and fuel-air explosives on oil wells throughout Iraq and many, if not most, of the oil well fires in Iraq and Kuwait.":

Response: Nice try at distorting the truth again. The fact is the best way to stop Saddam's oil well fires was to bomb them.


International War Crimes Commission: "America's self-anointed policeman in the Persian Gulf had the blood of the Panamanian People on his hands.":

Response: Again the enemies of the US give a distorted and one-sided case, by not mentioning the horrible nature of the US's dictatorial enemies in Panama and Iraq.


International War Crimes Commission: "As a direct result of this bombing campaign against civilian life, at least 25,000 men, women and children were killed. The Red Crescent Society of Jordan estimated 113,000 civilian dead, 60% of them children, the week before the end of the war.":

Response: I don't see these numbers given anywhere else other than by the Iraq MisInformation Ministry.


International War Crimes Commission: "As a direct, intentional and foreseeable result of this anti-civilian destruction, over one hundred thousand people have died after the war from dehydration, dysentery, diseases, and malnutrition caused by impure water, inability to obtain effective medical assistance and debilitation from hunger, cold, shock and distress.":

Response: All allowed to happen by Saddam as punishment for rising up against him during the Gulf War, and totally preventable by Saddam through the UN's oil-for-food program.


International War Crimes Commission: "Bush Corrupted the United Nations:
To secure these votes in the Security Council, Defendant Bush paid multi-billion-dollar bribes; offered arms for regional wars; threatened and carried out economic retaliation; illegally forgave multi-billion-dollar loans; offered diplomatic relations despite human rights violations; and in other ways corruptly exacted votes.":

Response: Considering Bush Jr.'s treatment by the UN, it looks like the UN is alive and well, counter to the theory presented here.


International War Crimes Commission: "Bush pressed the military to expedite preparations and to commence the war against Iraq before military conditions were optimum for domestic political purposes so that the war would not interfere with his presidential re-election campaign.":

Response: These racist loonies cling to this view in the face of the contradictory facts of history.  The fact is Bush gave Saddam and the US military plenty of time, and the lack of US casualties reflect the time allowed for thorough US preparation to oust Saddam from Kuwait, Saddam's first step in placing the entire Arabian peninsula under his murderous boot.


International War Crimes Commission: "But as a direct result of Defendant Bush's mad rush to war, United States military personnel suffered needless casualties. Defendant Bush has still lied and covered up to the American People and Congress the true nature and extent of U.S. casualties during the Persian Gulf War.":

Response: I don't see anyone by loony liberals claiming that Bush Sr. lead a "mad rush to war". In fact, it was plain to see Saddam was the mad party in this conflict, and Bush had the courage and talent to confront it.


International War Crimes Commission: "Cluster bombs and anti-personnel fragmentation bombs were used in Basra, and other cities and towns, against the civilian convoys of fleeing vehicles and against military units.":

Response: Another fabrication.


International War Crimes Commission: "Defendant Bush fully intended to go to war against Iraq and to seize the Arab oil fields in the Persian Gulf. ":

Response: Even after events have proven their theory wrong, loony anti-US liberals cling to their fossilized views.


International War Crimes Commission: "Defendant Bush intentionally usurped Congressional power, ignored its authority, and failed and refused to consult with the Congress. This conduct violated the Constitution and Laws of the United States and especially the War Powers Clause.":

Response: Congress did not share these views, nor did the courts, who threw this false case out the door at the lowest level of jurisprudence.


International War Crimes Commission: "Defendant Bush knew full well that he intended to destroy the armed forces and civilian infrastructure of Iraq.":

Response: These obviously racist loonies cling to this statement in the face of Bush giving Saddam plenty of time (months, in fact) to leave Kuwait and avoid any conflict at all, just as the present Bush gave Saddam plenty of time (going on 12 years, in fact) to come clean on civilian mass murder agents and weapons.


International War Crimes Commission: "Defendant Bush pursued recourse to war as an instrument of his national policy and for the solution of international controversies":

Response: Calling Saddam's invasion of Kuwait an "international controversy" after the invasion had taken place is a misapplication of the term. It was an international controversy before the invasion took place. After the invasion took place, it was an invasion.


International War Crimes Commission: "Defendant Bush, Having Destroyed Iraq's Economic Base, Demands Reparations Which Will Permanently Impoverish Iraq and Threaten Its People with Famine and Epidemic":

Response: The only person impoverishing Iraqis is Saddam, while he builds himself and his cronies dozens of multi-billion dollar palaces, bunker complexes, and secret assassin squads to keep the population under absolute control.


International War Crimes Commission: "Defendant Bush's invasion of Panama was even more illegal, reprehensible, and criminal than Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait.":

Response: Absolutely no mention of the drug trafficking of Panama's dictator General Manual Antonio Noreiga which lead to his arrest by the US, or that Panamanians voted for the anti-Noreiga candidates by a margin of over three-to-one, which were annulled by Noreiga, and that after the arrest of Noreiga and the end of his dictatorial rule the Panamanians moved quickly to rebuild their civilian constitutional government.


International War Crimes Commission: "Defendant Bush's successful attempt to subvert every effort for negotiating a peaceful resolution of this dispute.":

Response: No mention of Saddam refusing to leave Kuwait, after he had sunk his teeth into it.


International War Crimes Commission: "Defendant Schwarzkopf informed the Senate Armed Services Committee of this new military strategy in the Gulf allegedly designed to protect U.S. access to and control over Gulf oil in the event of regional conflicts.":

Response: A good example of the kooky liberals still holding to their failed views even in the face of history (in this case after the US left Saddam intact along with his oil fields).


International War Crimes Commission: "During January of 1990, massive quantities of United States weapons, equipment, and supplies were sent to Saudi Arabia in order to prepare for the war against Iraq.":

Response: Then why didn't the US take the Saudi oil fields right then and there? Because these Imperial US views and charges are bunk.


International War Crimes Commission: "Gulf War goes back to the 1973 Arab oil boycott of Europe. The Arab oil states imposed the boycott in solidarity with those Arab states that were then attempting to reclaim their Lands that had been illegally stolen from Them by Israel in 1967.":

Response: In reality the Arabs were mad they all attacked Israel and were beaten both times, while Israel rightfully occupied militarily advantageous positions the totalitarian Arab states used to harass and launch attacks against a democratic Israel. In their tantrum, they lashed out at the US and came up with this oil embargo.


International War Crimes Commission: "In one particularly shocking maneuver, thousands of Iraqi soldiers were needlessly and illegally buried alive.":

Response: They were given amply opportunity to surrender, but had ideas of slaughtering any American who entered.


International War Crimes Commission: "In regard to this matter, Congressman Henry Gonzalez of Texas has already introduced an Impeachment Resolution into the House of Representatives, that is numbered House Resolution 86":

Response: Haven't read it yet, but if it's as ridiculous as the War Crimes paper, I'd be wasting my time.


International War Crimes Commission: "In the first hours of the aerial and missile bombardment, the United States destroyed most military communications and began the systematic killing of Iraqi soldiers who were incapable of defense or escape":

Response: The US dropped millions of leaflets allowing the Iraqis to surrender for months before the campaign began. The Iraqis, some in their arrogance, some with Saddam's assassins at their backs, did not surrender.


International War Crimes Commission: "International Commission of Inquiry into United States war crimes at the Martin Luther, Jr. Auditorium who launched and waged this brutal, inhumane, and criminal war. the Nuremberg Crime Against Peace, Nuremberg Crimes Against Humanity; and Nuremberg War Crimes. In addition, these Defendants also committed grievous war crimes by wantonly violating the Hague Regulations on Land Warfare of 1907; the Declaration of London on Sea Warfare of 1909; the Hague Draft Rules of Aerial Warfare of 1923;

Response: (1) International Commission of Inquiry into United States war crimes at the Martin Luther, Jr. Auditorium (smells of racism already) , (2) the Nuremberg Crime Against Peace (sorry, Saddam waged war first, so there was no peace),  (3) No mention of Saddam breaking every rule in the book in war, and every rule in the book in peace (4) most points presented in this paper are complete fabrications that actual events have already proven wrong.


International War Crimes Commission: "Most of the targets (of US bombing) were civilian facilities.":

Response: Another statement trying to rewrite history, ala Stalin or Mao.


International War Crimes Commission: "Obviously, in the brief space that has been allotted to me, there is no way that I could adequately describe all of the atrocities and war crimes that were committed by these Defendants":

Response: Obviously, there aren't any, and you can't, even though you have endless time and space. Would anybody keep them to himself if they actually existed? No.


International War Crimes Commission: "Oil well fires in both Iraq and Kuwait were intentionally started by U.S. aircraft dropping napalm and other heat intensive devices.":

Response: Another fabrication. If fact, Saddam set fire to all Kuwaiti oil fields in complete barbaric disregard for the environment, and it was the US who capped them all.


International War Crimes Commission: "One seven mile stretch called the "Highway of Death" was littered with hundreds of vehicles and thousands of dead. All were fleeing to Iraq for their lives. Thousands were civilians of all ages, including Kuwaitis, Iraqis, Palestinians, Jordanians and other nationalities.":

Response: This fabrication could only have been hatched by the Iraq MisInformation Ministry, and for only the weakest of minds. In fact, the 'highway of death' was nothing more than a plundering army in full tactical retreat, regrouping to strike later at their own convenience.


International War Crimes Commission: "Pursuant to this war plan, Defendant Webster and the CIA assisted and directed Kuwait in its actions of violating OPEC oil production agreements to undercut the price of oil for the purpose of debilitating Iraq's economy":

Response: Then why didn't the US take the Kuwaiti oil fields right then and there? Because these Imperial US views and charges are pure fabrications proven wrong by actual events.


International War Crimes Commission: "Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), whose primary mission was to seize and steal the Arab oil-fields of the Persian Gulf region.":

Response: More hogwash. It was to respond to the numerous small conflicts that the Third World ceaselessly inflicted upon itself.


International War Crimes Commission: "the American People must condemn and repudiate Defendant Bush and his grotesque vision of a New World Order that is constructed upon warfare, bloodshed, violence and criminality.":

Response: The only places I see Bush using force are in places already suffering from a lack of democracy which gives rise to the misery they are suffering under totalitarian leaders who's way of life is warfare, bloodshed, violence and criminality.


International War Crimes Commission: "The bombing continued for 42 days. It met no resistance from Iraqi aircraft and no effective anti-aircraft or anti-missile ground fire.":

Response: Both false statements. Saddam arrogantly fought in the air and was whipped. Saddam killed more civilians with his anti-aircraft fire returning to earth in residential areas than all coalition forces combined.


International War Crimes Commission: "The Defendants conducted this genocidal war against the Male Population of Iraq for the express purpose of making sure that Iraq could not raise a substantial military force for at least another generation.":

Response: I'm sure every Muslim will believe this, even in the face of the Americans mercifully sending tens of thousands of Iraqi soldiers home without their weapons after the ground conflict ended, in hopes that American civility would somehow not be forgotten. Maybe it has not, but Saddam's threats overshadow it.


International War Crimes Commission: "The Defendants intended to provoke Iraq into aggressive military actions against Kuwait that they knew could be used to justify U.S. military intervention into the Persian Gulf for the purpose of destroying Iraq and taking over Arab oil fields.":

Response: Then why didn't the US take over Iraq's oil fields after the Gulf War? Because these Imperial US views and charges are false deceptions.


International War Crimes Commission: "The Defendants' intention was not to remove Iraq's presence from Kuwait. Rather, their intention was to destroy Iraq.":

Response: Again repeating their fabrications in the face of counter historic facts, completely ignoring history and clinging to their distorted theories. In fact the US stopped before a power vacuum was created, and the fanatical vultures moved in from Iran.


International War Crimes Commission: "The intention and effort of this bombing campaign against civilian life and facilities was to systematically destroy Iraq's infrastructure leaving it in a pre-industrial condition.":

Response: Two Falsehoods. There was no bombing campaign against civilian life and facilities. In fact the US stopped the war before a power vacuum was created, and the fanatical vultures moved in from Iran.


International War Crimes Commission: "The Kuwaiti government itself estimated that approximately 300 people were killed as a result of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, and a few hundred more as a result of the military occupation. By comparison, Defendant Bush's invasion of Panama in December of 1989 took between 2,000 and 4,000 Panamanian lives, and the United States government is still covering up the actual death toll.":

Response: So this is where Muslims and leftists get their erroneous views from, and they are too weak-minded to challenge it. Fact is Saddam's barbarians tortured and murdered thousands of Kuwaitis, beyond those killed as a result of battle, all the while torturing and killing thousands of Iraqis who wanted no part of his terrible regime.


International War Crimes Commission: "The net effect was the summary execution and corporal punishment indiscriminately of men, women and children, young and old, rich and poor":

Response: It is now revealed to the world that Saddam and his regime employs these very tactics, and uses it's complete disregard for human life and the regard for human life by the US as a weapon in many different ways, from human shields to calls for suicide bombers to executions of families of Iraqis who want nothing to do with Saddam's murder apparatus.


International War Crimes Commission: "The purpose of these attacks was to destroy life and property, and generally to terrorize the civilian population of Iraq.":

Response: Another fabrication. The US targets were Saddam's infrastructure of aggression and terror.


International War Crimes Commission: "The U.S. bombing campaign killed tens of thousands of defenseless soldiers":

Response: Tell the Iraqi survivors in Saddam's terror that these were "defenseless" soldiers.


International War Crimes Commission: "The U.S. intentionally bombed alleged nuclear sites, chemical plants, dams and other dangerous forces. The U.S. knew such attacks could cause the release of dangerous forces from such installations and consequently severe losses among the civilian population. While some civilians were killed in such attacks, there are no reported cases of consequent severe losses. Presumably, lethal nuclear materials, and dangerous chemical and biological warfare substances, were not present at the sites bombed.":

Response: Wrong presumption. Why they didn't spread was because the US, in it's regard for innocent life, used carefully selected and highly incendiary munitions which incinerated the substances on the spot.


International War Crimes Commission: "The United States Foreign Policy Establishment consists of liberal imperialists, reactionary imperialists, and middle-of-the-road imperialists. But they all share in common a firm belief in America's "Manifest Destiny" to rule the world.":

Response: This false statement in the face of the US's abundant foreign aid in every sector of human endeavor.


International War Crimes Commission: "the United States government had been planning, preparing, and conspiring to seize and steal the Persian Gulf oil fields for over a decade.":

Response: This false statement is a product of Marxist paranoia.


International War Crimes Commission: "The United States intentionally bombed and destroyed centres for civilian life, commercial and business districts, schools, hospitals, mosques, churches, shelters, residential areas, historical sites, private vehicles and civilian government offices.":

Response: Another fabrication, judging by the spelling, the War Crimes Commission is of British origin. The US took great measures to avoid striking innocent areas, as is described in the journals of numerous coalition pilots.


International War Crimes Commission: "The United States Intentionally Bombed and Destroyed Defenseless Iraqi Military Personnel":

Response: Another fabrication. All were legitimate and armed military targets, who in many cases fired first and back.


International War Crimes Commission: "the United States of America constitutes an international criminal conspiracy under the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment and Principles, that is legally identical to the Nazi government in World War II Germany. The Defendants' wanton extermination of approximately 250,000 People in Iraq provides definite proof of the validity of this Nuremberg Proposition for the entire world to see.":

Response: The only people swallowing this crap are those already brainwashed by anti-US totalitarian regimes afraid of democracy.


International War Crimes Commission: "The United States Used Prohibited Weapons Capable of Mass Destruction and Inflicting Indiscriminate Death and Unnecessary Suffering Against Both Military and Civilian Targets":

Response: This only occurred in the twisted minds of the human baboons fabricating these statements.


International War Crimes Commission: "These Defendants must be impeached by the House, tried and convicted by the Senate, and removed from office.":

Response: Then why didn't it happen? It's plain to see it could not happen based on the fabrications presented by the self-proclaimed International War Crimes Commission, consisting of Saddam's propaganda henchmen a few misguided Marxist idealists, and anti-white racists.


International War Crimes Commission: "This paper (US War Crimes During the Gulf War) documents the numerous occasions that international laws were broken and disregarded during the Gulf War.":

Response: Fails to mention it makes no mention of Saddam's crimes, and is composed of numerous fabrications solely against the US.


International War Crimes Commission: "United States aircraft bombed and strafed indiscriminately.":

Response: Another fabrication. The US took great measures to avoid striking innocent areas, as is described in the journals of numerous coalition pilots, and chose it's targets carefully.


Iran: "Death of innocent Iraqis must end as soon as possible.":

Response: What they meant: "The US should stop the war, leave Saddam in power, and go home." What they should have meant: "They hope the US will depose Saddam and his killer Baath Party as soon as possible, and hopefully with few American casualties."


Iraq MisInformation Ministry:

Parrots what the West says. The West should Parrot what the MisInformation says back at them, since this kind of shoot-from-the-hip propaganda is what Muslims listen to.


Iraq MisInformation Ministry: "Iraq civilians damaging US tanks and helicopters.":

Response: I'll bet Iraqi civilians are hoping no one believes those fabrications.


Iraq Propaganda:

Likes to twist US accidentally caused civilian casualties into US deliberate civilian casualties, and the anti-US Al Jazeera makes sure that is the only propaganda Muslims get from them.



One moment denies it has weapons of mass destruction and the next moment is threatening to use them "anywhere there is sky, land, or sea".


Iraqi being interviewed "on the street", as to his reaction to Bush's ultimatums. "I don't like what Bush said, because I, as an Iraqi, do not like being dictated to.":

So what is he going to do about Saddam, his country's dictator for the past 30 years?


Iraqi Doctor:  ``Under sanctions, even now, the health situation for Iraqi children is bad,'' Dr. Ahmed Abdul Fattar told a reporter at a Baghdad children's hospital on Wednesday.:

Under sanctions, medicine and food are exempt. You only have Saddam and yourselves to blame for any bad health situations.


Iraqi Foreign Minister: "Kuwait media in service to the US, and destroys evidence of the US losing the invasion of Iraq.":

Response: Mere false Baath Party propaganda aimed at mind-controlled Iraqi subjects.


Iraqi Foreign Minister: "Palestinian Labor Union supports Iraqi people.":

Response: Note he did not say "supports the Baath Party", because they do not.


Iraqi Foreign Minister: "These are the days of honor.":

Response: For the US, maybe, but certainly not for the Baath Party as they push civilians in front of US tanks.


Iraqi Foreign Minister: "This is a Muslim country. It is your duty to rise up and fight the infidels.":

Response: (1)The US is a partly Muslim nation, and does not count as an Infidel. (2) What the Minister leaves out: "and keep the Baath Party in control of you".


Iraqi Foreign Minister: "US never admits Iraqis shoot down their planes, it's always an 'accident'. The US does not want it's public to find out the number of American casualties and catch Bush lying.":

Response: Spoken like a true liar accusing someone else of being the same.


Iraqi Foreign Minister: "Venezuela and the International Labor Union condemn the US attack on Iraq and the US's effort to control resources in the Middle East.":

Response: (1) Using condemnation to perpetuate Baath Party's repression of Iraq. (2) The US can get it's resources elsewhere. It does not need the Middle East.


Iraqi Officials: said they would submit their own rebuttal to the United Nations by Thursday, ``clarifying'' points raised by the chief inspectors.:

 By "clarifying" they mean deception and deceit. The only interest Iraqi officials have is the keep their heads.


Iraqi Senior Official Amer Rashid: ``They're not looking for the truth.  What they're looking for is to distort the truth.'':

Another example of a liar exposing his own tactics when attacking his foes.  In other words, Iraqi officials themselves do not look for the truth, but only how to distort it.


Iraqi UN Rep: "The Game Is Over.":

Response: Good description of the rule of Saddam and his manipulation of leftist media and the mush-minded liberals in the free world. He should have said "cruel" game.


Iraqi's: ``Banned weapons are not small objects that Iraq can hide,'' Maj. Gen. Hossam Mohammed Amin, head liaison to U.N. arms inspectors, said on Iraqi television. ``Iraq has gotten rid of all these weapons.'':

So when other Iraqi's speak, who is going to listen to them when they put forth arguments after cheap lies with political purpose issued by Saddam and Aziz, and by others under the perilous thumb of the regime, for example:


Iraqi's: ``There's no connection between al-Qaeda and Iraq,'' said lawmaker Hazem Bajilan, a foreign affairs specialist in the National Assembly.:

Whenever an Iraqi speaks publicly, one sees their main purpose, which is to protect themselves and their families from their murderous dictator. They will say whatever it takes, without any regard for reality or truth.



Saddam's palaces named "Peace" and "Flower" while he murders thousands of people out of political paranoia.


Islamic Fundamentalists:

Muslims should support all that is good in Western culture while helping the West in battling all that is bad in Western culture. To blindly attack the West as a whole is to attack what is good, and that is the mistake of Islamic Fundamentalists. But rather that be guided by reason, Islamic Fundamentalists are guided by the evil desires within them.  They are losing the greater Jihad - that for one's soul - for the fleeting (and twisted) fame and glory brought by the lesser Jihad.


Isn't it funny that the U.S. Government actually supported Hussein's regime awhile back? (throughout the 80s). Just like it has supported oppressive dictatorships in the Third World to reach its own agenda, and will continue to do so.

Isn't it funny the US saved the Middle East from Hitler genocide during World War 2, from Stalin genocide during the Cold War, and from themselves during the forming of Israel? And that it's own agenda was freedom and democracy for the common man, free from the horrors of communism and Nazism?  And that's the thanks the US gets, for doing things that were far less worse than what it's enemies were doing, and for a noble and selfless cause.  That's the thanks the US gets from an arrogant and proud Muslim world for attempting a noble and selfless cause?  Spare me your mindless populist Muslim street mentalities.



"Israel committed atrocities when they took over Palestine." Fact is the Palestinians committed an equal number of atrocities during that time. The US should not be beaten by those with a lack of historical knowledge.


It is easier to lead men to combat, stirring up their passion, than to restrain them and direct them toward the patient labors of peace. -Andre Gide:

Response: This also is misapplied here. The US conducted the Iraq war without any stirring up of passion, and converted to the patient labors of peace without any effort, and with passion, without it even having to be stirred up. To apply that statement to the US is to not understand the US, or to be a complete fool.


Jim Kerry: "Other world leaders won't trust Bush no matter what.":

Response: Saddam didn't have your image complex.


Jim Kerry: "US needs a regime change.":

Response: The weak-minded masses overseas take it literally, and not just as a cheap campaign jab by a petty, underqualified, overly-ambitious candidate from the opposing political party.


Jim Kerry: "We need a President who has the ability to…":

What the rest really says: "to kiss up to America's so-called allies who want to diminish the US at every turn, such as France, Germany, and Russia.


Joe Cicerone: "Bush an evangelical foreign policy empty vessel that visionary Paul Wolfowitz filled with his "out to change the world" fringe right-wing philosophy, and fringe right-wing to mainstream occurred through the Presidential appointment process coupled with the catalyst of 9/11.

Response: I have no problem with that, as long as there are Osama's and Saddam's to deal with. Better to confront them rather that hide in the Oval Office diddleflitting around with cigars and the female staff.


Joe Cicerone: "Bush mishandled problems and turned them into crisis.":

Response: Sorry, but 9/11 turned your festering foreign problems which you had no solutions for into crisis.


Joe Cicerone: "The War in Iraq will cause other tyrannical regimes to speed up their nuclear programs to fend off the US.":

Response: No. The war in Iraq will send a message to the tyrannies that WMD's will get them nowhere except deposed by force.


Joe Cicerone: "US should have taken the negotiations course with Saddam.":

Response: (sarcastically): Yea, right. After the Baath Party said "screw the world".


John Kerry: "US needs a regime change.":

Response: I'm sure he was alluding to his own presidential bid, but he appeared to be a mindless, ambitious politician. The Democrats will get their chance in 2004, where once again foreign powers can manipulate and bully the White House under Democratic rule.


Joseph Cirincione "It is bad, this policy of eliminating regimes on a good-guy/bad-guy policy, because the good-guys and bad-guys are always changing."

Response: Again a US citizen brainwashed by totalitarian foreign propaganda.  It is not hard to see who is the good guy and who is the bad guy in terms of governments when it comes down to the average man.


Joseph Cirincione "US overthrew democracy in Iran in 1954 and put the Shah in power"

Response: Joe here is bashing the US for containing Stalin's juggernaut with methods that were widespread back then.


Joseph Cirincione "US overthrew democracy in Iran in 1954 and put the Shah in power"

Response: Only Joe here cannot appreciate what the world was like during the Cold War, and what lengths the US had to go to in order to contain Stalin and his evil offspring, and that other countries, such as the Soviet Empire, were doing much worse things to small nations during that period. With this one-sided, over-amplified, out-of-context anti-US sentiment, maybe Joe's implying the US should have stood by while dozens of political abominations like present day North Koreas sprouted up.


Kim Jong Il "North Korea has the right to a preemptive strike":

The fact is the first shot has already been fired by his terrorist friends and clients.


Lebanese anti-US Person: Want to see changes in Iraq, but not forced by the US.:

Sorry, but the following equation negates that: Osama-ites + Civilian Mass Murder agents and weapons = US force.


Leftist Media: "We show factual information.":

Response: Sure, but totally out of proportion and distorted, in order to support their political agendas.


Leftist: "…as war in Iraq batters the economy at home…":

Response: Mere conjecture, an unverifiable statement, and irresponsible, no matter how partisan the intent. But, let's assume for a moment it is true (which it isn't), then this leftist is placing a temporary state of the economy over dealing with the Muslim Madness so intent on mass murdering Americans.


Leftist: "People in the Middle East fear the US will influence politics there. They are very skeptical as to US intentions. They think the US wants to destabilize the region in order to advance nefarious causes.":

Response: By "people" liberal means "those in totalitarian positions".


Liberal Nonsense: Ted Kennedy "Should have gone after North Korea instead of Saddam":

Response: Ted would have played popular pacifist anyway. North Korea is not in the middle of the Middle East where the world's present generation's madness is centered.


Liberal: "Arsenal of Democracy is bad.":

Response: There would be no democracy without an arsenal, since it is with arsenals tyrannies spread.


Liberal: "Can't spread democracy at the end of a bayonet.":

Response: This liberal is blind to history, and does not learn from the lessons of history. The fact is, when facing tyranny, the end of a bayonet is the only way, the only language tyranny understands. Cases in point, World War II Japan and Germany, US Revolutionary War, Panama under Noriega.


Liberal: "Conservatives are causing an erosion of the Constitution."

Response: (1) Many times have the constitution rights been temporarily curtailed in US history in order to protect it's citizens from hostile powers. (2) I don't care. They can investigate my ties to Muslim terrorists all they want. I'll feel safer knowing a terrorist will get the same treatment.


Liberal: "In the Muslim world there are angry young men with nothing better to do than to hate the US, and will join Al Qaeda. The US should not stir them up.":

Response: (1) So why aren't these angry young men with nothing better to do than hate the US afraid of the US? Because of weenie liberals. (2) Weenie liberal wants the US to mold it's foreign policy around angry young men who have nothing better to do than hate the US.


Liberal: "Is against the war because innocent lives will be lost.":

Response: (1) More innocent lives will be grateful. (2) Liberal does not care about the innocent lives the Baath Party takes in it's bid for perpetual unopposed power, and therefore the liberal is a hypocrite and reveals his ulterior motives, his ignorance, his lack of judgment, and his selfishness.


Liberal: "It will take 10 years for Iraqis to use their oil revenues to rebuild their country because of the debt Saddam owed.":

Response: Pure hogwash. They can pay their reparations and debts and rebuild their country.


Liberal: "Republican Guard bound by honor.":

Response: That is a good example of sick liberal views, and a twisted way of defining "honor". The Republican Guard is fighting to hide the Iraqi civilian blood Saddam has put on their hands. They've been brainwashed to believe there is no future for them without Saddam, because Saddam prevents them from being brought to justice by a civilized court. I don't see any honor in that


Liberal: "The Iraqi people are not rejoicing. How about the 1.5 million protestors in Britain?":

Response: Reveals the illogic of the liberal mind. Since when were 1.5 million protestors in Britain Iraqis? They weren't. But liberals are so self-centered they think they are everybody.


Liberal: "US is a bullyboy.":

Response: Send this liberal back in time to Saddam's Iraq so this liberal can experience the true nature of "bullyboys" from Saddam's bullyboys. Then this liberal will come back demanding the US go over there and depose Saddam.


Liberal: "US is bombing Iraqi schools and civilians.":

Response: US found 40 human-bomb vests. Where? In a school. Who told the US? Iraqi civilians. Where is the liberal coming from? Outer space, man.


Liberal: "US should be bombed just like they are bombing Iraq.":

Response: Only if the US has treated it's citizens just like Saddam has treated his, and has shown public support for insane suicidal international terrorist organizations, just like Saddam has.


Liberal: "War is bad.":

Response: Sure, but not as bad as doing nothing in the face of evil.


Liberal: "You can disagree with me without making personal attacks.":

Response: If you want to say mindless, biased, untrue, outrageous things, you invite personal attacks.


Liberals and "US Interests":

Liberals like to say expanding "US Interests" rather than "Human Interests". Liberals say "US Interests" with the hiss of a snake. They are prejudiced against US interests, dismiss them out of hand as evil, and do now admit that US interests parallel the interests of peace and prosperity throughout the world.


Liberals Spouting off their Fears:

What liberals don't realize is that the enemies of the US will see these fears and endeavor to bring them about.



The moral failure of liberals, the useful idiots of evil regimes.



Think their viewpoints are about truth, when they are merely about slants. Case in point, negative headline in liberal rag: "(Iraqi) Resistance Increases, (US) Casualties Mount" (implying the Iraqi people are rising up against the invading Americans), shedding a very negative light on the event, when they JUST AS TRUTHFULLY could have said "Phenomenal (US) Progress Made, Casualties Extremely Light", which would have shed a more positive light on the event.



Want the US to be perfect before confronting obvious evils.


Liberals: "Iraq wanted to get rid of Saddam themselves.":

Response: Sorry, but the madness of Osama and Saddam meant the world could not wait any longer. I hope Iraqis didn't mind being liberated while the US conducted it's war on terrorism.


Liberals: "Iraq will become another Vietnam"

Afraid that Iran will be mad if Iraq becomes a pro-Western democracy. Too bad. It will only be a mad, sad, poor, ignorant, violent, suicidal country surrounded by peaceful, prosperous, pro-Western countries.


Liberals: "Iraq will become another Vietnam":

Response: Vietnam was prolonged and lost by miss-applied liberalism and high platitudes.  The US back then was also one of the few democracies in the world, and had little international support in it's fight against evil systems of government. Today there are more democracies that will side with the US once it is safe for them to do so.


Liberals: "Iraqis love Saddam.":

Response: They don't say that when they know they're safe from Saddam's assassins and bully-boys.


Liberals: "The fury in the Muslim world is a result of the War on Iraq.":

Response: The fury of the Muslim world is fueled by their own ignorance, arrogance, and blind hate towards the wrong country (the US). So to think the War on Iraq fuels Muslim hate is a joke. The Muslim world has shown time after time it will blame it's problems on anyone other than themselves.


Liberals: "The US owes people.":

Response:  Leaves out how much people owe the US.


Liberals: "US shouldn't bully others.":

Response: Loony Liberals say this without considering the nature of the "others".


Liberals: "Who will rebuild Iraq.":

Response: That answer is easy, the best and brightest of the Iraqis. In liberal minds, you need big government and liberal politicians for such tasks.


Malaysia and Indonesia:

Malaysia and Indonesia: "Stop bombing Afghanistan." Where were their protests when Muslims were operating terrorist training camps and declaring war on the U.S.? Where were their anti-Taliban and anti-terrorist statements (of pending Muslim unrest in the streets) if the Taliban and terrorists did not stop their atrocious and murderous ways, which they were not going to do? There weren't any such protests, because Malaysia and Indonesia do not care about U.S.-Muslim relations, they only want to make anti-US. statements. They are one-sided.


Malaysia and Indonesia:

Malaysia and Indonesia: "The U.S. should worry about what the Muslim world thinks about the bombing in Afghanistan." What was the Muslim world thinking when Muslim terrorists were bombing U.S. embassies? They were thinking anti-US. thoughts, and so did not protest. They should protest actions in their own world too when being concerned about U.S.-Muslim relations. They haven't been.


Malaysia and Indonesia:

Malaysia and Indonesia: Should care what their Muslim brothers do, and not just what the U.S. does, in regards to U.S.-Muslim relations.


Malaysia and Indonesia:

They like to pretend  that only what the U.S. does affects U.S.-Muslim relations. They turn a blind eye on things Muslims do that adversely affect U.S.-Muslim relations, and do not threaten unrest in their streets when Muslims insult, threaten, and disrespect Americans. There weren't any such threats of unrest when their terrorists were bombing U.S. embassies, calling for Jihad against the U.S., chanting "Death to America", calling the U.S. "the Great Satan", and openly declaring, training for, and carrying out war against the U.S. The fact is they don't care one bit about U.S. Muslim relations. It is all anti-US. rhetoric. The choose to see the world through only one eye.


Malaysia and Indonesia: "Stop the bombing in Afghanistan."

Where were their outcries when they found out the Taliban was massacring thousands of Afghans in village after village in atrocious ways for despotic reasons? Their insanely anti-US. stance prevents them from acknowledging such truths. They want to have their fun in the streets at any cost.


Malaysia President "West is trying to dominate Muslim world":

Response: Sounds like he wants to dominate the Muslim world, and assumes the West thinks like him, which it does not.



What God would accept a mass murderer into Heaven?


Mullah Mohammad Omar: "Death comes to everyone. We must stand proud as Afghans in the defense of Islam":

(a) There would today be no Afghanistan if it were not for the U.S. aiding them against the Soviet Union. (b) Omar is not defending Islam, there are Muslims in the United States of America. He is merely defending political boundaries and his own power, and is using the Islam argument to fool people for personal gains. (3) He does not talk from Islam but from political corruption and personal ambition. (4) It is not his death he is assuming but those of his poor subdued Afghans (5) He is in the pocket of bin Laden.


Mullah Mohammad Omar: "U.S. trying to link bin Laden unjustifiably and without any reason". :

How about bin Laden's rhetoric, and his terrorist bases and dealings, his anti-Western stance, his past crimes, and his being a terrorist?


Mullah Mohammed Omar: "If you don't fight (the US), you'll be like chickens with their heads cut off and falls in the ditch and dies." :

That is more descriptive of his own situation, while he tries to hide the atrocities he's committed while in power. The only thing that will fall in the ditch and die will be the Taliban's twisted ways of thinking and murderous oppression of Afghanistan.


Muslim Clerics:

Have remained silent on Muslim atrocities against humanity performed in the name of Islam. Where are the Fatwah's against Muslim terrorism? There are none. Where are the Fatwah's against Muslim Fundamentalist schools that teach their children to hate and disrespect all other peoples in the world? There are none.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Are tyrants.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Some in the Muslim world are deluded into thinking they are a world force beyond psychotic acts.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Terrorists use religion and hate to add strength and fervor to their political and personal ambitions.


Muslim Fundamentalists: "Western culture is evil". :

Response: They see too much from Hollywood and Madison Avenue and the accompanying unreal and unattainable solutions to life's problems. Good and evil are constantly battling in the West, in the Courts evil may outwit good, but we do not like it, and the West is not totally evil. Is a government that governs by the guidelines of the Ten Commandments The Great Satan? Only a madman would sat it is. The terrorists have made it harder for good Americans to battle evil by opening up another evil front. What is more evil, the rights given to women in the US or the rights taken away from women in Afghanistan?


Muslim Hate of the West:

Muslim totalitarian regimes are doing what the old Soviet Union did, shift blame for their people's woes away from their Totalitarian governments and onto the West.


Muslim World "shocked" at the collapse of Saddam's regime.:

Response: Muslim world a casualty of  totalitarian cultures.


Muslims and Communists:

Use events that happened generations ago to bash the current US.  They can't comprehend a regime changing every 2 and 4 years, having lived under the same dictators all their lives.



Call the US "wimps" (with Clinton in office) one day and "bullies" (with Bush in office) the next.



Complain about US power when the US is confronting such an obvious evil bane on the Muslim world.  Talk about hypocrites!



The Muslim world was anti-West long before Israel and the present Muslim totalitarian regimes existed, yet they fail to mention that fact in their present anti-American rhetoric. The Muslim world's ancient anti-Western stance is the primary reason the US backs Israel, and I don't blame the US one bit.  It is a Muslim myth that the terrorists fight the West because of Israel and present repressive Muslim regimes.


Muslims: Hate the US for the US's biased foreign policy in the Middle East.:

Response: (1) The US has given as much if not more foreign aid to Muslim nations as it has given to Israel. (2) Israel is an enlightened democracy. The Muslim world is a Western/Christian hating world full of totalitarian regimes.


N. Korea "US is trying to dominate the world":

Wrong.  Not with an all-volunteer military.  Kim Jong Il and his gang of murderers are threatened by US power in business and culture, and not just their military.


NAACP: "See the conditions of some of our schools- they don't have up to date books, but we can send a million dollar bomb to kill people.":

Response: (1) The "people being killed" by the million dollar bomb are not innocent civilians who are already being killed by their repressive government, as is implied by the NAACP person, but those partaking in the killing. The NAACP therefore uses twisted logic and deceptions to gain it's ends.


NAACP: "The US spends billions on war yet there are people starving in our own country.":

Response: What this is really saying is "Give me da money".


NAACP: "There are a lot of domestic challenges facing blacks in the US that cause them to oppose the war.":

Response: If these black racist organizations stopped just thinking about themselves and started thinking about the betterment of mankind in general, they would begin developing ideas that would bring them prosperity if acted upon. Instead their chant is "We want money and power, and we want it given to us."


Naji Sabri  "Bush, not Saddam, should be the one to yield power. "He should go away from the presidency and let the Americans lead an ordinary life with other nations, not a life of aggression, a policy of aggression against other nations," Sabri said. "This policy has brought about disasters to the U.S. So for the U.S. to live properly with the world and for the world nations to live in peace, this crazy man should go.":

(1) "Let the Americans lead an ordinary life with other nations", he conveniently left out the war against the US by his terrorist friends that is already being carried out in the form of mass murder against the "Americans who've only led an ordinary life". (2) "For the world nations to live in peace" since when did Saddam or his terrorist friends care about peace? (3) "not a life of aggression" Saddam is the one planning more aggression with the CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) weapons and agents he wants but does not need for the good of Iraq. In fact, nothing Saddam does is for the good of Iraq.  (4) "the US policy of aggression" an unspecifiable false and weak fabrication, and propaganda that even the most ignorant Muslim is questioning.  The US has an all-volunteer defense/deterring military, which is positioned to contain madmen and evil regimes, and which is simply responding to the war declared on it's nation by insane Muslim terrorists and their supporting dictators. (5) Bush's' speech was much better. (6) Naji has taken on the role of a smart-aleck.


Nancy Pelosi: "It shouldn't have cost that much to bring down Saddam's statue.":

Response: It shouldn't have, but it did, due to mindless liberals undermining the effort with pro-Saddam/anti-US twisted propaganda like yourself.


Newsweek: "Why the US scares the world.":

Response: Should read "Why the US scares brutal regimes who are enemies of the free world, democracy, and the US, and those who appease them, including this magazine rag."

1.0571    " is quite doubtful that further military action will create a real peace for Iraq, the Middle East, or the planet.":

Response: You leave open the possibility that military action WILL create a real peace for Iraq, the Middle East, and the planet, and for good reason. Removing Saddam will lessen Iraq's harboring and abetting terrorist "Murder Inc." organizations.  Also the anti-US situations in the Middle East may be just a house of cards, which will tumble once the US does this "random and obviously good deed".

1.0572  "...the 12-year war with Iraq that has isolated and destroyed Iraqi society  and delivered death and deprivation to the people of Iraq.":

Response: the only thing that has isolated and destroyed Iraq, and has delivered death and deprivation to the people is Saddam, and, in spite of his connections with terrorism or not, you want to leave him in power, with complete disregard for the people of Iraq.

1.0573 "...a new war wouldn't even target weapon stockpiles since they're nearly impossible to locate.":

Response: It will remove Saddam's obstructions to locating them.

1.0574 "...terror is always the bedmate of political oppression and where oppression is left to grow terrorism will fester.":

Response: Then why do you want to leave Saddam in power?

1.0575 "A war on terror can never be won":

Response: Mere conjecture.

1.0576 "A war won't reduce Hussein's weapons stockpiles":

Response: A war will reduce Saddam's stockpiles.  It will also remove Saddam.  Therefore, by logic, there will be no "Saddam stockpile.  In any event, Saddam will either use them on US forces, his neighbors, the US mainland, or his own people, or the US will find and destroy them.

1.0577 "A war won't reduce Hussein's weapons stockpiles":

Response: A war will reduce Saddam's stockpiles.  It will also remove Saddam.  Therefore, by logic, there will be no "Saddam stockpile.  In any event, Saddam will either use them on US forces, his neighbors, the US mainland, or his own people, or the US will find and destroy them.

1.0578 "American policy is wrong precisely because we are at war not with Saddam Hussein, but with the people of Iraq-the citizens, the poor and meek, the downtrodden and hurting.":

Response: Wrong. First, the US is not at war with Iraq yet. Second, the US has voiced compassion many times with the Iraqi people, and has at many times identified Iraq's problem as the Saddam regime, and the Iraqi people as victims of it.

1.0579 "and it (a war) probably won't drive him from power.":

Response: It is my hunch that you alone hold that opinion.

1.0580 "Both sides were almost certainly lying and both were making self-serving claims about the other.":

Response: Which would you trust more, the statement of a free state of the statement of a dictatorship? You certainly are saying the US was lying in a glib and uninformed manner.

1.0581 "But Bush is apparently planning a war anyway. To do so will require that he come up with reasons for a war, and so we can expect to see him (Bush) provoke Hussein.":

Response: The reasons are perfectly clear to me - the easy link between Saddam and terrorists, that may have been happening all along, as exiled Iraqi's claim.

1.0582 "But there is no link Iraq with Osama bin Laden.":

Response: It is obvious you have not verified that ignorant statement.

1.0583 "But two incredibly bloody wars have failed to oust him (Saddam)":

Response: It was not the goal of Desert Storm to oust Saddam, although militarily the US could easily have done it. The US's deference to the sensitivities of it's global neighbors was the inhibiting factor, as well as the world being more barbaric back then with the Soviets still strangling most of Asia.

1.0584 "In fact, it (war in Iraq) will inflame millions more people around the world against us, and guarantee further terrorist attacks against us.":

Response: There is no fact in this, you are merely conjecturing, your being the Fraidy cat the terrorist organizations so despise and were emboldened by these past several years. Your kind were wrong in '91, and you're wrong now.

1.0585 "Iraq's Scud missiles are actually not very good at delivering chemical or biological weapons.":

Response: They are perfectly good at it, by virtue of their randomness and inaccuracy.

1.0586 "It is time to stand for truth (and oppose the war with Iraq)":

Response: Then you are against Saddam and the rest of the Middle East totalitarian regimes as passionately as you are against Bush? Then where is your rhetoric against them on the same page? Are you just a one-way Bozo?

1.0587 "It later came out that the Clinton Administration was behind the U.N. agreement and announcement. They realized that the American people were going to ask too many questions about Iraq and weren't going to support a second war against the country.":

Response: Could you please add a link to these questions. I'd be happy to respond to them in a way that justifies this war.

1.0588 "It will make a few rich people even richer, especially the stockholders of military equipment manufacturers and Arab sheiks who gain the longer Iraqi oil is kept from the world market.":

Response: Sounds like uninformed, unspecific, generalized 60's hippie drivel.

1.0589 "It’s (war in Iraq) not justified or noble.":

Response: Mere uninformed conjecture. The justification is in the hands of the US administration. The nobility of bringing down a vicious dictator is beyond argument. Your armchair disregard for the plight of Middle Easterners has ignited any anti-US movements there in the first place.

1.0590 "It's time to stop kidding ourselves. This is a war over money. The U.S. and Britain are getting rich off of Saudi Arabia's increased oil production and don't want anyone muscling in on their oil profits.":

Response: Yes it is a war over money, the terrorists wanting the money so Islam can rule the world.

1.0591 "Most New Yorkers know that bombing Iraq, just like bombing Afghanistan, is not going to bring back our loved ones or protect us from further attacks.":

Response: It's plain to see you have not interviewed "most New Yorkers", and are making this up.

1.0592 "Most of the people in his Cabinet and Administration were his father's friends and included those who had wanted to continue the war" and  "The horrible events of September 11, 2001, shocked everyone.":

Response: Why was it so shocking since "you stopped" the US from taking any action against Saddam?

1.0593 "Pentagon officials think it's unlikely that Hussein will launch any chemical or biological weapons in response to a U.S. attack.":

Response: Saddam has nothing to lose this time, so it is likely.

1.0594 "Remember: there is absolutely no connection between Iraq and the September 11th terrorists":

Response: It is obvious you have not verified that ignorant statement.

1.0595 "Saddam Hussein has just backed off. He's agreed to a diplomatic solution and has agreed to let United Nations weapon inspectors back in. ...U.S. officials said that they were about to attack…":

Response: And you still protest the only language the Saddam's of this world understand?

1.0596 "The Iraqi military is a shambles: it is a "shadow" of the army that invaded Kuwait in 1990 and is so weakened that it does not pose a threat to neighboring countries.":

Response: How does that have any bearing on Saddam slipping the Osama's of the world a little if this poison gas and a little of that biological agent?

1.0597 "The likeliest targets of a U.S. air strike are those facilities already under U.N. inspection and the bombing would most likely destroy the monitoring equipment now in place.":

Response: It is my hunch that this is uninformed drivel.

1.0598 "The Persian Gulf War in 1991 ended in a stalemate between Iraq and the international forces led by the United States and the first President George Bush.":

Response: Wrong. The US achieved it's self-limited goal of getting Saddam out of Kuwait.

1.0599 "The real world requires diplomacy, negotiating with people you don't trust, de-escalating rhetoric.":

Response: Chamberlain said the same thing concerning Hitler in the 1930's.

1.0600 "The real world requires diplomacy, negotiating with people you don't trust, de-escalating rhetoric.":

Response: How can you listen to or trust a dictator who's power is built on lies and deception? Why do you think satellite TV is banned in Iraq and the newspapers are state-run? So Saddam can pump his own distortions into the Iraqi people unchallenged. Only a boob would trust an Iraqi official statement. You fail to see the obvious.

1.0601 "The U.S. and Britain are getting rich off of Saudi Arabia's increased oil production and don't want anyone muscling in on their oil profits. It is in the economic interest of the U.S. and Britain to maintain Iraqi sanctions indefinitely and their foreign policy seems to be to set off periodic crises with Iraq.":

Response: Aren't you calling for extending the sanctions yourself rather than removing Saddam? Then you turn around and say it's all a US/British economic conspiracy. You speak in duplicity.

1.0602 "The U.S. and Britain are getting rich off of Saudi Arabia's increased oil production and don't want anyone muscling in on their oil profits. It is in the economic interest of the U.S. and Britain to maintain Iraqi sanctions indefinitely and their foreign policy seems to be to set off periodic crises with Iraq.":

Response: The US and Britain are not getting oil profits. How do you think Middle East totalitarian oil regimes are so rich?

1.0603 "There are plenty of countries with even more lethal nuclear weapons, including the U.S., Russian, the Ukraine, China, France, Britain, South Africa, India, and Pakistan. Most notably, Israel ...Yet the United Nations and U.S. Presidents have never proposed bombing Israel or any of the other countries for their weapons of mass destruction. There is very much a double-standard going on with regards to Iraq.":

Response: So you propose the US attack all these nations at once?  You have twisted logic.  The US has to evaluate countries on a case-by-case basis.  In Iraq's case, the threat is clear. Saddam has kicked out the weapons inspectors, and is playing games now. If all countries were exactly the same, then you would have your double-standard, but all countries are not even remotely the same, so your logic (drivel) fails.

1.0604 "They (the US) had wanted to install a U.S. government in Iraq":

Response: It is my hunch that this statement is glib and uninformed.

1.0605 "They're (US Administration) whining that now they have to once again work with the U.N. and with Iraqi officials.  …Why is the Administration so upset? It's because they have no real policy in the Gulf. ...they had no long- or mid-term vision for what these people were going to do after (removing Saddam from power)":

Response: After Saddam is gone and Iraqis are once again allowed to pursue peace and prosperity without the specter of being "identified as a traitor even before they are one" (Saddam's quote) and killed by such a crazed and paranoid dictator, and the easy link between Saddam and Osamaites curtailed, then I don't care if the US packs up and goes home.

1.0606 "This (the US not attacking Saddam militarily) should be cause for rejoicing. Blood won't have to be shed…":

Response: You mean "blood will continue to be shed by Saddam on the Iraqi people".  If you can rejoice about that, then you are sick.

1.0607 "We must stop war and we must stop all cause of war.":

Response: You are doing a piss-poor job of it by only attacking the US. What about your terrorist friends you remain silent about on your pages? Weren't they the ones who openly declared war first (based on their twisted logic) and were firing the first shots even before Sept. 11? Do you think they will not seek support from Saddam or anyone with money and power and who hates the US, just because they are secular? Did you not hear your Muslim fundamentalist friend's proverb "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? That makes the religions fundamentalists and Saddam friends.

1.0608 "why war," "why now." To ask who gets rich when oil flows get disrupted.":

Response: Oil prices dropped from $35/barrel to $10/barrel after the gulf war, so how can it be about oil?

1.0609 "With the support of many Americans, President Bush started a war in Afghanistan":

Response: Wrong. Bush took their already declared war on the US to them.


North Korea "US Aggression":

Response: It is not US "aggression" but US "responsibility" to separate CMM's (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons from evil regimes that are inclined to deal with the mad international terrorist organizations and insane individuals.


Omar: "America is evil.":

Let's look in the media and categorically identify the goods and evils of America. They must both be counted and weighed. Omar self-servingly counts only the bad, when there is much more good than bad in America.


Omar: "If you (his Taliban and supporters) stop fighting, you will be like chickens with you heads cut off and fall into the ditch and die.":

That is exactly what will happen to the Taliban once it's evil leadership is captured.


Omar: "I'll never be a part of a foreign-backed evil government.":

He already is part of both in the Taliban - an evil, murderous, repressive government composed of international killers for hire financed by a rich, exiled Saudi madman.


Omar: "The Afghans will never accept the murderous communist generals who are being imposed on them by foreign powers.":

 (1) It seems Omar does not know the Afghan people, judging by the people of Kabul dancing in the streets after his Taliban was driven away. (2) He is ignorantly referring to the Soviet past, and wholly lacking in secular education. The US is not a Communist State.


Pakistani's: 50,000 Pakistanis want holy war with the US:

Response: It is completely unfair and just plain prejudiced to side with a regime that kills 43,000 of it's own civilians every year while wanting to go to war with a country that has such a high regard for civilian lives of a different faith and their property. Unfair and prejudiced? These 50,000 Pakistani's are just plain insane, not to mention evil, and obviously ignorant and arrogant on top of it all.


Panama and Leftist Crap

Note: there is plenty of other leftist crap pertaining to the "U.S. belligerence in Panama",  Just search "Panama, US, Invasion" instead of "Panama, US, Noreiga" and you'll get more leftist drivel rather than the objective truth.":


Peaceniks "We're only concerned about Iraqi citizens and the safety of our troops":

Response: Peaceniks are self-absorbed and (1) do not care about Iraqi citizens, or they would not want to keep Saddam in power, and (2) do not care about the safety of our troops because their protests only embolden the barbaric US enemies.



Fail to realize their enemies are not peaceniks, and never will be, after all the crimes against humanity they've committed rising to power.



It if folly to think that unilateral pacifism works in the face of despotic aggression and ambitions.



The US itself has not remained unified by peace alone, as evidenced by it's Civil War. The world can thank Lincoln for making the US bulwark against 20th Century despotism possible in the first place. Maybe he foresaw all of it.


Peaceniks: "Are you (the hawk) going to wave the American flag and lead the charge over the hill?:

Response: I served my country. Did you (probably not)? I was ready during those years to do just that. What were you doing? Were you a pot-smoking deadweight?


Person from France: "Trying to impose a governance system (western-style democracy) and values on the entire Middle East is a very naive thing to do.":

Response: Tell that to the Iraqi civilians Saddam is holding hostage and methodically murdering.


Person from India: "Let us remember no one in Iraq invited the U.S. and U.K. forces, so it is not even a question of liberation. It is pure invasion.":

Response: How about beginning with 4,000,000 exiled Iraqis who tell us if anyone in Iraq speaks out against Saddam they are murdered?


Person from India: "US forces should fight Saddam's military on ground face to face instead of killing innocent men, women and children by bombarding single city with more than 5000 bombs. It seems only American and British lives and psyche is precious and rest of the world's population is worthless and deserves to die.":

Response: What kind of crap is the mass media feeding the Indians?  Saddam's military does not want to fight the US face to face, they are hiding in civilian neighborhoods. Saddam's primary weapons are war crimes that endanger innocents, murder of his civilian population, and fabrications sent to mass media to shape the weak-minded.


Person from Pakistan: "A giant versus a pygmy - is that a fair match? The war is between unequals, so what is the US and its coalition gloating over?":

Response: Another naive misconception. I do not see the US gloating. I see a Pakistani who's culture is infuse with gloating assuming the US is gloating. And our Pakistani completely ignores the good/bad nature of the war, and if he didn't, he sees Saddam as good just because he is fighting the US.


Person from South Africa: "I wonder what innocent Iraqi's, many of whom will perish before this conflict is over, will say when you ask them to sacrifice their lives so that Americans can live in peace and security.":

Response: They will say "Thank You for removing Saddam and his thugs. Now my children can pursue peace and prosperity without Saddam and his thug army stealing the immense wealth of Iraq's oil fields and letting us starve."


Person from UK: "However, it sickens me that Bush can walk onto a podium, with trumpets sounding in celebration, to deliver the latest 'developments' in the war. Since when has war been cause for celebration?":

Response: When it throws off the yokes of repression, or have the liberals erased the tyranny of Hitler from UK history books?


Person from UK: "Seizing Iraq is the easy part (though it seems much less easy than Bush and Blair promised us a week ago). What will be difficult will be keeping a lid on a nation of 27 million angry people, all nursing many valid grudges against the forces of occupation.":

Response: Another naive casualty of the Iraq (Mis-)Information Ministry, Al Jazeera, and the political left.  There will be 27 million relieved Iraqis, and 1 million sorry Saddam thugs.


Person from UK: "What is the problem with docking and driving aid in from Kuwait which isn't very far away? This sounds like the allied forces are delaying aid in order to present the media with the opportunity of witnessing the glorious allied forces delivering aid through the newly "liberated" Iraqi port.":

Even US antiwar arguments are far less naive than what the rest of the world is spewing out, this one case in point. Response: (1) Saddam has mined his harbor. Would you like tomorrow's headlines to read "Humanitarian Aid Ship Sunk by Saddam Mine"? (2) Ships are dangerously navigating through the minefield in regard for Iraqi civilians. (3) Where is Saddam's humanitarian aid to his civilians? Where is Saddam's regard for his civilians?  No one ever asks that question, because they know Saddam is the one causing the hardships by bombing them, starving them, and cutting off their water supplies. (4) and presenting the media with false information and staged deceptions is the Iraq Information Ministry's  #1 job. Where is any mention of that?


Person in Russia: "America and Britain, though strange it may seem, have made the dictator Saddam the real liberator of Iraq and its people."

Response: Yes, that is too strange to be even close to reality. Please elaborate on how Saddam is the real liberator of Iraq and it's people- by cutting of water to Basra? By bombing civilians in Basra? By executing people chanting anti-Saddam slogans? I know the answer, it's by feeding deceptions and lies to the mass media to deceive the weak-minded in other countries.


Person in UK: "The more I look at it, the more I think that America is a desperately proud nation, due for a very big fall. They're just getting too big for their boots."

Response: At least America has principles they are brave enough to fight for, principles and courage that most of the world lacks.


Person in UK: "This war is not going to be won. There are 5 million Iraqis in Baghdad who blatantly do not want to be 'liberated'.":

Response: Person in UK is another naive casualty of the Iraq (Mis-)Information Ministry, which routinely uses mass media to spread deceptions, like the Baghdadians love Saddam.  They will chant anti-US slogans in the street as long as Saddam's detectives are doing their jobs.


Person in UK: "We didn't take on this huge burden with our coalition partners not to be able to have significant, dominating control over how it unfolds in the future," And all they said they wanted is to replace Saddam and ensure the civilians enjoy the wealth of their nation, now an addendum - as long as it suits US needs.":

Response: So you are perhaps implying the US's needs do not include your needs? You are blind and wrong.


Peter Jennings: "Baghdad will be bombed by the US (and many civilians killed by the US)":

Response: He shows a complete lack of concern for the Iraqis currently being killed by Saddam, while he feasts in his dozens of palaces, and the wholesale mass-murder of civilian populations terrorist organizations are plotting with the aid of Saddam, and a complete lack of admittance that the US targets military units and installations, and that it is not in US policy to kill civilian populations, nor was it in World War II (it was the British's idea, even after it did not work for the Germans against them). Jennings thinks that to be liberal is to be popular, and to be popular is to be employed.


Post-War Iraq: "Why send US sons and daughters to Iraq to set it up?":

Response: A liberating country, to fulfill its mission, must bring peace to the liberated country. Iraq has no choice but to be peaceful.


Proud Muslim: "Are guerilla resistances forming behind US lines?" (as if the US were an unwanted invader):

Ask "What in the world would the guerilla be fighting for?  Maybe you can enlighten me? To keep Saddam his dictator (I doubt it, unless they were a part of his crimes)?  I can assure you if it is actual civilians it would be due to anti-US brainwashing from Saddam or Mad Mullahs.  If there were guerillas, do you think there judgment is impaired by living a life under a mind-controlling totalitarian regime?


Putin: "World is better off without Saddam, but the illegitimate use of force is also bad.":

Response: (1) Force was legitimate. (2) The UN is corrupted and defeated itself. (3) Looks like Bush's gut instinct was better that all the UN debates.


Richard Reid: "The US has supported the rape and torture of Muslims in the prisons of Egypt, Turkey, Syria, and Jordan with their money and weapons.":

What Muslims do to Muslims is beyond the US. Also, with this logic, the US has the right to wipe out the Muslim world for the way Christians are treated there, or simply because their governments are corrupt.


Richard Reid: "We are Soldiers":

You are renegades from God and all nations. You are criminally insane cowards who prey on unarmed people who are pursuing peace and prosperity.


Richard Reid: "You will be judged by Allah":

Hypocrite. If he believes that, why did he try to take justice into his own hands?


Robert Farrakhan "America will head toward destruction" (if it attacks Iraq):

Response: Mere speculation, and not likely.  It is more likely America will give a nation a new beginning, freeing it from the yoke of a terrible political system. Iraq will have a choice between pursuing peace, prosperity, knowledge and compassion, or following the path of ignorance, repression, and violence that fundamentalist Islam represents. It is ultimately their choice after Bush leaves (and may they reap the consequences of either).


Robert Farrakhan "decried US plans to attack Iraq".:

Response: Farrakhan fails to realize that peace is not a unilateral phenomenon, and that every one of his statements should include his equal "decrying" of what his Muslim buddies are doing to each other and planning to do to the rest of the world. I fail to hear that in his speeches, making his statements one-sided, therefore with ulterior motives, and thus not worth listening to.


Robert Farrakhan "George W. Bush is leading the nation into darkness.":

Response: This is mere cowardly speculation.  Contrary, the only person in the dark about the benefits of deposing Saddam Hussein and giving the Iraqi people a chance to bring him and his regime to justice is Farrakhan himself.


Robert Farrakhan "The blind (Bush) leading the blind (Americans)":

Response: This is equally fitting as the blind (Farrakhan) leading the blind (his audience), whose false sense of security comes from their forgetting that terrorists do not distinguished racially between their targets. This is as example of someone (Farrakhan) biting the hand that protects him (Bush) from the Saddam's and Kim Jong Il's of the world.


Robert Muhammad "Farrakhan's words are meant to bring people together in the name of peace.":

Response: It looks to me like being together with "Whity" is the last thing these Brothers want.  It appears they became Muslim to spite "Whity". Farrakhan also appears to be willing to team up with anybody to bring down "Whity", including the dictators in Libya and Iraq, which he has recently visited.  Lastly, it is not hard to see that Min. Farrakhan's words are completely lost on and ridiculed by his terrorist and dictator friends, who have and do not in any way, shape, or form believe in peace, especially with pampered peaceniks, Muslim wannabe's, and anyone else they can dominate.


Russia is putting U.S. troops at risk in Iraq by selling antitank guided missiles, jamming devices and night-vision goggles to Baghdad, the Bush administration said Monday in a growing rift with Moscow.  President Bush raised the issue in a tense telephone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who in turn charged that the United States was creating ``a humanitarian catastrophe'' in Iraq.

Sad to say, Bush's points are fact, Putin's mere conjecture, and erroneous at that.


Russian: "America is killing thousands of innocent people around the world every year and more and more people want revenge. i think sep 11th was just the beginning.…"

You get your information from the Iraqi Mis-Information Ministry, Kim Jong Il, Castro, and every other lying totalitarian brainwashing regime on earth, including ex-Soviet Party members.  In Asia they called the US a "bully" back in the 60's. Now, looking at the horrible state of North Korea, it looks like the US wasn't "bully" enough to save the North Koreans from that abomination of a political system, or the millions of Chinese intellectuals and professionals murdered by Mao, or you ignorant Russians from decades of living like zombie slaves under Stalin.



Realize that Saddam will try to destroy as much of Iraq and it's unarmed citizens as he can, just as he did when he was losing grip on Kuwait.



Says he's going to use the weapons he tells the weapons inspectors he does not have.  He in effect has just inadvertently revealed that he has them and is not going to let the inspectors find them.



Using the Stalinist trick of throwing civilian lives away in order to stay in power, and then fooling the outside world by hiding or denying it.


Saddam: "Iraq has huge capabilities and throughout history, Iraqis never allowed foreigners to stay on their homeland.":

It contributes to a dictator's weakness in logic and in senses that he is never questioned, for example this statement, which he spouts in spite of the no-fly zone enforced by foreigners. To call Saddam a madman would be accurate.


Saddam: "U.S. in Afghanistan is like the U.S.S.R. in Afghanistan.":

There are only minor similarities. We all know what Saddam's ulterior motives are - hurting the U.S. as much as possible by any means, even disinformation. It is luck for the U.S. that he is so weak-minded. Brutal, but weak-minded.


Saddam: "US is criminal, Bush is an assassin":

He who lives in glass houses (Saddam the criminal assassin) should not throw stones.


Saddam: "US is trying to exterminate Iraq.":

Response: No, but I'm sure Al Jazeera will try to get the entire Muslim world to believe that.


Saddam: "US is trying to exterminate Iraq.":

Response: No, it is going to free Iraq from you.


Saddam: said the Americans have no right to attack Iraq ``and every one of them, from the top down to the smallest soldier, is coming as an aggressor with ambitions.'':

Saddam exposes the motives he had in Kuwait here, being aggression and ambition.


Salih Booker: referring with derision the "US checkbook diplomacy during the Cold War":

Response: Only a selfish, petty, ungrateful moron like Salih fails to appreciate what the Cold War was all about in the first place, his mind being poisoned by the anti-US propaganda of manipulating totalitarian regimes.  "Checkbook diplomacy" was absolutely necessary in such an evil world back then, where there were only 8 democratic countries in the world. What Salih is implying is that the US should have allowed more abominations like North Koreas to have developed in the world.  Then he could blame the US for not being "bully" enough to stop them.


Savage Areas of the World:

Response: Prejudice is stronger that acts of kindness, as evidenced by the hatred of the US in savage lands.


Scott Burchill "According to William Blum a "veritable witch's brew of biological materials were exported to Iraq by private American suppliers.":

Response: And still you and your pasty liberal weenies believe Saddam when he says he doesn't have anything.


Scott Burchill "At the time, the Reagan Administration tried to prevent criticism of Saddam's chemical attack on the Kurds.":

Response: You're crying in your liberal dictator-loving beer. Bush is President now.


Scott Burchill "George Bush's father authorized new loans to Saddam.":

Response: You're crying in your liberal dictator-loving beer. Bush Jr. is President now.


Scott Burchill "If Washington and London are genuinely concerned about Iraq's WMD, why did they continue to supply him with the means to acquire them for 18 months after the attack on Halabja?:

Response: The answer to that is easy, two words: Cold War.


Scott Burchill "Iraq had chemical and biological weapons during the Gulf War in 1991 and chose not to use them. Why would Saddam Hussein be more inclined to use them now knowing the horrendous consequences? AS CIA head George Tenet reminded President George W. Bush, Saddam was unlikely to launch WMD against the US unless the survival of his regime was threatened.":

Response: So the US is supposed to wait until Saddam becomes desperate and he launches an attack against the US just like he did against a neutral Israel during the gulf war?


Scott Burchill "loyal servants of state power within the fourth estate who will be reliable conduits for opinion management…(by the US)":

Response: There is no opinion management going on here other that Scott Burchell's. The "fourth estate", comprising mainly of former Soviet satellites, know a thug when they see one, and do not try to justify them, have sympathy for them, or appease them as Scott Burchell is doing.


Scott Burchill "Not surprisingly, hawks do not explain how Saddam could blackmail the United States and its allies when a rival superpower like the Soviet Union [with 40,000 nuclear weapons] never seriously attempted to blackmail Washington, much less did it.":

Response: The Soviets were more civilized than Saddam and Muslim terrorists, though not by much.


Scott Burchill "We are discouraged from seeing things from Iraq's point of view, but in many ways WMD make sense for vulnerable states.":

Response: (1) Iraq? It is actually "Saddam's" point of view. Iraqis have no say. (2) Now Saddam is a "vulnerable" state.


Scott Burchill "Why wouldn't Iraq develop WMD for deterrence purposes given threats by Washington and London?":

Response: Now he is an apologist for Saddam.


Scott Burchill, lecturer in international relations "If you want to deter the war addicts in Washington, you'd better have weapons of mass destruction and resources of terror.":

Response: Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, and resources of terror, and it is precisely why the US is taking military action.


Scott Ritter: "Bush has a West-Texas mentality.":

Response: Scott thinks he has a point here. I think Scott needs a good West-Texas kick in the ass.  Scott is focusing on the actions of Bush while completely ignoring the actions of Saddam, in a completely unbalanced argument, from obviously an unbalance state of mind.


Scott Ritter: "The US assassinated, executed Saddam without due process, which is a crime in itself.":

Response: A leader of the military, including Bush, is a legitimate military target, and a kangaroo court is not necessary. Thank God Scott Ritter is not running things, or Saddam would get off because he wasn't read his rights, in the twisted manner of the present American justice system.


Scott Ritter: "Where are the weapons? We found 90-95% of Saddam's weapons.":

Response: (1) If you didn't know how much Saddam had in the first place, how can you put a percentage on what you found? (2) Where is the other 5 to 10%, and how many civilians could that kill in the hands of mass-murdering Muslim terrorist? (3) As head of the first Iraq Weapons Inspection Team, I think Scott is creating cruel distortions in trying not to look bad.


Senator Tom Daschle: "Bush failed diplomatically which lead to war":

Tell me, Tom, how do you deal diplomatically with a murderous dictator entrenched in perpetual power and allies nations afraid to do what is necessary to confront him?


Shiite: "Saddam is in Baghdad. Why is the US attacking Shiites in the South? US doesn't want Shiites to unite.":

Response: US is attacking Shiites in the South who are a part of Saddam and the Baath Party's regime and who routinely kill civilians to keep Saddam and the Baath Party in power and modeled on Stalin's Soviet Union.


Shiite: "The US has to convey it is not staying forever here."

Response: Forever like Saddam and the Baath Party, no doubt. The Shiite should have no fear of that, only of democracy, education, and freedom, and the pursuit of peace and prosperity.


Shiite: "US wants to set up a puppet regime that recognizes Israel and pushes Western views on people."

Response: What this Shiite wants to do is run around with his Kalishnikov and rule with his religions tyranny, and sees democracy as an enemy.



Views have been manipulated by anti-US Baath Party-owned media.


some fear anti-American resentment in the Arab… There is a high risk that Iraq could become a symbol of Arab and Muslim resistance to the United about arms caches and guerrilla attacks in Iraq are worrisome...

Response: (1) Boo-hooy doom 'n gloom hand-wringing weenie liberal talk, if I ever heard it. (2) Let me counter it with a quote from a Middle East Muslim: "The only thing Muslims in the Middle East understand is strength." Now do you think such Muslims will respect the boo-hooy doom 'n gloom hand-wringing weenie liberal who never spent a day in the military? Heck no.


Stop the Bombing":

Consider who the target is, those who target and bomb US civilians. It is the government's duty to bomb them. The Muslims have declared war on the US and have proclaimed that Allah has directed them to destroy the US. The US is being very restrictive in their response, targeting only the most criminally insane in the Muslim world.


Strike against war, for without you no battles can be fought! -Helen Keller

Response: Again, this does not work if only one side abides by it, such as the US in the face of terrorist aggression.


Suhail Shaneen: "The Human Rights Organizations are remaining silent while watching the bloodshed of innocent people at the hands of the Northern Alliance.":

Cheap, unverified propaganda. He also has no room to talk after all the atrocities he's remained silent on during the Taliban's abuse of power.


Syed Tayyab Agha: "You should forget about Sept. 11… there is a new fight against Muslims and Islam… by global terrorists America and Britain… they are killing our people daily.":

Cheap false propaganda.  Fewer and fewer people are listening to an evil regime's deceiving propaganda from the likes of Agha and Tarik Aziz. Their statements used to send hordes of ignorant Muslims into the streets in protest against America. Now it seems they aren't so ignorant anymore, and are more resistant to the cheap mind control tricks used by totalitarian regimes who control the media.


Syria: "What logic allows the US to arm Israel with CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons while ignoring the Muslim world, while Israel occupies Arab lands?":

Response: Israel is the only democracy in the region, and is under constant threat of attack by totalitarian Muslim nations who side with the Palestinians who do not want to share their land with the Jews who've lived there as long as anybody. Israel occupies militarily important positions that their Arab neighbors used to attack and bomb Israel from. I don't blame them for continued occupation as long as the present generation of Arab leaders remain in power. Israel needs what it has to protect it's culture of peace and prosperity against the Madness of the Muslim world, while Arabs want those weapons for world threatening and world domination.


Taliban Leader:  "U.S. attack is a terrorist attack". :

The only people in terror are the terrorist Taliban leaders. Also the U.S. did not sneak into their country and commit suicide attacks against peaceful civilian establishments.


Taliban Leaders: Mullah Mohammad Omar: "bin Laden couldn't have been involved because there are no flight training schools in Afghanistan". :

He is not only illogical and a liar by virtue of attempted deception, but he is weak in mind if he expects to fool anyone with that illogic - that flight training can only be done in Afghanistan or nowhere.



The Afghans are setting up their radio and television stations again, shaving off their beards, hiring women, and listening to music. Are these Muslims (and they are Muslims) "evil"? Is this the doing of "America"? According to the Taliban, they are and it is, and has nothing to do with human evolution, which it does. What would the Taliban have done to these Muslims? One can only shudder to think.


Taliban: "Come down out of the sky and fight like men." :

What morons. The US is fighting like men. It is the Taliban who are ignorant, violent children.  They just want to see the enemy that will send them to their imaginary martyrdom, it is an earthly desire, and hypocritical to their cause.


Taliban: Banned Omar Interview: "America cannot beat us." :

He keeps going back and forth on the state of the Muslim world - in despair or in defiance. This is what American Liberal over-tolerance has helped create - self-deluded murderous meglomaniacal despots in far-off, distant, starving uneducated countries.


Taliban: Banned Omar Interview: "America has created the evil that is attacking it.":

 So now he (read Muslim) takes no responsibility for his (Read Islam's) evil actions. A childish ploy.


Taliban: Banned Omar Interview: "If someone follows the path of Islam, the (US backed) government arrests him, tortures him or kills him. This is the doing of America.":

 True brainwashing. In reality if someone follows anything other that their brand of Islam, then their own particular Islamic regime arrests them, tortures them, and kills them, like the true barbarians they are. America does not do this to Muslims even in it's own country, where many Muslims live free of such political oppression. Ormar is full of propaganda aimed at the ignorant which he wishes to lead into violence.


Taliban: Banned Omar Interview: "If we give up Osama, Islam is finished.":

Read "Omar" is finished.


Taliban: Banned Omar Interview: "The US should stop trying to impose it's empire on the rest of the world.":

In fact it is Omar who is trying to impose a Taliban empire on the rest of the world. Just look at how he is brainwashing poor Pakistani children, to "Spread Islam throughout the world and gouge the American's eyes out." (I quote a child of their school.)


Taliban: Banned Omar Interview:: "America has taken Islam hostage.":

Correction: Corrupt, ignorant Islamic leaders like Omar are trying to take Islam hostage, being afraid of the Age of Reason.


Tarik Aziz "We have higher principles than the West":

Response: Iraq set fire to Kuwaiti oil fields, causing an ecological disaster. The West refrained from doing the same to Iraqi oil fields out of concern for the ecology. Therefore the West has higher principles, and therefore Tarik is not only a liar, but an outrageous one.


Tarik Aziz: "Just leave us alone.":

The US did that to terrorist organizations, and look what happened.


Tarik Aziz: "Other countries all laugh at Bush's "With us or against us" statement." "We are not going to attack anyone." "We have higher principles than the US, and do not make bedfellows with our enemies."  "We will let you inspect our arsenal if you inspect Israel's arsenal for NBC weapons.":

If the US has no response to these statements it is weak in the head. Let me help: Saddam's killing Iraqi's to stay in power is higher-principled that the US? No. Do not make bedfellows - isn't it the Muslim proverb "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? "We are not going to attack anyone".  Iraq will attack anyone as soon as it has the means. What about their attacking Iran, Kuwait, and Israel? "If you inspect Israel's arsenal?" Israel has no ambitions beyond their borders. Iraq is an imperial nation. To the Tariks of the world, truth means nothing, and the US government has not possessed the faculties to respond. It's playground and street rules to side with the witty over the witless. The US government has to get it's wits about them.


Tarik: "Just leave us alone.":

Alone to vengefully spread anthrax throughout the world. Alone to plan vengeance on America.


Tariq Aziz: ``The accusations of Mr. Bush in his statement last night are baseless, simply baseless,'' Aziz said in an ABC interview.:

A liar describes himself when attacking others. In other words, much of what Aziz says is baseless, simply baseless.


Terrorism Today:

Definition: Holding mass populations hostage and then murdering them in order to obtain an evil political or personal end.


Terrorist: "We are suffering. We don't care if we blow ourselves up.":

They are attacking the only country that can help them - the US.  Their suffering is self-induced, and caused by their cultural values that do not value education and daily work.


Terrorists, Mad Mullah's, and Muslim Dictators:

Routinely pervert God's will.



Are hypocritical - using the very technology they deem evil - cell phones, satellite communications, airliners.



Die over twisted ideas.



Do not pursue the path of dialog. They instead, in their ignorance and pride, pursue their own shameful madness.  That's why they are so eager to kill themselves, to avoid the shame of their madness.



don't abide by the fact that in a free country an individual must exercise a higher degree of international responsibility than someone living in a totalitarian state.



Feel they are not bound by moral principles, because they would be weakened.



Mistakenly thought they were attacking an Icon of American commerce in the World Trade Center. Instead they were attacking an icon of international cooperation. People from 60+ nations worked there, in a country with almost infinite freedoms for it's citizens and guests.



The terrorists takes justice into their own hands (the first criminal step toward anarchy). They have no respect for any government or religion. They also take pleasure in their work, and so block out all opposing facts. Anyone could see that to redress their grievances that could employ a sue-happy American law firm and push their cause in American courts. Instead they prefer death, violence, and destruction due in part to ignorance of the law and in part to the orgasmic pleasure they get from causing death and destruction - lacking electronic toys, it's their action video game.



There are many Muslim citizens of the United States who practice their faith in political tolerance. Therefore the United States is a partially Muslim country, therefore they are killing Muslims for Islam.



They say they are willing to die. What they're too embarrassed to say is that they are willing to indiscriminately kill others.


Terrorists: "Why didn't the US attack the Soviets when they threatened the world?"

The Soviets were more civilized that the current sneaky murderous Muslim madness.


The "Madness of the Muslim World" Defined:

Political totalitarianism, religious centricism/fatalism, and a lack of a grip on reality through poor education.


The voice of a tempered capitalistic vulture: "Global trade rules should guide any awarding of contracts in the rebuilding of Iraq.":

Response: Alternate voice: "Let Iraqis rebuild Iraq, and get honest help when needed."


This is the way of peace. Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love. -Peace Pilgrim:

Response: Nice, but doesn't apply in the US's war of terrorism, when murder has been committed. The terrorists have committed mass murder already out of false claims that the US has caused mass deaths in the Muslim world.


Those who  think Biden should refrain from commenting on military strategy ("mano-e-mano statement)...  neither understand the American form of government nor that military activity always has a political side.":

Response: I read the Vietnam debacle and not the success of Desert Storm, and the LBJ/McNamara micromanaging travesty in Vietnam and not the successful Bush, Sr.'s "Define a clear goal and  keep thy political hands off" approach.


Tony Blair Interview: "Accusations from the audience of hypocrisy in his demonization of Iraq above other "rogue" nations.":

Response: First you are against war, now you want to attack all rogue nations at once?


Tony Blair Interview: "Before any military action you will seek another U.N. resolution specifically authorizing the use of force?":

Response: (Assuming there is not one already, in which the answer should be "no", because one is enough) Yes. But let's say they do not authorize it. Is there still an easy link between the arsenal of Saddam and the terrorist organization that have declared war on and attacked the US? Yes. Is there any other means of severing that link? No. Can the U.N. be reasonably overruled? Yes, reason should rule.


Tony Blair Interview: "How much greater the threat of terrorism might be if there was an armed conflict":

Response: That is a possibility. The opposite is also possible, in that once it is seen that the US's intentions are pure, many terrorists organizations will have no moral justifications on which to continue their operations against the free world.


Tony Blair Interview: "I don't share any confidence that people are behind you at the moment.":

Then the people cannot see the threat. Let me explain. What is to prevent a piece of Saddam's mass destruction arsenal from passing to the hands of suicidal murderous madmen who you generously refer to as terrorists? How many of you can say that has not been happening all along?  Better for Britain's leader to err on the safe side in such a matter.


Tony Blair Interview: "Iraq is not the foremost threat":

Response: The war on terror involves many steps, it is now time for this step, to hold this dictator to the fire.


Tony Blair Interview: "One questioner called the prime minister "the right honorable member [of Parliament] for north Texas" and "Mr. Vice President.":

Response: Are you saying the US is wrong and Saddam is right? If not, then are you proposing I contest the US on principle, without any thought of right and wrong?


Tony Blair Interview: "One questioner called the prime minister "the right honorable member [of Parliament] for north Texas" and "Mr. Vice President.":\

Response: We can go back and forth all day calling each other names, for example you are an ignorant baboon, and I'm ashamed to have you as a countryman.


Tony Blair Interview: "Since Sept. 11, obviously, the United States has been aggressive to Afghanistan and Iraq. Where does it stop and who's next, and does it mean we'll be tagging along on Mr. Bush's shirttails all the time?":

Response: If it is not obvious to you who is in the right here, the US, Saddam, or the terrorists, then wake up now.


Tony Blair Interview: "Whether Tony Blair would go to war without the support of the British people.":

Response: To be against the threat of war in this case is to turn a blind eye to the suffering a dictator does to his people, and the danger a dictator is to the rest of the world, in Saddam's case his easy link with mindless terrorism.


Tony Blair Interview: "Whether Tony Blair would go to war without the support of the British people.":

Response: Yes, it is abundantly clear the intentions of the US are pure. As for the British population being against their government going to war, that is reassuring. It should also be a message to terrorists who mindlessly target such people. It is also sad, and the British population is sadly turning a blind to, the fact that the people in Iraq do not the freedom to voice such opposition or to make their leader answer hard, reasonable, and compassionate questions before acting.


Tony Blair Interview: "Why Britain didn't stick to a policy of trying to 'contain and deter' Iraq":

Response: If there were any other way to sever the easy link between Saddam's arsenal and terrorist organizations, I would do it. Any suggestions?  Saddam passes the effects of sanctions on to his people anyway.  He still has his dozens of palaces.


Tony Blair Interview: "Why Britain wasn't continuing a policy of containing and deterring Iraq through sanctions":

Response: Sanctions will not prevent poison gasses, anthrax, smallpox, and nuclear material from being passed from Saddam to the suicidal mass murderers you generously refer to as terrorists.


Tony Blair Interview: On war with Iraq: "Where does it all end?":

Response: Be more specific. When does WHAT all end? You ask this question as if to assume what the US is doing is somehow wrong. Can you not distinguish good from evil anymore, especially when it is as blatant as in the case of Iraq? If you cannot, you are part, and most likely the cause of terrorist hate, and give justification to all the totalitarian regimes in the world.


U.S. Muslim Sympathizers Quote: "Why is the U.S. trying to create hate against the Palestinian people?":

Typical US-fashion-bashing liberal, does not address the other side of the coin, Palestine's state-induced hate of the United States for getting in the way of their dominating Palestine.  Also hate in the United States towards Palestine is well founded, as well as restrained.


UN - China: "Peace needed for a long-term investment in human development":

Response: Unfortunately peace is not a unilateral phenomenon, and while the madness of the Muslim world conducts war, the US cannot create peace by itself through pacifistic means.


UN "Applying pressure on all sides will work with Saddam":

Response: That is a farce. Pressure from any other side other than military force is being made possible only through the immediate and expensive threat of military force. It is not fair that the US has to sit there and fund the diplomatic games it's allies are dabbling in for their own aggrandizement and without any regard for Iraqi or American civilian populations.


UN "Cost of delay less than the cost of war":

The UN can't logically be referring to the present situation of a Saddam-terrorist link, both of whom the Iraqi and American people are paying huge costs for delay, and if Saddam slips terrorist one of his CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents or weapons, will pay with their lives.


UN "Multi-lateralism is in the interest of peace":

Response: and at the expense of American civilian populations being exterminated by rogue terrorist organizations with access to CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons held by evil anti-democratic regimes.


UN "Multi-lateralism is in the interest of peace":

Response: But UN is asking the US to wage peace unilaterally. Where is the UN's plea with Mad Muslims?


UN "Nothing to indicate a link between Saddam and Terrorists":

With the Headline "God's Punishment" in reference to the 9/11 attacks, Saddam has shown that he supports terrorism and those who pursue the taking hostage of and the murdering of mass populations in order to achieve evil political and personal ends. There is your link between Saddam and terrorists.


UN "The value of peaceful methods":

Response: Peaceful methods work only when women have political power on both sides of an argument. While women have political power in the Western world, they do not in the Muslim world, so peaceful methods will not work in dealing with the Muslims. This is what Western women, who make up many of the UN's spokesmen, do not perceive.


UN "True global democracy is the only way to promote democracy":

Response: 50 years ago democracy was a small island in the world, with only 8 countries democratized. The civilian populations of the free world cannot wait for global democracy to arrive when there are insane organizations and individuals loose that so desire to commit civilian mass-murder with the CMM agents and weapons in the possession of totalitarian states.


UN "US wants to use military force automatically":

Response: The US has restrained itself for 12 years while Saddam played hide-and-seek with weapons inspectors. There is nothing automatic about it.  In the face of this generation's insane terrorist attacks, the US administration in this generation has a responsibility to act in order to protect it's civilian populations.


UN "War is always a human catastrophe, a failure of intellect to achieve an end":

UN fails to mention that sometimes a nation cannot hide from war, as is the case with the US in the face of Middle East's present generation of madness.  When war is upon one, it is not madness to defend oneself by seeking out the enemy if he then hides and destroying either him or his madness.  War, when done with compassion for those who have done good and justice for those who have done bad, and with intellect, can achieve good ends.


UN Agency: "There will be 100,000 casualties, and the war in Iraq will be a catastrophe of major proportions."

Mere Saddam-comforting "scare" conjectures, conjectures to which I take complete odds against.


UN Catch-22:

The UN wants to prevent military action against Saddam until all diplomatic means are exhausted.  Diplomatic means will only be exhausted when the US exhausts it's funds to keep the military force present in the Middle East that makes diplomatic means, however ineffective that they have been, possible. And when that happens, and the UN calls for military force, the US will not have the funds to take military action, UN having exhausted all means of making Saddam comply with it's resolutions.


UN to US: "Peace, not War":

Response: UN is addressing the wrong side of the combatants. It is the madness of the Muslim world that wants and is conducting war on the US. The UN is afraid to address them out of fear of retribution.



Admits that Saddam violated international law with impunity and has a criminal attitude, yet wants to leave him in power all the while chastising the US as a war-monger for wanting to remove him and destroy his collection of CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons before the insane terrorist organizations who desire to take hostage and murder mass civilian populations get their hands on them.



Allows Saddam to stay in power in hopes that Saddam, an entrenched murderous dictator with many crimes to protect himself from having to account for, and has been in breach on UN resolutions for more than a decade, will suddenly turn around and mend his ways.



Does not want to admit inspections have not and will not work.  They are just fooling themselves, at the peril of Western civilian population centers.



Imploring peace on the US alone, a nation that DOES NOT take murderous retribution on bodies that contest it's will, while avoiding the Mad Totalitarian Muslim Organizations who desire to commit cowardly civilian mass-murder, and who DO take murderous retribution on those who contest their will, is an overt and obvious act of weakness by a collection of small, timid countries who are not brave enough to take on the evils present in their generation.



Pressures the US to wage peace while not addressing the self-proclaimed enemies of the US on their open declarations of war against the US.



The hypocracy of the UN in dealing with Saddam is that their path of not using military force is made possible only by the hammer of military force being held over Saddam's head. If there was any hope of a civilized method succeeding with Saddam before he can slip terrorists some of his CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons, then the members of the UN opposed to the use of military action, not the US or members in favor of military action, should pay for the military force required to make a long, drawn out, and equally uncertain "peaceful" method possible.



Unfairly asking US to act civilized and restrained in the face of Muslim state-induced wanton civilian mass-murder madness.



What kind of organization agrees Saddam is a bad guy, has the means through the US's war on terror to depose him, and argues to let him stay in power? It is an organization made of small countries afraid of the retribution of the madness of the Muslim world, and afraid to stand along side the US and fight it.


Unidentified: "American choose Bush, war choose America,he is hostile, they are hostile too, in fact,amercia destory the twins by themselves.":

Response: As childish as this is, there are millions of adults with childish minds in the world, so these comments need an adult response. Let me try: This goes back to (1) the false propaganda spread by evil totalitarian regimes threatened by US power, freedom for it's citizens, and democracy, and (2) the US's silence on that psychological front.  In today's world, the meek shall be slandered.


US Allies:

Some of the US's so-called allies will side with the Devil in order to diminish the US's presence internationally, even if the US's presence is altruistic and beneficial to all mankind.


US Democratic Senator (hand-wringing weenie) on attacking Iraq "The US shouldn't use it's strength to bully other countries.":

Bullying is not bad in itself, it is a tool too often used by the bad and too little used by the good.  Does the Senator deny the US is in the right, or is he merely afraid to act? Does he deny bullying is used by the Assassin-Dictator he is siding with?


US Democrats on Attacking Iraq "The US should be considerate of what the Russians and French want.":

The French and Russian's views are wholly economical.  The French want to profit from selling nuclear technology to Saddam, and the Russians profit from conventional arms sales to Saddam.


US Hater (50 Questions) "13. How many gallons of Agent Orange did America use in Vietnam?  17 million.":

Response: (a) Who was the aggressor in Vietnam? The enemies of democracy. (b) Who were the communists trying to kill? (c) The defenders of democracy. (c) Where were the communists hiding? In the Jungles. (d) How do you clear a Jungle full of aggressive enemies of the free world? Agent Orange. (e) How many people died in Cambodia as a result of the victory of communism in Vietnam, when the communists then invaded Cambodia? Millions.


US Hater (50 Questions)"3. How much is spent every year on military budgets worldwide?  Over $900 billion.  How much of this is spent by the U.S.?  50%":

Response to 5.: (a) "How did the US defeat the evil Soviet Empire and keep Stalin's successors from exterminating 50-question people?" It out-did it through military development. (b) How did the US out-develop the Soviet Union?" By out-spending them. (c) Why is the US still spending so much on the military? Because of the billions of 50-question people in the world who are brainwashed and brutalized by dictatorial threats and propaganda into thinking the US is bad and Stalin was good.


US Hater (50 Questions)"8. How long has Iraq had chemical and biological weapons? Since the early 1980's.  9. Did Iraq develop these chemical and biological weapons on their own?  No, the materials and technology were supplied by the US government and its allies.  10. Did the US government condemn the Iraqi use of gas warfare against Iran?  No. 11. How many people did Saddam Hussein kill using gas in the Kurdish town of Halabja in 1988?  5,000  12. How many western countries condemned this action at the time?  0":

Response: I don't know the facts about questions 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, but I'm not taking this US-hater's word for it. Nevertheless, true or false, (a) Should Bush not depose Saddam because his predecessors look like hypocrites out of context if you disregard the Cold War and what the communist Soviet leaders wanted to do to the world)? No.  (b) Did the Soviets not invade Afghanistan as part of their world-conquest plan? Yes  (c) Did Iran as a nation chant "Death to America" and embrace a mindless regime even more brutal and repressive than the Shah's? Yes.  (d) Was the US in Iran as part of the Cold War?  YES.  Did the US keep the Middle East, including Iraq and Iran, from becoming Soviet Satellite States, and before that, Nazi subjects? YES.  (e) Would Muslims have survived under either of these superpowers, if it were no for the US? NO.


US Hater (50 Questions): "1. What percentage of the world's population does the U.S. have? ~6%  2. What percentage of the world's wealth does the U.S. have? 50%":

Response to 6: (a) How did the US get 50% of the world's wealth? It created it itself." (b) Who wants to take it? The rest of the world.


US Hater (50 Questions): "14. Are there any proven links between Iraq and the September 11th terrorist attack? No.":

Response: (a) Is this enough reason any more not to topple Saddam and have a peaceful Iraq spending the wealth of the largest oil reserves on earth instead of a certified mad dictator? No.


US Hater (50 Questions): "15." What is the estimated number of civilian casualties in the Gulf War?  35,000.":

Response: (a) If true, how many were caused by Saddam's invasion of Kuwait and his ouster by the US? 100%.


US Hater (50 Questions): "16. How many tons of depleted uranium were left in Iraq and Kuwait after the Gulf War?  40 tons.  17. What according to the UN was the increase in cancer rates in Iraq between 1991 and 1994?  700%

Response: (a) How much of this is Bush's fault? 0%. (b) Who is brave enough to go in there and clean up the mess and save Iraqis and Kuwaitis from further cancer caused by his predecessors? Bush.


US Hater (50 Questions): "18. How much of Iraq's military capacity did America claim it had destroyed in 1991?  80%   19. Is there any proof that Iraq plans to use its weapons for anything other than national defense? No.

Response: (a) Is it likely Saddam will sooner or later slip Osama some Civilian Mass Murder agents and weapons just to spite the US? Yes. (b) Is Osama in the business of Civilian Mass Murder? Yes. ( c) What has Saddam used his weapons on since the Gulf War? To kill Iraqis in order to keep himself in perpetual power. (d) Is there anyone other than Saddam who knows what his plans are? No. (e) Does Saddam even know what he's going to do next? No. (f) Is Saddam unstable? Yes.  (g) What does Saddam spend the wealth created by the world's largest oil deposits on? Himself, and killing those who oppose him. (h) Would Saddam kill our 50-question person here if our person were a Saddam subject and these questions were casting Saddam in a bad light? Yes, but only after the 50-question person's family, in front of the 50-question person. (i) Is the US government going to do this to the 50-question person for falsely casting the US in a bad light? No. (j) Does the US then have higher principles than the dictator the 50-question person is foolishly defending? Yes.


US Hater (50 Questions): "20. Does Iraq present more of a threat to world peace now than 10 years ago?":

Response: (a) With his friend Osama running around, Yes. (b) Are Osama and Saddam both enemies of the US? Yes. ( c) What is the old Muslim saying? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. (d) Does it take a genius to see that Osama and Saddam can be "friends"? No. (e) Should Bush wait until Saddam and Osama commit Civilian Mass Murder again before pursuing both of them? No.


US Hater (50 Questions): "21. How many civilian deaths has the Pentagon predicted in the event of an attack on Iraq in 2003?  10,000  22. How many of these will be children? 50%."

Response: (a) Who has a higher regard for human life, Saddam or Americans? Americans.  (b) Who are using their women and children as human shields on the battlefield? Saddam's forces. ( c) Who has two choices, to die fighting Americans or to die at the hands of the Iraqis they've been brutalizing? Saddam's forces. (d) Who follows the Geneva Convention concerning prisoners of war, the US, Saddam, or both? the US only.


US Hater (50 Questions): "25. How many pounds of explosives were dropped on Iraq between December 1998 and September 1999?  20 million.  26. How many years ago was UN Resolution 661 introduced, imposing strict sanctions on Iraq's imports and exports?  12 years.  28. What was the estimated child death rate in Iraq in 1999 (per 1,000 births)?  131 (that's an increase of 345% over 1989).":

Response: (a) Who kicked the UN inspectors out of Iraq before their job was done? Saddam. (b) Whose idea was it to impose strict sanctions on Saddam rather than depose him right then and there, thereby preventing large losses of Iraqi civilian life by Saddam? The UN and the US. ( c) Who could have prevented Iraqi children from dying, but chose not to for propaganda reasons? Saddam. (d) Does the Iraqi Information Ministry routinely release false information in order to keep itself in perpetual power? Yes. (e) Who is fighting for the betterment of humanity, the US or Saddam? The US.


US Hater (50 Questions): "29. How many Iraqis are estimated to have died by October 1999 as a result of UN sanctions?  1.5 million.":

Response: Who could have prevented it? Saddam.


US Hater (50 Questions): "32. How many inspections were there in November and December 1998? 300.  33. How many of these inspections had problems?  5.  34. Were the weapons inspectors allowed entry to the Ba'ath Party HQ?  Yes.":

Response: (a) If these numbers are true, how many inspectors were eventually kicked out of Iraq? 305.  (b) Why do you think they were kicked out? They were getting too close to finding what Saddam didn't want them to find. (c ) Could the process on weapons inspections find what Saddam truly didn't want them to find? No.


US Hater (50 Questions): "35. Who said that by December 1998, Iraq had in fact, been disarmed to a level unprecedented in modern history?  Scott Ritter, UNSCOM chief."

Response: (a) Where did Scott get his information from? The Iraq Information Ministry. (b) What has Saddam been doing in the years since he kicked the inspectors out of Iraq? Rearming. (c ) Why? To kill Iraqis in order to stay in perpetual power and to attack Israel and the US in order to regain the awe of the Muslim World.


US Hater (50 Questions): "36. In 1998 how much of Iraq's post 1991 capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction did the UN weapons inspectors claim to have discovered and dismantled?  90%.":

Response: (a) What percentage of Saddam's remaining 10% of Civilian Mass Murder weapons and agent capacity does it take to wipe out all the people in New York City  (Pop. millions) using a handful of Osama's suicidal terrorists? 1%. (c ) Should Bush wait for that to happen before toppling Saddam? No.


US Hater (50 Questions): "37. Is Iraq willing to continue with the weapons inspectors?  Yes.":

Response: (a) Can the weapons inspectors find what is stored in a tanker truck or a tractor trailer? No.


US Hater (50 Questions): "40. How many UN resolutions did Israel violate by 1992?  Over 65.  41. How many UN resolutions on Israel did America veto between 1972 and 1990?  30+.  42. How much does the U.S. fund Israel a year?  $5 billion.":

Response: (a) Who originated the resolutions? Arab states. (b) Why? As part of their war on Israel, in order to weaken it, so it could be driven into the sea. (c ) How many Arab nations simultaneously attacked Israel once? Several. (How many times have Arab nations attacked Israel? Several. (d) Did the Palestinians want to share the land that they and the Jews have lived in for thousands of years? No. (e) Who started the 1948 genocide first? The Palestinians. (f) Who still engages in genocide? Arab states.


US Hater (50 Questions): "44. How many nuclear warheads does Iraq have? 0. 45. How many nuclear warheads does US have?  over 10,000.  46. Which is the only country to use nuclear weapons?  the US."

Response: (a) Who has 10,000 nuclear weapons but has refrained from using them for 60 years? The US.  (b) Who, even if he had one nuclear weapon, would have used it already? Saddam. (c ) Who is an unstable meglo-maniacal paranoid murderous perpetual dictator? Saddam  (d) Who is developing nuclear weapons?  Kim Jong Il. (e ) Who said "The earth does not need to exist if there is no Kim Jong Il?"  Kim Jong Il.  (f) Who is going to end up having to protect the rest of the world from Kim Jong Il?  The US. (g) Who is not only not going to get any thanks for it, but will get jealously and abuse soon after and be called murderers of children? The US.


US Hater (50 Questions): "49. Which country is perceived in worldwide polls as the greatest threat to global peace: Iraq or the U.S.?  US  50. Who said: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"?  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.":

Response: (a) Which country is perceived in worldwide polls as the greatest benefactor of humanity? The US. (b) Which country is perceived in worldwide polls as the greatest threat to global peace? North Korea. (c) Who is developing nuclear weapons?  Kim Jong Il. (d ) Who said "The earth does not need to exist if there is no Kim Jong Il?"  Kim Jong Il.  (e) Dr. Martin Luther King, with that logic, would then applaud Bush not remaining silent on Saddam, and applaud even louder that Bush is actually taking action against Saddam.



Not only is the US concerned about Iraqi civilian lives, but it goes overboard and is concerned about the property of Iraqi civilians. And still the enemies of the US, such as Al Jazeera, continue to try and deceive their Muslim audience with false anti-US propaganda.


Vladimir Putin: "End Iraq war, or it could threaten world stability.":

Response: Putin really saying once the US finds out how much Russia was profiting Saddam the US will be mad at Russia.


Walter Cronkite: "America has a dark future.":

Response: Let's assume for a moment that this cowardly statement portends the future. America's future would then be dark, but not by anything it did other that be free and pursue peace and prosperity. It would be due to the tyranny in the world attacking it.


Walter Cronkite: "World War II GI's grumbled about how things were being run.":

Response: Yes, but I see nothing of the kind in Iraq, due to it being obvious who's in the right, and due to a sound battle plan, however misjudged by armchair generals not in the know. The only grumbling I see in Iraq is about the inconveniences of war.


War on Iraq:

It is not a war on Iraq, it is a war on Saddam and his evils, which most likely includes daily transactions with terrorist organizations. Since he runs a closed society, the US ha a right to only assume the worst and act upon it.


War on Terrorism:

If the easy links between rogue countries and terrorist organizations can be curtailed by means that do not include the use of military force, then please come forward.


War Protestors:

What are they protesting? Removing the Stalinist-modeled Baath Party? US-caused civilian casualties? Baath Party murders of civilians? Bush? I think the latter.


Wars can be prevented just as surely as they can be provoked, and we who fail to prevent them must share in the guilt for the dead. -General Omar Bradley

Response: Again the loony liberal pretends the US is provoking a war, even after it has been attacked and war declared on it. In the cloudy liberal mind, poetry comes before reality.


We should take our example not from our military and political leaders shouting "retaliate" and "war" but from the doctors and nurses and medical students and firemen and policemen who have been saving lives in the midst of mayhem, whose first thoughts are not violence, but healing, not vengeance but compassion.

Response: Unfortunately the Osama's of this world make no distinction about who they kill next in order to achieve their goals, be they doctors, nurses, medical students, firemen, or policemen.


What Al Jazeera won't tell the Muslim World:

Two Iraqi vehicles approach a US checkpoint at high speed, the first with a family, the second two men. The family stops, the two men plow into the family, get out, and shoot the woman. The US kills the two men and finds the car filled with ammunition. Their harebrained plan was for the family to take the US fire as human shields, under pain of execution by the two Saddam assassins, while the ammunition got through.


What anti-US Liberal don't tell you:

The US accounts for 40% of the world's high tech production, and 50% of the worlds research and development. To chastise the US for being powerful is sheer envy and folly.


What the anti-US Liberal leaves out of his argument:

Anti-US Liberal: "The US will spend as much on defense as the rest of the world combined." Point Left Out: The US spends a smaller percent of it's gross national product on defense than most other nations.


What the anti-US Liberal leaves out of his argument:

Anti-US Liberal: "The US, with only 5% of the world's population, has 43% of the world's wealth (implying the US stole it)."  Point Left Out: The US accounts for 43% of the world's economic production, meaning they created the wealth through hard work. It is an intellectual crime to imply the US stole it. Therefore this liberal is an intellectual criminal.


World Islamic Front: " on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it.":

The need a lesson in good neighborliness. US wrongs exists only in their psychotic heads. They are only mad about the US stopping their flow of cash to terrorist organizations.


World Islamic Front: "...despite all this, the Americans are once against trying to repeat the horrific massacres (in Iraq)…":

The US hasn't massacred anyone. The Iraqi leadership has done it's own massacres in order to stay in power, once again the World Islamic Front turns a blind eye to their own Muslim evils, of which they are a part, in order to spread such evil throughout the world, so they can be in power.


World Islamic Front: "...despite the great devastation inflicted on the Iraqi people by the crusader-Zionist alliance…":

 (1) They turn a blind eye on the great devastation Saddam inflicted on their Muslim neighbors Kuwait and Iran, (2) The alliance included no Zionist nations, but did include Muslim nations, again they turn a blind eye to those facts. The World Islamic Front is in fact spreading disinformation, as usual, in order to further their own corrupt ends.


World Islamic Front: "...the Americans' continuing aggression against the Iraqi people…":

The Iraqi people are only being aggressed against by their own corrupt, murderous, dictatorial leadership.


World Islamic Front: "...their (the US's) endeavor to fragment all the states of the region such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and  Sudan into paper state-lets and through their disunion and weakness to guarantee Israel's survival and the continuation of the brutal crusade occupation of the Peninsula.":

The US is in fact pressuring the remaining Islamic totalitarian regimes to democratize in order to promote human rights, education, and welfare of the general populations, and protect them from the cruel rule of Osama's, a fact that the World Islamic Front chooses to turn a blind eye to in order to further their corrupt existence.


World Islamic Front: "And why should ye not fight in the cause of God and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? -- women and children, whose cry is: 'Our Lord, rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors.":

Sounds like the Afghan people (especially the women who can't work and children who can't play) lamenting against the cruel rule of the Taliban.


World Islamic Front: "O ye who believe, what is the matter with you, that when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of God, ye cling so heavily to the earth!":

Read: "Die for us, fools, so that we may obtain the totalitarian power we so desire on earth."


World Islamic Front: "So here they (the US) come to annihilate what is left of this people and to humiliate their Muslim neighbors. ":

Cheap, false propaganda. The US does not humiliate the Muslims in the US, or try to annihilate them.  The US has given Muslim countries billions in aid, and has Muslims living free in it's own country. The World Islamic Front turns a blind eye to those facts. They are out for their own glory here on earth, nothing more.


World Islamic Front: "The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies -- civilians and military -- is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it.":

These are the minds of children talking. An overly-simplistic statement and solution to self-inflicted problems, and blame-shifting.


World Opinion:

Response: After 1.5 million murders, world opinion still sides with Saddam over a country that gives the highest regard for human live no matter what race or religion. It seems the compassion of the US is too much for world opinion, and world opinion can't stand it, and would rather side with the Devil.


Worried US will use power and ability over rules and norms.

Response: Again this is a disconnected statement. If anyone doubts the merits of US actions they are fooling themselves. The only rules and norms the US has disregarded thusfar are those rules and norms that have become corrupted by nations with less-than-reputable intentions.


Zais: "If there is high US collateral damage in Baghdad, US will lose support for the war.":

Response: This is a cowardly conjecture. He should have said "US will face possible challenges".


Zais: "If there is high US collateral damage in Baghdad, US will lose support for the war.":

Response: Those who support the US and those who don't will not change, since it is based on other factors (those who don't, prejudice against the US, those who do, the honor of fighting tyranny in the world and doing their duty of protecting their citizens from Osama/Saddam linkups).


























"Bush could not find Osama, but he knew where Saddam lived."

Response: Typical liberal statement based on false assumptions. The false assumption here is that Osama is alive and not buried alive. Furthermore, the  reason the US cannot find Osama if he is alive is because he is in a country that won't allow the US to enter in force in order to find him.


"Bush took the US to war no matter what anybody said."

Response: Typical self-centered liberal. Fact is not everybody was against the war.


"In Iraq, Law and Order was not part of the plan.":

Response: Any weaknesses in the 'plan' is due to there being no "blueprint" for liberating countries that have been under repressive, brutal, murderous regimes for decades. I'm sure the US will get better at it if the weenie liberals, who's motto is "live and let suffer", let it.


"In Iraq, Law and Order was not part of the plan.":

Response: Any weaknesses in the 'plan' is due to there being no "blueprint" for liberating countries that have been under repressive, brutal, murderous regimes for decades. I'm sure the US will get better at it if the weenie liberals, who's motto is "live and let suffer", let it.


"Iraqi celebrations in the streets of Baghdad were staged by the US for the media.":

Response: (1) Only people who've lived under state-controlled media for decades could seriously think that. (2) Only investigations will tell, and you know what, investigations are actually allowed now with Saddam gone. Let's celebrate! Oops. Then we'll make Al Jazeera and the left look absurd. (3) Let's ask the people from Saddam City if the celebrations were staged, people who's relatives were killed, religious leaders imprisoned and assassinated, who had little food, little water, and no jobs.


"Iraqi celebrations in the streets of Baghdad were staged by the US for the media.":

Response: (1) Only people who've lived under state-controlled media for decades could seriously think that. (2) Only investigations will tell, and you know what, investigations are actually allowed now with Saddam gone. Let's celebrate! Oops. Then we'll make Al Jazeera and the left look absurd. (3) Let's ask the people from Saddam City if the celebrations were staged, people who's relatives were killed, religious leaders imprisoned and assassinated, who had little food, little water, and no jobs.


"The US deliberately fired into the Al Jazeera news building.":

Response: (1) There were probably hostiles conducting the war from the windows of that building. (2) The military unit that fired the shot didn't have a clue what building it was. (3) The military unit that fired the shot was under fire. (4) The military unit that fired the shot has been going three weeks without adequate rest in order to minimize civilian casualties.


"The US deliberately fired into the Al Jazeera news building.":

Response: (1) There were probably hostiles conducting the war from the windows of that building. (2) The military unit that fired the shot didn't have a clue what building it was. (3) The military unit that fired the shot was under fire. (4) The military unit that fired the shot has been going three weeks without adequate rest in order to minimize civilian casualties.


"The US is a Bully"

No country in history was a bully with an all-volunteer military, least of all the present US.


"US is bad, it did not sign the Kyoto Treaty."

Response: The backers of the Kyoto treaty themselves are failing miserably to meet the treaty's goals. It was a pie-in-the-sky proposition.


2-Pronged Pincer Assault involving the 7th Cavalry:

Does anyone hear Custer screaming "Not again!"


A Lack of Support for the War:

There is lack of support only because the Witless Wonders in the White House cannot argue this clear and necessary case effectively.  People know instinctively that if they can't even argue the case, then they probably cannot carry out the mission successfully and without bungling and unnecessarily costing many American lives, not to mention the atrocities possible against Iraqi civilians. If you want more support, argue your case on the level presented here.


A Public Opinion Recommendation:

Do not try to use liberation as a basis for deposing Saddam, but a beneficial side effect.  Use the terrorist/CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) agents and weapons of Saddam link, Saddam's sympathizing with said terrorists, and the 12-year failure of the inspection process for deposing Saddam, and concerning the suffering of Iraqis with war, balance it against the suffering Iraqis will endure if Saddam is left in power, the benefit to them if they are liberated, and the suffering of the American people when Saddam gets the chance to slip one of his CMM agents or weapons to the terrorists he openly sympathizes with (remember his headline "God's Punishment" in reference to the 9/11 attacks.) 


Addendum to Speech (continued):

It is not the fault of the US they are mired in political darkness, yet in their madness individuals, organizations, and states from that political darkness attack the US on it's soil and abroad, and have stooped to covert civilian mass-murder operations.  While the American civilian population has demonstrated their opposition to war in principle, they are still the targets of this madness, and it is the duty of their commander-in-chief to thwart such dark plots before they are carried out and rain down death and destruction upon the peace-loving, if naive citizens, of the US and other free or non-Muslim nations. 


Addendum to Speech (continued):

Other nations and US citizens should be commended for maintaining their principles against war in general, but in the face of such mad, merciless, murderous, and brutal enemies of peace and prosperity, who do not abide themselves by such principles, it is sheer folly, if not suicide.  Soft power has only enraged the enemy.  It is time for hard power against hard dictators in this war on terrorism.


Addendum to Speech (continued):

Other peaceful nations do not have the means or courage to confront such obvious murderous madness, and continue to delude themselves that a unilateral passive stance will stem the madness and create peace for themselves and for future generations.  It hasn't, and it will not before the Muslim madness gets it's fill of Western blood.  Therefore it falls upon the American citizen and a few courageous and far-sighted allies to confront such madness before it takes it's toll on American citizens.


Addendum to Speech:

The founding fathers of the United States of America gave it's citizens democracy and freedom when the world was mired in political darkness.  200 years later their descendants and millions of immigrants enjoy the individual personal and political freedoms in America, and the path of peace and prosperity set up 200 years ago, while half the world still wallows in political darkness. 


Administering Iraqi Oil Revenues:

(1) Profits split between Kurds, Sunni's, and Shi-ites according to population; (2) split between other Muslim non-oil states for non-brainwashing education systems.


Administration, US:

If you do not want to be known as another group of "Witless Wonders in the White House", you should take up some of the counterpoints laid out here. A person sacrifices a lot to be able to bring them to light and to bring them to you voluntarily. And some of these points will have an effect on the "Walking Cliches" that populate this country.



Afghan's request for the right to self-determination should mean an elected moral government with protections from the evil in human nature.



Air strikes should be flexible enough to seek out and support moments of anti-Taliban uprisings, wherever they are currently occurring. The actual physical damage may not be a great as the initial target would have been, but targeting should think psychologically, as to what effect such a show of support will have on solidifying anti-Taliban opposition in the particular battle and region.



Answer to question "When will victory in Afghanistan be achieved?": When there are no terrorist camps and no brainwashed children. When there is a strong moral national government elected by a well-fed, educated, self-sufficient population that has goodwill toward all nations on earth and that contributes to the well-being of mankind. When Afghanistan is a nation that is the envy of the world. When Taliban murderers are brought to justice. Short of that, since no nation on earth has reached those ideals, the Taliban gone, the terrorist network destroyed, and the terrorist leaders rounded up.



Arrest Taliban leaders as terrorists and enemies of the people.



Battlefield tactic: Since the Taliban is made up of mostly kids, drop candy bars on them, giving notice there is more if they switch sides.



Bomb Afghan civilians - with bread, blankets, and teddy bears. The problem with that however is that the Taliban will kill them and take it for themselves.



Concerning the US not helping to rebuild it: The US should help only after the war on terrorist reaches a satisfactory point.



Film U.S. servicemen vacationing on tropical isles, and broadcast it to Taliban militia holed up in Afghan winter caves and desolate desert hideaways. Attach the messages "Wish you were here" and "You are fighting for lost causes" and "You are fighting for an evil regime and suffer for it" and other propaganda. Find something that sticks.



For any decent Taliban fighters who got caught up in it all, give them a way out. For the permanently psycho, lock them up permanently.



Forming a post-Taliban government and installing it now will contribute to the war's end by giving the population an alternative. They may even have the strength to find and arrest bin Laden.



Get all world leaders together in Afghanistan to form an innovative model government that can be an example for the rest of the world..



If bin Laden is in the Mountains, let him stay. Don't let anyone in or out. Disrupt his communications. Shoot at anything that moves. Let him rot there with his rats and scorpions. Don't shed one drop of non-terrorist blood over him just to please the Taliban.



If military operations are suspended during the month of Ramadan, then ask anyone to come forward during that time who possesses great enough enlightenment that will cause the entire world to throw down their weapons and hug each other, and repent their ways (the spreading of viruses taken into account).



If the U.S. wants to be nice during the month of Ramadan, then restrict bombing to non-populated Taliban positions. But then the U.S. has been inappropriately too nice for too long and has paid the price for it.



It would be best for the US to go in in the dead of winter to root out the Taliban. That would shut everyone up. The US is better equipped for such warfare anyway.



Negotiate with the Taliban? Ask yourself, is the Taliban a benevolent, peaceful regime?



On "Talking" to the Taliban: When they have an elected government by the people and for the people and not just for a few rich maniacs at the top, then talk is possible.



Parting Remarks to fighting men: "You have shown yourselves to be good fighters on the field of battle. The time has come to see how good you are at nation building. How good you are at organizing, planning, inventing, learning, and teaching. At being businessmen, husbands, fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers. How good a neighboring country you can be, and what you can contribute toward the good of humanity. That is where your children and children's children will speak well or ill of you. The glory of the battlefield will forever be confined to and kept on the battlefields, while the glory of the rest of life will be sung throughout all other daily facets of life."



Tactically, in a stronghold siege it shouldn't be hard to taunt the suicidal terrorists to come out and die for Allah. To stop hiding behind women and children. "Here is your chance to beat the West, to kill Americans. What are you waiting for?"



Taliban Official: "U.S. is too soft for a ground war in Afghanistan." All he wants is an American target to kill and boast about. Don't give him the opportunity  unnecessarily.



Taunt bin Laden and he will foolishly come out in a rage. Then he can be captured.



Tell the Afghan refugees to go home. The Non-Terrorist Nations have no intention of killing anyone. The Non-Terrorist Nations will capture bin Laden and cage him like the rabid dog he is.



The Afghans would say to America, "If you knew you could so easily liberate us from the Taliban, why didn't you liberate us sooner?" That answer is easy: Democrats, and the overly-liberal philosophy currently infecting the US "Intelligentsia". They have filled the US with self doubt, self criticism, and a lack of moral identity. It's time to take a step in the direction of simplicity again. We are being blinded to the obvious by over-philosophizers who are out to impress each other.



The coalition needs a border air guard to identify and interdict border-crossing terrorists and their supporters.



The conduct of the war on terrorism must be conducted as though the terrorists were successful in their every effort so far: killing 50,000+ people on Sept. 11, killing the President and the White House Staff with anthrax, killing Senators, Congressmen, and their Staffs with anthrax, blowing up other Western structures, flying other aircraft into buildings, cropdusting bio and chemical hazards over populated areas, and (in their own words) "Killing all Americans, military and civilian, and stealing their money whenever and wherever you can".



The entire Muslim world is watching the Afghanistan post-war government. A successful solution could in itself create a domino effect against the rest of the totalitarian Muslim world, toppling regimes, clamping down on terrorism, bringing more tolerance to their mental frame of mind, and bringing some self-respect to an otherwise ignorant and arrogant body of people. The US should therefore be careful about it's over-control of the situation, yet aid in enhancing it's positive effects throughout the Muslim world using mass media and pop culture.



The longer the U.S. takes in Afghanistan, the weaker it looks in the eyes of Muslin fundamentalists. Even other nations with a dubious alliance to the cause like Russia and China are telling the U.S. to hurry up. Don't put diplomatic pressure on the military unless you want disaster after disaster. It's hard enough not to bomb civilians in accordance with American moral standards (and not because of fear of maniacal Muslim fundamentalist retribution). Rushing the job will result in wholesale civilian casualties.



The military is the arm, the intelligence the brain. They both must be pursuing and heading-off border-crossing terrorists and international Taliban criminals.



The new government should be approached with a new frame of mind customized to the Afghan situation: There should be a Central Government and semi-autonomous Provinces ethnically divided. The new mentality would apply to running the central government - as a Provincially rotating duty. Each Province should rotate with that responsibility, and approach it as a job that needs to be done, as a chore. There should be no power hungry career politicians, they should pass the baton with a relief that their "watch" is over. When a Province's turn is beginning, the whole of Afghanistan can vote on who to lead the Central Government from that Province. The Governmental process and structure should be flexible enough to accommodate currently recognized talent, and not lock them out as in the rest of the world. The government could be a model to the rest of the world.



The new government: If I were an Afghanistan I would set up a country with Provinces, ethnically identified, and all supporting a Central Government who's purpose should be to aid each Province in keeping out terrorists and other criminals, keeping the peace, dealing with disasters, and other Central functions necessary to keep the population living there willingly. Providing for a common defense may be necessary in the future, but I don't see the need for it - there are no aggressive neighbors. Interacting with the rest of the world would be a Central Government function. It would provide for a meeting place for all Afghan groups who realize that divided they fall.



The U.S. should fight for the rights of Afghan women.



The U.S. should weigh the costs of nation building with nation destroying: if Afghanistan is left with a power vacuum and another Taliban gains power, the U.S. may have to destroy it again. This will not make the U.S. look good in the eyes of third parties. Also Afghanistan is going to become a template for the other Muslim nations that are going to overthrow their repressive regimes sooner or later. They will follow the success or failure of the new Afghan government, and act accordingly.



The US government has a necessary job to do in Afghanistan. If the neighboring ignorant hordes want to take up arms and take potshots at American soldiers, they will be posing as hostile forces, and should be targeted as such.



The US should help the women lift weights, get physically strong, take the guns and staffs from the men, make the men cover up head to toe in burqua's, make them stay home unless escorted, and beat and humiliate them in public, execute them for trivial offenses, and not let them vote or hold jobs.



There must be created in Afghanistan a state where terrorists cannot move back into. This means no patchwork of warlord fiefdoms, which allowed bin Laden and the Taliban to take control once already.



Upcoming U.S. military winter strategy should be to drive the Taliban into the most inhospitable regions during the Afghan winter and cut off their supplies, then flush them out in the spring, telling them "the war is over, come down and lay down your weapons."



When the US is satisfied that they've caught who they are after, then the US should leave Afghanistan. If Afghanistan goes bad again, then repeat the process.



Why is the U.S. playing around with the Taliban monsters and other terrorist regimes? Occupy, disarm, and move on. The road to true peace and happiness is a long enough one.


Airport Security:

Airport Security - Feds should aid, considering the present circumstances, in drawing up a higher quality airport security process, and conduct audits as to it's compliance and effectiveness. I'm not talking about financial aid, but brainpower. It's not easy developing a quality security process. The airlines should at least shop around for a better security service with the $20 billion they received from Congress. The security system should remain commercial and not run Federally, but remain in compliance with whatever standards are developed, and be governmentally audited, evaluated, and enforced.


Airport Security:

There are 4 scenarios: (1) Feds install their own program and run it with Federal employees, (2) Airlines do it themselves, no outside contractors, (3) Airlines contract with a better security service, (4) Feds draw up stricter airport security standards while the terrorist threat exists, and hold the commercial enterprises to them.


Al Jazeera News:

Doubts captured bin Laden tape authenticity, while remaining silent about the authenticity of Islamic extremist claims against the US. The US should ask them when was the last time they questioned the twisted reasoning of their precious Islamic extremists? They claim to be an open and impartial media. It is time they practice it, rather than remain hypocritically one-eyed.


Al Jazeera:

By it's propaganda, distortions, deceptions and outright lies on the behalf of Saddam, for the sole purpose of inciting Muslim attacks on the US, Al Jazeera has by it's actions entered the war, and is now a legitimate military target of the US. Case in Point: Severed head of child Al Jazeera blamed on the British while Saddam's forces are attacking the civilians and the British are attacking Saddam's forces. Al Jazeera makes no mention of Saddam's forces killing Iraqi civilians, and cutting off Basra's water supply, and though Saddam's force's civilian killings be 1000 times more numerous and horrendous, with no regret, than the British, who accidentally and regretfully cause the death of civilians, and no mention of Saddam's forces placing civilians and future civilians, the Red Cross, Hospitals, and surrendering soldiers at risk with their war crime ruses and reckless, dishonorable tricks. We demand Al Jazeera tell their Muslim audience the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, immediately.


Al Jazeera:

Should be tried for war crimes.



Accept the fact that US allies must do what is in their best interest nationally and personally politically.



Tell them we don't mind them playing petty power politics, but in this situation the safety of American civilian population comes first in US administration decision making.



The US can forgive allies for doing things the US has done, such as having naďve good intentions, or looking out after their own interests, or engaging in reckless capitalism. But the Allies can't wait for the US to be perfect before the US confronts evil.


Answer to "How long will war last?"

Length is proportional to the amount of Iraqi blood Saddam's defenders have on their hands.


Answer to "How Long"?

Response: "That depends on what the enemy does, and how deep Saddam's evil goes."


Answer to Question: "What do you think of Iraqi civilians chanting against the US?"

Response: I see people forced to chant by Saddam's threats, or just plain deceived by Saddam's lies, case in point- Basra, where the people blame the US for the water problem Saddam put upon them.


Anti-Terrorist Leadership:

Rotate anti-terrorist leadership in the US Government when the current leadership tires and becomes ineffective and bureaucratic, or begin to generally lack energy, or when they have done all that they can.


Anti-US Arguments that bring up the past:

Response: "After WWII, America helped get the rest of the world back on it's feet by pumping out vast amounts of aid, technical assistance, and investments.": Time to call that loan in.


Antiwar News Article: "Other nations have ties with terrorist networks, why not attack them?":

Response: Following this logic the US would attack all such nations at once. That does not sound like the best course of action by any measure. Take one down, see which way the wind blows.


Antiwar Protestors:

Tell them the enemies of the US do not want peace. Go protest them. The US is open to a peaceful solution, the enemies of the US are not. Go protest them.


Anti-war Protestors: "Anti-war Protests are not all anti-American":

Response: but... that's not what I see on the Internet- our "uninsulating" technology- thank you very much- the rest of the world argues like blind sheep out of a liberal kindergarten against the US... (sometimes I think they're all twelve year olds) spewing out childish conspiracy theories like "it's all for oil" (as if that could be hidden in a society with a free, investigative, liberal, bloodthirsty, for-profit press), or parroting one-sided arguments like "The US bombed Hiroshima" (remaining completely silent on the mass horrors Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany had planned for them), or the US did this or the US did that in history, completely ignoring the evils the US was taking a lead role in confronting (usually Stalin's Soviet Empire) (who also had great plans for them!), I'd say it's ignorant, arrogant, childish, and ungrateful on the part of the rest of the world's hippie wannabes, while giving fuel (however ill-conceived) to the likewise terrorist organizations!


Anti-war Protestors: "Anti-war Protests are not all anti-American":

Response: I don't know, anti-US protests in other countries are rampant if you follow our "liberal" media... so if what you're saying is true... and they aren't... this would verify my conclusion that our "liberal" media is using isolated incidents to blow anti-US sentiment (in Iraq and everywhere else) way out of proportion... which is what Bush (no genius) is saying all along...


Arch of Skulls:

Note that the US will not build an arch out of the skulls of Saddam's thugs, like Saddam did with Iranian skulls, because the US has higher principles than Saddam.


Ask Iraqi's:

Now that Saddam and the Baath Party is gone, what are you going to do?


Atomic Power

OK for non-juvenile countries. Juvenility defined as what that country's decisions are based on- fact or fiction.


Attacking Syria:

Not warranted. Syria has not attacked neighbors (except Israel); not accumulating weapons of mass destruction; their terrorists aimed at Israel, not the US; no real atrocities for 22 years.


Attacking Syria:

Not warranted. Syria has not attacked neighbors (except Israel); not accumulating weapons of mass destruction; their terrorists aimed at Israel, not the US; no real atrocities for 22 years.


Bad Battlefield News:

Always tests the mettle of the troops.  If they are fighting for high principles, then it is easier to bear.


Baghdad Iraqi Civilians:

Are afraid of the chaos and looting that may occur, just as it did after the 1st Gulf War.


Baghdad Plan:

(1) Defeat heavy military forces; (2) Disarm city; (3) Get humanitarian aid in; (4) Provide for Iraqi Law and Order; (5) Provide for new Iraqi government.(6) Get economic aid in;



Realize that every building, vehicle, and mailbox will be wired with remote-controlled or booby-trapped explosives.



Since Saddam's assassins are committing the war crime of fighting in civilian clothes, round up all men encountered, detain them, let them volunteer for paid word against Saddam or remain detained until identified as friend or foe.


Battle Shock:

Use it as a weapon by the battle-experienced on the battle-inexperienced.


Big Business:

Let the world know that your predecessors in the US government worked for Big Business, but that in this case you are motivated by the protection of innocent civilian populations around the world.


Bush  "the American people can know that every measure has been taken to avoid war":

"reasonably avoid war", for war can be avoided foolishly when dealing with such self-proclaimed enemies that the US has.


Bush and Gloating:

Bush: "You will allow me a gloat when Iraq is on a path of peace and prosperity, and the US is no longer the Great Satan in Muslim eyes, and Al Jazeera no longer fosters terrorism.


Bush and Gloating:

Bush: "You will allow me a gloat when Iraq is on a path of peace and prosperity, and the US is no longer the Great Satan in Muslim eyes, and Al Jazeera no longer fosters terrorism.


Bush Speeches:

Are getting redundant and boring.



If he wants to take the moral high ground in Iraq, he needs to keep his nose clean and take care of festering problems like the Guantanimo Bay terrorists prisoners, global warming issue, antimissile system issue, and the International Court issue, either capitulate or make your position clear.



Improved statement: "I don't care if we get him today, tomorrow, next week, or next year"… (improved portion:) "We are in this for the long haul."



Is on the right path.  He just has not been given the wit to debate it successfully.  It is ten times easier to debate on the side of evil than it is on the side of good.


Captured bin Laden tape:

The US should be more open about the tape's authenticity.


Change WMD's to CMM's:

The term "Weapons of Mass Destruction" is getting tired. Change it to "CMM's" (Civilian Mass-Murder agents and weapons).


Chuck Raasch: "Iraq is the vessel of American Military Might"

Response: More US bashing in spite of the good the US has done in the world. Blind cynicism. Nothing less than a mental disease. In fact, the US tried to take Saddam down bloodlessly, but 400,000 Saddam henchmen were bound to Saddam through murder.


Clear and Present Danger:

Tell the UN that there never will be a clear and present danger when dealing with subversive organizations until the act has been committed.  The act has already been committed on 9/11.


Coalition Losses:

Most likely causes: (1) Iraqi ambushes, (2) Accidents, (3) Friendly Fire, (4) Criminal Iraqis in Saddam regime who do not want to face Iraqi justice, (5) Criminal Iraqis who own Saddam something., (6) Last, valiant Iraqis fighting for a misguided cause.



Should not base decisions on fears, such as a fear of a Muslim uprising. The Muslims will go with whoever is in power.


Cost of War:

$90 billion for removing Saddam and creating a democratic ally in the Middle East, $180 billion for doing nothing and allowing Saddam to go on and terrorist to run amok.


Counterterrorism Policy:

Speculative Question to US: "Would you attack North Korea if it were sitting on oil?" Answer: "You mean to ask me if I would attack the North Korean regime if it were sitting on valuable natural resources and mis-spending the wealth to keep itself in perpetual power through brutality, repression, and murder, while making the world a more dangerous place by purchasing Civilian Mass Murder weapons, while living in a region of poor education and insane state-induced mass prejudice against the West, coupled with mad international suicidal civilian mass murder organizations who have already committed civilian mass murder on US soil and are planning more? Answer: Yes."


Counterterrorism Policy:

You've responded to the violence in the streets, you now need to response to the madness in the media.



The US can either get international help in fighting terrorism and it's root causes, or must crack down on Middle Eastern Muslims within it's borders.



Fair Game Rule: The US administration should only consider as much criticism as Saddam gets and considers from his people (which is nil).


Dealing with Iraq:

Go with the information you have.  The other Western leaders are blindly playing self-survival politics.  Saddam is a self-proclaimed scumbucket, as well as running a dangerous political system.


Dealing With Tyrants:

The US has been attacked by tyrants in the past.  The US should use tried and true methods in dealing with them, as in post WWII.


Debate with Saddam:

Question to Saddam: What prevents you from slipping anti-US terrorists some of your CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) agents and weapons?


Declaration of War:

Needed to place restrictions on reckless Leftist Media that puts the rest of us in danger.  Declaration should stay in effect until the Muslim world grows up and improves it's mindset, and is pursuing a path of peace and prosperity.


Democracy in Iraq:

May not work with such limited resources. Democracy worked in the US the way it did because the US has so many resources that when one resource was controlled by a greedy few, there were plenty of other resources left. That will not work in Iraq. If the oil revenues end up in the hands of a greedy few, it's all over for the masses in Iraq. I'm sorry, but Iraq needs to be part socialist and part capitalist.


Democracy in Iraq:

May not work with such limited resources. Democracy worked in the US the way it did because the US has so many resources that when one resource was controlled by a greedy few, there were plenty of other resources left. That will not work in Iraq. If the oil revenues end up in the hands of a greedy few, it's all over for the masses in Iraq. I'm sorry, but Iraq needs to be part socialist and part capitalist.


Democracy in Iraq:

Tell them it means being able to gradually improve one's life day by day.



Tell Iraqis democracy means being able to improve your life little by little each day.



Tell Iraqis democracy means being able to improve your life little by little each day.


Desert Storm Took 2 Days:

And where did this leftist "Desert Storm took 2 days" crap come from? It took 3 months of preparations and 1 month of air strikes before the ground phase began.



Inform population they better do something about their dictators, or the free-world will



A failing of governments is that they take foreign relations upon themselves, rather than encouraging and funding their populations to interact culturally, intellectually, and economically. The governments in this case are too self-important, and create many needless conflicts.


Disarming Iraq:

Can only be done by force, and through a regime change.  The inspection process is only being done through the immediate and expensive threat of force.


Disarming Iraq:

In the climate of Muslim madness in today's world, it is necessary to finally disarm Saddam, rather than let him play hide-and-seek for another 12 years with his CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons.


Do you see any Guerilla units forming in the American rear?:

Response: No. Only Saddam's thugs we've bypassed, Republican Guard units herding human shield hostages in front of them, and bands of village idiots taking potshots at troops.


Domestic Doubt (such as

Merely shaking you administrative heads silently in exasperation at such drivel is not enough. You must actively and publicly respond, because left unchallenged, it infects people.


Embedded Reporters:

General Rule: If a commander gets the feeling that a decision is "being nice" to the reporter, don't do it, it will kill troops.


Europe: "Some states say the US could still disarm Iraq peacefully.":

Response: It's hypocritical of them to say they are disarming Iraq "peacefully" when it is the US military threat that has made it all possible. Europe is pursuing this "peaceful" path and making themselves falsely appear "civilized" at the expense of the US military forces being in the Middle East poised to depose Saddam and find his population-extermination weapons themselves and cut the ties to terrorists.


Europe: "Some states say the US could still disarm Iraq peacefully.":

Response: Tell Europe the US is already under attack. The issue is no longer "terrorism" but "population genocide".


Evil Dictators

If Saddam is replaced by an evil dictatorial regime, then Saddam should be the last evil dictator the US overthrows for others, and it should be the last of the criticism the US gets for dealing with evil dictators.



Consists of pardoned criminals.


Fighting the Enemy:

The enemy needs to be fought on land, sea, air, media, and Internet.


Foreign Policy Goal:

The goal is to have all nations pursuing peace, truth, and prosperity, where the individual human is served by the state and is free from state-sponsored repression.


Foreign Policy:

After WWII, instead of building an empire, the US built alliances, with special efforts given to diplomacy, that contributed to world peace, through the Marshall Plan. Stay on that course.


Foreign Policy:

Cannot formulate it's foreign policy on liberal cowardly conjectures, when there are equal and opposite conjectures. Example: Liberal: "War in Iraq will create hate for the US". Opposing Conjecture: The world will love and respect the US after it deposes Saddam.


Foreign Policy:

Can't formulate it around the prejudice of Muslims and the malevolence of paranoid totalitarian regimes.


Foreign Relations:

Realize that just because heads of state can't get along does not mean their respective populations do not get along in the social and business arenas.  It should be the business of government to foster the latter, and not create havoc with the former.


Foreign Relations:

The government should not take it upon itself to conduct foreign relations. The government's role should be to support economic and social interaction with foreign populations, which is where foreign relations naturally occurs.  If citizens leave foreign relations to governments than they are asking for trouble.


France, Germany, Russia:

France, Germany, Russia have had military arms deals with Iraq. US should consider how these allies would be affected economically by a regime change in Iraq.



France is playing bigshot at the expense of the US. Nothing the French leader is proposing will work without the US threat to Saddam. It's time he pays for maintaining that threat so he can continue playing bigshot.



Get France to admit it opposed war out of fear and not out of higher principles.



Should allow the US to depose Saddam and round up his aggressive arsenal, or pay for the US military presence there so their plan may have a chance (what little there is) of succeeding.



Tell France if they want to avoid war, they must get Saddam to give up his twisted arsenal of CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) weapons and agents immediately.  The US cannot wait when civilian mass-murder war is already being waged on it by the current initiating terrorist organizations.



Tell French you don't appreciate them playing petty power politics in such a grave situation.


Funding War:

Solicit donations for the humanitarian and occupation aspects of the war, and use the electronic apparatus that is in place with the IRS for processing donations.


Gaining International Support:

Invite all nations, large and small, to input ideas on a post-war Iraq.  This will have the effect of having them look forward to the US deposing Saddam so they can input their wisdom.


Gains vs. Losses Chart:

In Iraq, at press conferences, you should have a general summary of gains/losses, because people are wondering why operations aren't going as initially hoped (which was a gamble on the Iraqis being weary of Saddam and causing his and his regime's demise.  Saddam was easy. His regime, however, has a greater reluctance of facing the Iraqi population other than with the barrel of a gun.


Global Terrorism:

America has sacrificed greatly to secure it's freedom and build forces to defend it in a hostile world. It has every right to use it's technology to defend it.


Global Terrorism:

Attack with like kind those who take up arms. Hold discussions with those who do not.


Global Terrorism:

Base criminal prosecution on involvement in the organization, not just on who pulled the trigger. Convict the organization and anyone associated with it as an accomplice.


Global Terrorism:

Begin a national policy supporting reason worldwide and at home. Support moral goals. Identify and attack the causes of human suffering.


Global Terrorism:

Can't throw away one non-terrorist soldier. He has a job to do that may take a generation. That of occupying and disarming the mad male Muslim population and those who support them.


Global Terrorism:

Disarming would involve a large yellow symbolic bin for them to drive their tanks in and drop their weapons in. Occupying would involve limiting their freedoms in regards to interacting with the rest of the world. They will have religious freedom, if it is not Satanic.


Global Terrorism:

Extraditing bin Laden does not apply. He has declared war on the U.S. and is state-sponsored. This makes him and his sponsoring state targets of war. The U.S. was just being nice to ask for bin Laden first.


Global Terrorism:

Fighting terrorist abroad: Do not align with terrorist supporting regimes. Help the poor get back on their feet.


Global Terrorism:

For Plan A, B, or C: hire Chinese to help with the occupation. They are our friends, they need the work, they are industrious, and they are historically and traditionally, in spite of their communist plight, a fair-minded population. They would be doing the world a service in the cause of peace.


Global Terrorism:

Give in to terrorists and they'll find another employer, and then terrorize you more.


Global Terrorism:

Have a fair-minded representative from every nation study and come up with a solution to conflicts around the world. Then evaluate them all in a non-self-serving manner and arrive at a consensus, then enforce that consensus.


Global Terrorism:

If the attacks on America turned widespread and biological/chemical, with millions of U.S. casualties, what should America do? Simple, implement Plans A, B, and C above, like it should be doing right now, before it happens.


Global Terrorism:

If the non-terrorist world does not have the resources to carry out my plans, then bombing or waiting to be attacked again are the cheapest alternatives.


Global Terrorism:

If you don't agree with a nation's policy, shame it with reason, awaken it with enlightenment.


Global Terrorism:

In fighting terrorists, the enemy must be found and engaged. If one is caught, turn him over to the military as a spy.


Global Terrorism:

Inform terrorists nations if they set up decent governments before the non-terrorist coalition forces get there, and successfully police out their terrorists, then they won't be occupied, disarmed, and dismantled.


Global Terrorism:

Let evil terrorist nation leaders know the non-terrorist world is coming. Then come.


Global Terrorism:

Letting terrorists roam free in the world is madness.


Global Terrorism:

List the U.S.'s and Muslim World's common enemies: viruses, bacteria, warlike aliens, ignorance, hunger, communism, immorality, evil, political repression, philosophical repression.


Global Terrorism:

Military equipment that the terrorist regime does not want to turn in will be sought out and destroyed. If people are in them, they will be given due regard.


Global Terrorism:

Muslim fundamentalists are operating from within a frame of mind that needs to be attacked with psychological warfare. Truth and logic can also be employed to sway all but the most suicidal.


Global Terrorism:

Neutralize any army raised by a terrorist regime. Have them do community time when it is over and a decent government is set up.


Global Terrorism:

Pep talk to non-terrorist coalition army in a terrorist nation: "You are the underdogs here. Everyone expects you to be defeated with poor generalship, poor political leadership, small arms fire, knives, box-cutters, suicide attacks, hijacked planes, and TOW missiles, lack of psychological warfare, low moral, lack of Intelligence, and decadence at home. The only thing you have on your side are Plans A, B, and C."


Global Terrorism:

Plan B: Global Terrorism: Have a coalition force composed of non-terrorist nations large enough to begin occupying, disarming, and dismantling the regimes of historically terrorist nations one by one, quarantining the population, and staying there until there exists an intelligent, educated indigenous generation that has developed a higher reasoning ability, a life-enhancing industriousness, a moral fiber, a respect for peace, a measure of tolerance for other cultures, and a regard for life. The subject terrorist nations should contribute toward the cost. If the population resists and are mentally unbending toward violence, Then implement Plan A3 above on the nation.


Global Terrorism:

Set up a dialog table where the world's nations can come and discuss their views. Have some record arguments for all sides. Then analyze them and come to conclusions. Maybe something good will come out of it. I don't know what the UN is doing, but it is not this.


Global Terrorism:

Since terrorists are barbarians and murderous psychos, it takes a certain measure of like mentality to effectively deal with them.


Global Terrorism:

Small bands must be fought with more small bands. A concentrated army is exposed to one-stroke defeat.


Global Terrorism:

Tell the people of Afghanistan "Prepare for a non-Taliban Afghanistan." Tell the people of Iraq "Prepare for a non-Saddam Iraq." Tell the people of Libya "Prepare for a non-Khadafi Libya.", and so on, all the way through the terrorist nations.


Global Terrorism:

The Anti-Terrorist reaction shouldn't behave in a way that can be considered evil, even out of context, by a third party.


Global Terrorism:

The best allies to psychological warfare are moral goals and a moral means to achieve them.


Global Terrorism:

The current Western generation asks for no respect from Muslim countries, so they don't get any. A good slap in the face and an appropriate follow-up stance is all those countries need.


Global Terrorism:

The enemy is not like a snake, it is like a weed - chop off it's head and it grows back. You must attack the roots - evil at home and abroad.


Global Terrorism:

The non-terrorist nation policy should be to let populations solve their own problems and get themselves back on their feet after their terrorist regimes have been toppled. If they turn murderous against other nations, and export death and destruction, then it's time to step in and dictate policy there. The most the non-terrorist nations should do is provide policing while the indigenous population gets their act together.


Global Terrorism:

The non-terrorist world should invoke the WWII Germany/Japan solution on terrorist nations: Unconditional surrender, disarmament, dissolution of the government, occupation, policing, and nation rebuilding. The only difference is that Germany and Japan were a more enlightened population than the present Muslim populations, and were able to govern themselves peacefully and get along with the rest of the world in a short period of time. The Muslim populations have been brainwashed and repressed by state-controlled media and police forces for generations, just as Germany and Japan were. But can they recover in as short a period of time?


Global Terrorism:

The non-terrorist world should look for ways to beat terrorism in the mind as well as on the battlefield. It is as ancient as "The Art of War".


Global Terrorism:

The terrorists "did" the U.S. Now the U.S. should "do" them.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. could do better at coalition building. I personally do not want to foot the entire bill for the war on terrorism. It would also get the job done sooner.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. does not know which organization was behind the Sept. 11 crimes, who recruited them, indoctrinated them, trained them, financed them, gave them orders, and maintained discipline over them, so it should target all similar organizations and any oppressive regimes that support them.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. fight should first be with all international terrorist groups not supported by regimes, then terrorist regimes.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. is after terrorists. If a government and it's military wants to protect them, then that must be dealt with first.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. should deliver freedom from oppression around the world. Short of that, aid in fighting terrorism.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. should help any nation fight it's terrorists.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. should merely return the war to the war mongers.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. should not deal with non-elected repressive governments. They are the true enemy of the U.S., even when they are allies, because their people suffer.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. should return the war to all those who have been at their self-proclaimed war with the U.S., all those who call for war against the U.S., and all those who support them. Target first those who have proclaimed they are at war with the U.S., then those who encourage hate.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. should understand the causes of some terrorist organizations, but attack them for their methods.


Global Terrorism:

There are groups and nations that have called for war against America. It's time for America to fight back.


Global Terrorism:

There are terrorist regimes, aggressive regimes, and repressive regimes. The terrorist regimes should be our focus now.


Global Terrorism:

U.S. must stop ignoring those who say they are at war with the U.S.


Global Terrorism:

U.S. policy should be to remove any threats to the U.S. while Muslims solve their own problems. If new poisons arises and attacks the U.S., then the U.S. has the right to remove that poison also.


Hard Power vs. Soft Power:

The US can use Hard Power to bring down every terror-supporting regime in the world, or use Soft Power and go about it's business of pursuing peace and prosperity, thereby setting a benchmark for the rest of the world to pursue.


Hard Power vs. Soft Power:

Use both Hard Power (military, police) with Soft Power (the pursuit of peace and prosperity).  The hard power will catch the criminally insane, the soft power will shame those with a conscience.


High Expectations:

Where did this leftist "high expectation" crap originate from? Fact is Plan A was to roll into Baghdad, not firing a shot a Iraqis, and remove Saddam, giving Saddam a chance to allow the Americans to do the job with minimum Iraqi civilian casualties.  Unfortunately, we now know how Saddam has stayed in power for so long - he has 100,000 thugs that do his murderous bidding.  They have been bid to kill the Americans, use Iraqi civilian women and children as human shields, and use Iraqi civilian men as cannon fodder.  So, Saddam, having been given the chance to surrender with minimal bloodshed, has chosen to fight, and being desperate, fight with no principles. Time for Plan B. Let them have their fight, which will of course take longer than Plan A.



A culture, including the U.S., should be self-critical and consider the view that a culture's morality is measured by what it allows it's children to do and it's young adults to become.



Another reason to increase investigative forces is so Muslim terrorists won't think they can come here and get away with those actions.



Anti-war protestors in the Western world need to be given superior reason, not derision.



At home raise the penalty for being caught involved in terrorist activities. Instead of deportation, incarceration. Re-fund the forces to detect them. More strongly encourage civil reporting of suspected terrorist activities on a community level.



Bill Maher's "Cowardly" statement made a point. So argue the point wrong, don't just get ignorantly mad at him.



Create tax breaks for wartime low-consumption measures. Americans would rather "earn" their tax breaks than be handed them.



Fight evil at home, curtail lunatic freedoms that are bad for foreign policy, such as minors and the unemployed allowed to stay out all night. Straighten out the courts by taking the business out of it, introducing professional juries trained in logical analysis to see through smoke screens, and by giving the power of reason back to the Judges, and not have them just being court policeman.



I'd like to see Criminal zoos set up for terrorists and domestic criminals during times of conflict.



Identify terrorists not by waiting for them to carry out their deeds, but on involvement in material, planning, training, indoctrinating, communicating, participating, and rhetorical support. It is foolish to wait for their deeds.



If you don't in your gut feel like raising armies, enforcing borders, or occupying terrorist nations, just keep watching that second jet crash into the World Trade Center to re-strengthen your resolve.



In America the knowledge/responsibility factor is too high. Either knowledge must be decreased or responsibility increased.



Let criminal would-bee's in America know: a person is his own #1 deterrent to committing a crime.



Let's get Hollywood involved in counter-propaganda. Let's see what a pro wrestler or pro football player has to say about Osama's "Americans are soft" statement.  We need an answer like "Let Osama throw down his rifle and come in the ring, and we'll see who's soft!" "Osama must be soft in the head!"



Military tribunal is too easy on suspected terrorists. They should be put on trial and punished in accordance with their country of origin's laws (which we all know are categorically harsher than anything in the soft-bellied US).



Offer rewards for information leading to the conviction of persons involved in terrorist activities and sleepers, in the funding, planning, staging, and execution stages.



On the home front the Non-terrorist nations should re-evaluate themselves in regards to their permissiveness of displays of evil in media as a matter of foreign policy.



Plan C: Increase investigative forces. Increase penalties for terrorist activity. Increase penalties for all other crimes during the "War" on terrorism. Round up and take into custody all people who have dealt in terrorism. Bring the known collaborators and murderers to justice, put any accused of heinous acts on trial, and de-brainwash the brainwashed, and keep the permanently mentally twisted in cages where they can't hurt anyone.



President Bush was applauded when he appeared in California. I would have said "Don't applaud me for war. War was the last resort. If anyone has a magic body of reasoning that will get all terrorists and terrorist regimes to throw down their weapons and hug us, and become benevolent regimes for all of their citizens, then please come forward now!"



Punish terrorist activity on the same level as  espionage.



Recruiting other terrorist regimes to help address terrorism will not solve the problem, unless we turn on them. It is morally, mentally, and nationally weak, and only perpetuates the problem of terrorism.



Some American Black Leaders and Spokesmen found a con-game: pretend their people are being picked on, then their people will continue to receive free handouts. Such leadership (no matter who it is) is sapping the strength of America from within. Exposing them is the job of our intellectuals. Unfortunately there is a current good-hearted liberal trend in intellectuals that are blind to con-games.



The citizens of the Anti-Terrorist Movement must themselves combat terrorists - by identifying and reporting - on the home front since they are the targets.



The current U.S. generation has been handed a great nation. The current U.S. generation is being challenged by forces of evil. It is time for the current U.S. generation to rise to the level of greatness required to maintain their nation. The current U.S. generation has been called front and center on the military, political, social, religious, and philosophical stages.



The Non-terrorist nations should make a deeper analysis of good and evil now, even of perceived good and perceived evil.



The Northern Alliance running around in brown terrain in the US-supplied cheap-looking green fatigues once again illustrates the US's failure to comprehend the value of psychology in warfare (not to mention camoflague). The US comes off as cheap and stupid here. The art of Napoleonic psychological one-upmanship in military garb has been completely lost in the practicality-bottom price-line oriented American psyche. Why the appearance of fantastic military dress alone has won battles on the battlefield and has demoralized the opposition time and time again. What are they teaching in US military academies, anyway? Better to dress the Northern Alliance in garb that would make the Taliban soldiers jealous and demoralized, rather than come off as cheap and stupid, which could only increase their moral.



The President's success in the war on terrorism will depend on his continuously changing in response to a fluid situation. His success depends on how he adapts, seizes opportunities, and handles changes.



The State Department needs to take all contributions received by phone, mail, and email, and organize them in one location, evaluate them, and use the best in the war on Totalitarian propaganda.



The US has been infiltrated by a twisted, international, murderous organization dominated by a particular race. The Democratic lawmakers must wake up to that fact.



Track down and prevent terrorist activity on grassroots and policing level. If obstructed internationally use military force, if it is truly a "war" on terrorism. Impose stiffer penalties for terrorist activities on the legislative level. Try foreign terrorists by military tribunal.



U.S. should outlaw life-threatening violent exhibitions and Satanic cults at home, as a matter of Foreign Policy, because the efforts of the U.S. abroad can be undercut by evil exhibitions at home. Pursuing a permissive ideal at home to the point of alienating other cultures is not a good idea.



Underneath terrorism, what we should also be at war with is ignorance, isolation, and the seven deadly sins.



US must increase vigilance and investigative response.



US's anti-terrorism campaign should include making the anti-US game the Muslim world is playing appear childish and foolish.



Western nations must also take the opportunity to appeal to it's own citizens to refrain from evil doings while evil is confronted abroad and while goodwill and peace are enforced.



When carrying out these actions, assume the terrorists have succeeded in their aims - 50,000 to 100,000 dead in New York alone, and that they are working toward biological and nuclear warfare.



When carrying out these actions, assume the terrorists have succeeded in their aims - 50,000 to 100,000 dead in New York alone, and that they are working toward biological and nuclear warfare.


Human Cloning:

"Cloners are playing God." The only people playing God are Religious and Political leaders who want to ban human cloning.


Human Cloning:

"Shouldn't create life just to destroy it." Then we wouldn't have vaccines.


Human Cloning:

I can't blame religion for being against it, for it delves into the unknown, of which there is a chance of something bad coming of it. Remember, however, that, in that same reasoning, religion is also against space travel.


Human Cloning:

Take into account foreign relations, but support it as soon as politically practically. Identify and create measures preventing human evils from marring the it. Evil scenario 1: An evil, selfish person to his 10 year old clone: "I need my liver now. Fork it over. I own you, so give it." It is not difficult to create measures preventing such human evils from marring human cloning, and remaining flexible enough to apply higher reasoning in dealing with unforeseen applications of human evil (a flexibility our present justice system lacks completely).


Humanitarian Aid for Iraq Civilians:

Tell the world the US will give as much humanitarian aid to Iraqi civilians as Saddam does, and see what the world's reaction is.


Humanitarian Aid:

Instead of throwing food off the back of trucks to Saddam's disguised thugs, who will bring it to the militia anyway, set up kitchens so everyone can get food. Set them up in Coalition-controlled areas. When the men come out, detain them and set them to work against Saddam.


Illegal Aliens:

Send them back to the end of the line.


Indonesia and Malaysia:

The U.S. should take punitive measures if Indonesia and Malaysia are disinforming their people that the U.S. is bombing civilian targets in Afghanistan. If they are issuing anti-US. propaganda to their population, they better have good reasons to do so, or should be made to expect appropriate U.S. responses.



Let them know that their inspections will never get the job done, and will continue indefinitely in a hide-and-seek manner, and only if the US can afford to keep the immediate threat of force in the region, which they cannot and should not have to.



Tell the nations opposed to immediate military action to pay for the US military pressure in the region needed on Saddam to allow the inspectors to go into Iraq and play their never-ending hide-and-seek games with Saddam, that will undoubtedly go on for another 12 years without a conclusion.



Tell those in favor of continuing inspections that the inspections continue only due to US military threats, at the expense of the US, against US wishes, and at the peril of civilian populations of the US.


International Terrorism:

Should be battled simultaneously on as many fronts as the US can afford, with as much help from non-terrorist nations as possible. Getting the job done as quickly as possible should not be a priority. With the pressure on, terrorism will melt away of it's own accord to a degree, lessening the job of eradicating it.


International Terrorism:

What to do next should not be mulled over by only President Bush's War Council.



Interrogation Rules: Rules are fine if you don't have a mind and lack common sense. What is needed are general guidelines, such as a "Prime Directives" based on moral values. The fact is if you, as an interrogator, document what you are doing and what your reasoning is, it controls any perversities on your part, and it creates a record that can be evaluated and debated later for any reprimands and improvements to the effectiveness of methods and guidelines.



Since the present inspection process has not worked, there are two choices: 1000's of inspectors in Iraq and in Saddam's crosshairs, or deposing Saddam and destroying his mad arsenal militarily.



The US cannot succumb to the childish notions that (1) the US isn't going to leave Iraq, that the US is colonizing it; (2) that the US is not there to help



US not in Iraq to make friends or force democracy on barbarians. The US is there in response to the destructive Muslim madness and it's underlying causes, that had reached US soil with it's destructive fingers..



US should not leave Iraq until the Iraqis grow up.


Iraq After Saddam:

I hear from Washington there are people who have been planning for months on the rebuilding of Iraq after Saddam is deposed.  As eager as Americans are to do good deeds and bask in the immediate gratification, self-satisfaction, and cheap glory than comes from it, the US should not act on any rebuilding plans that are not of Iraqi origin.  Rushing in to do it themselves, without Iraqi initiation, Americans will do more harm than good in the area of fostering a new Iraqi leadership. 


Iraq After Saddam:

Scum cannot and do not rebuild, but will float to the top of Iraqi politics if the US does not from the first moment foster and aid the constructive Iraqis who will come in to rebuild and organize, and are capable of self-determination.  A dam needs rebuilding? Electricity restored? Humanitarian aid administered?  Obviously, but the US should not do the thinking or planning.  Let true leaders from within Iraq step up. 


Iraq After Saddam:

The best and brightest Iraqis will step forward and identify the problem, come to a solution, and manage it, and ask for aid if needed.  Sure, such management is always infected by self-interest ("have my uncle's business repave the streets"), but better it emanate from the Iraqis than the US.  Let the brightest, most enlightened, and most capable Iraqis come forward to organize a government that serves and protects all.  Such Iraqis will come forward to lead in the forming of their police and justice systems, their tax and expenditure systems, their fostering of knowledge and productivity, and their path to peace and prosperity that has been crippled by Saddam.


Iraq After Saddam:

The US should stand aside and allow willing and able Iraqis to step forward to rebuild their country.  In this manner a positive and constructive Iraqi leadership will emerge, while keeping at bay the human scum that inevitably rises to the top in the absence of such leadership. The US and any other compassionate nation should be there to aid those Iraqis who are willing and able to step forward to organize and rebuild their country, and they will come forward naturally. This will leave in the shadows the megalomaniacs, the mystical madmen bent on destruction, those who are governed by hate, envy, and jealousy; the schemers, the assassins, the personally ambitious (whose only skill is grabbing power and hanging on to it), and the just plain criminal-minded. 


Iraq Aftermath

There is but one desired outcome in Iraq- that Iraqis begin contributing to the human race.


Iraq Aid:

There is a cemented mindset about Iraqi aid that is erroneous. Aid should be evaluated village by village as to their needs over the next few years until Iraqis can get their lives back on track and become self-sufficient again, while on a path of peace and prosperity.


Iraq Issues:

Take a Task Force approach: assigning a Task Force to each issue, and tell the media you are doing that. A Task Force for finding WMD's, A Task Force for law and order, A Task Force for humanitarian aid, A Task Force for economic aid, A Task Force for aiding in the forming of the next government, a Task Force for finding Saddam and key leaders.


Iraq Issues:

Take a Task Force approach: assigning a Task Force to each issue, and tell the media you are doing that. A Task Force for finding WMD's, A Task Force for law and order, A Task Force for humanitarian aid, A Task Force for economic aid, A Task Force for aiding in the forming of the next government, a Task Force for finding Saddam and key leaders.


Iraq Law and Order:

Tell the media that it is not the military's mission to protect the pillars of oppression. As soon as it is their mission, the military will prevent the looting of any facility assigned.


Iraq Law and Order:

Tell the media that it is not the military's mission to protect the pillars of oppression. As soon as it is their mission, the military will prevent the looting of any facility assigned.


Iraq MisInformation Ministry:

Ask if any independent party has confirmed anything the IMM has said. (answer, No.)


Iraq Oil Profits:

Make sure it at least initially goes toward health, peace, and prosperity.


Iraq Oil Profits:

Make sure it at least initially goes toward health, peace, and prosperity.


Iraq War Plan:

Plan A was to test how many rats were a part of Saddam's regime.


Iraq War:

Liberate some militarily insignificant towns and protect them from Saddam's roving thugs, thereby creating psychologically significant examples of why you are there. You can them enlist (for fair pay) those townsfolk in non-armed capacities in the fight against Saddam.



Accept wisdom and reason from all nations, great and small, and let that guide Iraq's future.



Accept wisdom and reason from all nations, great and small, and let that guide Iraq's future.



If Saddam and sons gone but criminal regime remains belligerent, war should continue.



Let the words of an Iraqi exile guide you: "The absence of war is not peace when Saddam is left in power."



Occupy Iraq and get Saddam's graffiti off the Ishtar Gate.



Put Iraq back under total inspection, even if it means military action. Take a secret ballot of the Iraqi population to see if they want to continue under a totalitarian regime. It must be kept secret from the murderous Saddam.



Put out a call for the best and brightest Iraqis to begin the reconstruction and development of Iraq. Do this before capitalistic vultures or religious and political tyrants swoop down on the unsuspecting peasants.



State that US success in Iraq depends on the success of Iraq in pursuing peace and prosperity after Saddam is gone.



Stop telling them you are there to liberate them, when that is only a side effect of why you are really there- to strike a blow against terrorist.



Tell them you are there to strike a blow against international terrorists, and that their liberation from Saddam is only a byproduct.



The Iraqi soldier will put up a token fight - in order not to be executed by Saddamskys - and when confronted with strength, will immediately give up. On the other hand, if confronted by weak bunglers, will be emboldened and if given the chance will drag the bodies of dead American through their streets in triumph, in order to impress Saddamskys. The moral of the story is: The US should use the Bush/Schwartzkopf method of lengthy, open preparations for a clear goal, and bringing to bear overbearing might to carry out that goal, wherever the war on terrorism takes it.



The US should just finish the job. Saddam is a blight on humanity, terrorists or no terrorists. He desires population-exterminating weapons, has obtained them, and can deal with those presently willing to use them.



The US should liberate Iraq. In light of it's present allies, the US needs a new friend.



There are 50,000 to 150,000 Iraqis in Saddam's regime who have two choices: (1) die in battle and (2) face execution by their own countrymen for the crimes they've committed under Saddam. This means the US forces will encounter self-preserving resistance. Plan for it.



There is good and bad vying for control in Iraq. It is in the US's best interest to ensure the good take complete control.



There is good and bad vying for control in Iraq. It is in the US's best interest to ensure the good take complete control.


Iraq: "Bush and Blair lied about weapons of mass destruction in Saddam's hands":

Response: ahhhh, the liberals always get back to the lies about Saddam...  I really don't care what Bush/Blair said to get the liberal weenies on board! Bush/Blair didn't have to lie to me to get me on board! I could already list ten score of reasons to do that good deed!


Iraq: "Bush is profitting from the Iraq war."

Response: If Bush makes a few bucks on the side, I really don't care. He did his job.


Iraq: "Iraq is a Quagmire":

Response: Now way whatsoever!! It's just the instant-gratification I-want-my-bottle-now liberal whining again- the same babies who whined only one week into the Road to Baghdad operation; now it's only a few months into the post-war process- which everyone knows takes years, and they're whining all over again! I see it as the Democrats wanting Iraq to fail out of anti-Republican politics. Damn the Iraqis and world peace, the Democrats want the White House!


Iraq: "Let the Iraqi army deal with the problem."

Response: There is no Iraqi army now, only savage tribes.


Iraq: "Let the Iraqi army take over now that Saddam is gone."

Response: There is no Iraqi army now, only savage tribes.


Iraqi Aid:

Needs to understand Iraq already has a free enterprise system in place. Without the economic rape of Saddam and the Baath Party, it will take off, with a little facilitation from the US and UN.


Iraqi Civilian Casualties:

Must be balanced with the number of Iraqis Saddam kills in a given period of time if he is allowed to continue to murder and rape Iraq.


Iraqi Freedom Fighters:

Call Iraqis who help depose the Baath Party "Iraqi Freedom Fighters".


Iraqi Government Forming:

Accept input from all nations of the world, large and small, for even the smallest nation can input great wisdom.


Iraqi Government Forming:

Don't leave Iraq's best and brightest out of the picture. They should have a huge amount of input, otherwise they will feel the government is not theirs, and they will by instinct want to tear it down and do it themselves again.


Iraqi Government Forming:

It would be extremely cruel to leave Iraq's fate in the hands of countries that wanted to keep Saddam and the Baath Party in power, in order to perpetuate their reckless profiteering and irresponsible colonial capitalism at the expenses of the Iraqi people, the Muslim world, and world stability and peace.


Iraqi Government- New

US has the right to say "We got rid of Saddam, we will decide what kind of government you will have". The US also has a right to be ruthless in enforcing it. Instead, the US is trying to please liberal weenies throughout the world, and Iraq is suffering because of it.


Iraqi Lives:

Tell the peaceniks that Iraqi lives are valued more by the US than by Saddam and his killers.


Iraqi Male:

Don't know if he has Iraqi civilian blood on his hands or not, or is part of Saddam's secret assassin squads. Detain him until identified.


Iraqi Military:

Has a few cards to play yet that is not foreseen by the US high command.


Iraqi Minds:

Iraqi minds have been controlled by Saddam for the past several decades.  They will hate US troops.  The US must take that into account.


Iraqi Oil:

Nationalize oil revenues, or the revenues will end up in the hands of a greedy few again.


Iraqi Oil:

Nationalize oil revenues, or the revenues will end up in the hands of a greedy few again.


Iraqi on Mass Media Camera: "We hate US and Britain. Saddam good man.":

Response: I noticed he was looking over his shoulder when he said that. Why? Saddam's secret assassins were nearby, or this Iraqi was a secret assassin.


Iraqi Surrender Flyers:

Those of you who have nothing to fear from Iraqi justice, give up the fight for Saddam.  Those of you who are fighting to avoid Iraqi justice - prepare to meet your Satan master.


Iraqis in Baghdad:

Worried there will be no electricity, no water, and no food, and the missiles and bombs will traumatize everyone.


Iraq's Initial Resistance, Reason For:

Plan A (driving to Baghdad unopposed) did not work because Saddam's evil went deep, and those sucked into Saddam's regime could not fight the power of murder and terror from a Stalinist regime.



Don't let anyone try and give you a lecture on Islam.  Islam is alive and well in the US, and therefore the US is a partly Islamic country.  If they want to give you a lecture, tell them to go soak their heads.



Should offer their services in shutting down the Hamas and Islamic Jihad organizations within Palestine.



Should threaten to permanently take over one Palestinian town for every terrorist bombing, to indicate to the terrorist organizations that they do have something to lose - their fake cause (their real motive being the acceptance of peers, enjoying the feeling of power killing gives them, and are basically ignorant and have delusions of grandeur, not being satisfied with or able to making a humble, productive, peaceful living like others).


Job of the US President:

Let France know that it respects their interests, but it is his job to put the prevention of the civilian mass-murder ahead of the petty power politics it's allies are currently engaging in.


Justification for US Actions in Iraq:

a. The deal struck between the UN and Saddam was that if Saddam disposed of his Civilian Mass Murder agents and weapons, so he  was no longer a threat to his neighbors, he could stay in power and continue to rape and murder Iraqis indefinitely. This,  the UN deduced, was more civilized than allowing the Coalition forces to depose Saddam. Saddam, due to his treacherous and  dishonorable nature, has not honored his end of the bargain. Further, now that terrorism has reared it's ugly head on American soil, Saddam has a means of terrorizing and imposing his  and his terrorist friend's twisted wills on the entire non-Muslim world.


Justification for US Actions in Iraq:

b. It is imperative for someone enforce this deal, and the UN is incapable and too fearful of Saddam and the young, mindless,  populist-mentality street thugs in the Muslim world to do it. Since Saddam's arm can easily reach the US through Osama and his mindless minions, and the US has the strength and the courage to do enforce the UN's devilish pact with Saddam (which was all about OIL and BIG BUSINESS), that was incidentally so horrible to the Iraqi people and the non-Muslim world, and an embarrassment to humanity, it falls on Bush's shoulders to enforce this UN/Saddam pact that now it is too dangerous to allow Saddam to continue to dishonored. He has the courage to do so, even in the face of so-called peaceniks who are beaten down by enemy propaganda.


Kim Jong Il:

Is a clear and present danger to his people, his neighbors, and the world of peace and prosperity.  So why isn't the UN doing anything?  The US should propose actions against Kim now, so in a few years people won't be saying the US "rushes into war".


Kim Jong Il:

Let him know his pursuit of nuclear technology will not save him if it is the will of the Western world to depose him.


Kim Jong Il:

Let him know that if he cares two cents about his civilian population he will not pursue the development of nuclear weapons.


King of Saudi Arabia:

Root of all evil



"The Americans should bomb the Iraqis three times a day like that."


Leftist Media:

The government needs to protect it's citizens from irresponsible journalism that puts it's citizens in danger.


Liberal: "Bush and his cronies made all our allies hate us.":

Response: Negative. What Bush did was to make our allies show their true colors.


Liberalism in Foreign Policy:

The US should realize that freedom, truth, and tolerance only come through strength (case in point, God). Strength is also relative to the threats that are near. Even in the US, as threats increase, freedom, truth, and tolerance decrease. So US liberals should not try to blindly impose such levels of freedom, truth, and tolerance on countries where threats are near. I have no problem with pressuring totalitarian regimes, however.



Afraid the war will create another generation of terrorists, alienate our allies, destabilize the Middle East, and bankrupt the US government. Afraid, afraid, afraid.



Are walking clichés, all of which are totally misapplied.



Instead of using force, they proposed buying off Saddam with aid packages with strings attached. Assuming Saddam would have even agreed, he would have deceived.



Put pandering to allied petty power politics ahead of the safety of American civilian populations.  Liberal leaders in Washington expect to be in safe shelters when terrorists carry out their mad plots.  They don't care about American civilian populations being mass-exterminated.


Mad Mullah: "America is poisoning the Muslim world with television, radio, and movies."

This Mad Mullah simply watches the wrong fare. The choice is his. Therefore he is deluding himself over the whole issue. The issue comes down to control, which the Mad Mullahs don't want to give up.


Mad Mullahs and their Followers

Since the pen is mightier than the sword, give them some pen, starting here.


Mad Mullahs and their Followers

There are Mad Mullahs who preach and followers who want to see blood. They should be shown their own worthless, evil blood, and that should be their last moment on earth. Not a pretty choice, but that choice they have already made.


Marines in Afghanistan:

The Marines presence in Afghanistan should be in support of stated goals and not just to make the Democrats feel good about proving something they lack - scratch that - rather not just to please some non-military entity.



If the world wants to know about the progress of the Afghanistan campaign, then TELL THEM. Tell them how many vehicles, batteries, warehouses, front-line troops have been destroyed, how many supply interdictions have been made, how many defections have occurred. Let them know how many existed to begin with, how many remain, and what the goal is before coalition ground troops go in to round up terrorists.



Washington Post: "The (US) administration has to protect human rights in Northern Alliance-controlled territory…"   No, it doesn't! The US is not the police of the world. The US has told the Northern Alliance what kind of behavior it values. It is up to the Northern Alliance to abide by it and wake up to civilization. If they catch a Taliban person and want to assume that the Taliban person has by affiliation committed human atrocities, I can't blame them, because it is probably true. Leave the Taliban criminals to the Northern Alliance. The US needs to resume it's original mission - the war on terrorism, in all it's forms: individual, organizational, religious, philosophical, psychological, and political.


Middle East:

Israel and the Middle East say they have reasons to fight. The U.S. must give them bigger reasons not to fight, such as Plans A, B, and C outlined here.


Middle East:

Plan A Middle East: (Part 1): Send a non-terrorist nations coalition force to the Middle East, redraw the border between Israel and it's neighbors, and enforce it. There are two children fighting over there (Israel and Palestine), and an adult (non-terrorist nations) has to go over and separate them. Land enough ground forces only to create the border. If the border force is attacked with terrorism, then it is a terrorism policing problem, and the host country should correct it. If they can't or won't, implement plan A2 on the responsible regime. If the border forces are attacked militarily, implement Plan A3 on the responsible regime. Let them know openly why the coalition is coming and what it hopes to accomplish (to set up peace and enforce it) and the consequences for non-compliance.


Middle East:

Plan A Middle East: (Part 2) (More severe that Plan A1): Send into the offending country an occupying force, disarm and dismantle the regime, and stay for at least a generation. Occupy the country until there exists an intelligent, educated indigenous generation that has developed a higher reasoning ability, industriousness, a moral fiber, a respect for peace, and a regard for life, who can keep a strong moral government functioning.


Middle East:

Plan A Middle East: (Part 3) (More severe that Plans A1 and A2): Send in an occupying force, disarm and dismantle the regime, and quarantine the indigenous population for a generation or however long deemed necessary, so they can't go out into the world and commit their heinous terrorist crimes. Administer justice under military rule. Then dissolve and divided the land among it's non-terrorist neighbors, wiping the country from the map.


Middle East:

The leaders in Israel will but the general population there won't mind the peace resulting from the new border. The Palestinians will with terrorism attack the border forces with no restraint from the leaders in their government.


Middle East:

The Muslims took the Jewish homeland centuries ago. It is not too unreasonable to give half of it back.


Middle East:

When children are intolerantly batting each other, the adult takes away the bats and punishes the children, and administers medical attention where necessary. If one child is evil, the adult punishes  only that child. If the adult wants the children to keep their bats, the adult separates them and enforces it. (the adult then risks being batted by both the children, however). The same relationship exists between the Non-terrorist nations (the adult) and Israel and Palestine (the children). However a better adult would have kept a closer observation on the children beforehand, foresee trouble coming, and would have taken action before the batting began. It is unfortunate that it did not happen in this case, but an oversight by the adult does not justify the children batting each other.


Military Power:

Trying to stamp out terrorists with military power alone is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.


Military Threat to Iraq:

Side benefits: (1) France is actually working with Germany, and they both are actually working with Russia, although they are all working against American interests,  number one of which is protecting Americans from international insane mass-murder organizations, and are merely playing power politics. It comes down to the US doing a good deed by removing Saddam and the Europowers striving to keep Saddam in power for whatever selfish reasons.


Military Training:

Wargaming: US soldiers looked ridiculous practicing their mock urban battles. They should instead use rubber bullets and practice naked (at most with minimal protection for unhealing body parts), so when a mistake is made, it will hurt like hell. Only then will a soldier more appreciate the consequences of a needless or careless battlefield decision, and it will aid in balancing the goals with the risks.


Military Tribunals:

Those who say the US is above Military Tribunals assume that the US justice system is a model to the world. It isn't. Criminals go free over minute arguments of higher platitudes. The juries are amateurs in logical analysis. Admitted murderers are allowed to walk the streets after a bad trial. Acknowledged facts are suppressed due to procedural issues. The only benefit from trying terrorists in American courts may be that it might help straighten US courts out by setting a precedence in not tolerating such stupidity.


Military Tribunals:

When I suggested Military Tribunals back in Sept., I was suggesting ways for the US to demonstrate the sternness that it will use in dealing with people who are and have been a part of the lowly and deadly game of terrorism. Just the threat of it will have an impact and drive off the fringe. The US should be nothing less than stern with these bored, adventurous, but misguided and deadly young men. The US has a lot of recent experience with fighting ignorant, misguided, suicidal fanatics. It time again to employ it.


Mullah Omar:

Have to go after the man who harbored such insanity as Al Qaeda.


Museum of Antiquity and Museum of Archaeology:

If Saddam used the schools for education rather than as ammunition dumps maybe the average Iraqi would have known the intellectual value of the Museums' contents and would not have looted it.


Museum of Antiquity and Museum of Archaeology:

If Saddam used the schools for education rather than as ammunition dumps maybe the average Iraqi would have known the intellectual value of the Museums' contents and would not have looted it.


Muslim Reaction in the Street:

Since this war is about responsible adults (the US) vs. mindless juvenile delinquent savages (Militant Muslims), you can expect the violent rabble to be out in the street. Juveniles take to the street, adults are more reserved. The media loves juvenile violence, hence it's over-amplified coverage.


Muslim World:

Emboldened by the fact that there are only 250,000 US troops there instead of the 600,000 in Desert Storm. Use this to make the US out to be the underdog in this battle, for two reasons: (1) the Republican Guard can be suckered out to fight, (2) you will gain more support, because everyone roots for the underdog.



America To Muslims: Your religion is between you and your God. But if you attack Americans (or other hard-working, moral, educated, politically free nations) who tolerate you, prepare to meet your God sooner than later.



The US should address the terrorist and totalitarian states of mind. If successful it will bring an end to terrorism and totalitarian regimes.


Negotiating with the Enemy:

Take the most extreme recommendations contributed by people and threaten the enemy with them, saying "Look, this is what the American people are calling for, the US Government's terms are benevolent in comparison. If you don't take them..."


Next Terrorist Bombing

Say "That is another example of the evils we fight against".


Next War Plan:

Include propaganda objectives (such as liberating a small village that, while militarily insignificant, would reap huge propaganda benefits.



If the US does not act, the mindless terrorists and dictators will be emboldened and take further mad actions against the US.


This is a good forum right now for viewing debates about the war, for pro-war forumers have invaded the forums and lively debates are raging faster than they can be banned.


North Korea:

Call North Korea a threat to the free democratic nations in the region, and a future threat, in it's dealing with terrorists, to the rest of the free world.


North Korea:

The US is being provoked by one of the last madmen in the history of earth, and has the right to destroy North Korea's nuclear facilities as soon as possible, especially after being provoked by their crazy, kidnapping, murdering, self-perpetuating dictatorial leadership.


Note on Plans A, B, and C:

Children are bickering in the Middle East (Israel and Palestine), and like a disciplining parents, the Non-Terrorist World  has the strength to step in, separate them, and enforce it.


Note on Plans A, B, and C:

Irony: Force must be used to gain respect for peace and goodwill.


Note on Plans A, B, and C:

Is separating them the US's business? It most certainly is now. A fair judgment will make both the Israelis and Palestinians very angry no doubt. But children do not know what they need, only what they want.


Note on Plans A, B, and C:

Note that the words "war", "attack", "bomb", "shoot", "assassinate", or "kill" any man, woman, or child are nowhere to be found in any of the courses of action (Plans A through C) outlined below, nor are they a part of any goal given. This should give the U.S. the moral edge.


Note on Plans A, B, and C:

Response to "Would the U.S. like it if someone came and put up a border in our country?" is "If we were acting like bickering children and blowing up the rest of the world, everyone would welcome an intervening adult".


Note on Plans A, B, and C:

The recommendations include a three-part plan for responding to terrorism today.


Note on Plans A, B, and C:

The U.S. has a chance to lead the world in morality by following the commandment "Thou shall not kill". As a matter of fact, the "war" on terrorism will be more easily won if other countries know the U.S.'s goal is not to kill anyone, as in the plans outlined below.


Note on Plans A, B, and C:

The U.S. should openly propose plans A-C to the non-terrorist coalition during coalition planning, but indicate that it will abide by any final united coalition decision, higher reasoning, or better ideas.


Note on Plans A, B, and C:

These courses of action will give the non-terrorist nations a humane goal at the outset - that of forcefully setting up peace and goodwill. Using violence is now only a last resort to defend against suicidal fanatics.


Nuclear Proliferation:

The anti-proliferation treaty is sound in that most nations in the world are still juvenile in thought and behavior, increasing the likelihood of accidents and misuse.


Occupation in Iraq:

Needs to continue until Iraq is on a path of peace and prosperity.  Shiite Muslims running around with guns does not fit that bill.


Osama bin Laden:

Has already dispersed his cancer throughout the world.  The war is upon the US.


Osama bin Laden:

Should be stripped of all assets, just like a drug dealer is.



Any military operation will pay it's price for overconfidence, a lack of intelligence about the enemy, fatigue, and unrealistic training.



Pressure Pakistan to close their children "hate" schools and arrest the proprietors for the insane incitement of war and the mis-education of children.



Taliban men are grinning gun-toting monsters, who idolize Hitleresque techniques. It can be rightly assumed that if a man was with the Taliban, then he has committed numerous atrocities and murders against humanity. That's why it is so repugnant to consider Taliban members in the forming of a new broad-based government. It would be like putting terrorists in charge. Pakistan better be holding talks with veeeeeery moderate Taliban commanders if they do not want to disgust the rest of the world. The U.S. should inform Pakistan of this.



The US should not be letting Pakistani Taliban sympathizers join the Taliban front lines. The US should attack them as soon as they cross the border.



Why is the US now demanding an Israeli withdrawal from a terrorist state that cheered the 9/11 attacks, and are flagrantly on the wrong side the US's war on terrorism? Is it that the US is acting as a Good Christian, forgiving, and have no plan other that the immediate end to violence? Like Saladin with the Crusaders? Like hypocrites after Afghanistan? So be it. But inform the Palestinians that if they don't respond to the US's support this time, there should be no further "good deeds" from the US that aid the Palestinians. Does anyone think that the Palestinians will be grateful to the US? How many good deeds does the US have to do to find out the truth? The US has been doing good deeds since WWI. Has it been appreciated in the Muslim world? One can only realize that the US has friends as well as enemies in every country on earth.



Tell the UN that being civil with a dictator costs money. Who is going to pay for it, other than the blood of the dictator's subjected people?



You need to throw desirable personalities at the Middle East. Why do you think they still wear Beatle haircuts there?


Plan C in Iraq:

Proposed Plan C: Liberate  and defend the countryside from Saddam's paramilitary, working from the Iraq borders in toward Baghdad, aid the civilians without creating another welfare system like in the US, get them self-sufficient so they are not dependent on the US,  pay them for their temporary aid in unarmed logistics activities, in aiding the fight against Saddam (tell them "every box they lift hurts Saddam), and gradually tighten the noose around Saddam's regime, wherever it is, possibly in Baghdad. Leave present forces where they are, out of reach of their bio/chem weapons, near Baghdad, to keep the pressure on the quarterback, Saddam's central regime.


Plans A and B in Iraq:

Plan A, going straight to Baghdad, didn't work. Iraq was given a chance to get out of the way and let the US throw off the bondage of Saddam, but now we know how Saddam has stayed in power so long, his evil thugs are everywhere threatening, brutalizing, and murdering the civilians to keep themselves in power.  Plan B, engage Saddam's military, isn't working by itself, Saddam's primary weapons are unconventional- brutality and threats against his own civilians, spreading deceptions and lies through the mass media, and war crimes. 


Position on Turkey and Kurds:

If there is no honorable basis for treating a people as second-class citizens, then the second-class citizens should have recourse to redress.


Post-War Iraq:

(1) Nationalize the oil revenues so they can be distributed evenly. (2) Run the distribution of oil revenues by elected, term-limited officials. (3) Have checks, balances, and watchdogs looking over the said officials to prevent abuse and minimize bribery. (4) Allow a free press to expose any failures of integrity in such a well-intentioned system.


Post-War Iraq:

(1) Nationalize the oil revenues so they can be distributed evenly. (2) Run the distribution of oil revenues by elected, term-limited officials. (3) Have checks, balances, and watchdogs looking over the said officials to prevent abuse and minimize bribery. (4) Allow a free press to expose any failures of integrity in such a well-intentioned system.


Post-War Iraq:

Already has a large Ministry system in place, that unfortunately, up to now had the sole duty of keeping Saddam in power.


Post-War Iraq:

Don't want warlords, communist dictators, religious madmen, or capitalistic vultures to gain the upper hand in Iraq, because descend they will.


Post-War Iraq:

Iraq's post-war justice system should not be based on the US system that, in the face of (the DC sniper) Malvo's bragging about his murders and saying he'd do it all over again, can't summarily execute the guy and save the courts unnecessary time and expense.


Post-War Iraq:

Let Iraqis take the best social features from other nations and leave the bad.  From the US take the work ethic, leave the decadence.  From Iran, take the piety, leave the hatred.


Post-War Iraq:

Make a call for Iraq's best and brightest to secure their villages, towns, and cities, and to begin a new government and justice system that can bring the Baath Party members to justice in a civilized and reasoned manner.


Post-war Iraq:

Must filter out the ambitious, incompetent, and corruptible wannabe leaders from the can-do leaders.


Post-war Iraq:

Need checks and balances to keep the religious and political tyrants at bay, and need oil profits state-owned to keep the greedy capitalists at bay (who are bad for the masses, although not nearly as bad as a greedy dictatorship that resorts to murder to stay in power).


Post-war Iraq:

Need checks and balances to keep the religious and political tyrants at bay, and need oil profits state-owned to keep the greedy capitalists at bay (who are bad for the masses, although not nearly as bad as a greedy dictatorship that resorts to murder to stay in power).


Post-War Iraq:

Oil profits need to be pan-Iraqi-owned, and it should flow in 5 directions: (1-3) to support the health and human services, law and order, the justice system, and the administrations in the three provinces according to population (Shiite, Sunni, Kurd), (4) to support the pan-Iraq services such as the military and foreign affairs; (5) and to aid the health and human services of their non-oil Muslim Middle East neighbors.


Post-War Iraq:

Risk that nations that opposed the war will go into Iraq to screw things up just to make their point.


Post-War Iraq:

Tell the Iraqis "Civil War is not an option."


Post-War Iraq:

Wanted:  Iraqi Founding Fathers.  Enlightened, educated, compassionate people with vision and a regard for the individual. Iraqi birth preferred. Those with blood on their hands working for Saddam and the Baath Party need not apply.


Post-War Iraq:

Wanted:  Iraqi Founding Fathers.  Enlightened, educated, compassionate people with vision and a regard for the individual. Iraqi birth preferred. Those with blood on their hands working for Saddam and the Baath Party need not apply.


Post-War Iraq:

Will make it possible to address the 100's of unanswered questions the weapons inspectors had.


Pragmatism of Principles:

One must be able to afford to act within principles. Principles come with a high price. They are an ideal.


Present Foreign Policy:

Should not follow the "Live and let Suffer" policy recommended by liberals today and practice by the US in the latter half of the 20th Century.



Let the Muslim world know what Americans are calling for, and you, as the US government, will appear restrained.



The US is trying a lot harder not to kill civilians that the Taliban ever did. I don't think anyone could argue that. The US government needs to present that more forcefully.



The US needs to respond more intelligently to statements and propaganda. I have heard no response to the offhand but none-the-less powerful remark by a Northern Alliance soldier: "We are glad the Americans are carrying out their revenge and bombing the Taliban." That is an unfortunate and erroneous view of things, taken from their perspective. The fact is the US must either go after Muslim terrorists, or stand by while Muslim terrorists plot and kill more Americans. There is no "revenge" involved, because the threat is still present. If there were no longer any present threat, then it would be revenge.



Understand this is a war of three things: freedom, economy, and beliefs. Each must be addressed.


Public Opinion:

Fair Game Rule: If Saddam wouldn't listen to it on his side, then the US shouldn't listen to it on it's side.


Public Opinion:

Fair Game Rule: If Saddam wouldn't listen to it on his side, then the US shouldn't listen to it on it's side.


Put it to a Muslim:

What would he choose, Saddam or being liberated by the US? Only through extreme prejudice would he choose Saddam, thereby revealing his wrongful populist prejudice views against the US.


Racial Profiling:

Is OK when it is a racial war.


Rebuilding Iraq:

Create jobs for Iraqis, not the French. Hire Iraqis. Without work, there is no democracy in Iraq, and there is no rebuilding anything that the Iraqis will not want to tear down and do over themselves anyway. Do it once. Let the Iraqis do it.



Oil prices went down to $10/barrel after the Gulf War. Make sure they go down to that price again for a while, and direct recompense will not have to be exacted from the Iraqi people.


Regarding Baath Party Regime members melting into the Iraqi population:

I'm sure the Iraqi civilian justice system will catch up with them.


Reporter Question: "Someone in Bush's administration said it would be good to go on to the other countries in the region and liberate them. Is this your policy?"

Response:  Sure, it would be a good thing, but it is not our policy in deference to our so-called allies and the UN, and to give peace another chance.  In Iraq, peace had a chance for 12 years, and Saddam has never given peace a chance.


Republican Guard:

Hiding behind civilians.  US forces should taunt them to come out and die like men, since they do not want to face the justice of their countrymen whom they've brutalized for the past several decades.


Republican Guard:

May have learned some lessons on how to counter Desert Storm 1 US tactics, and have developed a few futile but symbolic tricks, mainly ambush in nature.


Response to Terrorism:

The steps the US must take is clear - respond to Muslim ignorance. If Bush wants to act like a cowboy in the process, it doesn't bother me in any way whatsoever.


Response to Terrorists:

The terrorists attacked the only power in the world that can do anything about the Muslim world's political plight. The US has been called upon, from children who want attention.


Response to Terrorists:

The US did not start this war, but they have the right and duty to finish it. 


Response to Terrorists:

When terrorists give the US ignorance, the US has the right to give them ignorance right back.



We need to create a mutual missile defense system for both Russia and the US, and any other country that can afford it. Is it not terrorist threats that the whole program is being funded for? Is it so bad that if successful it will make obsolete an intercontinental missile strike? I'm sure American ingenuity will find some other way to deal with evil in the world.


Saddam and his Money:

Make sure Saddam does not have access to his money, so he can't give out his $14,000 bounty for each American soldier's scalp.


Saddam CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) agents and weapons:

The only way there are to be found is through a tip by an Iraqi insider, just like the DC Sniper.


Saddam Loyalists:

Things that keep them loyal: (1) threats to self and family; (2) money; (3) food, water; (4) guilt of crimes they've been forced to commit to become a part of the regime. The first three can easily be forgiven, the fourth is harder to forgive. Let it be up to the future Iraqi civilian court what happens to them.


Saddam Officials:

Respond to anything they say with "It's just more fabrications and lies to hide the civilian blood on their hands."


Saddam- Weakening:

Remove him from his money and mass media.



Don't say "Saddam" anymore. Say "Baath Party". Example: The Baath Party places innocent civilians at risk by making them indistinguishable from combatants, many suicidal."



Let the UN know that the war on terror cannot continue without keeping one eye on Saddam, and without the risk of the fact that he can operate with terrorists without being detected by the eye of the West.



Needs to be deposed, or the rest of the rogue leaders in the world will disregard international law and the UN's desire for present and future peace and prosperity.



Once again a Bush has understated the real goal in the Middle East, that of getting rid of Saddam.  Bush Sr. stopped at evicting Saddam from Kuwait in Desert Storm.  Bush Jr. stopped short at disarming him during the war on terrorism.  The goal should have been in both cases to remove Saddam.



State that while disarming Saddam would have been a tiny step for mankind, removing him will be a giant leap for mankind.



Tell the UN that the post-Desert Storm bargain between the UN and Saddam was, if Saddam wanted to stay in power and continue to brutalize, murder, and rape Iraqis and Kurds, then he had to give up his collection and means of producing CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons. It's been 12 years, he has not kept his end of the bargain.  Furthermore he openly sympathizes with anti-US terrorist organizations who desire for Saddam to give them CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons in order to take hostage and murder entire American multi-cultural and multi-religious civilian populations, to obtain their narrow, selfish, and twisted political and personal ends.



There is no political will to disarm in Iraq, so a change in political leadership is obviously required.


Saddam's Arsenal:

Realize and counter his primary weapons: Illegal munitions, war crimes, brutality, murder, and threats against his own civilians, hiding in civilian areas, false propaganda, deceptions, and lies aimed at this own civilians through his thugs or funneled through  gullible Western mass media and prejudiced Muslim mass media to the rest of the world.


Saddam-Terrorist Link:

As to the Saddam-Terrorist link, it is better to err on the side that is already exists, when the consequences are the wholesale slaughter of civilian populations, which is the aim of current international terrorists organizations and self-aggrandizing Muslim fanatics and their sympathizers.


Saddam-Terrorist Link:

Reducing the availability of CMM (civilian mass-murder) agents and weapons while the Muslim world is gripped by madness is a part of the war on terrorism.  Saddam has them, his regime is evil, the UN mandated he relinquish them, he will not.  To achieve this Saddam must go, and the war on terrorism can move on.


Scott Ritter "The US will lose the war and create enemies through the world.":

Response: Mere cowardly conjecture. The exact opposite is just as likely to occur.



Their backwards, repressive, and prejudiced views are going to be an obstacle to the well-being of Iraq. Their backwards views will inhibit the pursuit of peace and prosperity between Shiite, Sunni, and Kurd. This must be acknowledged and planned for.


Social Services

The government should provide services that are beneficial but unprofitable- such as recycling pollutants. Services that improve the quality of life.



Need special insignia indicating what type of battles they've experienced, be it desert tank battle or urban combat.



Need special insignia indicating what type of battles they've experienced, be it desert tank battle or urban combat.


Spread Rumor:

Saddam and Tarik are broadcasting from France, to counter Saddam's weapon of lying.


Stance on War:

Not for war, but even more not for evil terrorist-supporting dictators mis-spending a region's vast natural resources.


Statement to Iraqis:

Either Saddam alone or Saddam and you who will suffer if war begins.


Statement to Iraqis:

No Saddam, get the results of Saddam's mass-destruction ambitions cleaned up, pursue peace and prosperity rather than war and hate, and the US moves on in defending itself from the war declared and thrust upon it by ignorant, murderous terrorists.


Stock Answer to Questions from Press:

"I'll give you three different answers, (1) an off the cuff initial reaction of what I would do personally; (2) a quick guess on what the administration will do; and (3) a well thought out an researched answer that may take some time, of which I will keep you posted as to my due diligence in formulating a wise and profound answer which will last through the ages."


Syria, Iran, Libya's "what's in it for them" if they don't pursue weapons of mass destruction:

Peace, prosperity.


Syria: "Fanatical elements criticize Syria.":

Response: Statement reveals the mind of Syria, that of a fanatical state.


Syria: "Fanatical elements criticize Syria.":

Response: Statement reveals the mind of Syria, that of a fanatical state.


Syrian Bus Casualties:

They would have been safer if they informed the US of their travel plans through the war zone, and if Iraqis were not committing war crimes, like using busses and Red Cross vehicles to transport troops, hospitals solely to stages military operations, false surrenders, and other tricks that disregard the safety of the other like civilian items.



The US should counter unverifiable Taliban claims with ridiculous counter claims that could very well be true, as long as they remain unverifiable. Example: a bombed hospital. The US should say a Muslim terrorist blew it up with a suicide truck bomb because the media was in town and they wanted to quickly create something anti-American to show the media.


Tell India:

Bush was also 86% against war, but the other 14% made more sense, and pertained to his duty as President to protect and serve the American people.


Tell Iraqis:

Bush is a politician. Politicians make promises they rarely keep. It is really up to you to make your lives better. You will receive more help in that endeavor than if you take no active role.



Never call it a "War on Iraq", but "Deposing Saddam and destroying his CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) arsenal he's accumulated".


Terrorism at Home:

What would annoy me most (and might even be good for me in certain ways) is a loss of electricity.



Being first a war of mental states, ideas, and perceptions, the war must be fought more vigorously on these fronts using higher reasoning, propaganda, and mass communications.



Terrorists are fighting for thoughts and reasoning. The thoughts and reasoning must be analyzed and defects exposed and countered with higher thoughts and reasoning. To merely suppress is not enough.


Terrorist Harboring Countries or Tribes:

Tell the Muslim world: "The shepherd is now hunting the wolves. If you harbor the wolves now, you will bring the wrath of the shepherd upon your house. Your walls will be broken down and the wolves captured. You will receive no recompense, and will possible receive more punishment as you deserve."


Terrorist Rationale: Kill US civilians if they can't control US government.

If the US used the same rationale, they would kill Muslim civilians because they can't control their terrorists.



If their mindset is not publicly challenged, they will continue down their mad path.



Keep terrorists prisoners of war until their war is called off and they all surrender.



Mil Tribunal OK for terrorists, even though US is not at war with them, because they, as they've proclaimed, are at war with the US.



Mil Tribunal possibly too soft on terrorists. They should be subject to the methods and punishments of their native countries - which we all know are harsher than our soft-bellied US laws.



Should , when caught, be held as prisoners of war until all terrorist organizations are dealt with.


Terrorists: "The US is trivial, and therefore bad":

Response: There are many countries embroiled in civil war that aspire to obtain the level of triviality that citizens of the US enjoy.  They would much rather see cake recipes in the news than atrocities being committed and caused by the strife in their land.


The Cracked Logic of the Left in America: an Example:

Iraqi who's son fell off 8th-floor balcony in Jordan after fleeing Iraq: "Tell America My son is the first casualty of the war. We would not have left Iraq if it were not for the war." Nice leftist human interest story portraying the US as the bad guy. Why not tell Saddam, too? Because it is the purpose of the Left's cracked logic to make the US look bad in order to improve the image of the US abroad.


The Enemy:

Take into account you are fighting masses of people with the minds of children terrorized and misled by a few evil adults.


The Iraq Military Strategy:

Has been affected by criticism of the Afghan campaign being a proxy war and having a lack of mano-e-mano, much to the detriment of the US.


The Muslim World:

Identify who your friends and enemies are in each country.  Cut off aid to your enemies, and aid your friends.  Seems simple in theory, but with apathetic leadership things get easily turned around, since in life it is usually your enemy who is in your face trying to part you from your money, while slandering your true friends.


The Muslim World:

Tell the Muslim world to give the United States a democracy to deal with and it won't have to deal with Royalty and Dictators.


The Next President:

Begin to consider who the next "ideal" President should be in terms of addressing those issues Bush addresses poorly, and try to become that ideal candidate.


The Points Presented Here:

Ironically, if you do publicly voice some of these points, it may make the war on terror easier, jarring many mad Muslims out of their madness.


The US Military:

The US has been attacked and it is the job of the military to be one of many tools of response.


The Weak vs. the Strong:

Remember the weak cannot afford to be merciful when fighting the strong.  It is a law of nature.


To Al Jazeera:

"Report the whole truth, or else."


To Critics:

"You can make my successor your patsy, and the world will get another chance to con America when my successor takes over."


To Iraqi Civilians:

"Do not approach US troops. Saddam's assassins are pretending to be you."


To Iraqi Hospitals:

"Do not operate in buildings with big red crosses on them, Saddam's assassins are using these buildings as military bases."


To Iraqis asking "Where is our electricity and water?":

"Go restore it! If you sit around waiting for someone else to do it you will lose your newly-given country and freedom once again.


To Iraqis asking "Where is our electricity and water?":

"Go restore it! If you sit around waiting for someone else to do it you will lose your newly-given country and freedom once again.


To Iraqi's:

Soon you will join the human race.


To Red Cross Vehicles:

"Do not drive in red cross vehicles without coordinating it with the US. Saddam's assassins are using them."


To Reporter Questions:

"My country's concern for human life is a big part of this war.  The enemy takes it as one of our weaknesses.  They consider the Geneva Convention agreements a weakness.  Iraqi civilians couldn't be any luckier as wars go to have a liberating force with as high of principles as the US has.


To Reporter Questions: "How long will that take?"

Answer: "That entirely depends on the actions of the enemy, and Saddam's concern for his subjects. With absolutely no resistance it would take…., but Saddam can drag it out and make his subjects suffer.  But Saddam must go."


To Saddam's Regime:

"You can take your chances with the US military or with your own former Iraqi victims.


Tommy Franks:

Answer to "What tactics would you employ if an overwhelming force attacked your hometown?" Answer: "If I had been brutalizing and murdering my civilian population in order to stay in power perpetually for the past 30+ years,  I would show some remorse and accept my end. If I were honorable and good, I would fight in an honorable and civilized manner. If I were a complete rabid dog, I would tell my assassins to dress as civilians and put civilians in danger, use civilians as human shields and use the enemy's regard for human life against him, hide in and snipe from civilian houses, perform false surrenders and place future surrenderers in danger, dress up in enemy clothes and shoot anyone who surrenders, use hospitals and Red Cross vehicles for military operations and place innocent hospitals and Red Cross vehicles in danger, kill civilians who rose up against me, tell my most loyal followers if they blow themselves up at enemy checkpoints I'll give their families $35,000, hold my capital city hostage against the invaders, and use mass media to propagate fabrications and lies against my enemy, who is too bound by honor to counter it"


Tommy Franks:

Response to speculative questions: "I'll leave that to speculation."


Tools of War:

US: Truth, individual worth, volunteerism. Saddam: Lies, murder, slavery.


Trade Deficits:

Have a general policy of zero trade deficits with countries, unless it be used as a political or diplomatic tool, and only when the US can afford it.


Trade Deficits:

Have a general policy of zero trade deficits with countries, unless it be used as a political or diplomatic tool, and only when the US can afford it.



Motives self-interested, but not honorable - want to suppress Kurds and take Iraqi oil fields.  This is of course a UN matter, if it is fit as a body to deal with it.



Saddam has used them. The US has no ethical restrictions now not to use them to their fullest advantage.



The US should avail itself of UN help in the war on mass-murder.


UN "Let inspectors complete the enforcement of Resolution 1441":

Ask them who is going to pay for the military threat required to have the inspectors there in the first place?


UN Forces:

Time to get their lazy cowardly behinds into Iraq to feed  those towns that have been liberated from Saddam, and to protect them from Saddam's secret paid and blackmailed assassins.  US forces have a larger job to do- to strike a blow against terrorism by ousting Saddam and his regime. US forces are not in Iraq to pass out Twinkies and Kool-Aid.


UN in Iraq:

Get their lazy, cowardly butts in there now to facilitate Iraqis to set up their free Iraq. This should begin in the outlying villages, towns, and cities, and come to a head in Baghdad. The UN's facilitation of this grassroots reforming of Iraq by the Iraqis includes protecting the civilians from the Baath Party and it's assassins, and offering humanitarian and economic aid where requested.


UN Proposition:

Make it legal to attack the illegitimate leaders (not elected by the population) of slave states.


UN Proposition:

Make it legal to attack the illegitimate leaders (not elected by the population) of slave states.


UN Proposition:

Recognize that leaders that are not elected by the population are not legitimate.


UN Proposition:

Recognize that leaders that are not elected by the population are not legitimate.


UN Weapons Inspectors:

Should be allowed back into Iraq, but not given sole jurisdiction in searching out Saddam's Civilian Mass Murder arsenal.



If pro-Saddam countries like France/Germany/Russia/China are allowed into Iraq, have them help the Iraqis restore their electricity and water. Otherwise, they are not needed or wanted.



Is putting the prevention of a necessary war ahead of the protection of those who pursue peace and prosperity.  Removing Saddam is a necessary step in protecting populations that are pursuing peace and prosperity from the madness currently gripping the Muslim world, and rogue leaders who care nothing for such civilities.



It would be unfair to the Iraqi people just freed from Saddam and the murderous Baath Party to subject them to the administration of UN countries that wanted to keep Saddam and the Baath Party in power.



Know that the UN must act on clear and present dangers and not logic and common sense. But it is the latter that will win the war on terrorism.



Saddam has no right to harbor CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons that directly threaten the US civilian populations through terrorism, therefore the US has the right to depose Saddam and destroy his CMM arsenal.



The UN should allow that if, in a quarrel between nations, when one nation does not heed the UN, the other nation is released from it.  Saddam and his band of killers do not heed the UN, therefore the US should be released from having to heed it when dealing with Saddam.



Wants more pressure on Iraq. Ask the UN who is going to pay to keep Saddam in power, and let him play hide-and-seek with inspectors for another 12 years, while mad terrorist organizations hatch their civilian mass-murder plots in the Western world?


Urban Warfare:

Need plenty of snipers.


US Action:

US action, with all the flaws inherent in a one-time job, is better than no action at all.


US Actions in Iraq:

If the US has only God to thank them, the US is doing something right.


US Forces Image:

Project the image that the US forces in Iraq are the underdog, thereby gaining support, for everyone cheers on the underdog. Say something like "We are outnumbered 5 to 1, but we remain resolute." This will also have the effect of encouraging the rats to come out of their holes and expose themselves in a foolish assault.


US Foreign Policy

If a country tries to export their madness, the US has a right to go there militarily and not be so liberal-weenie pleasing.


US Foreign Policy:

US can't sit at home and let the Osama's run amok throughout the world plotting their mass murders against the US.  The US can't hide from terroristic states that are aligned with such terrorists, either.


US Image:

Now that it's own liberals have labeled the US a bully, the US is not only having it's civilians mass murdered by rogue terrorist organizations, but the evil regimes of the world are upon it. There is nowhere to back off for the US anymore.


US Initial Plan in Iraq:

Was a gamble on the possibility that Iraqis were tired of Saddam and his regime and would embrace a change, allowing US forces to enter Baghdad without firing a shot, thereby sparing Iraqi civilians from casualties and a bloody war.  It now appears that Saddam's regime, after 40 years, and numbering in the 100,000's, is solidly entrenched in Iraqi society, are more fearful of Iraqi retribution than fighting US forces, are desperate, and in order to save their skins will put Iraqi civilians in harm's way.  They know that is a US weakness - their value of human life.  It is time for plan B, going back and engaging the doomed and desperate criminal enemy wherever he is.  The Iraqis should not be the only ones to employ underdog battlefield tricks, however. Draw them into traps.


US Pressure on Iraq:

Should be kept up. It has already had effects that are beneficial to Iraqi's and the Middle East in general: (1) Saddam let inspectors back in (2) Inspectors can inspect where they want (3) Saddam held sham elections to feign popular support (before that he could care less about popular support) (4) Saddam released political prisoners (5) Saddam allowed U2 planes to aid inspectors (6) Saddam made reparations to Kuwait to win them over.


US Receptions in Iraq:

Shiites: Open arms but wary; Kurds: same, Sunni's: hostility and fear of losing power; Baath Party: war.


US vs. Baath Party:

Ask third parties to ask themselves who's side they are on, and who they've been vilifying and why. If they scrutinize themselves, they will see that the US is acting on higher principles.



Should not bow to ignorance and prejudice no matter how youthful the hate and violence is.


Victory in Iraq:

Politically Correct Statement to Make: "This victory was in part for our allies, who doubted any nation could be altruistic, honorable, strong, courageous, and could actually spread good in the world, and, at the least, is not all bad."


Vietnam: "The US backed the wrong side in Vietnam."

Response: backing the wrong side? are you nuts! Communism is a proven failure! Only power-mad dictators hold on to it at the expense of their starving, backwards populations! One can live under Kim Jung Ill or Castro if one needs a modern-day eye opener. One can also go back in time to Mao's cultural revolution's mass murders, or Stalin's Soviet Empire mass exterminations, or Cambodia's Khmer Rouge mass genocide for a taste of communist reality, not to mention their complete distortion of history they tried to force feed their populations at gunpoint... yes, even Singapore is free today thanks to the U.S. Pacific Fleet in the mid 20th century... man, the ungratefulness of some! This blind anti-US sentiment a good example of 60's hippie liberal professors rebelling against their WWII parents and distorting the minds of an entirely new generation!



Once non-terrorist nations coordinate their Visa information, terrorists hiding in non-terrorist countries are as good as caught.


Vocal Iraqis: "We want this, we want that."

Response: Liberals have infused the world with the twisted concept that living in a democracy means demanding things for free, rather than realizing nothing is free, that if you want something, then you have to earn it.


War Choice:

War on terrorism can be fought abroad or at home.


War in Iraq - Saddam's Strategy:

Know that Saddam and his band of 200,000+ killers will hide in Baghdad and take their own women and children hostage.  So there will be a need for hostage negotiators if the lives of the women and children victims are to be valued by the US, if not by Saddam.


War in Iraq - US Strategy:

Bottle up Saddam and his band of 200,000+ killers in Baghdad behind their women and children, and open up the country for 1000's of weapons inspector/searchers/destroyers to seek out and destroy his accumulated CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) arsenal of agents and weapons.


War in Iraq:

Better for the US if there is at least token forces or support in the field from it's allies.


War in Iraq:

Consider what side the strong and the brave would be on, and consider what side the feeble would be on, when dealing with a murderous dictator like Saddam.


War in Iraq:

Remember Saddam's main purpose will be to annihilate US forces by any means possible in his domain.


War in Iraq:

Saddam has sent out his assassin squads to delay the US, causing the US to clean up the countryside and protect anti-Saddam civilians from Saddam before taking Baghdad, and Saddam in the meantime is fabricating anti-US propaganda and using Al Jazeera to propagate it to child-minded Muslims in order to foment anti-US sentiment, which will scare US Liberals, who will stop the war, which leave Saddam in power.


War in Iraq:

State that the US has it's surgical gloves on and is removing the cancer from Iraq. Unfortunately, this cancer is intent on killing the patient and biting the surgeon's hand before the operation is over.


War in Iraq:

With Saddam penned in inside Baghdad he may commit suicide and try to take Baghdad with him.


War in the Middle East:

I get the feeling the US is stopping short again of achieving a really good humanitarian objective, just like the US could not depose Saddam or aid the revolt in 1991 due to international opposition.


War in the Middle East:

I get the feeling the US is stopping short again of achieving a really good humanitarian objective, just like the US could not depose Saddam or aid the revolt in 1991 due to international opposition.


War on Iraq:

If the US attacks, Saddam will take his illegal CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) agents and weapons and hide himself in Baghdad with his 250,000 strong band of killers.  They can them hold the city hostage and keep the US at bay, Knowing the US's higher concern for human life, thereby preserving themselves from US forces and Iraqi civilian retribution, and keep their mass murder arsenal. It would be a standoff.  US forces could search the countryside for Saddam's mass murder arsenal, but if he takes it into the city with him, you can't get it without endangering the population of the city.  The US of course would have higher principles than Saddam and his regime, in spite of Tarik Aziz's false claims to the otherwise. The US must plan for this.  It would be much easier if the war had the backing of the UN, then there wouldn't be any "told you so's".


War on Saddam:

Let people know it is simple good vs. evil, black and white. The cynical may pick out flaws in US policies, but the US still far outshines Saddam, a fact the cynical choose not to see.


War on Terrorism:

Can be made much easier and more effective with a point-counterpoint front, such as being presented here.  It is after all a war of ideas and perceptions not based on fact.



Has been declared on the US by the madmen of the world, and Saddam has thrown his lot in with them (read "God's Punishment" headline of Saddam in reference to the 9/11 attacks).


World Totalitarianism:

Will be weakened if Iraq can be put on a free path of peace and prosperity.


World Totalitarianism:

Will be weakened if Iraq can be put on a free path of peace and prosperity.


Young Muslims:

If you wake them up out of their juvenile stupor, and unchain them from their populist Muslim cliché mentalities, maybe they wouldn't be so mindlessly savage, suicidal, and self-destructive.


Your Pride:

Should not get in the way of your presenting the points presented here, just because you did not originate them.



























(4) LAYMAN OBSERVATIONS:  addendum 45









Was Clinton's fault for thinking that arresting and convicting a few terrorist criminals would make the problem go away.


 9/11 and Fighter Jets

The subsequent highjacked airliners were not shot down because (1) no plane has ever been shot down over US airspace; (2)  this act had no precedence, (3) the planes were already over populated areas; (4) no one knew the plane's intent, or if it could be talked down. Blame the liberals for wanting to try negotiations first in everything.


"82% of Blacks are for Kerry"

It could be argued that it shows how many blacks are on the take from the government.


"9/11 happened on Bush's watch, so it's his fault."

Not his fault. 9/11 was in the works for years before Bush took office.


"America is the Great Satan.":

Israeli: "US has the greatest morals and values in the world." Barring the Democrats, I agree.


"American soldiers dying from friendly fire would decrease once our troops "get into battle rhythm." …example of serious matters like the death of American soldiers being reduced to show-business triviality.":

Response: Sorry, but "battle rhythm" is a fact. If leftists take it as trivial, then their ignorance of the military resulting from no draft and a lack of military experience is glaringly apparent.


"Arabs Outraged by the Killing of the Hamas Leader" part1

"Arabs Outraged by the Killing of the Hamas Leader": This is a joke not worthy of print. How can the Arabs be outraged by the inevitable, responsible, and appropriate retribution against a Palestinian State-sheltered killer of innocent civilians? The Arabs want the UN to condemn the wrong party, as usual. The Israelis are not the enemies of innocent civilians like this guy was, and his organization is, and like Arab organizations are, and the States, cultures, and religions that shelter them and cheer them on. The killing of this guy was a responsible wartime act against a savage and barbaric party that has declared and is conducting open war against Israel with the main tactic of killing innocent civilians. This guy lived by the bomb and would not quit, he appropriately died by the bomb. Good riddance- one less madman in the world.


"Arabs Outraged by the Killing of the Hamas Leader" part2

If the Arabs are outraged, as our misguided broken-moral-compass hypocritical steal-from-those-who-create-wealth-and-hand-it-out-to-those-who-don't-in-order-to-buy-mass-votes Loonie Liberal Weenie Democrat pay-the-extortion-to-our-enemies-and-maybe-they'll-leave-us-alone media friends want us to believe (which is outrageous in itself -and forgive me for the fun I had with that statement), it would be outrageous, a point which our above mentioned turntail-attack-the-wrong-party as usual media friends are too afraid to see, let alone mention. Oops, more fun.


"Bush a horrible failure at everything."

Have terrorists on run. Economy recovering from 9/11. Surrounded by good group of conservatives. Beat the liberal weenies in 2000. Looks like successes to me.


"Bush bad because he used God to justify removing Saddam by direct force."

Liberals miss the point, Bush was countering Muslim's self-centric ideology. Also the liberals only attack Bush and say nothing of the Muslims doing what they are miss-accusing Bush of doing.


"Bush created more terrorists than there otherwise would have been."

Mere conjecture, since we haven't seen the "otherwise".


"Bush doesn't understand the complexities of what he's getting the US into."

This statement is just an excuse for cowardice and giving in to evil. There is nothing complex about what is wrong with the Middle East, or what is right and wrong in today's world. You kill civilians to obtain you political aims- only a fool or an opposition Party member would refuse to admit that is wrong.


"Bush doing damage control"

The liberal's limp-wristed prisoner abuse punch caused no damage in my view of Bush, only to the image of the petty Democrats.


"Bush failing in Iraq- evidenced by still no commercial aircraft in and out of Baghdad."

Statement blind to the fact that the enemy routinely shoots down commercial aircraft to obtain their oppressive aims.


"Bush had a blueprint for taking down Saddam in 2000."

Good foresight. The gov. should have many plans. Saddam was also a problem in 2000, and before that.


"Bush is a puppet of his staff. He does not have the intellectual capacity to visit foreign nations or know their history."

Response: But Bush knows bullies like Saddam and Osama when he sees them, and can speak their language.


"Bush is a warmonger."

I can only laugh at that. Bush is taking an extremely reserved and moderate course compared to what I initially suggested- rolling over all 22 European-post-colonial-era-created totalitarian Middle East monarchies and terroristic relegious states and setting up democracies.


"Bush is as dangerous as Muslim Fundamentalists, when he brings up God in his speeches.":

Response: (1) No, Bush does not advocate intentional Civilian Mass Murder to gain his aims; (2) Bush is not trying to spread a tyrannical religious state around the world like Muslim Fundamentalists; (3) (Sarcastically): "Oh, better watch out for dangerous Bush, he is trying to spread freedom and democracy to repressed regions of the world."


"Bush is not contributing to the Palestinian problem."

Response: Bush endorses a Palestinian state, in spite of the barbarous nature of the Palestinians.


"Bush pre-emptive for reasons that don't pan out."

There are more reasons for Bush's actions than even Bush realizes.


"Bush received special treatment in life."

Liberals should be the last to complain about special treatment, since that is their political platform- doling out special treatment for their "disadvantaged" (choke) voters.


"Bush Sr. had a chance to get Osama."

Doesn't sound right, since Bush was out of Office in '92 and Osama didn't become anti-US until long after that.


"Bush's foreign policy is bad.":

Response: Bush has increased foreign aid by 50%.


"Clinton prevented attacks"

Clinton's weenie responses gave rise to the attacks.


"Concerned about the direction Bush is taking the US"

Yes, away from the left.


"Conservatives are turning this country into a totalitarian state."

The difference between censorship in the US governments and in totalitarian governments is that the US government is protecting civilians from hostile forces, while totalitarian governments are protecting the government from the civilians.


"Disarm Iraq Peacefully":

Response: Fails to take into account you are dealing with a murderous dictator.


"General Electric runs country because of Reagan."

Last I heard GE wasn't doing so good.


"Groups are against Bush, if that isn't enough to sway you…"

No mention of reasoning, just 'group is against so you should just mindlessly follow the herd'.


"How do you explain that the vast majority of the world is in the Franco-Russo camp?":

Response: That's easy: competition with the US, certainly not over any moral ground. You can add pride, arrogance, ignorance, prejudice, and evil to that mix, and you will have a more accurate picture. To be more accurate you will have to add a mindless, superstitious, fashionable populist US-bashing fad shaped by leftist totalitarian mass media muck.


"Instead of a war on Iraq, Bush should spend the money on a war on AIDS.":

Response: Bush has a $15 billion program to fight this immorally self-inflicted disease. I don't know what's worse, the disease itself, or the social diseases that spread it.


"Iraq a Mess"

Only to those who are brainwashed by micro-focused liberal media.


"Islam offers the world a lot of things."

Like ignorance, prejudice, tyranny, repression, violence, isolation, murder, poverty, hate, lies, distortion, terrorism.


"Islam, Yes"

When I see them yell "Islam, Yes", I see hate, ignorance, and false pride.


"Just Go Away" (from antiwar protestor to pro-war proponent:

Besides Osama, Saddam, and Muslim street thugs with Kalashnikovs, is Kim Jong Il going to "just go away", when he is developing nuclear weapons and says "The world does not need to exist if there is no Kim Jong Il"? Get your head out of your behind. War is upon you, and Bush is shielding you from it.


"Kerry doesn't flip-flop, that's just spin-doctor talk."

"I voted for it before I  voted against it". "Saddam has to be dealt with", then "We have no business in Iraq." Voting against military funding, then "I'm for a strong defense."


"Kerry doesn't flip-flop."

Betch-cha he does.


"Kerry doesn't take botox, his wife does."

Don't know, don't care. He still represents the loonie camp- Democrats.


"Kerry was a war hero."

That's not what liberals were calling soldiers during Vietnam. It was more like "baby killers". A good example of liberals flip-floping, and not knowing where they stand; or just their Clintonesque politics- 'say what you have to say, whether it's true or not'.


"Lori Ann Piestewa died in vain.":

Response: Not only did she die for one of the few recognized noble causes in history (a co-reason to the President's job of protecting American citizens), but she gets people to reflect on the American Indian - their strengths being the ability to have inner peace and live in harmony with nature without requiring a lot of material goods; their weaknesses being not realizing this and clinging to their hunter/gatherer society in the face of the onslaught of the industrial age.


"Muslim Martyrs will go to Paradise.":

Israeli: "The Palestinian suicide epidemic is unfortunately contagious."


"No Blacks or Women Presidents of the US because of social injustice."

On the contrary, anyone can step up to the plate. There have been Black, women, and black women candidates. on the other hand, just look at the quality of the two highest profile blacks who ran for president, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton- in my opinion two tax-dodging publicity hounds, one a thug, the other a buffoon, both buffoons in relation to the requirements of the Office of the President of the United States. Am I any better than a buffoon, you are thinking? Perhaps not, but the quality people I have around me are attacked daily. maybe that's why the office is left to thick-skinned buffoons or tyrannical dictators. I can say the same for politics around the world.


"No link between Saddam's former regime and Al Qaeda."

Liberals say this with no proof that there was no link.


"No link between Saddam's former regime and Al Qaeda."

Then what is Al Qaeda doing in Iraq in the post-Saddam era, if not fighting for their former ally?


"Not enough troops in Iraq."

Statement based on two erroneous assumptions: (1) that Iraqis do not want to police themselves; (2) That there is a major uprising.


"Prisoner abuse more than 6-7 people."

Not only conjecture, but ignorantly out of context compared to what US's enemies do to prisoners.


"Quagmire in Iraq"

Pure liberal media-wash.


"Reagan an actor, the Presidency was his biggest part."

This is so ignorant it isn't even conventional wisdom anymore. Even Time magazine, that liberal rag, published an article on Reagan stating otherwise.


"Reagan got his friends 3 trillion dollars richer at the expense of the little guy."

Reagan's economics helped small businesses as well, and people from all income groups, even down to 5% increments, benefited equally.


"Reagan hurt a lot of people."

Sure, but does not mention that those who were hurt were dependent on soft, protected companies; that Reagan used global free-enterprise to weed out the weak corporations and create a stronger, more competitive US economy. The economy swooned into a recession initially as the weak died, then took off.


"Removing Saddam took away from war on Terrorism."

Just the opposite. Saddam was the imminent link between terrorists and WMD's.


"Republican tax cut is self-indulgent."

Liberals are self-indulgent when they give away other people's money in order to make themselves feel like Gods, not knowing the damage they are doing to the economy and the family.


"Republicans are telling conservative talk show hosts what to say and they are brainwashing the country."

Far from the truth. Rush, for example, develops totally original concepts based on reasoning derived from objective observations. More like the democrats are trying to brainwash the country with their brand of twisted conclusions and subsidized radio programs like "Air America".


"Republicans hand out no-bid contracts."

Worth verifying: If true, why? Do Democrats do it too? Yes. The former black Democratic Mayor of Wilmington just blatently said 'to the victor goes the spoils'.


"Roosevelt let Pearl Harbor happen to get US into war."

If he did it's the liberal weenies fault for their blind isolationism.


"Saddam did not attack the US."

It doesn't take a genius to see that Saddam is a part of the problem.


"Saddam did not attack the US."

That means liberals would rather wait until more American civilians are murdered on US soil before they respond.


"Saddam had no connection to Al Qaeda"

There is no proof there wasn't. Bush did not  give Saddam the benefit of the doubt.


"Saddam had nothing to do with terrorists"

Liberals say this as if they had an inside track on Saddam's dealings.


"South Korean Army not in Iraq for the benefit of Iraqis, but for the benefit of cursed Americans."

Typical ignorant, unsupported statement made by Muslims.


"Soviets knew Star Wars was a sham, and knew about stealth technology, Gorby had spies all over the place."

Wrong on both counts.


"Spend the $87 billion on us!"

Response: It's not your $87 billion, you parasite!


"The US has no regard for the lives of people in other nations.":

Israeli: "The US has set out to root out terrorism and fight evil, with the regard for their own lives no more than the regard for the lives of the people in other nations they are liberating."


"The War is Unnecessary.":

Korean Vet: "I think the war is necessary."


"Two mattresses at Gander Hill prison."

A good example of liberals heart-bleeding over criminals without any concern for the victims or holding the criminals accountable for their actions.


"US invaded Iraq but not Israel.":

Response: Which state publicly supports suicidal terrorism against the US? Iraq, not Israel.


"US is a ringmaster in the Middle East and aided Iraq and Iran against each other. Whity only wants the oil. - signed, Allah":

Response: My suspicion is you are a prejudiced black with your "Whity" statement.  You need a new set of friends who have quit crying in their Colt 45 Malt Liquor because their ancestors were captured by their own black brothers and sold to the Europeans for God-knows-what baubles and whiskey.  If you get up and contribute something to humanity in general, and not only to yourself and your own brothers, then you will begin to earn some respect in the world.   I also suspect you became 'Muslim' to spite Christian 'Whity', and don't care a lick for Allah.


"US is against Islam."

Wrong. Many US citizens are Muslims. US went to the aid of Muslims in Bosnia.


"US is engaged in genocide against darker people under the guise of the war on drugs."

This is not only ignorant, but super-ignorant, and kooky. Only from a liberal. But I'll research it, since I haven't yet.


"US military should have shot the planes on 9/11 down."

More liberal shallowness and cracked logic. (1) No passenger jet had been flown into a building before, no precedence. (2) Jets have veered off course before for a variety of reasons. (3) Planes have not responded before for a variety of reasons. (4) Assume fighter jets had caught up with the jets. There are still many options: (a) try and talk them down (b) you still don't know what the highjackers intent is, until it is a few hundred feet from it's target, then it is too late to shoot it down. It will hit the building anyway, and you'd be shooting it down over a populated area. (5) Flight is an infant technology without a lot of precedence to fall back on. Liberals are whining basically because Bush does not have a crystal ball. Conclusion: there is no way to prevent a first occurrence of something. Why weren't the subsequent airliners shot down after the first one crashed into the World Trade Center? Shock and disbelief, and no airliner has ever been shot down over US soil, and again, the liberal weenie influence of negotiating first stayed the hand of the military.


"US only gets involved in international situations if it has a financial stake in it."

Typical liberal blind, erroneous, and just plain slanderous/libelous anti-US fashionable cynicism. What about Haiti? Vietnam? Bosnia? Panama? Grenada? Korea? WWII? WWI?


"US should have attacked Saudi Arabia and pursued Osama in Pakistan instead of removing Saddam."

This statement is a good example of not seeing the big picture- that of the post-WWI European-installed totalitarian miss-governances of the Middle East that is the underlying cause of the incredible ignorance, hatred, misery, mistreatment, brainwashing, and poverty that exists there. Like a typical liberal, they completely miss the target, or disregard it in their quests for power. Saudi Arabia did not invade it's neighbors or covet weapons of mass destruction, and the Pakistani government would have has a civil war on their hands if they let the US into Pakistan.


"US should have left Saddam alone."

Typical liberal tendency to be the criminal's best friend.


"US supports terrible regimes throughout the world, while Saddam has done nothing to the US."

Response: (1) Regimes may be terrible, but the alternatives are worse, barring the US going in and setting us a democracy, which would be a good thing. (2) Saddam has openly supported terrorist attacks against the US, and is a source of anti-US propaganda intended to fuel the insanity of terrorists.


"Violence and weapons can never solve the problems of man."

Response: It worked against Hitler.


"Violence and weapons can never solve the problems of man."

Response: Only those problems that are upon you that employ deadly violence and weapons.


"We are concerned about all the innocent civilians that we see suffering on our television screens," said spokeswoman Giri Inaya.:

Response: Where was your hypocritical concern for the last 30 years as Saddam murdered Iraqis by the millions?


62-year Iraqi:

"We (Iraq) have had so many wars I'm used to it." I don't hear any Americans saying that about the US, while America's enemies, including Iraq, falsely tell the world the US is a warmonger.


A Balanced Budget

Sure Clinton balanced the budget- but cutting everything except that which they thought would perpetuate their power- perpetual free money.


A Democratic Islamic World:

If democracy and Islam can coexist, Muslims may have something positive to offer the world someday.


a From the Airheads, Cowards, Hypocrites, and Despicable Antiwar Protestors:

A much needed jab at antiwar protestors.


a From the Airheads, Cowards, Hypocrites, and Despicable Antiwar Protestors:

What follows are what antiwar protestor slogans are really saying if you read between the lines: 


A group of university professors and the Kurdistan Journalists Union charged in a statement read on Kurdish television that Arab satellite stations were biased in favor of the Iraqi regime and "deliberately obscure and distort facts.":

Response: No truer spoken words.



I'm for it. Females should have recourse over the irresponsibility of males. Females are programmed to say "yes" to sex. It is the responsibility of the male to refrain. It is extremely difficult if not impossible for females to fight nature.



Afghanistan needs an elected government that can get it's people back on their feet, recognize right from wrong, and apply justice. They need a government that does not tax it's people, however, since there is no income. So who is going to pay for it?



Everyone knows the U.S. will not meddle in the Afghan population's religious matters. It does not do it at home.



If Afghanistan takes longer than Desert Storm, it will be due to three, no, four, things: (1) lack of preparation, (2) lack of resources, (3) lack of coalition, (4) lack of will.



It is evidenced that once the Taliban fled, Afghans could become human again.



It is time for Afghans to consider graduating from their tribal mentalities, without giving up the color and diversity of their nation, if any. It is time for them to set a governing example that will be a model for the rest of the world.



Setting up a new government in Afghanistan: keep in mind any government that leads with the heart is a good one. Any human behavior and any goal or pursuit likewise put people first.



The ignorant population thinks Afghanistan is taking longer than Desert Storm. Afghanistan has however been going on for only several weeks, whereas Desert Storm lasted 6 months, 5.9 of those in preparation and negotiation.



The US didn't abandon Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal. It was not invited to stay. It refrained from meddling in Muslim affairs. It allowed the Afghan people self-determination, a value held dear in America, but misapplied elsewhere. It couldn't stay in that part of the world and set up a decent government due to the cold war with evil regimes at the time, and an anti-American media fashion show in vogue at home and abroad ever since Vietnam, in spite of and totally overlooking the blatant evils of America's enemies.



They should realize that civilization begins in the heart and the mind, but is constantly under attack by vanity, power, and greed.


Air America

Their impending failure is clear- they are airing only in welfare-ridden urban centers whose people already vote Democratic to get free money. Air America is not even reaching or exposing themselves to the criticism of those who are not Democrats- the non-urbane.



Rather than shake your heads at them, the Bush administration needs to challenge them mentally, point/counterpointedly.


Airport Security:

But on the other hand, in defense of the free-enterprise system, the airline or third party that comes up with a better security standard on it's own will have every right to advertise it and reap the rewards. If people really want better airport security and this isn't just ongoing media hype, then they will flock to such an airline, even if it is higher priced. If not, and the customer sticks with the lowest fare, then the security issue is media hype.



"My religion told me to kill them."


AKBAR: "As it is, there is hardly any democracy in the Muslim world, which is one of the terrible problems afflicting it. And most dictatorships have the protection of the West because of the cozy relationship between power and oil.":

Response: (1) Another myth fed to the Muslim ignorant by anti-democratic regimes.  It is just as easy if not easier for the US to be cozy with a Muslim democracy, but the Muslim mixture of Islam and politics prevents that. (2) How do you explain the US getting rid of Saddam, one of your "cozy partners" with the West? You can't, your logic does not hold up. The Muslim world is in fact afraid the US will topple every totalitarian Islamic screwed up state in the region, the very "cozy" regimes with the US you fantasize about. (3) Who is pressuring the "cozy" elite on human rights? The US whom you are brainwashed to hate.


AKBAR: "Its (Turkey's) parliament has voted against supporting America's war despite huge bribes being offered.":

Response: Bribes? Not fair recompense for expected losses? Akbar, you show your anti-US prejudice colors.


AKBAR: "The future is not going to be smooth. I feel that the Muslim world is a decade away from its own French Revolution, except that this upsurge is going to be led by various shades of Islamists, thanks to the policies of leaders like Bush. France and Germany understand this, which is why they have taken the stand they have taken.":

Response: This is pure muddy logic, with only a fleeting and inaccurate grip on reality.  Unfortunately the entire Muslim world thinks with and acts on such nebulous non-logic.  It is almost superstition in it's vapidity.


AKBAR: "The poor socioeconomic conditions of so many Muslims make heavenly afterlife a very attractive proposition.":

Response: For whatever nefarious reason Akbar does not mention the main cause of so many Muslim's poor conditions - that of mixing Islam with politics.  It is not socio, and it is not economic.


AKBAR: "The push comes from interests hostile to Muslims…":

Response: What? What are you talking about? This is mere mind mush. I see no interests in the world that is hostile to Muslims, least of all the US, which is partly a Muslim nation already.


AKBAR: "There's a saying by the Prophet: 'Paradise comes under the shade of swords.'":

Response: Just goes to show Muslims still live in the dark ages mentally.


AKBAR: "When Osama bin Laden was fighting his jihad against the Russians, he was a hero. When his jihad turned against America, he became a villain. That is the argument you hear on the Muslim street.":

Response: Only a stone-headed Muslim cannot differentiate between a murderous, totalitarian Stalinist empire and a free, generous, peace-loving democracy like the US.


Al Jazeera:

A a warmonger based on the anti-US false propaganda it continuously engages in.


Al Jazeera:

Completely ignores the evil the US is fighting, and instead amplifies Western defects.


Al Jazeera:

Is an enemy of the free world, considering it's slanted, deceptive anti-free world propaganda.


Al Jazeera:

Pandering to Muslim Madness.


Al Jazeera:

The war brings to light how bad Saddam's regime is. Al Jazeera, in it's anti-Western agenda, does not report that, while reporting the deceptions of the Iraq Misinformation Ministry.


Al Jazeera:

Turned off water supply in Basra to kill civilians, including children, like the head of the child Al Jazeera is falsely trying to incite the Muslim World with, and mortar's Basra civilians, while Al Jazeera accuses the British of being responsible for the severed head they showed on TV.


Al-Douri (Former Iraqi UN Representative):

Says he's leaving the US out of protest of the US's occupation of Iraq. What he really is doing is going into hiding in Syria with his criminal Baath Party buddies who also fled to Syria.



What has made America great? The answer lies in it's individuals who get up early each day, are self-motivators, get an education, and have a high regard for others.


American Islamic Converts

Are either anti-White or anti-materialistic (as if Muslims were voluntarily anti-materialistic!),  because if they followed Mohammad they would be killing Christians. I saw one young long-haired white male praying to Mecca- the only problem was he was facing Northwest, while Mecca was Southeast. Symbolizes the directionless of such behavior.


American Muslims:

Are renegades according to Middle East Muslims.


American University:

A hotbed of mindless, populist, anti-US propaganda.


American University:

Is feeding students anti-US poison developed by totalitarian anti-US regimes.


Americans vs. Savages:

Savages are nothing new to Americans.  Americans have been fighting savages from it's beginning.



Have better things to do than conquer the world. At least I do, as you can see.


Amien Rais: "Bush & Blair tried in an international court "for their unjustified use of force against the people of Iraq.":

Response: Completely justified. Saddam creates unimaginable misery in Iraq, steals all the wealth, then blames the US. Ignorant terrorists believe him and commit Civilian Mass Murder in the US. You want a Saddam/Terrorist link, there it is.


Amnesty International:

Wants human rights monitors in Iraq immediately.  I don't think the American soldiers need Amnesty International to behave in an honorable fashion.


Anti US Protestors:

Anyone who does not think the US is fighting pure evil and that inspections would deal with it is fooling themselves.


Anti-Antiwar Protestors:

Just try to disrupt an antiwar march by blocking the street with a line of bodies, and see what the antiwar protestors do to you. They would tear you to "peaces".



Have thrown balanced media out the window in their attack on Bush and all that he is doing right.


Anti-Saddam Iraqi's:

Will come out as soon as Saddam's secret assassins are gone.


Anti-US Hypocrites

The world does not know a good thing when it has it- that of the US being what it is and what it stands for. Anti-US factions whine, criticize, debase, and complain, then when they need help they turn to the US, whining "why doesn't the US do something?", take the US handouts, and without any thanks go right back to being anti-US because it is an international fashion.


Anti-US Indian airhead hippie delinquent youth who hate the US:

I'd like to hear from the mature adult conservative Indian.


Anti-US Media:

Walks blindly through a liberated nation and zooms in on the few blemishes of the operation, while not reporting the tremendous damage done by the US's enemy - Saddam and 35 years of Baath Party rule..


Anti-US Protestors:

Who's complaining the US is spreading democracy around? Those who have totalitarian blood on their hands, such as Al Jazeera, those who profit from it, such as Al Jazeera, and those they fool, such as Al Jazeera and US liberals.


Antiwar Activists:

Acting out of unilateral idealism. It wouldn't work with Saddam, so why should the US listen to it?


Antiwar Activists:

Where were the Iraqi antiwar activists when Saddam invaded Kuwait?


Antiwar Democrats:

Vietnam became a quagmire during Johnson's administration. Iran went ugly during Carter's administration. Terrorists and rogue nations grew bold during Clinton's administration.


Antiwar Liberals:

Used to represent intelligentsia. Now they're just a bunch of airheads who have left intelligentsia out in the cold.


Antiwar News Article: "Soccer moms, religious leaders, longtime activists, senior citizens, and professionals have recently taken to the oft-freezing streets to show their support for a peaceful solution. They ":

Try as they may to close their eyes and wring their hands, war has already been declared upon them, and the first shot has been fired.


Antiwar News Article: "Soccer moms, religious leaders, longtime activists, senior citizens, and professionals have recently taken to the oft-freezing streets to show their support for a peaceful solution.":

The reason Muslim terrorists attacked the US is because they hate soccer moms, Western religious leaders, long-time activists, western senior citizens who bombed Hiroshima, and professionals.


Antiwar News Article: "Some drivers passing by made vulgar gestures and shouted 'you're all communists' to the antiwar protestors.":

Although the driver's outrage was justified, it was verbalized wrong. The antiwar protestors were most likely not all communists. But they all will go home and resume their capitalist lifestyles that the Muslim nuts hate so much, this after disagreeing with the very government that protects them from such harm. The antiwar protestors are blind to both sides of the fence.


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"And God Smote Them"- the Bible.


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Before you kill us, Osama, remember, we love you."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"If you smoke this, Osama, you wouldn't be so warlike."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"I'm too afraid to fight, leave Saddam in power."  "I'm too afraid to fight, leave Saddam in power."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"I've been brainwashed by Saddam.  Leave Saddam in power."  "I've been brainwashed by Saddam.  Leave Saddam in power."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Kim Jong Il: "The earth does not need to exist if there is no Kim Jong Il."  We like Kim. He's our kind of man."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Make Love, not War, or I'll kick your ass.  Make Love, not War, or I'll kick your ass."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Make love, not war.  Let Iraqis suffer.  "Make love, not war.  Let Iraqis suffer."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Make love, not war.  Let Saddam rule us.  Make love, not war.  Let Saddam rule us."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Make love, not war.  We don't want to fight for our freedom."  Make love, not war. We don't want to fight for our freedom."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Make love, not war. Let Jihadi kill us."  Make love, not war. Let Jihadi kill us."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Make love, not war. Let Osama gas us."  Make love, not war. Let Osama gas us."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"North Korea's policy of self-reliance—has meant surviving on international food handouts for almost a decade. We want Kim. Down with Bush.


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Osama and Saddam are nice.  They love non-Muslims.  Osama and Saddam are nice.  They love non-Muslims."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Our children aren't afraid to die, let Jihadi kill them."  (But leave us alone, we beg for mercy)."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Peace, yes, war for oil Jihad, no."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Saddam is a nice guy. Let him stay in power.  Saddam is a nice guy. Let him stay in power."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Saddam loves the USA.  He would never give his weapons away."  "Saddam loves the USA.  He would never give his weapons away."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Saddam never lies. Let him stay in power.  Saddam never lies. Let him stay in power."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"Saddam was elected unanimously (honest!).  Leave Saddam in power.  Saddam was elected unanimously (honest!).  Leave Saddam in power."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"See, Osama, we are nice.  Kill someone else instead.  See, Osama, we are nice.  Kill someone else instead."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"State-induced fear occupies their minds, distracting North Koreans from their chronic hunger. We want Kim, down with Bush."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"There is no Saddam/Terrorist link.  Leave Saddam alone."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We are all brainwashed.  Let Saddam stay in power.  We are all brainwashed.  Let Saddam stay in power."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We are blithering idiots.  Leave Saddam in power.  We are blithering idiots.  Leave Saddam in power."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We are ungrateful.  No "thank-you" for our freedom.  "We are ungrateful.  No "thank-you" for our freedom."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We don't mind getting gassed.  Leave Saddam in power.  We don't mind getting gassed.  Leave Saddam in power."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We don't understand.  We have not earned our freedom.  We don't understand.  We have not earned our freedom."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We like starvation. We want Kim Jong Il instead of Bush."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We only care about ourselves.  Leave Saddam in power.  We only care about ourselves.  Leave Saddam in power."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We only want to get high.  Leave Saddam in power.  We only want to get high.  Leave Saddam in power."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We want a leader with a Swiss bank account. We want Kim Jong Il instead of Bush."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We want lack of medicine. We want Kim Jong Il instead of Bush."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We want state-induced mass hysteria. We want Kim Jong Il instead of Bush."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We want to be given 270 grams of food a day, half the food needed to survive. We want Kim Jong Il instead of Bush."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We're afraid of Jihad.  We do not protest it."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We're too afraid to chant "Down with Muslim Militants".  So we pick on the nice guy, the US."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We're too afraid to disrupt Militant Muslim operations."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We're too afraid to fight, leave Saddam in power.  We're too afraid to fight, leave Saddam in power."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

"We're too afraid to protest Militant Muslims,  so leave them alone."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

(Soldier): "Go ahead and gas our kids. We won't fight you. We have higher principles."


Antiwar Protestor Slogan - Real Meaning:

North Korean woman says she saw a man who starved to death at the Chongjin train station before she left. We want Kim. Down with Bush.


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"Aid Osama, bring our troops home."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"Death to America, but not me."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"Peace now, aid Saddam. Let him gas us later."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"Peace now. See no evil."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"We are cowards, we fear Militant Muslims, we only protest against the US, because nice guys won't hit us back."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes, Communism, No'."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes, Death to America, No'."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes, Dictators, No'."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes, Jihad, No'."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes, Kim, No'."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes, Kings, No'."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes, Militant Muslims, No'."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes, Populist Mentality, No'."


Anti-War Protestor Slogan/Placard:

"We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes. Pacifism, No'."


Antiwar Protestors:

Antiwar Protestors can thank Bush they are alive, because Osama's targets were Americans, period.


Antiwar Protestors:

Are a product of a twisted education system that embraces revisionist history in which US actions are cast in a negative light and then over amplified, falsely scrutinized, and taken out of their historic context, while completely hiding the much worse atrocities committed by the then enemies of Americans, and do not teach at all what life was like in Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany, and other historic totalitarian regimes, or even in today's North Korea, where famine is a recurrence while the leaders stuff billions in Swiss bank accounts. Therefore the products of these abominable education systems think the US is bad and these other evil regimes are good or simply have and do not exist. It is simple brainwashing, and it has a worse effect the lower one goes down the intelligence ladder.


Antiwar Protestors:

Are brainwashed against the US.


Antiwar Protestors:

Are correct that war is wrong, from a high platitude. Unfortunately they do not take that message to the headquarters of terrorist organizations, rogue nations, and mad mullah mosques. Why? Because they would be laughed at, or worse.


Antiwar Protestors:

Are naďve of the plight Iraqi's are already experiencing under Saddam.


Antiwar Protestors:

Are protesting only because it is the fashion to bash the US. They've been brainwashed by 60's liberals, who've already been duped by every dictator in the world.


Antiwar Protestors:

Are self-satisfied in their more-civilized-than-thou posture, completely ignorant of the fact it is playing right into the hands of Saddam.


Antiwar Protestors:

Can show all the wisdom and compassion they want. Muslims will still stick to their dogma of hating the West and all things non-Muslim, purely out of principle.


Antiwar Protestors:

Do not know political repression or human suffering that such war alleviates, and posture from a position of comfort. Never in history have a people freed themselves without bloodshed.  Hypocritically, if the pampered antiwar protestors do begin to experience such suffering, they will most likely be the first to clamor for vengeance and war. They are despised by the suffering for this.


Antiwar Protestors:

Forgot Saddam printed "God's Justice" with a picture of 9-11 in his state-controlled media. In other words, Saddam will thank them today and kill them tomorrow.


Antiwar Protestors:

I was young at the end of the 60's and was anti-establishment where everything was a conspiracy.  It was a big, mindless, good time party. Now I'm an adult and can see the same things going on in the streets today in the US and in Muslim countries.  I can tolerate them, knowing their mindset, but when they become lead by vicious leaders and start blowing up trade centers, it's time to mop up the parking lot with them.


Antiwar Protestors:

It's plain to see antiwar protestors are driven by popular fashion rather than reason.


Antiwar Protestors:

More worried about the image of the US that pursuing terrorists to the ends of the earth.


Antiwar Protestors:

Offer nothing original.  They merely spew out mindless cliches that the propaganda of foreign dictators has planted in their weak and fearful minds.


Antiwar Protestors:

Take an impractically high posture. Their actions have Ho Chi Min ammunition, and are giving the Saddam's and Bin Laden's of the present world reprise.


Antiwar Protestors:

The only Iraqi who has voiced appreciation for the antiwar protestors is Saddam himself. This is completely lost on the clueless antiwar protestors.


Antiwar Protestors:

They are not thinking of the future if they think that by being nice the terrorists will change their minds, rather than the terrorists being twistedly emboldened as they have repeatedly demonstrated in the past already.


Antiwar Protestors:

Those who oppose this war on principle alone are wearing blinders.  Muslim Militants have no principles.


Antiwar Protestors:

Want safety through hiding and pacifism, and a "Live and let live" philosophy.  In reality antiwar protestors are selfish cowards who rather embrace a "Live and let suffer" philosophy.


Antiwar Protestors:

War is never popular, especially among the female population. War is a man's thing, and from a female point of view, it is always caused by stupidity. This does not mean war is never inevitable, or necessary when good vs. evil.


Antiwar Protestors:

Where are the placards against Saddam's closed dictatorial society, his rogue relations with the world, his murderous power preservation?


Antiwar Protestors:

Where were you on 9/12?


Anti-War Protestors:

"We know we're so lovable. Osama will not gas us."


Anti-War Protestors:

Do not know their enemy in the form of Muslim terrorists.


Anti-War Protestors:

If they only protest against one party to the war, they will fail.  The President would be derelict in his duty if he heeded them while the enemy did not.


Anti-war Protestors:

Mostly conspiracy theorists.  Oppose war mainly on conspiracy theory of corporate manipulation.


Anti-War Protestors:

US Soldier with peace sign on helmet:  "Go ahead and gas our kids. We will not stop you. We have higher principles."


Anti-war Protestors:

Where were they on 9/11?


Antiwar Protestors: "Only want to bring boys home and out of harm's way":

Response: (1) "Home" is not out of harm's way, or did you forget 9/11?  (2) You can't defeat terrorists with "soft" power that relies on their wanting to be like you.  Terrorists despise you and would celebrate in the streets at news of your extermination.


Antiwar Rallies:

Expose the "Give me more free government money" crowd.


Antiwar Statement: "Only a small percent of people in the world support the war on Iraq":

No one in their right mind will argue that it is time Saddam should be forced militarily out of power given the present generation's madness in the Middle East. 



Afraid to acknowledge right and wrong.  To them 9/11 is a morally gray area.


Apology to People of Iraq:

Sorry you'll have to live under the rule of Saddam and his regime for the next 20 to 30 years because France wants to play bigshot, and also spite a cowboy.



Argue that terrorists killed only 3000 Americans, while auto accidents, heart disease, and other medical ailments claim much more.  The appeasers forget that Osama would have been even happier if the toll of 9/11 was 50,000, which it could easily have been.


Arab media outlets rarely challenge popular Arab opinion on such subjects as Israel and the United States.:

Response: You can say that again, and the level of intelligence of Arab popular opinion is even lower than Western popular opinion, which is not very high.



Are weak in comparison to Americans, and will always hate the US for this, no matter how many peace signs Americans beat police with.



Humiliated over the past few hundred years, the Ottomans, the Europeans, their own totalitarian leaders. Well, get over it. Even the smallest country can offer the world wisdom. Start offering.



Just wants to make good on his promise to destroy Israel. He is just a warrior. He doesn't care one iota about the quality of life in Palestine. Remember, the ship seized with weapons wasn't carrying medicine, food, and books.


Attack of the Killer Tomatoes- Part 2

When genetically modified tomatoes make the host human plant more and more tomatoes, to the detriment of everything else, to the point of killing the host.


Attacking Saddam:

Will bring out higher morals in the US, due to having to face the question "Who are we to depose an evil dictator".


Axis of Evil:

Has already been proven in 2 out of 3 cases - Saddam and Kim Jong Il.


Baath Party Dishonor:

Promoting suicide missions by members and supporters with vans full of non-political women and children.


Baath Party:

Is making it as hard on their subjects as they can, so they can have documented misery and falsely blame it on the US.


Baath Party:

Preventing civilians from leaving Baghdad. Liberals, ask yourself why, as you bash the US.


Baath Party:

Stashing weapons in schools, therefore it is legal for the US to bomb schools. Same goes for hospitals and civilians in general. Will the US do it? Probably not, the US has higher principles which the Baath Party is using as a weapon against the US.


Bad People:

Bad people like Osama and Saddam give good people like Bush a direction in life. Without Osama or Saddam, Bush would wither on the vine, mired in the sea of abysses of trivialities, backbiting, and henpecking, and squabbling of seemingly pointless domestic issues.


Baghdad Museums:

Unfortunately Saddam corrupted the education system so bad the population did not know a treasure when they saw one.


Baghdad University Battle:

Symbolic of Saddam's war crimes and his total corruption of higher knowledge by tyrannical Muslims by the placing of huge amounts of weapons inside the university.



#1 weenie station.



Now you see the enemies of the US. It's not hard to see who is good and who is bad here, unless you're a liberal.



The US should focus on the inciters as well as the perpetrators.



Young criminals trying to free criminals.


Ben&Jerry's Jerry: "Bush subsidizing oil at the expense of alternate energy."

Bears looking into. I initially don't think he's subsidizing oil over or above that needed to address our current oil-based economy/society.


Between 100,000 and 300,000 people demonstrated against the war Sunday in the capital, Jakarta.:

Where were those hypocrites when Saddam was repressing the Kurds and Shi-ite's after the Gulf War? They are acting out of sheer ignorant prejudice against the US.


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

 "Aid Osama. Bring our Troops Home."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

 "Make love, not war. Let Osama rule us."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

 "Osama and Saddam are nice. They love non-Muslims."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

 "Peace now. Aid Saddam. Let him gas us later."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

 "Saddam loves the USA. He won't give his weapons away (honest!)."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

 "Saddam was elected (honest!). Leave Saddam in power."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

 "There is no Saddam/Osama link (honest!). Leave Saddam in power."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

 (From a Soldier:) "Go ahead and gas our kids. We won't fight you. We have higher principles."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"Before you kill us, Osama, remember, we love you."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"I am an idiot.  Leave Saddam in power."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"I've been brainwashed by Saddam.  Leave Saddam in power."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"Kim Jong Il: "The earth does not need to exist if there is no Kim Jong Il."  We like Kim. He's our kind of man. Down with bully Bush."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"Make love, not war. Let Jihadi kill us."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"Make love, not war. Let Osama gas us."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"North Korea's policy of self-reliance—has meant surviving on international food handouts for almost a decade. We want Kim. Down with bully Bush.


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"Osama and Saddam are nice.  They love non-Muslims."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"Saddam is a nice guy. Let him stay in power."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"Saddam never lies. Let him stay in power."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"State-induced fear occupies their minds, distracting North Koreans from their chronic hunger. We want Kim, down with bully Bush."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"We don't mind getting gassed.  Leave Saddam in power.."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"We don't understand.  We have not earned our freedom."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"We know we're so lovable. Osama will not gas us."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"We like starvation. We want Kim Jong Il instead of bully Bush."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"We only want to get high.  Leave Saddam in power."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"We want a leader with billions in a Swiss bank account while his population starves. We want Kim Jong Il instead of bully USA."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"We want lack of medicine. We want Kim Jong Il instead of bully Bush."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"We want state-induced mass hysteria. We want Kim Jong Il instead of bully US."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

"We want to be allocated 270 grams of food a day, half the food needed to survive. We want Kim Jong Il instead of bully US."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

Better watch out for dangerous Bush, he is trying to spread freedom and democracy to repressed regions of the world."


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

North Korean woman says she saw a man who starved to death at the Chongjin train station before she left North Korea for good. It was as bad as the 1996/1997 famine.  We like famine. We want Kim. Down with bully USA.


Between the Lines, From the Airhead Antiwar Protestors:

Peace Now, give Saddam nuclear weapons so he can deter the war addicts in Washington.


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

 "Peace now. See no evil."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

 "See, Osama, we are nice. Kill someone else instead."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

 "We fear Muslims, so we only protest against the nice guys (the US and Britain) who won't hit us back."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

 "We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes, Death to America, No'."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

 "We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes, Jihad, No'."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

 "We're too afraid to chant 'Peace, Yes, Militant Muslims, No'."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

 "We're too afraid to fight. Let Osama gas us."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

"I'm too afraid to fight, leave Saddam in power."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

"Make love, not war.  Let Saddam rule us."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

"Make love, not war.  We don't want to fight for our freedom."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

"Our children aren't afraid to die, let Jihad kill them."  But leave us alone, we beg for mercy."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

"We were too afraid to demonstrate against murdering terrorists and Jihad on 9/12."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

"We're too afraid to disrupt Militant Muslim operations."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

"We're too afraid to fight, leave Saddam in power."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

"We're too afraid to protest Militant Muslims,  so leave them alone."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

"We've been beaten down by enemy propaganda. Leave Saddam in power."


Between the Lines, From the Cowardly Antiwar Protestors:

Hide behind your peace signs and Osama and Saddam will go away.


Between the Lines, From the Despicable Antiwar Protestors:

 "Our children aren't afraid to die. Let Jihadi kill them."


Between the Lines, From the Despicable Antiwar Protestors:

 "We are ungrateful. No 'thank you' for our freedom. We did not earn it. Easy come, easy go."


Between the Lines, From the Despicable Antiwar Protestors:

"Make love, not war.  Let Iraqis suffer."


Between the Lines, From the Despicable Antiwar Protestors:

"Peace now, let the next generation fight World War 3 later which we could have prevented now."


Between the Lines, From the Despicable Antiwar Protestors:

"We only care about ourselves.  Leave Saddam in power."


Between the Lines, From the Despicable Antiwar Protestors:

Peace now. "Spend the money on us before Osama gasses us!"


Between the Lines, From the Despicable Antiwar Protestors:

Stop the War. Give me da money!


Between the Lines, From the Hypocrite Antiwar Protestors:

"Make Love, not War, or I'll kick your ass."


Between the Lines, From the Violent Antiwar Protestors:

Peace now. Break the law.


Between the Lines, From the Violent Antiwar Protestors:

Peace now. Do some vandalism.


Between the Lines, From the Violent Antiwar Protestors:

Peace now. Mace a cop.


Between the Lines, From the Violent Antiwar Protestors:

Peace now. Take the demonstration beyond that on the Permit.


Bin Laden

I am with him in his fight against evil, but Bin Laden had not correctly identified evil, and is killing people at random anyway. This is base criminality, nothing more.


bin Laden:

"(911) Attack good, it got people to think about Islam." Yes it did, but not in any positive ways. If anything it should get Muslims to reevaluate the present state of their exercise of Islam.


bin Laden:

"bin Laden looks and sounds so kind, and has such soft features." But don't forget how many people he has killed with that submachine gun he sleeps with, and what a megalomaniac he's become.


bin Laden:

"Since the Great Event, hundreds have joined you." "Your great deed." bin Laden's motives are earthly glory and adoration. That is why he fled Tora Bora. There is nothing waiting for him in Heaven. The glory he is pursuing is here on earth.


bin Laden:

A blight against civilization.


bin Laden:

bin Laden blindly attacks the huddled masses the US has taken in over the last two hundred years.


bin Laden:

bin Laden does not know what the definition of "American", or to live in America, and yet he advocated the mass killing of "Americans". America is people of all nationalities working and competing together, under the banners of freedom, and occasionally defending them. A Hungarian-English-Scot-Irish married a Spanish-French-Arab-Puerto Rican, works with people from the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, China, Africa, South America, Mexico, Eastern and Western Europe, and India, eats out at Italian, French, Chinese, and Mexican establishments, drives a car made in South Korean and another named after an American Indian, uses Japanese electronics, has a student who is Russian, depends on Arab oil, learns facts people have been persecuted for over the last thousand years, sees Greeks and Turks, Indians and Pakistani, Jews and Arabs employed side by side, sees the American justice system let criminals go free, and is exposed to Muslim Fundamentalist sympathizers in the free American media. The US is not all good, but it is made of the strong.


bin Laden:

bin Laden exhibits the weak arguments of the criminal mind.


bin Laden:

bin Laden gives his anti-Western speech through a Western microphone, wearing western fatigues, flanked by a Western sub-machinegun, wearing a Western watch, driving a Western 4x4 pickup truck, wearing Western underwear, brushing his teeth with Western toothpaste using a Western toothbrush, using Western toilet paper, flushing it down a Western toilet, sending his message to a Western broadcast medium, listening to Western radio, eating Western grain, taking Western medicine. If he denies the toilet paper and other hygiene practices, he is admitting he is a filthy, barbaric pig.


bin Laden:

bin Laden has a taste for fame and power. He will do or say anything to maintain it.


bin Laden:

bin Laden is a rabid dog that bites the hand that fed him.


bin Laden:

bin Laden is a rich criminal murderous mastermind with a lust for power and fame.


bin Laden:

bin Laden is already on the path to Hell. There is nothing any mortal can do for him.


bin Laden:

bin Laden is displaying simple animal reproductive competition behavior combined with an insane fantasies only found in the human mind.


bin Laden:

bin Laden is poisoning the minds of a generation of impressionable, poverty-stricken, ignorant, aimless young men. He does not attract just the perverse of mind.


bin Laden:

bin Laden may be romantically popular to potential terrorists because he is playing a Hollywood roll - the romantic lead who has to take justice into his own hands in order to combat evil. He is also taking on the roll of the underdog, whom most people root for in a contest. It is a twisted, pleasurable, reasonless game for him and his followers. On the other hand he is not popular in Afghanistan and has the Government in his pocket.


bin Laden:

bin Laden mistakes American tolerance with weakness, and weak leadership with a weak military.


bin Laden:

bin Laden owns Afghanistan, like Capone owned Chicago.


bin Laden:

bin Laden surrounds himself with sneaky, cowardly killers.


bin Laden:

bin Laden trained the hijackers, financed their operations, and gave them a green light to do whatever came to their minds.


bin Laden:

bin Laden's lack of knowledge of East-West dialog is telling.


bin Laden:

If bin Laden doesn't kill you, he will abuse you for the rest of your life.


bin Laden:

Made the captured tape out of desperation. He knows his days are numbered, and his primary motive is earthly glory. Too bad he chose the path of evil to pursue it.


bin Laden:

New Motto: "You fight to the death to protect Islam from the Infidels, and spread it throughout the world, I run and hide."


bin Laden:

Notice bin Laden himself doesn't believe in martyrdom. He seeks glory here on Earth in the History books of Islam.


bin Laden:

Osama bin Laden is lacking in knowledge of world efforts for peace.


Bin Laden:

Psycho-scum. We all occasionally have psychotic thoughts we'd like to act on, but most of us are not so arrogant as to not consider that such thoughts are most likely complete misperceptions, with no basis in reality.


Bin Laden:

Ranting Bozo.


bin Laden:

The Saddam's and bin Laden's of this world are too ignorant to know and too evil to care about how inhabitable they will make the earth if they carry out their personal ambitions using nuclear technology. Just look what Saddam did to the Kuwaiti oil fields when he was kicked out of Kuwait! Did he have high principles then or care about the environment? Hell no! The people and wildlife of the earth can feel lucky the US did not respond in kind and blow up all the Iraqi oil fields. So who has the higher principles, Saddam or the US? The US.


bin Laden:

To bin Laden after he wins: "Now What?" Bin Laden: "It is up to Allah." Oh yea, and just who is Allah going to talk to, you, you rich, murderous megalomaniac? Is Allah going to tell you to kill anyone who gets in the way of your personal ambitions? You are not working for Allah, you are working for your own glory here on Earth."


bin Laden:

We know we are here. We know we don't know why we are here. We know we must set up rules while we are here. Bin Laden does not follow those rules.


bin Laden:

When bin Laden kills somebody he is trying to increase his self importance.


bin Laden:

When you have 50+ children like bin Laden's father did, it's only a matter of statistical probability that one of them will be a rotten apple.


Black Muslims in the US:

Would side with Saddam over the "White" US.


Black Muslims:

Wish to subscribe to the same ignorance and brutality that their forefathers overcame.


Black Reparationists:

Do not care or do anything about current slavery practices in the world, their motives are entirely selfish and parasitic.  It's a big con game.



68% oppose war. (1) they want the money; (2) they don't understand the enemies of the US do not like them in particular.


Blacks: "White is the color of privilege."

Correction: There is no privilege in America, there is only hustle and bustle and risk-taking.



"Big Heart in a Dark Box"



"Really Great Moments in History" when inter-cultural exchanges took place.



Commendations for their UN speech


Bumper Sticker for the Ignorant:

"I may be ignorant, but I have more sense than a Democrat."


Bumper Sticker:

"One down, 21 to go." (Muslim Post-WWI European-installed Totalitarian Governments)


Burns told Lehrer about seeing a steady and growing stream of young men who he knew to be suicide bombers arriving at his hotel in recent days. He described them as part of a growing movement within the Arab world of young men coming to fight for Iraq against the US and Britain.":

Response: (1) What Burns and the rest of his anti-Pentagon-happy communist-brainwashed leftist friends miss is that for every young, ignorant, misguided suicide bomber coming into Iraq to foolishly and ineffectively throw away his life for Saddam, there are 1000 mature, adult Iraqis waiting to return to Iraq to help rebuild it after Saddam is overthrown. (2) I saw these young idealists who are not suicide bombers, they say they are fighting for Iraq, not Saddam. Do you thing Saddam is going to let them live after he is done with them, when he knows they did not fight for him, but "Iraq"? Hell no.



His speeches reflect none of the anti-Bush propaganda his liberal enemies spew out.



I don't see in Bush's speeches any evidence of the accusations his liberal political enemies propogate.



In his 48 hours ultimatum has called the world's bluff and won.  The media and the antiwar allies are now in support of using force against Saddam.



Is the only thing standing between weenie liberals and the Islamo-fascists who would behead them.



Using God to make a point- the terrorists think they are the only ones capable of acting in God's name.


Bush  "And responding to such enemies only after they have struck first is not self defense. It is suicide.":

A reality not lost on all Americans.


Bush  "in the 20th century, some chose to appease murderous dictators whose threats were allowed to grow into genocide and global war.":

Lessons of history unheeded by present peaceniks and fearniks.


Bush  "Instead of drifting along toward tragedy, we will set a course toward safety.":

Colorful.  At least someone is thinking of the next generation of Americans and democratic peoples, and will not leave the dealing with the world's mad regimes to the next generation.


Bush  "Recognizing the threat to our country, the United States Congress voted overwhelmingly last year to support the use of force against Iraq.":

Add "as part of  the war brought upon the US by international terrorist organizations and individuals, and the nations that support them."


Bush  "The power and appeal of human liberty is felt in every life and every land, and the greatest power of freedom is to overcome hatred and violence, and turn the creative gifts of men and women to the pursuits of peace.":

A good point, lost on self-aggrandizing peaceniks.


Bush  "The United Nations Security Council has not lived up to its responsibilities, so we will rise to ours.":

History will verify this, that the UN holds an obviously temporary, unilaterally self-constraining, peace, which is not desired by the enemy, over long-term security for peaceful citizens and a more stable world free from the madness, brutality, murder, and corruption of totalitarian regimes.


Bush  "Under Resolutions 678 and 687, both still in effect, the United States and our allies are authorized to use force in ridding Iraq of weapons of mass destruction. This is not a question of authority, it is a question of will.":

US allies do not have the will, while the US has the necessity.


Bush  "Unlike Saddam Hussein, we believe the Iraqi people are deserving and capable of human liberty."

A good point, lost on self-aggrandizing peaceniks.


Bush  "We are a peaceful people, yet we are not a fragile people. And we will not be intimidated by thugs and killers.":

Concept lost on peaceniks an fearniks.


Bush "Criticism not welcome"

Sure it's welcome. Blind cowardice or rehash is not.


Bush "Peaceful efforts to disarm the Iraq regime have failed again and again because we are not dealing with peaceful men.":

This fact is completely lost on the fearniks who want to allow Saddam to remain in power.


Bush and Iraq

There are no Bush conspiracies in Iraq. Bush is serving and protecting the American people. His strategy is sound, if lacking in tried and true tactics due to the new ground being covered, the only straw the Democrats and Media can grab at, but he is bound by current practices, and is hampered by petty self-serving opponents and opportunists.


Bush and Liberals

If Bush did nothing else in his tenure he brought to light the mental sickness in the Liberal world.


Bush and Saddam

Bush removed Saddam because of past collaboration between Saddam and terrorists, and more because of the likeliness of future collaboration, and the fact that the safety of US citizens cannot wait until it occurs, because then it is too late, given Saddam's activity towards and terrorist's desires for WMD's. Liberals think they have the luxury of waiting until terrorists have WMD's. Liberals are for inaction. Bush took action.


Bush and the Middle East

The Muslim world thinks that just because Americans live in peace and prosperity while the Muslim world lives in political and religious tyranny and terror, that the Americans should suffer too. Well, Bush is doing something about that, and it is costing American soldier's lives.


Bush Apologizing over Iraqi prisoner treatment issue

That was the Democrats rubbing Bush's face in their deceptive political trick.


Bush Campaign Platform

Should be "I'm you best bet for keeping loonie liberals out of the White House."


Bush in Iraq

Did what's right for humanity. Other countries opposed it out of jealousy, greed,  and cowardice.


Bush Sr.:

Michael Kelley: After such a successful prosecution of the war, he received so little political fruit for it, as if America's attention span was short, or it suffered from media overload, and soon forgets things.


Bush statement: "The safety of US citizens will not be at the whims of a Dictator." vs Liberal anti-Bush-ism:

 International terrorists made that an immediate issue. Bush swore to serve and protect the American people. He performed his duty. The liberals whined and cried, because in their fantasy worlds they don't understand that, or Dictators, or the savage mentalities in other parts of the world, or the nature of modern technology and it's immediate danger in the hands of such savages.


Bush to North Korean Ambassador:

"You think I'm going to let you poliferate nuclear technology while my cities are being blown up by Muslim maniacs? You're crazy! Get out of here! I'll see you in hell!


Bush/Oil Conspiracy:

Let's assume that the Bush Oil Conspiracy is true, it still takes back seat to the Osama/Saddam link. The Bush/Oil conspiracy can be dealt with, because you will still be alive.



"What our enemies have begun, we will finish."



Achieves two goals in one: Strikes blow against terrorism, and Iraq gets liberated in the process.



Had to attack Iraq. The rest of the world wanted to sit there and do nothing.



I voted for Nader just out of a hate for politics as usual. But looking at Bush I see a man of honor, with the integrity to perform the job of President of the United States, in the face of foreign opposition.



In his job to protect the American people, Bush wanted the UN to enforce its ban on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The UN did not, would not, and could not.



Is acting on a human level much deeper than that of the logically slippery French left.



Is striking at the heart of Muslim problems- their screwed up politics.



Isn't doing anything wrong- he is going after the enemies of the free world.



Liberals hate him because HE is now the young rebel who fought the establishment (liberal now) and won. He has stolen their banner of fighting "the Man".



Life is simple. Protect oneself from evil.



Operating on a much deeper level than liberals, more on the level of warring ant colonies, which is totally appropriate when dealing with a Saddam.


Bush's $600:

Dems like to say Bush tried to buy your vote, when in fact he gave you back your own money. Dems, on the other hand, promise you other people's money.


Bush's trillion dollar deficit

An unfortunate thing, born out of a twisted please-the-left philosophy.


But the single most important piece of information as to military strategy and direction of the war came not from any of the military experts. It came from John Burns, a New York Times reporter in Baghdad, who spoke to public television's Jim Lehrer from a hotel.":

Response: It takes a leftist to think a person sitting in a hotel room has a grasp on military strategy and direction.



A hustle-bustle social system. It is exceedingly good for those who hustle, bad for those who don't, won't, or can't- the very people who the Left garners votes from, the Left assuming there are more of those than those who hustle.


Caption of picture of Muslim fighting behind women and children:

"A glorious moment in Muslim history." or "The culmination of 1400 years of Muslim rule."


Captured bin Laden tape:

If the US had fabricated it, wouldn't they have had bin Laden more directly say how he planned, recruited, financed, and managed the entire operation, and saying much more heinous things, rather than just alluding to it?


Castro and Liberal Weenies:

Kills 3 for trying to come to the US. Why doesn't the US do anything about Castro? Liberal weenies. Conclusion: The world would be a much better place without liberal weenies.



Has to convince the world he's not a greedy capitalist.



Seems like a power-grabber, and would replace Saddam as the oil-revenue stealer.


Chandra Muzaffar: "Afghanistan came before Iraq. Will it be Iran after this? You get the sense that Muslims are being targeted.":

Response: Nooooooooooooo! Who does Chandra think hijacked those planes on 9/11?  Only a complete moron like Chandra cannot make that connection.


Chandra Muzaffar: "In Indonesia and the southern Philippines, an attack on Iraq will worsen the political violence already occurring.":

Response: Sounds like Chandra will want to make sure it happens, so this twisted prediction will actually come to pass.


Chandra Muzaffar: "People become desperate. When they are desperate they will use the ultimate weapon—their own lives. Despair gives birth to violence. Don't just give a bad name to Islam.":

Response: That's the first thing any of these Muslims said that I can empathize with.  Unfortunately, it's not true, as the next question/answer reveals (What is it that turns a middle-class kid from Kuala Lumpur into a jihadi? He's not despairing. He has a comfortable life. Now he's suspected of trying to bomb a mall in Indonesia? A Catholic from Italy would never go on a mission for the I.R.A.). Further, Militant Muslims indiscriminately bite the hands that empathize with them.


Chandra Muzaffar: "Things could get dangerous.":

Response: Mere speculation. Thing will more likely get better, certainly for the people the Americans liberate from their totalitarian regimes. Chandra is afraid or too proud to admit that.


CHANDRA: "After the coming invasion of Iraq there is going to be tremendous outrage in the Muslim world. Every sort of argument will be used to increase the outrage against America. The moderates are going to be pushed away.":

Response: You fail to mention that only the extremely ignorant will hail to that call.


CHANDRA: "After the coming invasion of Iraq":

Response: Chandra says that in a very negative way, as if Iraq were not suffering under Saddam and the US were not liberating them in the process of removing Civilian Mass Murder weapons from such an unstable and screwed-up region.  The British Empire left more than 50 years ago.  The Middle East has had many years and plenty of US aid to get their act together and pursue a path of peace and prosperity.  It has not done so.  It only has itself to blame.  Trying to pass the blame on a cowboy is juvenile.



Get ready for a Christian China.



The Chinese communist regime is the biggest threat to civilization today, and is the primary concern the US has in it's pursuit of international terrorist organizations and states that aid them.



What is the purpose of China's ban on cable TV from abroad? How can they appear to be the friend of the US with this kind of backwards behavior?


Chinese Citizen (maybe, but who knows, it could be communist propaganda): "War prolonged. America ugly."

     Bush had two plans: In Plan A he told the Iraqi people he was going straight to Baghdad to remove their evil dictator, and he would not shoot at any Iraqis on the way.  But Saddam and his 400,000 thugs have other plans.  They know they have 2 choices: (1) to die fighting the Americans, or (2) to die at the hands of the Iraqis who’s families they’ve enjoyed killing for Saddam, after the US takes over. So they shoot at the Americans. So it is time for Plan B, fight Saddam and his 400,000 thugs to free 22,000,000 Iraqi citizens from their murderous rule and allow the wealth to be spent by a free Iraqi people.


Chinese Citizen (maybe, but who knows, it could be communist propaganda): "War prolonged. America ugly."

     Chinese who hate America as a little child would do not understand America, that it changes leaders every 2 and 4 years who are elected by hard working, smart, and free American citizens; that there is more than one political party there with opposing philosophies and views, and that the government does not murder it’s citizens in order to keep itself in perpetual power, like Kim Jong Il.  True, there are good and bad people in America, meaning there are “good vs. evil” battles in America everywhere, every day, and good does not always win. But the bad in America does not compare with the bad Saddam is causing in the world today.  France is too weak and afraid to confront Saddam.  Germany and Russia are weak and afraid too.  Only the US has the courage and strength to deal with the Muslim madness infecting the Middle East these days, and it will not shrink from that duty.  The US is lucky it has friends in Britain and the 45 other countries that support removing Saddam now, especially the East Europeans, who know a thug when they see one, having just recently been freed from the evil Soviet Union.


Chinese Citizen (maybe, but who knows, it could be communist propaganda): "War prolonged. America ugly."

     If the politically left media in America has it's way, the American troops will be demoralized and go home, and your beloved Saddam will be left in power to spend the wealth of the largest oil reserves on earth to keep himself in power forever, to attack his neighbors, to put pictures of himself everywhere, to kill Iraqi civilians who don't like him, to build his many, many palaces while his children starve, and now to aid international terrorists who vow to kill all non-Muslims. If President Bush remains brave and strong, a democratic Iraq will be sitting on top of the largest oil reserves in the world and spend their money more wisely and peacefully.  They do not have a choice.  The US will force them to become democratic and peaceful.  The Iraqis are out of time. Osama and his cowardly hoodlums have seen to that.  So it is about oil, and how the wealth is spent. Bush has only to act before Osama does again.  Also, President Bush would be derelict in his duty if he did not pursue international terrorists to the ends of the earth to protect the American people who elected him, and even those who didn’t.  In America, the war protestors are chanting “Aid Osama, bring our troops home” and “Peace Now, See no Evil.”  They think they are acting on high principles, but they are only fooling themselves, and are afraid to do a good deed in the world when it requires fighting.



Brokered Saddam nuclear reactor deal and has other big business ties to Saddam. His anti US stance is based on irresponsible, reckless arms deals.



Has drug the UN down from a level of higher reasoning to a level of petty politics and an instrument of national pride.


Christian/Muslim Conflict:

The Christian/Muslim conflict is a win/win situation: the Muslims can all get to Paradise by suicidally killing the Christians and becoming Martyrs, and the Christians can become Saints by turning the other cheek and letting the Muslims kill them.


Christians and Muslims

Christians make life better for everyone in the world. Muslims kill Christians, and do nothing else for the world.



Does not mean hiding your head in the sand and giving in to the madness of your tyranical enemies, as liberals have deluded themselves into thinking.


Civilized Nation:

Measured by the amount of cholera bacteria in the water supply



"a person has to say what he has to say, regardless of whether it is true or not."



Boo-hooing over 300,000 kids out of after-school programs. A good example of liberals substituting a big nanny government for the family unit, and has completely destroyed the extended family.



Clinton Quote: "He says what he needs to say, whether it is true or not."



Right after poo-pooing truth, says Democrats don't make myths, but Republicans do.


Clinton "I don't think it's fair for someone to be defined by his worse moment, unless it's a crime…"

Then he hesitated, realizing the self-incrimination of what he just said, and to get his foot out of his mouth.


Clinton "If 9/11 happened while I was in office I would have had the chance to be a great President."

Sorry, Bill, you had your chance, and you thoroughly blew it, bowing to the conventional wisdom of the time which perceived the terrorist threat as merely a criminal one requiring a police response.


Clinton and Congress

Nov. 2000 the Clinton administration repeatedly misled the Republicans in the past and that "you become very jaded."


Clinton and the Bin Laden's:

Clinton doesn't care how badly he damages his country, he just wants Democratic money for 2004. It's the Chinese technology give-away for campaign funds all over again. If Clinton sides with a peoples who dream every day how they're going to kill Americans, Clinton, as an American, should be tried for treason.


CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) agents and weapons:

What is to prevent Saddam from slipping Osama and his gang a few CMM agents and weapons through the porous nets of France/Germany/Russia/China?



Even CNN has to cover up the truth when reporting from a totalitarian state.


Coalition of the Willing:

A collection of Mickey Mouse countries.



A step between a brutal, repressive Monarchy and capitalism.



An example of cutting the head off to feed the stomach.



Breaks down as soon as the collection process has been completed.



Breaks down as soon as the money is collected.



The problem with communism is once the leadership is established via mass murder, the leadership does not let communism progress to socialism then capitalism.


Condoleezza Rice- What She Should Have Said

On Clarke: Removing Saddam undermining the war on terror? Mere opinion. The administration differed, and deduced that removing Saddam would strike at the heart of the underlying cause of Muslim miseries- that of their miss-governance.  It is my opinion that only a blind man can fail to see that larger picture.


Condoleezza Rice- What She Should Have Said

On Policy: What you are in effect inquiring is "Was our crystal ball broken?" Sorry, crystal balls are the stuff of fantasy. If that's the path you are traveling down, you travel alone. Sure we had our sites set on larger issues. As for terrorists, they reflected the general misery caused by the complete miss-governance of the Muslim world. Rather than swat flies, the US, being the big Boy Scout it is, would endeavor do a good deed to help them address their real problems- setting an example with Iraq/Saddam.


Condoleezza Rice- What She Should Have Said

On Saddam: Saddam posed another pivotal role here- without access to Saddam's future weapons of mass destruction, and using Saddam as an example, the terrorists would be kept the small band of organized civilian murderers that they are, and not become a mass threat to major civilian population centers around the world. Was this course of action bad? It is bad only if you’re a Democrat and the plan of action succeeded, thereby making Bush's deductions right and the Democrats wrong.


Condoleezza Rice- What She Should Have Said

On This Commission: What do I think of this Commission? If it is the Commission's purpose to reveal that Bush turned right when he should have turned left, something even a complete moron can see with hindsight, then this Commission is a complete waste of resources, and it is thus reduced to a sorry political charade initiated by a competing political party, and it will reveal said party as more petty and scheming than they are already perceived, and should and will justifiably backfire on the current crop of crazies leading the Democratic Party.



A body of conjecturists: the right -bravado, the left- fearful whining.



Presents reason to counter liberal delusions.


Cowardly Conjectures of Liberals:

Liberals have cowardly conjectures like estranging out NATO allies and creating hate against the US in the Muslim world. There are equal and opposite conjectures in that much positive will come out of deposing Saddam, over and above making the Muslim genocide of Americans less likely.


Cracked Liberal Logic: "It will take several years for terrorists to attack the US again, just like the WTC."

Cracked logic because Clinton did not go after terrorists like Bush did. Clinton only went after and arrested one man. Clinton misperceived the terrorists as mere criminals, rather than the state and religious backed evil organization it is.



If Cuba is so great under Castro, why do we keep hearing about 'escapes' from Cuba- the Yankee's baseball pitcher with his family, for example.



Brainwashed and intimidated, ruled by a ruthless, violent, repressive, power-mad regime.


Cultures that hate the US:

The US is hated by cultures that have contributed nothing to the world but misery and strife.


David Eichs: "A hypnotist can make it so you can see through a person's body."

Eichs is simply not well grounded in reality, and utterly self-deluded. He sounds uneducated, and appeals to like kind.


David Eichs: "US a tool for world government conspiracy."

A good example of Eichs causing damage to the world by clouding common sense and clear perception.


David Eichs: "US youth should refuse military service."

Sounds like a liberal conspiracy to allow tyranny to dominate the world. He is blind to and ignorant of how tyrannical and murderous most of the world is.


David Eichs: "World Government conspiracy."

Creative, but fanciful.


Day 21:

Celebrations in the streets of Baghdad. Bush is avenged. US and British leaders state that the fighting is not over yet, but go ahead and pop the cork. The first step in getting Iraq on a path of peace and prosperity, which is the true measure of the US's and democracy's success.


Dean's Book "Worse Than Watergate"

Dean weaves the simple, clear, and obvious into an unrecognizable spaghetti of contradiction and illogic, all in the name of the Democratic Party.


Dean's Book "Worse Than Watergate":

And so the book goes, on it's way to the dung heap of books that present information in a twisted light.


Dean's Book "Worse Than Watergate":

The book is not without typical liberal illogic and contradictions. Example: The first line in a chapter in support of Saddam reads …"aligning with terrorists was not in the interest of Saddam in his protecting his investment in weapons of mass destruction..." Then the liberal argument turns around and claims Saddam had no WMD's? Illogical, to say the least.


Dean's Book "Worse Than Watergate":

The only things that make sense in this book are the quotes of Bush (which the author presents in order to attack). Example: Bush Quote: "Time is not on our side. I will not wait on events while danger gathers. The US will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons." which the author proceeds to attack on the premise of warmongering. Bush's quote makes perfect sense, even without the impetus of 9/11. Preemption is clearly called for, and the liberals refuse to acknowledge it, partly out of fear, partly out of power-grabbing politics.


Dean's Book "Worse Than Watergate": "Bush checking Congress's and the news media's efforts to check his abuse of power."

(3) If it weren't for Bush deferring to loony liberals, he would have militarily rolled over the entire Middle East by now, and he wouldn't be pussy-footing around in Iraq, and would have smashed not only the political tyrants in Iraq but the religious tyrants also. For better or for worse, the liberals have checked Bush instead.


Dean's Book "Worse Than Watergate": "Bush checking Congress's and the news media's efforts to check his abuse of power."

Response: This is the most laughable of the many bogus claims the author makes on three counts: (1) I see no "checks" put on the news media, which is preponderously anti-Bush, and has spewed out obsessive, self-indulgent, and runaway anti-Busheries since the election. (2) The author misperceives any use of power as abuse of power, the author's point of reference obviously being the misuse of power that liberals are accustomed to- such as buying votes with promises of the communistic redistribution of money (in other words, free money).


Dean's Book "Worse Than Watergate": "Bush concealed government business the public has a right to know about."

Response: Since the business is concealed, the author's bogus claims cannot be contested. How convenient for the author.


Dean's Book "Worse Than Watergate": "Bush deeply flawed secret decisions are costing America…"

Response: Since the decisions are secret, the author's bogus claims cannot be contested. How convenient for the author.


Dean's Book "Worse Than Watergate": "Bush has a hidden agenda in the Middle East"

Response: I see no hidden agenda. Bush's agenda is crystal clear- it's time to deal with the miss governance of the Middle East, a right the US obtained the day the problems of the Middle East spilled bloodily over onto US soil.


Dean's Book "Worse Than Watergate": "Bush hiding why America was so unprepared for 9/11."

Response: Only an idiot cannot see why America was so unprepared. It is obvious and always has been, barring the obfuscating games the liberals are playing. It is clear there were larger issues to deal with, and Osama snuck in under the radar with an unprecedented method of murder.


Dean's Book "Worse Than Watergate": "Bush's terrorist policy is war mongering"

Response: Quite the contrary. It's quite clear the liberal approach was not working, and only emboldening terrorists. After 9/11 the US had gained the right to aggressively deal with the world's madmen to the full extent of it's power (impeded by liberals), and stops fearing the world's madmen (as the liberals had) or misguidedly punishing their innocent victims (as liberals have done with their mass-murdering economic sanctions).



Requires jobs. Without employment, there is no democracy base.



50 years ago was an island amid evil totalitarian regimes. There were only 8 democratic nations them.  Now there are 10x more.



Is more difficult in small, ethnically based countries.  The ethnics fear a loss on control.


Democrat Politicians

Their vote-getting reasoning: there are more poor people than anyone else, so promise them someone else's money and they'll vote for you.


Democratic Doom and Gloom Tactic:

Democrats resort to doom-and-gloom tactics when bashing Republicans, and therefore cannot be trusted.


Democratic Party:

Is becoming more communist every day.



Could not rely on free-enterprise to create a liberal talk-radio program (Air America), they had to subsidize it, ala socialism or communism.



Create a nation who, when they look toward the government, look with their hands out, expecting something for nothing. If you vote Democrat, you vote to being reduced to a government dependent with no self-respect.



Cry "Bush atrocities" over mild prisoner treatment while sweeping Nick Berg under the rug.



Liberal solution for hard times- more taxes, bigger government.



Make decisions not on merit or principles, but on popularity polls and reelectability.



Politicians who get elected with the promise of redistributing wealth from those who created it to those who didn't (a larger potential voter base).



They operate on the premise that the country's ills is good for the Democratic Party.


Democrats and Felons

In the thirty-five states where former felons can vote, roughly 90 percent vote Democratic


Democrats and Liberal Media

Irresponsibly fanned the flames in Iraq by over-blowing the prisoner treatment issue in comparison to the acts of US enemies.


Democrats platform based on Bush's mishandling of Iraq.

It's easy to sit back and criticize, especially on something there is no precedence for. Anyone can look back and see what went wrong. No one can look ahead and say what is going to work.


Democrats vs Bush

Democrats bluff, Bush acts.



* in the war on terrorism's case- afraid to use deadly force against like kind, or won't out of misapplied higher morals, or have a God complex, where they think they can deal with deadly threats (terrorists in this case) with the flick of their fingers and without guns...



Can they be wrong about everything? War in Iraq? Muslim world uprising? Tax Cuts? Foreign Policy? Permissiveness? Social Programs? Ecology? Big Business? The Poor? Gloom and Doom? Increased Terrorism?



Hoped the US would be beaten in Iraq and run home with their tails between their legs, so their doom & gloom predictions would come true, and their Party would win in the next election. What's wrong with that picture? It's called party 1st, country 2nd, humanity last.



Isolate the US with an appeasement foreign policy.



Mad they cannot keep their largesse promises to their con-artist constituency.



They are politicians, just like the Republicans, and nobody trusts a politician.



Think they are Robin Hoods and pander to minority votes with promises of handouts. They in fact steal from the middle class and give to addicts, con-artists, and government-created dependents.



Were doom-and-glooming the war on Iraq and were dead wrong, and now they think they are prophetic on the doom-and-gloom of a free Iraq.



What to control everything, so even if Bush has a good plan, Democrats will oppose it because it wasn't their idea.


Dems: "Raise minimum wage" to get votes.

Dems are banking on the assumption that there are more minimum wage voters that those who will have to pay for their unearned raises.


Dictator States:

Other dictator states in the past and present did or do not align themselves with insane, suicidal organizations like the present Muslim terrorist threat; and did or do not desire Civilian Mass Murder agents and weapons, and therefore did or do not warrant preemptiveness.



Countries with totalitarian regimes have no mechanisms to get their regimes out of power, such as non-coerced elections.


Disarming Iraq Peacefully:

As soon as the US turns elsewhere, the plan will fail once again.


Disgruntled Iraqis

Those who were used to lording over other Iraqis under Saddam, and those who were dependent on Saddam handouts- the evil and the lazy.


East Europe:

Know a thug when they see one, having only recently been liberated from Soviet Stalinites, and therefore aren't afraid to back the US against the Stalinite Saddam.


Eastern Europe:

Still feels the sting of political and individual repression (under communism), and thereby side with the US against Saddam.  Western Europe has forgotten the sting.


Economic Sanctions

Visit UNICEF's Iraq Press Room

Wednesday, 12 August 1999:
children under five are dying at more than twice the rate they were ten years ago.
there would have been half a million fewer deaths of children under-five in the country as a whole during the eight year period 1991 to 1998.
the Iraqi people would not be undergoing such deprivations in the absence of the prolonged measures imposed by the Security Council


Economic Sanctions vs Iraq War: Do the Math Part 1

First you have this:
International Herald Tribune statement March 2000
The sanctions regime imposed on the people of Iraq for over a decade is one of the great injustices of our time. It has brought starvation and disease to millions of innocent Iraqis. UNICEF has shown that economic sanctions have contributed to the death of half a million children. (author's note: this did nothing to Saddam, it only strengthened him.)

Now you have this: Last updated 7/14/04:
At least 5,000 civilians may have been killed during the invasion of Iraq, an independent research group has claimed. As more evidence is collated, it says, the figure could reach 10,000. (author's note: this brought down Saddam).


Economic Sanctions vs Iraq War: Do the Math Part 2

Now let's do the math:
(1) Liberal Weenie Economic Sanctions: 500,000 dead children alone, starvation and disease to millions of innocent Iraqis, and Saddam and Son's still in power.
(2) Bush's use of military to oust Saddam: 5000 to 10000 civilian deaths, Saddam and Son's gone, democracy taking root in the Middle East.

It doesn't take a degree in math to figure out which course of action was more humane, and more successful.



Is everything.


Edward's $23 Malpractice Case

He probably played to the jury's prejudices.



Don't let your enemies define you.


Envy of Other Nations:

Other nations can do only in their dreams what the Americans did in Iraq, in Space, in Medicine, in improving human life on this planet, and in the raising up of individual human worth, of which America's strength is based on, and of which the Saddam's and Kim's of the world trample on, and then lash out at the world in their domestic failure.


European Nations:

"Paying Bush back for 2 years of bullying". Is this nothing but a childish reason to allow Saddam to continue, Iraqis to suffer, and population-exterminating terrorism to go unabated?


European Nations:

Are more barbaric that the US, the way they place petty politics over human peril and suffering.


European Nations:

Were not attacked on 9-11, and therefore do not see the war on terrorism as their war. It is not they who are the target of terrorist genocide.



Wallow in the past, while Americans blaze into the future.


Exchange I'd like to see:

Iran: Leave Iraq or we attack. US: Go ahead, send your worse thugs. We'll take care of them.


Family Pictures:

Are the most important possession of refugees.


Farenheit 9/11

Will appeal only to those who already blindly hate Bush.


Fearful Liberal: "US has deep questions of whether it wants to go into those places without an alliance.":

Response: Only by courageously going in will good and evil be exposed.



Suffering from the "Stockholm Syndrome" where hostages begin to identify and defend the criminals who've taken them hostage, and attack their liberators.



Death squads.



Fedayeen is a propagandistic name taken from (in a twisted Muslim sense) noble Palestinian suicide bombers in order to make Saddam's killers look noble in the eyes of an unsuspecting Muslim world. Every time Western media uses the term Saddam is using them for his cause.



Ride around in SUV's because they are used to shooting at Iraqi civilians who could not shoot back. Now they will get a taste of their own medicine when attacking US forces.


Federal Courts

Are no place to try terrorists. Federal Courts let criminals go daily if the prosecuter makes a misstep.


Fellow Americans

Sure, but that doesn't mean they aren't despicable.


For Fox it was a visual way of reinforcing its effort to position itself as television's chief Pentagon cheerleader.:

Response: "Chief Pentagon cheerleader". It seems to me leftists go out of their way to go the opposite way, and avoid at any cost appearing to cheer the Pentagon, right or wrong.


Former President Clinton:

"State sovereignty should not be used as a cover for humanitarian abuses."


Forum Post I Liked:



France  "War is not good for the world.":

The alternative is worse in this situation.  It does not take a genius to see that, as Bush has demonstrated.


France, Germany, and Russia:

Are greedy, reckless capitalistic nation-rapers who wanted to keep Saddam in power for big oil contracts.


France, Germany, and Russia:

Either (1) could not understand how a nation would not want to be ruled by Saddam, or (2) had big oil contracts pending with Saddam, and could care less about the Iraqi nation or (3) both.


France, Germany, Russia, China:

Will side with the US once they perceive it is safe for them to do so.  They oppose the US now out of fear of retribution from the madness in the Muslim world.


France, Germany, Russia:

France, Germany, and Russia may not want the US in Iraq because there may be many "Made in France, Germany, and Russia" mass destruction items found if the US goes into Iraq.


France, Germany, Russia:

Quoting an exiled Iraqi: "There is nothing for the Iraqi people in their plan, only more Saddam."



Taking an elitist position, which keeps the Muslim population down and under the thumbs of evil totalitarian governments in the interests of their big businesses.



Those who don't think these countries political leaders are influenced by their own big business interests are fooling themselves.



Commendable that it is against war in principle, but once again fails to consider the nature of the enemy - Islamic politics.



Does not want the US to have the glory of doing a good deed in the world such as deposing Saddam.



Had the US's best interest in mind when they told the US to be a weenie on Saddam. France more like an overprotective mother, thank you very much.



I suppose French generals would want to lead UN forces into Iraq when inspections were found to be going nowhere.



If it has a complete disregard for American and Iraqi lives, as it's position demonstrates, then it should not be heeded by Americans or Iraqis.



Is a small country and fears Muslim retribution.



Not thinking of the future they are creating with Saddam's and Kim's still in power developing CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons, coupled with the insanity in today's world that so desires to use them.



Not to depose Saddam and dispose of his population-exterminating weapons just because Bush acts like a bully is not only childish but foolish.



Protecting Saddam out of big business interests, protecting Saddam out of a fear of the Muslim world, or protecting the US from reckless and possibly self-destructive actions? Probably a little of each.



Still has not learned, even after the lessons of World War II, that you cannot be nice to a dictator.



The French leader is not representing the civilized world, he is merely spiting a cowboy (Bush) at the expense of the cowboy (US troops poised to depose Saddam and round up his collected aggressive weapons arsenal.



The French leader is not representing the civilized world, he is playing a power game with the US and is placing the lives of weapons inspectors at risk, prolonging the suffering of the Iraqi people, and playing the popularity contest at home.



The French were colonialists, bad colonialists.



Three reasons to oppose the US: Party politics at home, oil, and they are not in the crosshairs of population-exterminating terrorists, and therefore feel safe.



Wants to lead an inspection approach in Iraq, and to back it wants the US to solely finance keeping the troops over there to make inspection possible.  I don't think France is playing fair, instead they are playing "get all you can get and screw the other guy".



Wants to sit back, let the US and Britain do the dirty work, and then come in and lead UN coalition in guiding Iraq back from a brutal dictatorship to a peace and prosperity pursuing nation.  This would in fact be a money saver for the US in terms of occupation expenses, and would be an honorable gesture (even if Chirac intended it as an insult), providing France had honorable motives and was not a vulture seeking the spoils of war for itself and no one else.



Why is France opposing a US/British administration of Iraq? Are they an enemy of the US and Britain?



Wrong about war in Iraq, hence they have no vision, hence they can't set up a government in Iraq.


Free Speech:

Is OK. Just don't leave it unanswered or it turns into insanity.


Free Speech:

Limited by the 1918 Sedition Act, which prohibits what is in fact yelling "fire" in a crowded theater.


Free World:

Is more fragile than popular thought allows for.


Free World:

The strength of the US has preserved the free world for the last 60 years.



Americans are free- from each other.



Freedom means being free from others in your pursuit of a peaceful, productive life. Free to pursue happiness? Put that aside for now, that is too far ahead of it's time. Let's stick to basics.



Is a Muslim state's worse nightmare, and a Muslim's dream.


French and Germans:

Sticking their heads out now that it's safe (US almost victorious in Baghdad).


French Plans:

Show no regard for the lives if Iraqi or American civilians.



Are power-has-beens and resent that fact, and will spite any current power in order to regain their former glory.



It's in trying times one finds out who his friends are, and who has wisdom and strength.


From US Soldier:

"If I die, plant spring flowers for me and for every peaceful Iraqi civilian I've liberated and who appreciated my bravery."



 And there will probable be another foolhardy U.S. General Custer, if it came to that.



"Infinite Justice" offended Muslims. "Death to America" offends Americans.



A nation is led by it's thinkers, or by those of another nation.



A true visionary tries not to see beyond his own generation and the paths they create and take.



A turning point in History would be the Muslim world electing moral governments and contributing to the good of mankind.



After seeing the World Trade Center up close, I wouldn't wish it upon any nation anywhere, even the ones who celebrated in the streets and passed out candy.



America is a starving, poverty-stricken, ignorant country that is feeding itself, educating itself, and sheltering itself in a free democracy.



America is educating itself with the facts of nature, and not with hate-mongering brainwashing medieval mysticisms.



I can see how ancient Greeks were so involved in the affairs of their state (their term for Idiot was for someone who wasn't involved). Their leaders were constantly getting killed or dying young, so a Greek had to get involved sooner than later. Today leaders live until old age, their are millions of capable people who can fill in, so the average person can go through his entire life without getting involved, and not be an Idiot.



If everyone realized they are all God's children, then they won't take themselves so seriously.



If the US wanted to fight terror with terror, then it would be dropping biological and chemical weapons over Muslim populations, and not pin-pricking Taliban military targets.



I'll take Confucianism over Islam any day.



Irony: Non-terrorist nation police try to find the terrorists among the population. Terrorists try to get past the police to kill the population.



It is easier to censor thoughts than to straighten them out.



My plans would have even satisfied the mano-e-mano crowd.



Peace, empathy, and mercy can only come with strength. The weak battling the strong can less afford being merciful.



The immoral will continue to be immoral until the philosophers finish and set things right.



The Manifestation of America was born in forward-thinking philosophers. Afghanistan needs those.



The US doesn't hate Muslims. Why do Muslims hate the US?



There are two opposing philosophies at odds here: (1) You're born, you build or improve something, you die. (2) You're born, you destroy or kill something, you die.



There was a collection of more education in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon than the entire Terrorist World combined.



Tools are tools - they can be used to build or to destroy. The mind is a tool. The US has been using that tool to build throughout it's inception.  Muslim Fundamentalists have been using that tool to destroy throughout theirs.


Germans "Disarm Iraq for peace and stability in the region.":

Response: at the expense of the Iraqi population.


Global Terrorism:

A culture build something big and beautiful, a financial risk for it's creators, not backed by any government, pursuing peaceful enterprise, that people from all over the world have visited and were welcome to, and some malcontents destroy it, indiscriminately killing thousands of people from all over the world, including their home, out of ignorant jealousy and mad envy.


Global Terrorism:

Afghans were cold, hungry, and isolated, and so were susceptible to letting evil in.


Global Terrorism:

Americans went to amusement parks while terrorist went to terrorist training camps to prepare for sneak attacks on the Americans.


Global Terrorism:

As soon as the U.S. colony of ants are not strong enough to protect what they've built, another ant colony will march in and take over. It's the way of nature, it is the path of least resistance for the other ant colony, and some human cultures have not risen above these primal behaviors.


Global Terrorism:

Attack shows we aren't out of the dark ages yet.


Global Terrorism:

Freedom is under attack by mad despots ruling over ignorant masses.


Global Terrorism:

It is the "have-nots" attacking the "haves". Jealousy and intolerance are at the heart of it.


Global Terrorism:

It's the barbaric attacking the civilized. The measure of being civilized is the drive for education, industry, and morality. They may be ideals that may never be attained by anyone on Earth, but the drive is the measure.


Global Terrorism:

Terrorist countries are and apparently have been at war with the U.S., but as flies on an elephant. Too many flies and it's time swat flies, but also a time to evaluate oneself, and in the US's overly tolerant case, take a good, long bath.


Global Terrorism:

Terrorist leaders are international thugs abusing the freedoms enjoyed by their victims (infiltrating the U.S.) and using young, impressionable minds to carry out their evil intentions.


Global Terrorism:

Terrorists are drug-smuggling mass murderers, products of dictatorial powers bent on destroying the U.S. and it's freedom for the common man, freedoms terrorists did not have.


Global Terrorism:

Terrorists can prick the free world with their poison darts, but the antidote for a free man is the next sunrise. The terrorist throws pebbles in front of the steam-roller of enlightenment and moral freedom. We may let terrorists throw wrenches in the gears of industry, but the free man is a mechanic who will remove the wrenches and make new gears.


Global Terrorism:

Terrorists want to get rid of the West, and then what? India? China? Usher in a new Dark Age?


Global Terrorism:

The antiwar activists have a point. My plans would not even be opposed by them.


Global Terrorism:

The hijackers would have been shot if they refused. Consider their leader, bin Laden, who does interviews with an AK-47 sub-machinegun behind him. It is that way with any criminal organization or totalitarian regime.


Global Terrorism:

The leaders of Islam hide their greed, corruption, and ambition behind calls for Jihad to distract the population from their real evils at home.


Global Terrorism:

The meek shall inherit terrorist regimes.


Global Terrorism:

The non-Muslim world, even the West alone, even the U.S. alone, can wipe the political Muslim world from the map through many different methods 1000 times over if it were ruthless and without morals, and would and should have already done so if that were it's intent, as terrorist fundamentalists would have you believe. It hasn't because that is not it's intent, and the self-deluded fundamentalist takes this for weakness and becomes bold like a jackal.


Global Terrorism:

The only problem the U.S. has with the Muslim world is that it has been too tolerant and forgiving with the Muslim world. There is no reason they can't have democratic revolutions. They blame their totalitarian regimes on the U.S.


Global Terrorism:

The people the terrorists killed were tolerant of Islam.


Global Terrorism:

The response by the Western world to the attacks should spell the end of terrorism and bring a long period of world peace, until people forget why they are doing what they are doing.


Global Terrorism:

The terrorist says Islam forbids Muslims from handing over Muslim murderers to non-Muslim nations, so the terrorist remains at large in the Muslim world.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. is being attacked by the Muslim world because nice guys get picked on. Simple playground rule.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. is suffering through the third world's growing pains. But instead of  throwing tantrums, they are throwing nuclear missiles.


Global Terrorism:

The U.S. volunteered to get involved in peace, and it's hand was bit by rabid dogs.


Global Terrorism:

There are groups, religious leaders, and national leaders making war on the U.S.


Global Terrorism:

There should be no neutral ground, no place on earth terrorists can hide and plan their deeds.


Global Terrorism:

This is a situation where the fabric of time has gone in the wrong direction, and unlike Hollywood, there is no one to go back in time to fix it, such as a Presidential speech stating the U.S. government will not support moral evils from it's citizens or businesses at home or abroad, which would have made sense to not only Muslims but to the mental frames of mind throughout the world, and would have turned subsequent terrorist acts into purely demented crimes, thereby curtailing them.


Global Terrorism:

This is not just a few thousand misguided young men. The problem is state-controlled mindsets affecting an entire subcontinent, and should be dealt with accordingly.



Liberals like to claim it is ruining local cultures. (1) just the opposite is occurring; (2) why should the world want to perpetuate stupid cultures? You can couch your answer in intellectual terms.


Hans Blix:

Is down 10 to 0 with 10 seconds left on the clock, and he thinks his one goal is bringing him a victory.  Perhaps, if he was not expected to score anything in the first place.  But the real losers are the lives of American civilians.


Hard and Soft Power:

Hard Power is used through higher wisdom.  Soft Power is used through higher principles, and depends wholly on one wanting to be like the other..  Unfortunately, with totalitarian terrorists and dictators who despise democracy, Soft Power is ineffective, because they do not want to be democratic people.  Even if Soft Power was working, it would not be expedient enough to prevent more acts of madness by Muslim Militants.



Is nuts. They endorse Kerry, and Kerry isn't going to do anything about the political and religious tyranny that is keeping the Middle East down.


Higher Principles:

Have no effect on enemies locked in their madness.


Higher Principles:

There are dozens of higher principles to avoid war.  Unfortunately none of them will protect you from terrorists.


Hillary Clinton:

May make a fine president - if the world wasn't such a dangerous place.



Their political views are determined by leftist popularity.



As for hippies, a little self-criticism is healthy, but unfortunately I've never met a self-critical hippie, and I've seen six decades go by already- but US criticism has become a misdirected (and increasingly thoughtless) norm (notice how "antiwar" rallies always turn out to be "anti-US rallies", inspite of the fact there are several dozen wars going on at any one time in the world by several dozen countries/groups/factions)- the very type of mindless tradition "hippies" rebelled against in the 60's in the first place! Time for another rebellion against mindless traditions!


Historical Revisionists:

Afraid to acknowledge right and wrong.  To them 9/11 is a morally gray area.



There are abundant historical lessons that support the forceful removal of Saddam.



"We (the U.S.) have responsibilities to use moral law to solve the terrorist problem." Again, the person who said this should also address this to bin Laden. If he doesn't listen, then the U.S. cannot unilaterally. The U.S. has been for 50 years and the jackals are all over the globe now.



2 Messages to Muslims: Posters at Lewis Elementary School: "10 Ways to Get Along With People" and "We All Live Under the Same Sky".



A German anti-war protestor's sign read "NATO - no war!". The sign, and the protestor's mentality, were blatantly and ignorantly missing something. Quite blindly. In fact, the U.S. government of the 1960's were just as blind when it came to Vietnam war protestors, and that U.S. government paid the price for it's own blindness. The protestor's sign's omission is in who he is addressing. He is addressing only one side. NATO. He does not address the enemy, and a much more warlike enemy at that. Where is his "Taliban - no war!" sign, his "Muslim Fundamentalist - no war!" sign, his "Terrorist Organizations - no war!" sign? Where were the "North Vietnam - no war!" signs in the 1960's? The U.S. government was too witless to see this in the 60's, and could not stand up to muddle-headed adolescent hippies. Let's not let it happen again.



All faiths can be found in the Western world, including Islam.



Although it is less of a hassle for the U.S. to work alone now, the outcome will be far less satisfactory.



America hasn't even begun to take measures against terrorism. Americans spend 80% of their food, water, oil, and electricity of frivolity. So if 80% of those American resources were wiped out, Americans will simply become less frivolous. The brighter side is that Americans will become less individualistic, of which they are overly right now. They will get closer together (with sometimes violent results - there are still jerks around who need lessons taught to).



America is paying for it's dirty and misguided politics in the Middle East. American politics has a lot to be shameful for.



America is the land of the free and the home of the brave - no matter what country they came from.



American lunatic freedom example: children out after 11pm, distributing books like "Silent Death". This is freedom without moral judgment. Freedom of speech was meant to be apolitical, not amoral. The liberal Supreme Court must reign-in some of these amoral lunatic freedoms that have adversely affected U.S. foreign relations. If lunatic freedoms are curbed now, there won't be such a backlash later.



American professors have become overly philosophical and are not in touch with Muslim street mentality.



Americans are tiny cogs in a great gear.



At home in time of war, investigate the "need" for flight training and self-defense training, and the purchasing of anthrax. The owners of these establishments should have been reporting suspicious clients anyway. The need to earn a living, and possibly greed, got in the way.



Berkeley set up a "no war zone". It figures half-baked professors would do a half-baked job. They should finish it and set up a "no war zone" in the Taliban's Afghanistan.



Black American "activist" on Radio Talk Show: "When it happens to others, Whites don't care. When it happens to them, they get mad and get the wrong attitude like "Oh we are a superpower no one can beat us, we'll bomb the world"". This "activist" sees the world through only one eye - that which is favorable to himself and detrimental to others. He's the type of person who gets ahead in life by stepping on others, even his own. The fact is that his "Whites" are using extreme, extreme restraint, to the point of over-niceness, in comparison to the wholesale death and destruction that many other countries have done and would be doing right now with such power. The "activist" should imagine Saddam or Pakistani extremist schools with such power. But no, he just wants to perpetuate his "White-Black" myth in order to remain employed.



Chances of catching a "terrorist sleeper" by racial profiling: Take 10,000 to one odds you are profiling a sleeper, and if a sleeper is actually on a terrorist mission once every three years, take 365 days/year times 3 years = 1095 to 1 odds he is on a mission, and take 2 out of 3 odds a sleeper on a mission will not be revealed through a simple profile, so multiply the first two numbers by 1.6, and you have for the total odds on catching a sleeper by racial profiling being 10,000 x 1095 x 1.6 or 17,520,000 to 1 odds. Multiply that by the cost of man-hours - and it can be seen that the money would have been better spent on increasing investigative forces against terrorism than on racial profiling.



Christian children go to love camps, Muslim children go to hate camps.



Christian religious nut: Adrian Rogers, who says philosophies and religions other than his will bring fire down on the earth instead of water as in Noah's day. His thinking is equal to Muslim Fundamentalists saying non-Muslims are the enemy of Islam.



Considering the U.S. population control mindset, it has every right to use efficient technology on the battlefield, lacking large numbers of troops to throw away mindlessly or in a taunted rage.



Create criminal zoos.



Even in a Democracy an army wins or loses based on it's leaders.



Flag waving is OK, but it is small minded - the U.S. should not fight terrorism alone. The U.S. should be encouraging all other non-terrorist nations to join. So we should be waving a non-terrorist nation coalition flag.



Gays are offended by "Hijack This, Fagot" painted on a bomb, which puts homosexuality in a bad light. Considering the length gays go in their relationships and the AIDS virus, they put a bad light on themselves. But that's another topic. Just remember who'll treat gays nicer, the American military or the Taliban. So gays should consider who's protecting them from foreign mass murderers who want to kill all Americans the next time they protest against their own countrymen..



How to spot a terrorist sleeper: Look for a Muslim living peacefully. Chances are 1 in 10,000 you'll be correct.



I'd like to get my mind back on more lofty issues like philosophy, art, and science, but there are mass-murder organizations plotting to sneak up and exterminate me and every other citizen around me in order to make a political statement for some madman.



In spite of a decade of kiss-butt liberalism, the Muslim world still doesn't trust anything coming out of the US. In fact relations have gotten worse.



Islamic extremists: Line 'em up, we'll knock 'em down.



It is pure jelly-boned campus crap that reprimanded the San Diego State naturalized citizen Muslim professor who used harsh language in reprimanding Saudi students for anti-American displays.



It must be hard for the U.S. soldier to fight for the sniveling morons in the U.S. who are afraid of the Muslim fundamentalist menace.



It's unfortunate the U.S. has taken it's course. What has it shown Israel? To go and militarily wipe out terrorists and the regimes that support them. No wonder Israel is remaining hard-line with the Palestinians.



Just think how rich and powerful the U.S. would have been if it were not for the Marshall and Truman acts, and as aggressive and ruthless as an Axis or Communist regime.



Measures success in machines, or envy. Beyond what is needed for health and security, it is not good.



Most Americans have a complete lack of higher perception concerning others. I myself have been infected by it at times, and have been victimized by it at times. It is referred to as shallowness, caused by a lack of deep pain or suffering. Terrorist sympathizers can detect this.



People who says "politicians" in a derogatory way are hypocrites. They are most likely the very people who voted in the candidate who had the best looking chin. What do they expect then, performance?



Protestors in the U.S. should consider who's protecting them from foreign mass murderers who want to kill all Americans the next time they protest against their own countrymen.



So it would appear that the Administration is not going after bin Laden just to appear to be "taking action".



Someone said Democrats took money from the Intelligence community, allowing terrorists to infiltrate the US. Then, after the hijackings, they blame the low-paid security people whom they are supposed to, as Democrats, represent. Then they want take over airline security and put the down-trodden, that they are supposed to represent as Democrats, out of jobs, all after they botched up counter-terrorism in the first place by cutting funding. It sounded like a worthy perspective to me, the media hiding the Democrat's culpability in and blame-shifting of some of the Homefront the shortcomings that contributed to Sept. 11.



Temporary freedom curtailments don't bother me one bit. The mindlessly whining bleeding heart freedom idealists did not study their history, where during past wars Americans sacrificed freedoms to get the job done.



The buildings in lower Manhattan reminded me of flowers blooming in the ashes surrounding them.



The possibility that this generation of Americans are incomparably stupid doesn't mean Muslim Fundamentalists are any smarter.



The reason the U.S. population hasn't become barbaric is because it has a strong, sometimes respectful, sometimes moral government that creates deterrents.



The terrorist "sleepers" have made it harder on the free and brave naturalized Muslims in America by appearing normal.



The terrorists attacked right after the U.S. gave tax money back to it's people, money it could have spent on new war technology.



The U.S. has been tolerant and self-critical for too long. It is the Christian way, however.



The U.S. is fighting evils on it's own soil. The terrorists actually have made it harder for the forces of good in the U.S. to fight evil by opening up evil second front.



The U.S. is paying for almost 60 years of weak leadership. If terrorists are not dealt a deathblow now our next generation will have to deal with not simple terrorists in their 20's, but with older more diabolical terrorists with biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons.



The U.S. must divert maximum resources to solve the terrorist nations problem.



The US Government exists to serve and protect. In Afghanistan they are carrying out their "protect". Any American who complains is a blockhead.



The US is strong, and it has brains and muscles. It's brains, however, have not been fully utilized in the propaganda war with Muslim terrorists, the Taliban, and their sympathizers.



There are inside jobs being done in the U.S. for bin Laden. People are taking his money.



There are those in the U.S. who fight for truth, justice, and the American way - against evil at home and abroad.



Undermine the terrorists. Start a program where every American family supports a starving family overseas. Afro-Americans will come of age in such a program.



Write a book "How to Spot a Terrorist" and take it word from word from bin Laden's manual on how to blend in as an American.


Human History

Is in a period of government experimentation. Is it worth killing each other over? Not if this is realized, which it isn't.



US can afford to be humane in Iraq, it isn't like WWII where life was held in such low regard by the enemies of the US, who were so powerful. Now the enemies of the US, while still holding human live in low regard, are weak, fortunately.



Still power grabbing, even after Iraq is free of Saddam.


In Lebanon, Palestinian guerrilla Mutieh Abulail in the refugee camp of Ein el-Hilweh said he watches Arab stations "because they stand on Iraq's side. They are transmitting the truth with pictures and can greatly influence the public opinion in Iraq's favor.":

Response: How does our lying guerrilla here know Saddam is transmitting the truth, when it is Saddam's business to generate lies to stay in power? He doesn't, he knows Saddam is lying, and yet he claims, as is his lying Muslim nature, that it is the truth


Indonesian politician: "denounced the war in Iraq (news - web sites) as illegal.":

Response: Not illegal. There is a clear Saddam/Terrorist Link.


Indonesian politician: "The United Nations (news - web sites) must try President Bush (news - web sites) and his allies as war criminals, a top Indonesian politician.":

Response: No, it's about time someone took on Saddam. Bush is being too civilized with the Muslim world.  He should just go over there, kick their ass, and take all the oil.


Indonesian politician: "voiced concern for its victims. ":

Response: Hypocrites. What about Saddam's victims?



Are merely a policy of appeasement that will fail upon the madness already attacking the Western world.



Did not and could not inspect every mobile facility such as tanker trucks and tractor trailers.


Inspectors in Iraq:

Are not talking Saddam's language, that of force.



A futile policy.  I could hide indefinitely bio/chem weapons and facilities from inspectors by making them mobile or placing them in remote locations.



If the US removes it's military threat to Saddam, Saddam will kick the inspectors out and the US will have to go right back there again, at an added expense.



Inspectors can pussyfoot around for another few years, but can the civilized world afford it, with the availability of MODERN technology to the Osama's in the world? This is not WWII anymore, there is a lot more "Instant and Mass Death" technology at hand for the juvenile terrorists to play with.



The only way inspections can succeed is to stop time, so Saddam can't move things around, and then search every square foot of Iraq, every vehicle, every structure, and every Saddam-friendly country.  It is therefore a futile policy.



Don't understand that no matter how smart you are, if your enemy is bent on attacking you, you have war.


International anti-US Sentiment

A lot if ignorant hate against the US is fanned by twisted conspiracy theories concocted by liberals who are critical of everything except themselves;



Gives the Arab on the street the views of the American on the street.



``Iran...hopes these victories will end armed feuds and lay the ground for determining Afghanistan's future under U.N. auspices based on the people's will and with the participation of all ethnic groups." I'm surprised Iran's religious leaders let such a civilized statement leave the country. We are used to hearing "Death to America" from Iran.



If you want to be lied to, then talk to officials from a totalitarian regime.



Iran is one of the most terrible places to live on earth. That is why the religious leaders call for "Death to America", so there is nothing good to compare the horror of living there against.



A few wild young thugs with guns and 50 former ambassadors tell Blair to turn tail and run, spouting that freedom, democracy, and free enterprise in Iraq is doomed to failure! They must be lefties.



Bush got rid of a evil in Iraq. The Left aligns itself with the residual evil remaining in Iraq.



Bush is throwing Iraq straight into the global market rather than beginning with a socialistic state and gradually weaning them off of it.



Bush rescued Iraq from it's political thugs, but is prevented from rescuing Iraq from it's religions thugs.



Does not need Civilian Mass Murder agents and weapons to protect Iraq as a nation.  Saddam needs them only to keep himself in perpetual power.



Generally a land of anarchy, because that's the way the empty-headed wild-eyed gun-toting young Muslims like it- such a state is more stimulating than a boring adult life of productivity and contributing to humanity as a whole.



If the US were not there Iraqis would be shooting each other's militias.



Is infected by political and religious tyrants.



It is not the Bush's fault Iraq is a mess, it is Islam's fault.



It is reasonable to deduce that the percent of positive interactions to negative in Iraq between Americans and Iraqis is 99.9% positive to 0.1% negative. Liberal anti-Bush media's percentage of reporting is exactly the opposite- 99.9% negative, 0.1% positive. This is a good example of the media focusing in and over-sensationalizing minute deviations from the positive, and falsely presenting it as the whole. The fact that the small percentage of bad makes the most noise in human existence deceivingly supports the media's false presentations. Such blind partisan reporting is the perpetual tool of the noisy bad.



Let their young men run around with guns and be wild. Fine. But don't expect anyone to hand over any wealth to them.



May need get-off-their-butts capitalism rather than socialism. They want to sit back and live off the oil money. They did not prospect for the oil, they did not invest in the creation of the industry and take the risk of long-term return on investment, yet they want to benefit from what they have not contributed to. That reflects the socialism they are used to. Another indication is they want to sit back and let the jobs come to them.



Must break free from political and religious murderous tyrants.



Should have been put back to work the day after Saddam fell. The US should have become the new "boss" until Iraq grew up and could govern itself. The Iraqi army would work for anyone who could pay them. Saddam's system of repression could have been redirected at criminal activity and the enemies of a peaceful, productive existence.



Simple- Bush was a Boy Scout and simply did a good deed, while addressing an issue terrorists use to justify their murder lust- political repression.



Still has an undercurrent of despotic, murderous thugs who still terrorize on the Iraqi grassroots level.



Still overrun with political and religious thugs.



Take over the purse strings and say "You have a new boss."



To Iraqis concerning terrorists: "Meet your true enemies."



When Iraqis can go about their daily business without the threat from political and religious thugs, the US's job is finished there.


Iraq- A Different Point of View: 

Al Mascitti recently gave us the current popular arguments concerning Iraq (that is the latest violence either being the last gasp against America's bold experiment in exporting Democracy or the beginning of a new resistance to the American occupation). I have a different perspective on the issue: What we have in Iraq are wild-eyed young men with weapons who prefer anarchy, lawlessness, and a barbaric land, or better yet their brand of tyranny, to the boredom and tedium of a productive adult life that contibutes something to mankind. They are men with the minds of children. Since the country is rampant with them, we will not see a conventional adult Democracy in Iraq in our lifetimes. It won’t happen until all the wild-eyed young men with weapons either burn themselves out or grow up, neither likely. So who will prevail in our lifetime is between the adult world and the armed wild-eyed young men with the minds of children.


Iraq- A Different Point of View: 

Related point: In either case, Iraq’s natural wealth should not go to the wild-eyed young men. It’s been left in the wrong hands for the past thirty years already in the name of liberalism. If there is a mature person left in Iraq, let him (her) come foward.


Iraq and UN:

Iraq now asks UN to condemn US, the same UN Iraq has ignored and ridiculed for the past 12 years.


Iraq Chaos, Violence, Unrest:

A media fabrication. The Iraqis know exactly what they are doing - tearing down all that is Saddam before they begin building a free Iraq.


Iraq Chaos:

Criminals taking advantage of it.


Iraq- Keeping the Peace:

Turning the military into a police force to appease liberal weenines at home was a big mistake. I would have had the UN in there right behind the Abrams tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles if they cared about "peace". Frankly I don't think we went to the Middle East to "make friends", we went to battle obvious madness which liberals, in their self-aggrandizing cocoons, fail to see (as you might suspect by now, the liberals lost me after 9/11).


Iraq Looting:

Criminals and the Ignorant looted the Hospitals. The Oppressed looted Saddam's icons. The oil fields were wired for destruction. The US saved the oil fields, re-supplied the hospitals, and are helping the Iraqis start a free life.


Iraq MisInformation Minister vs. Peaceniks:

If the US had just one person with as much nerve as this guy the US would have the weak-minded masses of the world eating out of it's hands. Instead the US has legions of spineless peaceniks spouting out woe, doom, defeat, and cynical (and false) criticisms of their leadership.


Iraq MisInformation Ministry: "We will slaughter them (the US forces) all.":

Response: He is used to slaughtering unarmed civilians, and thinks US forces will be the same.


Iraq- Model Democracy:

But if Bush is determined to build a "model democracy", that's alright too, since it strikes at the heart of Muslim woes (there is not one "free" Muslim state, unless you count Arafat's election by the Palestinians, every one of them are terrible, repressive, backwards, barbaric, juvenile, violent, ignorant regimes). A working democracy may also strike a blow against the always illogical terrorist justifications for their acts of juvenile, brianless futility.


Iraq on it's own:

Will replace one evil (Political thuggery) with another (religious thuggery).


Iraq Schools:

Found 50 suicide vests in school. So what are Muslims teaching their kids?


Iraq War Worth Fighting?

If Bush can stay on course and his objectives come to pass - that of a peace-and-prosperity-pursuing Iraq sitting on top of the world's largest oil reserves rather than a brutal self-perpetuating dictator using the wealth to endanger his neighbors and the world, yes.  If Bush gives up half-way through, loses heart, and brings the troops home, no.


Iraq War:

and only a fool would say getting rid of Saddam by military force was a bad thing. It killed a lot less people than the UN's liberal policy of lengthy economic sanctions- which killed millions of poor and innocent, while the Saddamites remained fat! (talk about anti-war hypocrites- "don't use deadly military force, use deadly economic force instead!) Can't fault it, however, it was never tried before, and thus was an experiment. It failed.


Iraq War:

As for Iraq becoming another Vietnam, if Washington interferes with the military with micromanagment like Johnson/McNamara did, and politicials personally profit from the conflict, yes, they will corrupt the basic justness of the cause (fighting the spread of murderous tyrannical Stalinist regimes back then, and fighting the spread of tyrannical, murderous madmen now), and create another generation of kneejerk anti-US sentiment.


Iraq War:

Lesson: if the US is not held back the last remnants of tyranny in human history are at an end. Unfortunately most of the world thinks that is bad.


Iraq War:

Lesson: The US will meet threats wherever they arise.


Iraq War:

Removing Saddam also took away an argument used by terrorists, however hypocritical- that the West is evil because it backs dictators... (hypocritical because terrorists are dictators).


Iraq War:

The only thing slowing down the US is the US's regard for Iraqi civilians, which Saddam is holding hostage.


Iraq War:

When a head of state supports those that make war on a peaceful nation for no other reason than wanton destruction and ignorant, arrogant misconceptions, than he cannot be expected to avoid the consequences.



All emails and all phone calls are censored.



Ask yourself, what is better for the world, Saddam's lie/thug system spending the region's wealth, or a free Iraq?



Everyone in Iraq lives in terror - you never knows who in your extended family will cross the Baath Party and get you killed as a reprisal.



Has no self-determination, so the US is not attacking a nation with self-determination.



If a country allows a psychotic, murderous, delusional paranoid to rule for decades, they only have themselves to blame.



In terrorism, all roads lead to Saddam. To deny that possibility is cowardly conjecture.



Is liberated. Iran is mad. Muslim totalitarian governments are mad.



Personally, however, I would have made a call on the Iraq's best and brightest to come foward and rebuild their own country (there is no "democracy" without work). This would have given all the juvenile-brained Iraqis now mindlessly running around with RPG's looking for something to thrill-shoot at something constructive to do. They need water, food, shelter, electricity? Then do it/get it/build it! They should have been left to rebuild their country in their own fashion, giving aid where needed, keeping out the bad guys (corporate, political, and religious), search for the WMD's, and been outta there long ago. (I emailed these views to the State Dept. on this already, as any good citizen would do...)



Tarik Aziz: Disgusting barbarian: "Iraq has higher principles that the US." Is that why Saddam burned Kuwaiti oil fields, and why Saddam invaded Iran and Kuwait, and sent SCUD missiles into residential neighborhoods, and harbor terrorists, and gas civilians, and murdered political opponents?



The US could have profited from Saddam, it didn't out of higher principles. The US allies then jumped in, and embarked on reckless and dangerous capitalism.



Using reporters for false propaganda, taking them to false bombed sights in the middle of the night, and taking them there on dangerous routes with military targets.



Where are the Iraqi soldiers whom the U.S. did not slaughter, as bin Laden would have done with his vanquished?



Why the US is in Iraq is where the cynical left and noble right differ.



Will have peace again, but without the price of tyranny.


Iraqi Brutality:

Displayed as Iraqi soldier shot in the river at a suspected pilot, who most likely was unarmed, surrounded, and probably ready to surrender.


Iraqi Chaos:

Its not chaos, Iraqis are merely redecorating Baath Party icons.


Iraqi Civilians:

Being driven by Saddam's Whip-Masters.


Iraqi Civilians:

Cheer for Saddam out of fear that his secret police will return and punish them.


Iraqi Exile: "It's a bad situation but I think we are happy that we are going to be free from this dictator.":

Response: Let's see Al Jazeera, self-purported objective news organization, report this. They won't. They reflect the blind prejudice against the US projected by the Muslim world.


Iraqi Forces:

If they want to keep Saddam in power, then they are the very forces the US military has been trained to deal with.


Iraqi Information Ministry:

Is actually the Iraqi Mis-Information Ministry.


Iraqi Insurgents

Young spreaders of chaos, anarchy, ignorance, repression, murder, hatred, poverty, and strife.


Iraqi Liberation:

Hear sour grapes from the Al Jazeera's and other anti-US-biased false-propaganda propagating media organizations around the world.


Iraqi Mis-Information Minister:

Should be fair and show Iraqis killed by falling anti-air shells the Iraqi army uses, and the Iraqis killed in Saddam's torture chambers and political prisons, and those who Saddam has paranoid thoughts about.


Iraqi Mis-Information Minister:

Why does he wear a military uniform?


Iraqi Mis-Information Minister: "US destroyed building intended to be a historic monument to contemporary Iraqi culture":

Read: "A monument to the legacy of Saddam".


Iraqi MisInformation Ministry:

Purpose is to propagate lies so people will bow down to Saddam.


Iraqi MisInformation Ministry:

Reveals it's true job by denying that American troops were not in Baghdad even though American tanks were right outside it's window.  It's true job being the propagation of lies and deception that aid the keeping of Saddam in power.


Iraqi Mis-Information Ministry:

One of the last remnants of the legacy of Saddam.


Iraqi Paramilitary:

Told they have no future without Saddam, and are brainwashed into fighting to the last drop of blood.


Iraqi Paramilitary:

Turned a children's amusement park into an armed fortress, and people beat down by enemy propaganda complain the US has hit civilian areas and condemn the US, without condemning Saddam's forces that commit such war crimes.


Iraqi Police

Don't know what to do, don't have a purpose. Their former purpose was repressing Iraqis, not serving them. Their purpose should be made clear to them- (1) make it possible for the population to make a peaceful living or contribute something to humanity by dealing with hunger, shelter, and ignorance.


Iraqi Prisoner Abuse

A limp-wristed liberal attack on Bush. Bush fell for it.


Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Photos

Liberals jerking Bush's chain.


Iraqi Prisoner Treatment

Case of media creating sensationalism and Democrats playing deceptive politics.


Iraqi Prisoners

Iraqi criminals could be treated no better than the hostages their co-thugs take and behead. The US has that right.


Iraqi Regime:

Only a moron would take at face value anything the Iraqi Regime has a hand in. Unfortunately the world is primarily composed of morons.


Iraqi Shiites:

Back to their blood-thirsty ways killing the two Mullahs?


Iraqi Statement

"Asking the Iraqi people to change regimes is like asking a drowning person to swim ashore."


Iraqi Suffering:

The Iraqi's let Saddam climb the political ladder through assassination, they let Saddam stay in power through murder, and they let Saddam run amok in his foreign policy invading other countries and throwing out international weapons inspectors, and yet they cling to his coat-tails and continue to allow him do whatever he wants.  Of course they are going to suffer for it.  They have no argument trying to blame another country for any suffering they entail when another peaceful country such as the US deems it prudent to step in.


Iraqi Tricks:

Perfidy. Treachery. Military terms for them.  They are a crime under the Geneva Convention, because pretending to surrender and using Red Cross vehicles to courier military messages places the next group of surrenderers and next Red Cross vehicle in danger. Human shields on the battlefield? You figure it out. So which side has higher principles, Saddam or the US? The US.  Which side are Muslims supporting? Saddam. Who is the hypocrite now who accuse the US of hypocracy? The Muslims supporting Saddam.


Iraqi University Official

The war (read 'Bush') did not hurt the universities. Economic sanctions did (read 'liberals'), the looting did (read 'Iraqis themselves').


Iraqi US-War-Casualties:

One must weigh the casualties caused by smart bombs with the casualties that would have resulted if the Iraqis tried to oust Saddam themselves. In fact they tried, with over 100,000 deaths. In operation Iraqi Freedom there has been 1200. You do the math, unless you're a liberal, then have a conservative do it for you so he can rub your stupidity in.


Iraqi World Bank Representative:

To fill that position, make a call to the best and brightest, as for all other vacant necessary government positions.



"Forget weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Think more about democracy in Iraq."



"God help us, because Saddam is killing us with their 'fight or die' threats. We are not soldiers. We cannot fight the US."



"Watching Saddam's statue coming down was the most exhilarating sight I've ever seen. Just watch our backs now, Saddam's assassins are still about."



"We are free at last to say what we really think."



"We are still afraid to tell all we want." Referring to the system of denunciations by neighbors and coworkers, and then you disappear forever.



"We got your leaflets. We tore them up on camera because there were guns to our heads."



"When I watched Saddam's statue fall, something was removed from my heart that prevented my from breathing well."


Iraqi: "After these 5 days and what we've seen, the Americans are really in trouble, as they have been unable to achieve a quick and easy victory."

Response: What you've seen is what Saddam's Iraq Mis-information Ministry wants you to see. You are a casualty of the Iraq Mis-Information Ministry and American Leftist Media trying to discredit Bush and get the Democrats back in power.


Iraqi: "Saddam is a leader who will fight to the end.":

Response: We all know why, he's a criminal who will hold out until the end.


Iraqi: "Saddam is sticking to the principles he believes in despite 5 days of ferocious war.":

Response: No, Saddam is hiding and knows his end is near. He does not want to be tried for his crimes.



Are so ignorant they are close to death. They see nothing wrong with killing others.



I personally don't care what kind of government Iraq gets, as long as the slugs start contributing to the human race.



Let their kids run around with RPG's and bombs, in order to induce a false sense of strength.



Happy to get rid of Saddam, just keeping out of sight until Saddam's assassins are dealt with.



Have to overcome 35 years of political and religious indoctrination that the US is the 'Great Satan'.



Iraqis forced into service fight out of fear of Saddam.



Shot by Saddam's thugs if the leave their homes and chant anti-Saddam slogans.



The only Iraqis who will fight the removal of Saddam are those who've committed crimes against humanity and have stooped to tyranny.



Can't help but to be barbarians, they are caught up in it culturally.



Civilians who cannot control their leaders put themselves in peril.



The motives of Bush are pure. The Iraqi's should take advantage of that when the opportunity arises to depose Saddam.



Want to get rid of Saddam on their own. They've had plenty of time already.



What are they going to fight for - the right to continue to be oppressed by Saddam?



Michael Kelley: Saddam's SCUD's that hit Israel actually brought back together a nation that was fractured.



A Great Moment in Islam: Iraqi thug hiding behind women and children while firing on US troops.



A Great Moment in Islam: Osama plotting the murder of thousands of civilians.



A Great Moment in Islam: The current 22 totalitarian states in the Muslim world.



Is a criminal religion in a desert madness replete with power grabbing, murder, ignorance, and hate.



Will fade away when ignorance and oppression fade away.


Islam and Politics:

Equals murder, repression, violence, ignorance, misery, shame, starvation.


Islam and Politics:

Why the Islamic World is destroying itself:  Islam is strangling Muslim politics, and Muslim politics are strangling Islam.


Islam and the Jihadi

There is much beauty in the Islamic world. It does not need to be tainted by the ignorance and bloodlust of the jihadi.



A Great Moment in Islam: Al Qaeda hiding in Afghanistan caves.



A Great Moment in Islam: Pakistani Religious Hate/brainwashing schools for orphans.



A Great Moment in Islam: Saddam coming to power.



A Great Moment in Islam: The Taliban.



Is subject to too many twisted and evil interpretations. A political state based on Islam is bound to be corrupted, prejudiced, hateful, ignorant, and oppressive, and will not be able to get along with the rest of the world.



Islam is a bane to the world.



Islam is a body of ideas born of war, and filled with hate and militant thoughts. Add human ignorance and jealousy and one can understand Islam's relationship to the rest of the world. Islam is easy to understand: the Muslim in the street simply does not listen to anything a non-Muslim says, more out of political pressure from their repressive regimes than any religious beliefs.



Islam is a religion of fight and terror: "Fight the people until they submit and say there is but one God and Mohammad is his profit."



The world is not an enemy to Islam. Islam is an enemy to the rest of the world.



Trying to cover the world in it's ignorance, cruelty, and tyranny.


Islamic Extremism:

Appeals to the criminally insane.


Islamic State:

Not a nice place to live, with the oppressed and the oppressors.


Israel/Palestine Solution:

Start with one person from each side who can get along with the other side, put them in charge, and let it progress from there.


Jack Pritchard "Can't see rationale for US being in Iraq".

Bush is lucky such a blindman resigned from his staff.


Jack Pritchard "Can't see rationale for US being in Iraq".

Try to obscure the obvious as to why US deposed Saddam, and not Kim Jung Il or the Saudi Monarchy. Saddam was a military aggressor beyond his borders who desired WMD's and had to most reason to hate the US, hence the most immenent link between terrorists and WMD's.


Jerry: "Bush greasing the wrong economy."

Bush can't grease pipedreams. He has to deal with what is. He, being an oil man, probably isn't doing enough to develop alternate energy.


Jerry: "Bush spending money on military R&D at expense of alternate energy."

Without military, there won't be a western society left to develop alternate energy.


Johnny Walker:

The Taliban appeals to the evil in him, where he could hold a gun and terrorize people, oppress people, and murder people at will.


Journalist Casualties:

(1) Not caused by a reckless battlefield, as absurdly claimed by liberals and extreme leftists, but by the journalists themselves wanting to be close to the action. (2) Saddam also played a large part in confining the journalists to their hotels in order to disseminate controlled and distorted information to his advantage.


Journalist Casualties:

Are one of the last symbolic casualties of totalitarianism in Iraq.


Journalists in Iraq

We need some rightwing journalists in Iraq. All I hear is lieral anti-Bush hogwash.



Lacking professional juries, we need professional procedures for novice jurors to follow in dealing with presented information.


Karim Raslan: "Indonesia can burst apart so very easily. The government is not strong."  M.J. Akbar: "Pakistan, too."

Response: So much for totalitarianism.


KARIM: "This saddens people like me, who support what America has always stood for, and which we believe it continues to stand for in its core values. America has stood for freedom, creativity, human endeavor. Under Bush, America has lost its prestige and credibility.":

Response: What the Muslim world fails to grasp, and has never understood, is that in America, Presidents come and go. They are there to serve the people.  If Bush had acted in any other way and not pursued terrorists and there state supporters to the ends of the earth, he would be in dereliction of his duty to the American citizens and to the free world in general.



2 Weeks into his administration  terrorists will find new excuses to attack civilization, and they will laugh at Kerry.



Endorsed by Hezbullah and N. Korea's Kim Jung Il. Let's make murderers of innocents and the enemies of freedom happy.



For weak military, big social welfare system.



Is for socialistic healthcare, a proven failure in European countries.



Just another pretty face.



Not a guy who will take responsibility for anything. Too worried about popularity.



Pandering to the wrong political parties in foreign countries.



Popular among Hezbollah and Kim Jung Il. Is that good for a free people? No.



Proponent of a failed system- Johnson's "Great Society".



Trying to win over foreign politicians who won on anti-American platforms.



Will leave it to the UN to defend the US.



Will take from me and give to social parasites.



Willing to shoot the nation in the foot to garner votes. Example, opposing vouchers and tax breaks for private school expenses, something the middle-class would benefit from the most, and which would produce the very people who would create the future wealth that the Democrats like to take and give away.



Will pee their pants in the face of the first terrorist demand, after all the concessions they've already promised to them, as evidenced by Hezbollah and Kim Jung Il supporting Kerry.


Killing US Prisoners:

Is nothing to Saddam's thugs. They're accustomed to murdering Iraqi civilians every day.


Kim Jong Il:

Acting like a desperate madman losing grip on power.


Kim Jong Il:

Can gear up for war all he wants. He is not doing anything for North Koreans, whom he lords it over. He is only trying to preserve his own evil rule.


Kim Jong Il:

Kim and his criminal gang are raping North Korea while holding it in bondage.


Kim Jong Il:

Kim wants his comfort and glory while letting his terrorized North Korean slave civilians starve.


Kim Jung Il

My instinct tells me Kim Jung is a desperate international threat to peaceful people, the way he sells nuclear technology to any organization to line his pockets and keep his grip, and it would be nice to have an international solution.


Kim Jung Il:

Is not a legitimate leader. He cannot be negotiated with.


Kooky Liberal Stephanopolous: "How do you explain the prolonging of the war?" (this nine days into the war):

Response: He is kooky because he can't figure this out for himself. Let me enlighten him: (1) US gave Iraq a chance to get out of the way and let them oust Saddam, (2) Saddam's evil runs deep, he has sealed his defender's fates in the blood of Iraqi citizens; with Iraqi citizen blood on their hands, his defenders see no future without Saddam, only democratic justice, and so fight; (3) the US is slowing itself down with it's regard for innocent Iraqi lives, otherwise it could have flattened Baghdad already; (4) the US is cleaning up the countryside of Saddam's secret assassins in order to protect innocent Iraqis from their suicidal murder, and to have a few examples of liberated Iraqi villages, towns, and cities to show the brainwashed anti-war world; (5) the US is following it's initial plan if there was Iraqi resistance, and is in fact ahead of schedule.


Korean's Beheading

Who had more to blame- the US or Islam? It's not even close. Islam.



"We are thankful to America for ridding this nightmare (Saddam) from our region."


Latheefa Koya: "Suicide bombers create violence, sure. But you cannot condemn them totally. They have a cause. They do not have an army. How should the Palestinian people respond to continued Israeli terror tactics?":

Response: Typical mindless drivel spewing out of Islamic nations. (1) The suicide bomber's cause is more base than Latheefa thinks. It is merely for fleeting acceptance by those they unfortunately are infatuated with, and even more unfortunately, state-idolized terrorists. (2) Palestinian people are not responding to continued Israeli terror tactics, the aim of the Palestinian people is to push Israel into the sea. (3) It gives the suicide bomber a vain sense of power he cannot otherwise honorably achieve. This is the shame he cannot face, and embraces death.


Latheefa Koya: "There's paranoia against Muslims.":

Response: More crap. Paranoia, no. Justified caution, yes, with state-sponsored anti-West brainwashing of Pakistani orphans, state-sponsored terrorist organizations in numerous Muslim countries, and a twisted self-styled Jihad against the West, caution is justified.


Latheefa: "These kids do not trust anyone, and what they believe is what makes the martyr.":

Response: What Latheefa has unknowingly just admitted to is that suicide bombing and Militant Muslimry appeals only to the juvenile mind with "these kids", and they childishly lash out at the adult world around them, unfortunately at the manipulation of those advocating suicide bombing, such as Hamas (who are too dishonorable to do it themselves).


LATHEEFA: "This U.S. administration does not understand how much it is hurting its own friends, and those who want to be America's friends. In Malaysia, for example, we have created a successful economy, and we want to develop further—without becoming either a stooge or an enemy of the U.S.":

Response: If Malaysians truly think this way, and I doubt it, once again human pride muddles the mind of the Malaysian, and once again a muddled Muslim mind bites the US hand that is stretched out to help it.



Why so many specific laws rather than fewer general ones? Because lawmakers use the creating of laws as a display of "taking action", thereby enhancing their reelection prospects. So we have millions of specific laws we have to live with, but just think of all the politicians who have gotten reelected over the past 200 years by creating them! General laws cannot get as many politicians reelected.


Lebanese Beheader: "US is not in Iraq for the benefit of Iraqis."

How would this person know, he's not even an Iraqi. Example of how Iraq is infiltrated by the scum of the Muslim World.


Leftist Media:

Influenced by forces that want to bring the US down. Influence by prejudice against Whites. Influences by party politics.


Leftist Media:

I've filled my belly with demoralizing, anti-White and Pinko leftist media for the past few days.  I was so fearful and discouraged I actually thought the US could not actually oust Saddam and his 100,000 thugs, and that the Whites were doomed to future slavery.  I listened to Rush Limbaugh for only a few minutes and I'm healthy, reasonable, and optimistic again. Doesn't take much.


Leftist Media:

Spread fear and doubt in order to appear intellectual, critical, and objective, when what you are really doing is playing into the hands of Muslim Miss-Information Ministries and Pinko Propaganda.


Leftist Media:

Would have you think a social blemish is the entire skin of a nation, to create contention, which sells more media.


Leftist Media: Broadcast that local governments cannot afford the security of level orange for more that a few months.:

So it may be true, why tell the enemy? Leftist Media is placing us, including themselves, in more danger by emboldening the enemy.


Leftist Newspapers:

Focusing on the minor US setbacks, and treating raids as failures.


Leftist Slant in Media:

Newspaper Headline: "Resistance Stiffens, Casualties Mount", a negative, demoralizing headline to the US, and giving aid and comfort to an enemy that feeds off of propaganda, could just as truthfully read "Dramatic Gains Made, Extremely Light Casualties." This is a case where healthy self-criticism crosses the line into self-destructiveness. Since the News Journal is a black newspaper, it is, through extreme prejudice, trying to bring about the demise of their hated Whites, whom they suck off of.



have lost all sense of good and evil when they attack the US and advance their own agendas.


Leftist: "If the war goes on there will be a high human toll.":

So? What if Saddam stays in power? Same thing.



Can't let the US protect itself or do a good deed in the world without trying to label the US  with all sorts of negative labels, from juggernaut to hegemony to imperialist to colonialist to bully to warcrazed.



I don't mind the left. But I do take issue with myths, and the Left is full of them. I take issue with those who use slant, distortion, and deception by presenting partial pictures, which predominates Leftwing arguments.


Leftwing Views

Leftists hold the views that are in vogue, fashionable, hip, popular, in style, or anti, not from any logic or validity. Just like the original hippie movement.


Letter to "But from the onset, the media believed everything the administration said.":

Response: More bull. The media was so blindly anti-Bush it made me sick to see them miss the bigger picture of the evils of the Saddam's and Osama's of the world while nitpicking on Bush and his administration.


Letter to "Forgotten is the fact that this war is in violation of international law.":

Response: Another leftist myth. The war is perfectly legal. In fact I see it as mature adults (the US) against people with the minds of children (Muslim Fundamentalists and political dictatorial regimes).


Letter to "Indeed, the media is operating under the false pretense that America is a benevolent actor in the international political scene. That is a myth, and at least these days, it is obviously a myth.":

Response: (1) I completely disagree. Again you do not explain why it is a myth or offer any examples or facts. People like you operate on fantasy and popular opinion, and are walking cliches and spouters of mindless standard phrases. Why is it not a myth? Take the first Gulf War. Everything the communists claimed the US was going to do (take over Middle East resources and install puppet governments) did not happen, yet leftists blindly cling to their juvenile views.


Letter to "It is almost laughable reading BBC reports or watching CNN. It is impossible to know what is happening.":

Response: I'll tell you what IS laughable- airhead hippies like you who believe the Iraq MisInformation Ministry who's job it is to issue false propaganda, or Al-Jazeera, who's phony reporting is so anti-US biased it completely ignores the 1.5 million Iraqis Saddam continues to deliberately murder right up until his end to this day, while focusing with a magnifying glass on the handful of casualties the US accidentally and regretfully cause, and offer aid to.


Letter to "News organizations have embraced America, and it has been impossible for outfits like CNN to admit the United States could ever be wrong.":

(1) What is the US wrong about, removing Saddam from power? On that, we differ. It's plain to me it is a good deed, regardless of weapons of mass destruction, which I think Saddam has and has every intention of slipping Osama some.  (2) New embracing America? That's not what I see. I see a leftist anti-Bush Democratic Party media in which Bush or Republicans can do no right. At the very best some media are just plain skeptical, or worse, conspiracy theorists, all with no fact or foundation, just like saying the news organizations embraced America.


Letter to "The journalists are seeing it from only one side, receiving information from only one side. They are operating out of de facto conflict of interest.":

Response: (1) I see no defacto conflict of interest. I see the Iraqi civilian casualties the Americans are causing, but being more intelligent than you, I balance that with the Iraqis Saddam kills annually, and the score isn't even close: Iraqi Casualties of Americans: 400, Iraqi Casualties of Saddam: 1,500,000. (2) Ask yourself why the reporters are only on one side (if you are intelligent enough to do so, which I doubt)- because Saddam's power is based on lies, and he won't allow reporters on his side. He would rather have his Iraq MisInformation Ministry issue false propaganda to twist the minds of the world in his favor. Seems simple enough to me. I don't know how you missed that one, unless your perceptions are fogged by a blind and mindless hate of the US, which it plainly is.


Letter to "The people of the world (including many Americans like myself) did not believe the bit about the weapons of mass destruction, and they took to the streets to say so.":

Response: Only a fool would think Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction, and only a bigger fool would take to the streets to say so.  It took weapons inspectors a full year to find Saddam's nuclear weapons facilities, in which he was only a year away from his first nuke. It took the tip of an exiled Iraqi scientist to lead the inspectors there, and then you know what happened to that scientist? You guessed it. Saddam had him murdered.


Letter to "The problem here in Ghana is that there are very few viable news alternatives.":

Response: For once you make sense. The Iraqi MisInformation Ministry and Al-Jazeera don't even approach the objectivity of CNN or the BBC.


Letter to "We get an American military spokesman giving a press conference, he reports how well the Coalition forces are doing (notice they are never doing poorly, even when all accounts seem to infer that the conflict is much more intense than most predicted?":

Response: (1) Another leftist myth. The US is boldly going where cowards like France were too afraid to go. (2) The US is still on plan. The first phase was give the Iraqis a chance to stand aside and let the US depose there insane leader. Why did this not work? Saddam's evil ran too deep, with those defending him seeing no future without Saddam, due to the blood Saddam had them get on their hands in order to "join the team", over which they would all be tried and hanged in an Iraqi civilian court. The second phase was confront Saddam's forces that put up a fight. Those that did were annihilated, those that fled took to war crimes that placed civilians, red cross vehicles, hospitals, and homes in danger. (3) Ask yourself, who is more civilized, the Americans or Saddam's supporters? You'd be a liar if you answered Saddam's supporters.



A violent criminal's best friend.



Anti-White, anti-success, anti-work, pro-government dependence.



Someone who high-horses it on the back of conservatives.



Someone who lives off the back of a conservative, while stabbing the conservative in the back with slander.



Someone who wants everything for free.



Someone who's magnamous- with other people's money.



Vicious, angry, bitter leftest who won't believe their views are wrong, and are mad that they can't give away other people's money to satisfy their God complexes.


Liberal "Elite" Theory

Is bunk. Every rich person creates an individual pyramid of power and wealth below him, which filters down gradually to the poorest in the pyramid. The US is made up of countless such pyramids, and only a fool would say Big Business runs America.


Liberal "How can US call the Iraqis terrorists and murderers when the US is over there?"

Response: This pinhead's statement is too easy to respond to: What came first, the terrorists or the US over in Iraq? Answer: The terrorists. What did the US do in Iraq? Got rid of Saddam. Was that bad? No. The terrorists and murderers have no excuse, therefore.


Liberal 'Bush Conspiracies'

I don't see any evidence of them in Bush's actions or speeches.


Liberal Claim: "Cheney lied about Haliburton deal and the cost of Medicare."

Typical liberal illogic- equating the inability to predict the future with lying.


Liberal Concern over US Image:

Sorry, US tried soft power. Muslims rejected it when liberals corrupted it with their over-permissiveness of immorality.


Liberal Cynics

Overplay the US's imperfections, even though the US has overwhelmingly made the world a better place.


Liberal Fear:

Would have kept US forces out of Baghdad for fear of fierce fighting. Liberals know nothing of courage and strength.


Liberal Foreign and Domestic Policy

Foreign: Isolationism and capitulation (damaging to democracy and individual freedom in the face of aggressive totalitarian organizations, leaders, and states). Domestic: Buy the votes of the majority through wealth redistribution (damaging to those who the economy).


Liberal Foreign Policy

To think that Russia, France, or Germany have America's best interest at heart is naive.


Liberal Government Programs

Merely liberal politicians picking the pockets of the movers of the economy in order to secure future votes.


Liberal Historians

Will try to rewrite history to make it seem that Clinton's liberal approach to fighting terrorism was working and Bush blew it.


Liberal Illogic:

Liberal Illogic: Just because the Iraqi prisoners were out to kill Americans doesn't mean the American guards can have fun with them.


Liberal Left Media

Does not know who real Americans (those who create wealth) are, they have been covering and aggrandizing oddities, outcasts, kooks, and freaks for the past 50 years, and now that's all they are capable of perceiving.


Liberal Media

Is not known for it's courage.


Liberal Media

Look at the percentage of coverage given to hoods over Iraqi criminal heads over that of Muslims beheading Americans. It's out of proportion, just like liberal thinking.


Liberal Media

Remains silent over the acts of kindness and generosity of Americans toward Iraqis.


Liberal Media

Thumbed their noses up at the military's request to postpone publication of treatment of Iraqi prisoners, creating an excuse for Muslim thugs to behead the American.


Liberal Media

Trying to cause more casualties in Iraq in order to make Bush run from the thugs.


Liberal Media and Iraq

The liberal media likes to ferret out and quote the self-important, overly proud, constant complainers, and the plain ignorant to get liberal-supporting views that Bush is bungling things in post-war Iraq.


Liberal Media:

I've got the impression that liberal media gives wide, overblown exposure to ignorant, foolish, juvenile-minded anti-US individuals and groups out of a general mindless sixties-on-the-brain US fashion-bashing that is out of touch with barbaric reality, a liberal media that won't accept that what the US is doing in Iraq is actually a good thing for Iraq and the world. They haven't fooled these eyes.


Liberal Misconception:

"Iraq was at peace."


Liberal Politicians

Don't believe what they say, they're only interested in getting votes.


Liberal Politicians

Shady self-serving politicians who play on liberal blind idealism.


Liberal Professor

Student to Liberal Professor "the economy is recovering from 9/11 under Bush, stock market is setting new records." Liberal professor scofs at her, asks "is there anyone else?" Liberal student: "The economy sucks, all our jobs are going overseas." Liberal girl: "I agree with him." Retorts: "As if you don't have ulterior motives, bimbo." and "Polly want a cracker" to liberal student. And to general: "I didn't know I was surrounded by barbarians. Next time I'll take that into account when I present facts."


Liberal Professors

If only they spent a fraction of the time they nitpick the US in attacking the real evils of the world abroad, then they'd rise above the buffoons they currently are.


Liberal Radio Jock: "Republicans creating a totalitarian state" and "liberals want a world with no jails":

Voice of liberal fruitcakes spouting half-baked conclusions and slippery logic.


Liberal Radio:

Given prime-time while conservative radio relegated to daytime slots, and still conservative radio is having more effect on the public.


Liberal Social Programs

Cause more low self-esteem, mental problems, crime, prejudice, government dependence.


Liberal: "Put white collar criminal through same treatment as violent criminal."

This after complaining about how violent criminals are treated. So why isn't it good for a violent criminal? A good example of how liberals are afraid of violent criminals, and bow to them.


Liberal: "The US is acting like a bad neighbor that repaints his neighbor's walls if he doesn't like the color" (US imposing it's will on Iraq):

Very bad analogy.  It is completely and utterly twisted in it's weighing of right and wrong.  The analogy should be the US is a good citizen who confronts a neighbor who is giving poison gas to the psychotic teenagers in the neighborhood, and a neighbor who is drunk with his own power and daily blatantly and physically abuses his own kids.


Liberal: "There was no evidence of the Iraqi army having been in Kuwait. Russian satellite photos showed no evidence of an occupying army. Bush lied and used it as an excuse to take over Middle East oil.":

Response: (1) From Michael Kelley (recently killed in 2nd Gulf War): "Kuwait was as example of a country occupied by an army (Iraq's) out of control.  Everywhere Kuwait was gutted, looted, savaged, raped, tortured, and murdered. I visited a morgue full of torture victims, laid out from wall to wall. At first I had doubts about the US's moral aspect of the (1st) Gulf War, but after seeing what I saw in Kuwait, I fully supported the US. (2) Kuwait kept it's oil."


Liberal: "US wants to stay in Iraq and take over it's resources.":

Response: From Michael Kelley (recently killed in 2nd Gulf War): The US was a superpower willing to stop a horrendous thing from happening from an altruistic standpoint. It did not stay and take over Iraq's resources. It Somalia, whose population had been brainwashed by the left to hate the US, as soon as they saw the US was not there to stay and take over the country, they became helpful and friendly.



Has become a social disorder rather than a political position.



A gimme-gimme culture



Blind idealism is the basis of their criticism of the US, while they show undue tolerance of enemies of democracy and freedom.



Blind to the Middle East larger issue- it's total miss-governance and the problems created from that.



Cannot see the obvious.



Consistently fail this country in the face of adversity.



Create "unfortunates" out of never-do-wells.



Cry over the loss of hunter-gatherer cultures, when it has  been shown that those cultures were the most violent, warlike, and brutal.



Definition of rich- anyone above the Earned Income Credit line.



Do not teach what it is like living under a totalitarian system. Communist sympathizer to Gorbachev: "Communism could have worked." Gorby: "You obviously never had to live under it."



Don't care that the money thrown at the poor is wasted as long as it gets votes.



Don't make this country great, but suck off of it's greatness like deadly parasites- the politicians in order to garner votes, the voters in order to get free money from the Democratic politicians.



Don't want to do the intellectual rigor of seeing through the lies of politicians.



Focus in on enemy micro-victories and present them as the whole.



Full of emotional generalizations derived from leftwing cartoons.



Give more regard to US enemies than to the US itself.



Give preference to everyone over their own country.



Have an anti-Western world outlook, while having no idea how relatively horrible life is elsewhere.



Have no sense of the horrors of history or other contemporary regimes, being shielded by conservatives who do. Thus the liberals, out of ignorance and blind self-absorption, attack the very conservatives who are shielding them.



It is all, and always has been, about 'feeling good'. In the political case feeling good when giving freely away the money of others, better if the money is from industrious and successful hard-working conservatives. This political 'feeling good' about oneself after giving away the money of others is, with current liberals, nothing less than a God complex, the 'feeling' of omnipotence, of being able to solve any problem (as long as it entails giving away other people's money).



Like to make innocents suffer (economic sanctions) rather than deal directly with the bad guys.



Make people who do work for a living look bad.



Make themselves feel all-powerful by giving away conservative's money. A good example of the liberal "omnipotent complex".



Mistake the word 'compassion' for 'free ride", and who's money are they being 'compassionate' with? Not theirs! They are less concerned about compassion that with their own God complex, and making themselves feel superior to those they 'help'.



No matter which way the US wins- with brains as in Afghanistan, or with muscle as in Iraq, the Liberals whine and cry.



One can't rely on them for the truth. As per Clinton, "a person (read liberals) has to say what he has to say, regardless of whether it is true or not."



Rewriting history with the US in a bad light in order to earn intellectual brownie points with their hippie professor peers. They present the US completely out of context with respect to how other countries behaved back then, which was much worse than anything the US was doing.



Ridiculed the US in Afghanistan in conducting a cowardly proxy war, then turned around and called the US bullies in Iraq. They are not consistent, to say the least.



Right and wrong play no part in their thinking. They are led by fear.



Roll over on their backs so easily for their enemies abroad that they should just dig their liberal graves and crawl in now.



Say the words "Muslim Fundamentalist" and "Terrorist" with their tails between their legs.



Take the moral low ground.



Terrorists can behead people and liberals do not condemn them as vehemently as they condemn the US for human pyramids.



Their definition of "cool" is to attack people who do well.



Think that if they hide their heads in the sand, they won't get stabbed in the rear end.



Want to leave our friends in Iraq in the lurch. Want to leave millions of hopeful Iraqis in the lurch because of a few tyrannical thugs.



Want to steal from the working class and buy the votes of the con-artists.



Want to turn America from a hustle-bustle society to a social parasite society.



When are they going to harangue to Muslims for their barbaric acts?



Would rather kill millions of innocents being victimized by an evil dictator rather than directly deal with the evil dictator problem.



You look at them and fear for the future.


Liberals "Muslims will be outraged."

Liberals fear Muslims.


Liberals "Saddam has done nothing wrong since Desert Storm":

Mere conjecture.  They have no idea what Saddam, a sworn enemy of the free world, has been doing since Desert Storm, and especially since the time he kicked the UN weapons inspectors out.


Liberals "Terrorism should not be fought militarily."

Good example of liberal blindness to the fact that terrorists are State-sponsored, and that it is beyond police action.


Liberals and Bush

Liberals are for inaction in dealing with America's enemies. Bush took action.


Liberals and Iraq

If liberals set up Iraq, Iraqis would be doing one of two things: working in the government or living off of it in a welfare state.


Liberals and Mad Mullahs and their Followers

Liberals want to love and coddle Mad Mullahs and their followers, like they are harmless, easily contained children, when it is the Liberals who are protected from the Mad Mullahs by the shields of the Conservatives the Liberals love to bite the hands of.


Liberals and Muslims

Liberals boo-hooing and hand-wringing over Iraqi prisoner abuse issue. I don't see the Muslim world boo-hooing and hand-wringing over the beheading of Americans, which is much worse than human pyramids. Yet these are the people liberals are trying to appease.


Liberals and Saddam

The anti-war solution of economic coersion against Saddam killed more people than Bush's Iraqi Freedom did, and all innocent people at that. It was a design to punish the people for having Saddam as their leader. Bush's bombs were aimed at Saddam. More direct, less collateral damage.


Liberals and Terrorists:

Say bribes are a US thing. It is not. It is a political thing. When did you last meet an honest politician, other that Bush? Clinton relished in the wheel-deal, which is nothing more that bribery.


Liberals and the Middle East

Worried about how the US looks in the average Middle Easterner's eyes, failing to see that in totalitarian states the average Middle Easterner is brainwashed, and can't speak his mind. And do the Muslims worry about how they look in Westerner's eyes? Hell no!


Liberals and the word "Atrocity"

If human pyramids are an atrocity to liberals, what word do they have for beheadings?


Liberals and War

The liberal concept of economic coersion has turned out to be far more deadly than any war.


Liberals toppling statue of Bush

The epitomy of self-delusion, ingratitude, misperception, and ignorance.



Afraid to acknowledge right and wrong.  To them 9/11 is a morally gray area.



Are cozying up to the enemies of the free world, for simple American political purposes.



Are only concerned about their own political power, and are not above allowing disasters to occur to regain it.



Are people who were completely wrong about Operation Free Iraq, yet nevertheless are back making predictions about the free Iraq.



Are so blinded with cynicism they do not know what the Iraqi people are going through with Saddam. As soon as Saddam's secret assassins are eliminated, the Iraqis will tell them.



Are still trying to beat the US down for the US's imperfect liberation of Iraq - done without a blueprint - as they zero in with a distorted magnifying glass on the few blemishes of the campaign. I'll take an imperfect freedom over Saddam any day.



Attack Bush without acknowledging his integrity and honesty, and commitment to his duty as President, and expect me to do the same. Well, I can't.



Believe France is 70% Muslim, when in reality it is 90% Catholic.



Believe Venezuela's popular elected Leader was deposed by big business, when in fact he was deposed by mass protests, then reinstated after the next government tried to restrict freedoms and rights.



but, in fair due credit to our liberal jackrabbits, their antiwar protests did temper Bush- without them a war-madness would have set into Bush's feeble political mind and you would have seen the next Alexander the Great episode in history- with Bush "conquering" the entire third world (with an all-volunteer army of course!) and making slaves of Muslim clerics who openly condone making slaves of any Christian caught in their lands...



Daily call the US and Bush a bully, but never mention not even in passing the bully Saddam, the bully terrorist organizations, and the bully Islamic Fundamentalists and rogue leaders that support them.  These out-of-context and one-sided attacks on the US and the Bush administration is motivated by selfish petty politics without any concern for anyone but themselves.



Disputed Bush's arguments, disparaged his diplomacy, dismissed his logic, and distrusted his world views, not out of honest reasoning, but out of pure politics.



Don't understand Bush's "48 hour ultimatum" to Saddam. Now that temperatures in Iraq are above 100 degrees, maybe they now understand, that although some US allies and US liberals wanted cause unnecessary delays just to see US troops suffer in midsummer heat in order to test their convictions, Bush did not have to let it happen.



Downplay the victory over a brutal dictator and instead make the most of the seeming blemishes in the endeavor.



Either wanted to get on their knees and plead with Saddam, or deal with that Devil, supporting the Muslim world's view that the US was propping up evil dictators to serve their interests.



Full of cliches and stock phrases.



Future liberals are going to accuse the US of abandoning the rest of the victims of totalitarian nations today, completely ignoring the fact it is the liberals of today arguing against the US from doing anything further after Iraq.



Have a self-indulgent "Live and let suffer" credo, which, little do they comprehend as they bash the US from within,  is at the root of anti-US sentiment abroad.



Have become themselves the self-centered, inhumane establishment, with a unique kookie/loonie tinge.



Hold the view that the US should always capitulate to little countries, who are just as self-serving as anybody, on matters such as the ICC, the Kyoto treaty, missile defense, and other anti-US-biased topics.



In the US, as the world knows, and don't pretend they don't, liberal means anti-war weenie.



Irresponsibly and immaturely throw around words like US "Imperialism" "Colonialism" "Empire Building" while completely ignoring the real evils of the world that America stands against.



It used to be courageous and enlightened to expose the chinks of American society. The Liberals have mainstreamed that and have turned it into a self-perpetuating monster. Now it is courageous and enlightened to expose the cracked logic of the liberals.



Lead the way in the selfishness of American culture.



Liberals have lost all regard for anything American except for their own unproductive cynicism. They automatically think that US interests are bed and hold no value for those beyond the borders on the US. They are wrong.



Like to say "US Military Dominance" without regard to what brought that about in the first place (evil anti-democratic regimes throughout the world).



Live in a small, self-indulgent world.



Mistake talking tough with the Murderous Saddam with "war mongering"



Spout out their anti-US sentiments.  It's just their kind of twisted leftist thinking that terrorists take to heart and base their actions on.



Their country, wrong and immoral.



Their foreign policy consists of putting the enemy ahead of the US.  It did not work in the 1990's.



Their self-indulgent cynicism spreads paranoiac mistrust.



Tripping over themselves trying to identify the US's Achilles' Heel (in this case, foreign debt to the tune of $2 trillion).



Use the word "responsible" foreign relations for "appeasements", which they are too embarrassed to admit.



Voice their anti-US sentiment, and it always comes down to Democrats vs. Republicans. The damage the Democrats have done to the free world is now being undone.



Want the US to be perfect before the US confronts evil, and are all too willing to resign themselves to evil.



Want to spread their misguided poison unchallenged.



Were not against using military force against Saddam. They just wanted to wait longer, preferable until terrorists committed more civilian mass murder in the US.



Would be aghast to find that they are now the very stodgy, unchanging, hard-headed, phony establishment set in their old, crooked ways, that they fought in the 60's.



Would be aghast to find they are the establishment now.



Bribed other African nations with it's oil money in order to be elected to the UN's humanitarian commission.


Looting in Iraq:

A mistake? The oppressed looting the vacant buildings of their former oppressors? Building and mansions build on the bones of the oppressed? Doesn't look like a mistake to me.


Looting in Iraq:

All Saddam's and Baath Party's fault for perverting the police system into civilian death squads working for Saddam and against civilians. If there was a decent police system it would still have been in place.


Looting in Iraq:

Amplified out of proportion by media. What's more interesting, looting or cleaning up rubble?


Looting in Iraq:

There are unabated riots in the streets because Saddam and the Baath party perverted the police force into protecting Saddam from the civilians rather that the civilians from criminals. When Saddam fell, there went the police force.


M.J. Akbar: "I must stress that to be anti-Bush is not to be pro-Saddam.":

Response: Camel dung.  Being anti-one only helps the other.


M.J. Akbar: "The world is standing up for a loser—Saddam. Everyone knows he cannot last against America, and everyone agrees he runs an extremely unsavory dictatorship.":

Response: And yet in Akbar's view the world still stands up for Saddam over Bush.  This world defect is not Bush's doing, it is the ancient evils of human nature- pride, greed, jealousy, that is at the root of the world's insanity in this matter.


M.J. Akbar: "This time, America started with the world on its side—the support it received after 9/11 was instant and unequivocal. Bush has, bit by bit, destroyed that goodwill.":

"Roundtable: Voices of Islam" by Hanna Beech, Shanghai
Thoroughly enjoyed this article. I'm sure if I were Muslim I would have the same mindless popularistic thoughts. But being Western, allow me to differ with the following original, admittedly hastily conceived, not mindless, and absolutely non-popularistic responses, and if we both can bend, it would be nice; if I perceive you think I'm weak for my offering to bend, then you have made yourself another enemy:  Response: Camel dung. Akbar is not giving enough credit to the ignorant pride of other countries, their unproductive self-interests, their prejudice and fear of US power, or the propaganda of the enemies of democracy. Let's not forget simple human jealousy, envy, fear, and hate.


M.J. Akbar: "We are seeing a more heated argument against American power.":

Response: So France's veto had nothing to do with morality or right and wrong, it was simply a mindless stance against American power.


Mad Mullahs and their Followers

They contribute nothing to humanity except crimes against humanity.


Mad Mullahs:

Are looking for ignorant and psychotic throngs to throw their worthless and meaningless lives away for twisted abstract causes.


Mad Mullahs:

Egotistical mad Mullah's only desire to reign supreme over a land of ignorance and hate.


Mad Mullahs:

Get their power from ignorance and hate. They are set adrift in peace and prosperity.


Marine Grenade Thrower:

Statistically speaking there will be one kook who can't take it in a group of 250,000.


Mass Population Hostages Today:

Have the right to free themselves from the hostage takers.  The US government is a tool of theirs. Bush, go get them.  The enemies of the US do not want peace.  Democrats  and Hippies, stay out of his way, and go protest them.



I would not be against liberals if they did not distort the truth and make things up, and if they weren't so tyrannical and violent in the name of cowardice, if they could distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, and if they could see the obvious aspects of life.


Media and Truth:

Ask yourself: Which regime, Iraq or the US, has complete control over the media, and complete censorship over every email and letter mailed? Answer: Iraq. Which regime has embedded reporters to counter the propagated lies anticipated by the other side? Answer: the US. Then which regime would it be wiser to believe? Answer: US.


Media Reporters:

Demonstrating their brains are in their rumps by insinuating that the US is carpet bombing Baghdad to break the Iraqi spirit, rather than precision bombing Saddam's regime to break the command of Saddam.



Hollywood and Madison Avenue present only a very limited and shallow palette of role models and self-images to choose from. It is a sad person who limits himself to such a paltry palette when viewing himself and the world.



If the U.S. media wants to report Muslim extremist views, then how about extremist U.S. views, too? Let me be the first: The Muslim world thinks it's threatening because there are one billion of them to 250 million Americans. Well, even if the U.S. took on the entire Muslim world by itself, and it probably wouldn't have to, then that's only 4 Muslims for every 1 American. That is very bad odds for the Muslims. One American can handle 400 war-whooping, screaming, Kalashnikov-rifle toting, maniacal, lunatic West-hating, brainwashed, massacre-crazed Muslim fundamentalists. It would be the Wild West all over again, a massacre, and not with rifles and bows-and-arrows, but with a new set of technologies. Should the U.S. grieve over it? Try to avoid it? Sure, but it can't run from it. They are here already, pretending to barbeque, shaving their beards, and avoiding Mosques, while plotting their blind mass murder of "Americans".



Jim Wallis, Washington Post: "Causing the loss of additional innocent lives, however unintentionally, will undermine what should be our only goal: bringing terrorists to justice." Maybe he should weigh it against the innocent lives being destroyed by the Taliban. Again, a person who views the world with only one eye - an anti-American one.



Purpose is the (1) reveal truths, (2) present points from all sides, that can be later counterpointed, until all agree or the falsehoods are exposed.



Remember, these aren't rocket scientists reporting on and giving their views on the war and US motives.



Terrorists operate on erroneous frames of mind. Hollywood, MTV, and Madison Avenue perpetuate it, however. The U.S.'s tolerance of trash in their media has contributed to the warped minds of Islamic Fundamentalists.



The problem with the dictatorial enemies of the US is that they think the US government controls the press like the dictators do.



The reporting of science and technology has suffered since the latest terrorist attacks.



The U.S. media is fond of showing thugs in the streets demonstrating against the U.S. How about showing decent people who stay at home and think the U.S. actions will result in improved world peace?



What the U.S. media and Muslim despots have one thing in common: they both try and profit from hate, ignorance, violence, and destruction.


Michael Moore

Typifies the liberal tendency to revel in magnifying the nation's blemishes, while turning a blind eye to the much more horrible antagonists the US was and is  up against. Typifies the liberal embracement of a misapplied, destructive fashionable cynicism.


Michael Moore's Farenheit 9/11

Slanted, twisted fare. Example- shows Iraqis throwing babies into the back of pickup trucks as a result of Bush's war. Fine. What it doesn't show is the millions of Iraqis killed by the liberal economic sanctions experiment, which did nothing to Saddam or his regime, yet hurt many of his victims.


Middle East

Does not have freedom of religion. If it did, Islam would disappear overnight. Islam cannot exist without an endless stream of threats, torture, murder, blackmail, and miscellaneous horrific acts of repression.


Middle East

US should build a USA city in every totalitarian Middle East state.


Middle East

Why US there? Cleaning up the post European colonial mess the Europeans left there.


Middle East Post-European Colonial and Muslim Religious Totalitarian States

One down, twenty-one to go.


Middle East:

as for Saddam- the Middle East is an early 20th century English/French post WWI colonial mess that 21st century Americans now have to deal with!


Middle East:

It would be better world if the Israelis and Palestinians could resolve their own problems. They could have taught future generations how it's done. It would be better for the Western world to wait for terrorist nations to grow up. The Western World cannot afford to wait for either of these in terms of civilian lives threatened.


Middle East:

The first thing I would like to do as a Muslim is to redraw the national boundaries to spite the British Empire.  Unfortunately, Saddam wanted to redraw the boundaries after his own image.



Has a blind prejudice against the US, which itself includes Muslims.


Militant Islam

Just another form of beastiality.


Militant Muslims:

Still have the medieval mentality of "God will smite them".


Military Force:

I'd rather have the US forces fighting than sitting home in their Mommy's lap getting gassed by Osama.



but yes, kill kill kill is childish! Tell that to the terrorists, however, see if they care! When civilians are attacked by madmen who's openly preferred method of negotiation is killing them, the military must go forth and do it's job...


Minority Terrorist Sympathizers in US:

Do not realize that terrorists will blow them up anyway just because they are on American soil, regardless of skin color, faith, profession, or stance on war with Iraq.


More appropriate antiwar chant:

 "Peace, Yes, Pacifism, No."


More appropriate antiwar chant:

"If you smoke this, Osama, you wouldn't be so warlike."


More appropriate antiwar chant:

"Peace, Yes, Hippies, No."


More appropriate antiwar chant:

Peace Later. Pursue terrorists and their supporting regimes to the ends of the earth now.


More appropriate chant for the Bible Thumpers:

 "...'and God smote them'- Bible, Old Testament- everywhere."


Mosul: Arab squatters placed there by Saddam are in distress.

Those who are living in Kurd houses should move.


Mullah Mohammad:

New Motto: "You fight to the death to protect Islam from the Infidels, and spread it throughout the world, I run and hide."



Do not want anything getting in the way of their complete control and repressing the population.



Power-mad maniacs spoon-feeding false anti-Western drivel to their followers in order to create an easily controlled blind hate.



The Muslim world is filled with small-time Mullahs preaching ignorance and hate., because that's the only way they can rule- through ignorance and hate.



The US became strong through commerce, not conquest. The Mullahs can't stand that. They are wild beasts, who are unfortunately outwitting the US government at the moment.


Museums of Antiquities and Archaeology Looted:

Another reason to depose all dictators. Their states are unstable.


Muslim Beheaders

Have the average education of an American 3rd grade child, and their heads are filled with the resultant unrealities and fantasies.


Muslim Cleric: "The people in the World Trade Center were not innocent.":

Response: The people in the WTC were good people, and not cynical or greedy.


Muslim Clerics:

There are Muslim clerics preaching death and destruction of their hard-working peaceful Christian neighbors. They show no tolerance and will show no mercy if the madmen gain the upper hand. They are politically corrupt and mad with power.


Muslim Extremists:

The only thing Muslim extremists get out of their beliefs is a youthful artificial twisted high. It is an addictive drug, devoid of logic and compassion.


Muslim Extremists:

They will not quit or change their views because they earn a living at being Muslim extremists.


Muslim Fundamentalists

There should be a war against the Muslim Fundamentalist's brand of Islam.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

A Muslim with an AK-47 is a murderous, lawless monster.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Are mindless hippie boobs. They spout the same mindless mush that was put forth in the 60's (and was even more mindlessly countered by the government!)


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Being an extremist and a self-deluded liar go hand in hand.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Call Americans arrogant. There is nothing more arrogant than an ignorant Muslim, and there are far too many of them.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Children who graduate from a Pakistani Fundamentalist school will be most likely to do what (choose all that apply): (a) become commercially competitive in the world marketplace; (b) attack the world marketplace; (c) get along with non-Muslims; (d) hate all non-Muslims; (e) contribute positively to the cosmic welfare of mankind; (f) spread death and destruction through the world; (g) hate themselves once they are exposed to where the rest of the world is in civilization, then suicidally attack the rest of the world out of despair.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Fight their imaginary perceived evil with real evil.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

have nothing in common with the Palestinian cause.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

If the rest of the world is the enemy of Islam, it is time for Muslims to reevaluate Islam.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Ignorant Clerics on a power trip with their "bans".


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Islamic fundamentalists in several nations have replaced one evil government with their own evil government.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Mankind is strong through diversity. Muslim fundamentalists want to weaken that. The U.S. is also strong through diversity.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Mostly a  bunch of opportunistic thugs with no other employable skills


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Muslim Fundamentalists abide by Satan's philosophy "Better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven".


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Muslim fundamentalists are stuck in Medieval mysticism.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Muslim Fundamentalists have demonstrated that Muslims cannot coexist with the rest of the world in peace.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Muslim Fundamentalists have made a foolish miscalculation of Biblical proportions.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Muslim fundamentalists teach their children that Islam is perfect, and all the rest are evil. They should instead teach them to be self-critical, self-sufficient, self-governing, and world citizens.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Muslim fundamentalists think it's more holy to have no personal hygiene, no medicine, no technology, no education, no tolerance, and no love for anyone else in the world community.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Muslim fundamentalists wish to export their brainwashed misery.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Muslim fundamentalists wish to replace the present totalitarian repressive regimes with their own (example the Taliban). They simply want to be top banana and reap the benefits as the current corrupt repressive regimes are doing.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Muslim schools are trying to create future wars with legions of brainwashed children, wars that in modern day they can not win.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Muslims are getting rich on American frivolity. Then they turn around and condemn it!


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Talk that revels in death and destruction and the hate of others has not taken place in any place of worship other that a Mosque. Quote from Mosque: "Allah intensified the fire and destruction of those planes". This is the talk of pride, jealousy, envy, hate, greed, sloth, and all other human evils.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The average Muslim goes murderously power mad when he gets his hands on an AK-47.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The MF'ers (Muslim Fundamentalists) want to turn back the hand of time 1100 years in order to be in their glory days once again. If Islam was great 1100 years ago it was due to two reasons: (1) they were a more open and tolerant society (though not as open or tolerant as the ones they destroyed), (2) the Catholic Church has all of Europe in the death grip of the Dark Ages.  Those reasons no longer exist, thus the MF'ers are doomed to failure. They also exist only due to the tolerance of their purported enemies. They know this, and want to leave this earth and take a few non-Muslim extremists with them.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The Middle East population need democracy. The Muslim Fundamentalists are not after that, yet use it as part of their rallying cry.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The Muslim fundamentalists want to play East-West? Then they should send back their microphones.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The Muslim terrorist wants to ultimately rule the world with AK-47's.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The Muslim world has a lot of political problems that are overflowing into the non-Muslim world.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The Muslims are a blight on the world today.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The Taliban fought during Ramadan, yet the Muslim extremists still support them hypocritically.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The terrorist actions indicate: that even though the West is merciful when it has the upper hand, the Muslim world will not be merciful when IT has the upper hand, and will slaughter people wherever they can.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The US accidentally blew up a hospital? Tragic, to be sure. But the MF'ers (fundamentalists) ignore the fact that the Taliban hide there, they store weapons there, set up weapons on the roof to make it a target, and that the Taliban are protecting terrorist organizations that applaud and were involved in the planned killing of what could have been over 50,000 people in one case alone, organizations that continue the planning and carrying out of the killing of mass populations throughout the world. The MF'ers are power-mad Ignorants who turn a blind eye to the evils amongst themselves.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The US is many peoples engaged in many peaceful pursuits.  To say the US is the "Great Satan" is false talk with hidden evil ulterior motives.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

The West is light-years ahead of Muslim Fundamentalists who want to even the score with barbaric attacks.


Muslim Fundamentalists:

Want to rule a "have not" Muslim world.


Muslim Life:

Muslim life is so bad that half of the 6000 fighters that went to Iraq to fight the US are willing to commit suicide.


Muslim Madness:

"I'm going to Iraq to fight for Iraq, not Saddam, against the US."


Muslim Madness:

Created by state-controlled anti-US media, and leftist US media.


Muslim Madness:

Partly fueled by the US right-wingers failing to answer the cheap barbs of Leftists such as found at the website "The Onion".


Muslim Militants

Want a fight to the death.


Muslim Militants:

Pushed the US.  The US must push back.


Muslim Mullahs:

The "Infidels" who Muslim Mullahs want to exterminate will not sit idly by and be exterminated by such vicious,  ignorant, tyrannical Mullahs who pick what they want from the Koran in order to influence their superstitious and ignorant Muslim masses in order to sadistically advance their own political and personal ambitions at the expense of the lives of anyone who gets in their way or is a convenient target.


Muslim Nations: Morocco:

Quote from Moroccan: "If Europe opened up it's borders, every Moroccan would leave Morocco.  There is violence there, no jobs, and repression."


Muslim Political Rally:

A good example of a waste of human spirit and energy in the appeasing of barbaric leaders.


Muslim Protests against War in Iraq:

Are composed of Muslim street thugs out for a good time terrorizing liberals and peaceniks in the US, and who are too shamed that the US is actually liberating Iraq from a Muslim terror.


Muslim Regimes:

Ask yourself how the Muslim regimes keep themselves in power, then tell me they are a good force in the world.


Muslim Regimes:

Fear democracy more than anything, and hate the US for spreading it, so accuse the US of imperialism.


Muslim Social Evolution:

Here is the underlying cause of strife between the Muslim World and the West:  (1) The West is more socially advanced that the Muslim World politically and technically.  Socially is debatable. (2) The West has not taken the "right" path in all cases of it's social advancement (take pollution, oil, and liberalism for example) (3) The West is imposing it's ways, right and wrong, knowingly and unknowingly, on the Muslim World, (4) The Muslim World wants to be allowed to socially develop itself, avoid any mistakes made by the West, and ultimately develop a better way of living that will be a shining example for the rest of mankind.  (5) The devout in the Muslim World want to secure their place in eternity in their own way (6) The devout in the Muslim World perceive that the way to secure their place in eternity is to kill all infidels. 


Muslim Social Evolution:

Item (4) is good for mankind in general, owing to the creativity of the human mind and the human spirit, regardless of cultural or political repression.


Muslim Social Evolution:

Three additional problems in the Muslim World are (7) Muslim totalitarian regimes shift the blame on the West through lying in controlled media for the miseries they've caused to their populations (8) Vicious,  ignorant, tyrannical backwoods Mullahs akin to the "Whakko at Waco" (only with millions rather than dozens of hapless followers) pick what they want from the Koran in order to influence their superstitious and ignorant Muslim masses in order to ruthlessly advance their own political and personal ambitions at the expense of the lives of their own people and anyone who gets in their way or who is a convenient target (9) There are several Muslim/Non-Muslim conflicts around the world over land and self-determination.  Unfortunately groups (5) and (8), being the more aggressive and less moral,  will ruthlessly take control of things if the US just knocks over the totalitarian regimes and leaves, who will then prevent group (4) from ever achieving their goal.


Muslim Street Thugs Protesting Iraq War:

Where were they when Saddam was attacking his neighbors? Muslim street thugs are simply prejudiced against the US, therefore the US can simply ignore them.


Muslim Terrorists

Will bring about the destruction if Islam.


Muslim thinking:

When Iraq is liberated, and the US does not permanently take over Iraq and it's wealth, the Muslim world will be shamed and angry that their anti-US mentality was unfounded.


Muslim World

It's time for the Muslim world to grow up.


Muslim World:

Sent sons to fight the evil America and were not happy to see Iraqis celebrating in the streets welcoming the Americans. Conclusion: Muslim World a casualty of a controlled and biased media. Take Al Jazeera for example focusing exclusively on the few US-caused casualties of the war and completely hiding the many, many atrocities continually being committed by the Iraqi regime to their bitter end, including hiding behind the civilians Al Jazeera distortedly blames the US of attacking unjustly.


Muslim: "The US put the Shah in power so they could have easy access to oil"

The US has to do what it does, when there were only 8 democratic nations in the world as recent as 30 years ago, with several evil superpower empires being run by maniacal paranoid perpetual dictators who hated democracy and boneheads who could not see it.  The US actually saved you from Stalin.  You may have an excuse if you went to a liberal college, where hippie professors are caught up in a fashionable US-bashing fad while at the same time minimizing the gory details of life under the Stalins, Maos, Castros, Saddams, and Kim Jong Il's of the world.



Do not accept or respect the rest of the human race.



Hate America because America has every right to hate Muslims*, but it doesn't. The Muslim hate is thus doubled because they can't stand America's condescending benevolence. *due to Muslims trying to exterminate Americans.



Have the wrong people fighting for their causes.



Think they will make worldly gains through hate and violence rather than through contributing something to mankind.



Are "have nots" because they are trapped in backwards customs, and not because of anything the West did.



Are against the war and do not want to see a positive end to the war with the US victorious and Iraq a grateful, democratic, peace-loving and prosperity-pursuing nation.



Are brainwashed into hate, prejudice, destruction by their barbaric leaders.



Are easily led astray by the new Hitler's of the world.



Are lovers of spinning tall tales. Example: the reporter who was told "bin Laden left Afghanistan 10 days ago."



By the barbaric behavior of Saddam's killers Americans begin to realize they were holding too high of a regard for the Muslim world.



Can't deal with their problems intellectually, so they resort to mass-murder by self-destruction.



Do Muslims still think the US is going after bin Laden unjustly after seeing the captured tape? Yes, if they think it is not authentic.



Do not have the moral upper hand over any other people. They are known for their lying, treachery, uncleanliness, and cruelty. And as for the last 1000 years, their laziness and ignorance.



Don't understand an open society like the US, where a conspiracy such as creating the captured bin Laden tape could not for long be kept secret.



Fought alongside the US in the first Gulf War. So one cannot stereotype them as being all mad.



Hate societies with higher technologies and educations.



Hate the US because the US has won past wars non-violently, through peace, prosperity, ridicule, and envy.



Hate the US for it's stance on Israel and it's dependence on Middle East oil, so the US will never win over the Muslims who have already declared war on the US. Might as well do what you've got to do if you're the US, and don't worry about image and popularity.



Have Hate Schools, want to dominate the world



Have to start looking at their own politics as the source of their misery, and not the West, which has been trying to help them.



If the Muslims wish to listen to their extremists, it is their choice. However if the U.S. had listened to it's extremists, there would be no Muslim world today.



If you want to hate non-Muslims, fine. If you want to hate people who live in a more technologically advanced culture, fine. If you want to kill those people, then get therapy and restrain yourself. If you try to kill them, then prepare for the earthly justice of those whom you try to kill.



Ignorant Muslims get guns in their hands and then think they are God.



Ignorant, arrogant, and prejudiced against the West



Imagine the U.S. having to deal with 100,000,000 armed White Supremists who want to kill all Muslims? This is the problem the Muslim world has with it's fundamentalists.



It is not the United State's fault that the Muslim world is too stupid to set up a democracy and a free enterprise system.



Mad someone has to come in and solve their problems for them, but since their problems have spilled over onto the other's soil, the other has a perfect right to come in.



Muslim leaders are not calling for the same level of understanding of and tolerance to other religions that Christian and Western Political leaders are calling for on the part of Christians in understanding and tolerating Islam.



Muslim moderates are the rare minority.



Muslim street mentality is wholly devoid of reality.



Muslim teachings are lacking in world citizenship.



Muslims are about 500 years behind the West on the social evolutionary scale.  



Muslims are dying in Afghanistan and neighboring Muslims are engaged in selfish and frivolous activities, ignoring them. Then they hypocritically accuse and condemn the US of doing the same.



Muslims are living on the benevolence of previous Western generations.



Muslims are not teaching their children the truth. In the US Muslims are equal citizens with all other religions, and the Government exists to serve and protect the people, Muslims just as equally as all other religions.



Muslims are taught backward ways because their leaders have no confidence in them. Their leaders do not believe that Muslims can positively contribute to the good of mankind, since they are so far behind. They are self-defeatists. They sell their students short. They do not have confidence or faith in the average human mind, and are self-repressive.



Muslims cry and whine about their own oppressive regimes and blame the US for their existence. Well, it was either that or Nazism or Communism. So give the US a break. The lack of accurate historical knowledge (or any other knowledge for that matter) in the Muslim world contributes to their violent insanity. My plans, incidentally, address the "regime" problem.



Muslims don't want the West in their world because they don't want the West to see their barbaric ways.



Muslims have a recent history of being stupid and Fundamentalists want to continue it.



Muslims in the streets act on inaccurate and incomplete information, or take parts out of context, in order to have riotous fun in the streets.



Muslims think they have the moral high-ground. However, politically, they are completely screwed up.



Need to work a little harder in life, rather that sit around and delude themselves.



People in their hearts know when something is wrong, but what can a person do living under a murderous, repressive Muslim totalitarian regime, except to play along with it in order to live another day?



Replace reason and knowledge with superstition and ignorance, and replace industry with destruction, love with hate.  Ignorant backwoods Muslim clerics play to the ignorant Muslim's superstitions and lack of education and feed them lies.



Royalty, Dictators, and Religious Fundamentalists like it that way - they kill all the intellects and bring their country down to their barbaric level, as in a communist state like China or the Taliban in Afghanistan.  Then the barbarian leadership wants technology and money from the West, and they get it from the blind, self-interested Clintonesques, or blind, naive liberals.



Suffering is caused by Pride



Teach their children hate rather than knowledge, condemning the children to third-class world citizenship



The ignorant Muslim hordes lives are so miserable politically that they want to believe in any cockeyed criminal who calls himself a mullah and issues fatwahs and jihads. It is tragic. It is the easy way out. Democracy is the hard way.



The Muslim world can thank the US for US restraint at not making this a war against the Muslim world, a war the Muslims would lose.



The Muslim World have their own historical intolerance and arrogance to thank for the Western World that humiliates them today. When the Muslims closed the trade routes between Europe and the Far East, the Europeans went to the high seas for trade, colonized the world, became great powers, and had a flowering of their civilizations which continues to this day.



The Muslim world is cut off from the outside world through controlled media. Then the population is lied to by those in power.  The population is falsely told that all their woes are the fault of the United States, just like the Soviet Union used to do, and just as China is doing today.



The Muslim's origin of their hate is themselves. They can't remove their ignorant repressive regimes that encourage a barbaric interpretation of their religion, and they haven't contributed to the advancement of mankind in the past 600 years.



The U.S. appease the Muslims? The Muslims better appease the U.S.



The United States has sent Billions of dollars to the Muslim world to help them along, and it has received nothing in return except ingratitude and arrogance from the Muslim world.



The US has done everything possible to bring the Muslim world into an era of peace and prosperity - foreign aid, medicine, technology, human rights pressure on evil regimes.  But the Muslim world has been blinded by the evils of some of Western pop culture, and as a result rejects and bites the helping hand of Western authorities.



The US must not try to appease overly-propagandized Muslims in the street.



Turn their back on their own evil problems and blame the West.


Mustafa Ali: "America's principal interests are oil and Israel.":

Response: I, as an American, could care less about oil.  Israel I can defend against the barbarian Muslims of today's world.


Mustafa Ali: "War against Iraq is a war against humanity.":

Response: Bogus bull.  (1) It is not a war against Iraq. (2) Saddam is already a bane on humanity, and Mustafa wishes to perpetuate him, making Mustafa and his kind a bane on humanity.


MUSTAFA: "Muslims believe in life hereafter, in heaven and hell as described in the Koran. So if a Muslim sacrifices his life he believes he will be rewarded. They are preparing for the next life. They want to die as martyrs.":

Response: So curse the US, jump off a cliff, and be done with this life. If you don't, you are hypocrites.



In the back pocket of the Democratic Party.



That last thing they want is a color-blind society, with all the freebies the blacks get.


NAACP "Bush murdered people for oil"

Bush would never have gone into Iraq if Saddam left the country, so that argument is baseless, and pure fantasy.


NAACP "Thomas, Powell, Rice should be ashamed of themselves."

NAACP mistakes their promotion of government dependence as civil rights activity.



National Association for the Advancement of Dumb Blonds: for they are ever exploited and envied for their desirable beauty.



National Association for the Advancement of Hillbillies, since they are kept down by the prejudice of those with money and power.



National Association for the Advancement of Rednecks, since they are prejudiced against by those in 3-piece suits.



National Association of Scientists, since they are an object of ridicule by street-smart people, who thereby slow down the advancement of mankind by adversely affecting the scientist's self esteem.


Naji Sabri  ""They decided to go beyond the United Nations, beyond the Security Council, and this proved the failure of American diplomacy not only here at the United Nations but over the whole world," he said.:

True words of a dictator's puppet.  He is saying this to protect his family from Saddam's assassins. 


Naji Sabri  ""They decided to go beyond the United Nations, beyond the Security Council, and this proved the failure of American diplomacy not only here at the United Nations but over the whole world," he said.:

You just can't listen to anything any Iraqi says anymore, because anything any Iraqi says other than Saddam himself is a mere falsehood designed to protect their families from Saddam's assassins.


Naji Sabri  "If the U.N. secretary-general withdraws the inspectors from Baghdad ... this means that the secretary-general has abandoned its own responsibility in maintaining peace and security in the world," :

His murderous dictator Saddam is relying on the civility of the UN to allow his brutal regime to continue.    Naji is also saying this to protect his family from Saddam's assassins.



Against all forms of education except their own.


NEA and Kerry

NEA asked Kerry if he supported NEA policies, and the NEA threw in a few monopolistic, anti-middle class scenarios, like opposing vouchers and tax breaks for private school expenses (the middle class would benefit most from them), and Kerry supported the NEA in their opposition to them.


NEA and Kerry

NEA puts forth a monopolistic request (take a stance against voucher and tax breaks for private school costs), and Kerry does not have the wherewithall to stand up to it.


NEA and Kerry

NEA was soft on Kerry, merely asking him if he 'supported' NEA issues. Of course Kerry would say 'yes he supported them'. He played them like a violin. Sure he can say he supports all they ask for, getting anything done about it is another matter, and he can just blame it all on the Republicans. How convenient.


Netherlands Hippie: "US not loved all over the world."

Response: Oh, doesn't that give the hippie a feeling of power, to snub the hand reaching out for friendship, and protecting him from his Jihadi enemies. A good example of a typical 60's self-centered lowlife.


New Iraqi Justice System:

Have carried out Saddam's murder, and do not want to be held accountable under a US guided justice system. That didn't sound good. In a US justice system, they would all go free on technicalities. No, the US does not want to give Iraq the US justice system.


Nick Berg

Ted the Communist Koppel should read his name.


No Child Left Behind

A program that can be easily sabotaged by children who come from backgrounds that place no value on academic education.


No Child Left Behind

Directly created for minorities.


No Child Left Behind

Doomed to failure due to there being children who come from a background that places less value in creating wealth than it does in stealing it. Where breaking the law pays more than upholding it. Where street smarts is valued above academic smarts. Where life is better in a welfare environment than a working environment.


No War = a "Live and Let Suffer" foreign policy.

If the US cared about the Russians more than it's own safety, the Russians could have been free.  Instead No war = Russian suffering under Stalin for decades.   We should have listened to Patton.  If the US cared about the Chinese more than it's own safety, millions of smart Chinese would have still been alive, and would have produced smart offspring.  Instead, No war = millions of Chinese intellectuals and professionals murdered by Mao, and Chinese are still suffering under a perpetual murderous and brutal totalitarian rule.   We should have listened to McArthur, minus the nukes.  If the US cared about the North Koreans more than it's own safety,  North Koreans would be free.  Instead, No war = North Koreans presently enduring Kim Jong Il's daily brainwashing, repression, murder, and starvation, and this in the 21st Century.  Truman halted US forces at the wrong geographic parallel. How many other times in history has the aversion to war contributed to long years of suffering by populations under evil rule?


Noam Chomsky

A libertarian socialist anarchist.


Noam Chomsky

This interview was conducted in May 1995 by Kevin Doyle.
Intro: "Less well known is his ongoing support for libertarian socialist objectives…"
"for quite a time now you've been an advocate for the anarchist idea."
Conclusion: Noam appeals to political children just beginning to feel their freedom, and who are still in an irresponsible stage.
Ther error Chomsky commits is he mistakes services as authorities.
That would make him Noam Chumpsky, for misleading millions of youth.


Non-Terrorist Countries:

Fighting terrorism is not a war the US should be fighting alone. Other non-terrorist countries should be ashamed to stand by and watch, or worse, criticize.


"Virtual War  - Therapeutic Value of the Internet"   You and I don't know it, but history is in the making.  The Internet has opened up a new and alternate arena for war - in the virtual world.  "The pen is mightier than the sword" they say, and here the pen reigns supreme.  It has allowed people from around the world to expose in one another the half-truths they are ready to die for.  At for example, people with pro-war views are invading the forums and the lambasting that goes back and forth makes Baghdad's  "Shock and Awe" campaign look like the playground.  It's initially exhilarating to "pound" someone from the other side of the world intellectually on their half-truths and shallow, populist thinking, and then get "pounded" back exposing your own half-truths and shallow populist thinking.  As people expend their energies in this "virtual pounding" they bring each other closer to the same views, thereby resolving conflicts without physical violence, if you are lucky enough to settle down before you get "banned" from the forum for being too intense.  On the Internet UN debating is repeated a thousand times with people from all over the world yelling and screaming at each other.  The best of us improve ourselves through self-reevaluations.  It's a tribute to sites like not to have filtered out the pro-war invasion of their site, and presenting such lively debates. They do however ban abusers, bashers, and baiters, which only a seasoned forumer can obtain, thereby negating somewhat the beneficial aspect of the forum for new arrivals.  Forum sites like this have become a virtual UN to see what shreds of truth the other side is acting on, and exposing your own shreds of truth.


A totalitarian website. Just when dialog begins to work, they ban it, and would rather leave their own cocoon of views unchallenged.


Bans anyone who seriously challenges their views on the war so they can huddle in their own cocoon an nurse their narrow-minded views.


North Korea Article: "In North Korea, Lee Sung Mi, a middle-aged refugee, risked arrest by border guards to get to China last month.":

Response: The nation-prison our Thai rice farmer and American leftists are glad came to pass over the bully American victory over communism. (Only a moron would think like this).


North Korea Article: "Kim Jong Il is believed to have billions of dollars stashed in bank accounts in Switzerland and possibly more in accounts in Austria, China and Russia.":

Response: This is the kind of leader our Thai rice farmer and American leftists prefer over Bush, I'm sure.  The morons should start putting Bush into perspective and thank their lucky stars they don't live under communism and a Kim Jong Il. Morons.


North Korea Article: "Kim's dictum that "the earth doesn't need to exist if there is no North Korea.":

Read "if there is no Kim".  What does the Thai rice farmer have to say now about "bully" America's efforts to eradicate communism from Indonesia?  Are North Koreans suffering because of the "bully" Americans, or because the "bully" Americans weren't "bully" enough to succeed in eradicating communism in Asia? Is he going to deny that the American "bully's" failure to eradicate communism allowed such an insane Kim to become a ruler of a nation?


North Korea Article: "Lee, who declined to give her real name, has been diagnosed with breast cancer; she pulls up her black sweater to expose breasts mottled with dark splotches. There are no treatments, no medicine in her country.":

Response: Our Thai rice farmer or American Leftists don't need medicine, of course, so why should the North Koreans get any? (Only a moron would think like this).  Of course Kim can spend money on developing nuclear weapons so he can perpetuate his comfortable rule and prolong the suffering of Koreans in the North.


North Korea Article: "North Korea is in a very desperate situation," says Rick Corsino, the wfp's North Korea director.":

Response: But at least our Thai rice farmer and American leftists are happy the "bully Americans" went home without eradicating communism in Indochina. (Only a moron would think like this).


North Korea Article: "North Korea is woefully short of electricity needed to run irrigation pumps for agriculture and lacks cash to buy fertilizer.":

Response: Isn't our Thai rice farmer and American leftists who call America a "bully" proud of the communism America went over there to "bully".  (Only a moron would think like this).


North Korea Article: "North Korea: State-sponsored paranoia has an Orwellian purpose. Fear occupies the mind, distracting North Koreans from their chronic hunger and the fact that there is less to eat now than there was six months ago.":

Response: But at least our proud Thai rice farmer and American leftists are happy the "bully Americans" went home without eradicating communism in Indochina. (Only a moron would think like this).


North Korea Article: "North Korea: Woman says she saw a man who starved to death at the Chongjin train station before she left, something she had not seen since the famine of 1996-97.":

Response: The frequent famines under the communism our Thai rice farmer and American leftists wish for the rest of the world over the American "bully" that tried to stop the spread of communism. (Only a moron would think like this).


North Korea Article: "North Korean despot Kim Jong Il presides over a ragpicker's Sparta where 22 million people are conditioned to believe they are always on the precipice of war.":

Response: Is this the Thai rice farmer's and American Leftist's dream? Looks like Asians are suffering because of the communism the "bully" Americans were trying to save Indochina from, but weren't "bully" enough to do.


North Korea Article: "North Korean despot Kim Jong Il presides over a ragpicker's Sparta where 22 million people are conditioned to believe they are always on the precipice of war.":

Response: The paradise our Thai rice farmer and American leftists prefer over an American "bully" victory over communism. (Only a moron would think like this).


North Korea Article: "North Koreans are accustomed to warnings that the American bombs could at any moment begin falling on them like rain.":

Response: State-induced paranoia.  My how our Thai rice farmer and American leftists must be proud now that the "bully" Americans went home and Kim's rule nations. (Only a moron would think like this).


North Korea Article: "North Korea—which ostensibly hews to an isolationist policy called juche, or self-reliance—has been surviving on international food handouts for almost a decade.":

Response: I'm sure our Thai rice farmer and American leftists are proud of this fact too.  At least North Korea wasn't "bullied" by the Americans. (Only a moron would think like this).


North Korea Article: "Sanctions are an imperfect option. Years of economic pressure on Iraq punished the country's innocent civilians but did not topple Saddam Hussein.":

Response: Read "UN" sanctions, of which the UN preferred over a US ouster of Saddam 12 years ago.  So any suffering of Iraqis over the last 12 years blame on the nations who thought sanctions were more civilized than the US ousting Saddam.


North Korea Article: "Sanctions or no sanctions, Kim Jong Il will be fine, and the high officials will be fine," she says. "It is the average people who will starve to death.":

Response: This is the kind of leader our Thai rice farmer and American leftists prefer over Bush and his American "bullies", I'm sure. (Only a moron would think like this).


North Korea Article: "some regions of North Korea are once again threatened by a famine like the one that killed an estimated two million people in the mid-1990s.":

Response: Isn't this the communist paradise the moron Thai rice farmer above and American leftists preferred over American democracy?  Too bad he is so ignorant and blind to think that the Americans were "bullies" and that "everyone suffers" because of them.  Looks like the communism the "bully" Americans were trying to save Indochina from is causing the suffering our imbecilic Thai rice farmer accuses the Americans of causing.


North Korea Article: "The country's failed Stalinist economy has a gross domestic product that is less than 5% of neighboring South Korea's.":

Response: Too bad the American "bully" gave up on stopping the spread of communism in Asia.  Then morons like the Thai rice farmer above and American leftists wouldn't have millions of starving communist neighbors, and this in the 21st century. It looks like the Americans weren't able to be "bully" enough to save the North Koreans from the Kim's of the world.


North Korea Article: "the North Korean government's own food-distribution agency is able to provide only 270 grams of food per person per day—less than half what is considered sufficient to survive.":

Response: So much for "from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs".  Looks like Kim Jong killed off all North Korea's ability and is left with the "needs".  I'm sure our Thai rice farmer and American leftists are proud of that fact, too.  At least the "bully" Americans left Indochina without defeating communism and "making everyone else suffer" in the process. (Only a moron would think like this).


North Korea Article: "U.S. officials, seeking leverage to force Kim to abandon his nuclear-weapons program, have for months been mulling ways to impose new economic sanctions that would cut off the North from sources of hard currency, such as its international arms sales.":

What is an abomination like Kim Jong Il doing in arms sales to begin with?


North Korea:

"I think the North Korea situation requires a surgical "Otto Skorzeny-ish" strike." Response: That would create a stir.  Better yet, how about a worldwide consensus on what good and evil are, and then the courage to deal with the evil. What to do until then? You've got to go on gut instinct. Bush did with Saddam (Osama required no instinct).



#2 weenie station.



Continuous stream of unbalanced, out of context, anti-US bias. Caught up in a blind liberal frenzy of US destruction.



Digs up doom and gloomers, asks them the wrong questions, and gives national air time to them.



Dregs up anybody who supports their leftwing views.



National Pessimist Radio


NPR Radio

"Never Positive Reporting" Radio; "Negative Propaganda Reporting" Radio; "National People's Republic" of Radio; "No Promoting Republicans" Radio


NY Times

A den of liberal debauchery



The World already has two successful models of occupation: post World War II Japan and Germany.  The model was unconditional surrender, long-term occupation, and a gradual withdrawal when the country is on a path of peace and prosperity.  The US has not colonialized either of those countries when it easily could have.


Oil Interests:

Will George W. and oil cronies stand to make millions by preventing mass-murder of American civilian populations by deposing Saddam and destroying his CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons? Frankly, I don't care as long as he's doing his job of protecting his free nation from despotism.


Oliver North

Oliver North Summary: "22 countries fell under communism and other tyrannies under Carter, while the Left in the US did their dope-smoking, self-doubting soul-searching encounter group routines. Reagan and Greneda changed all that- Democracy spread until Cuba was the only tyranny left. Then Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union broke their bonds of tyranny. Now it's the Middle East, with China on the horizon. As for Vietnam, it was lost in the corridors of power in Washington, D.C.." May I add with a lot of help from liberals.



Another in a long line of evil despots in recent times calling for the death of and jeering at the resolve of "Americans".


ON Bush

A picture of Bush alone and he looks dumb. Next to Kerry, he looks like a savior. You'll notice anti-Bush propaganda will picture Bush alone, and not next to Kerry.


On Bush

For the record, my stance on Bush: his worst enemy is not the liberal tyranny machine, but himself.


On Losing Power

When the US loses power, it gets it back up and running. When Iraq loses power, the Muslims sit there and whine and cry and blame others.


On their own channels, the Arab stations have repeatedly aired footage of dead Iraqi civilians, the bloodied faces of wounded children and the outpouring of grief — and outrage — at funerals.

Response: And did the hypocrites attribute these atrocities to Saddam, where they should have been attributed? No. They falsely attribute them to the US, to fuel their ignorant fire. Where were these hypocrite's outrage for the last 30 years as Saddam tortured and murdered his civilians?


One Arab analyst, interviewed on the most popular Arabic satellite station, al-Jazeera, described British soldiers as unmotivated men who join the army just for "muscle-building and adventures.":

Response: I'll buy that. If a military person wanted to be in politics, he'd have become a politician, which is a freedom of choice Arabs do not understand.


Operation Baghdad:

now the US, on it's way to Baghdad, like true gentlemen, gave Saddam's fighters ongoing opportunities to stand aside... and the US only fire when fired upon... but thanks to publications like Al Jazeera, with their utter and distorted anti US/West biased coverage and commentary, and the overly pacifist (read "liberal") US and world press wringing their hands in fear and encouraging the enemy, many Iraqis died, and the cowardly murderous attacks of terrorists (on Red Cross buildings and the like) continues.


Opposition Iraqi Kurds, who have their own television station, have complained of biased coverage from Arab TV stations.:

Response: "Bias" is an understatement. It's outright false propaganda.



Psychotic killer.



Want's a truce with Europe so he can kill more civilians in other parts of the world. This is a tribute to Europe's success in fighting terrorism.


Osama bin Laden:

What makes him think he is better that others, asking them to kill themselves for his twisted thought processes?



Began the war, Bush should be allowed to finish it.



Pacifism did not do the crew and passengers of the 9/11 flights any good.



Will not deter the madness of Muslim terrorist organizations, and will not reduce the availability to such madness of CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons that evil dictators like Saddam and Kim Jong Il possess.



Those who call for the bombing to stop have offered no alternative, like I have.



Pakistani religious schools are not educating the unfortunate children, they are training them to keep evil leaders in power.



Unfortunately the Pakistani who are crossing the border to join the Taliban must be attacked. Imagine the tyranny they will bring back with them if allowed to return.



Still a terrorist state


Palestinian Barbarians:

Want Saddam to strike Tel Aviv with chemical weapons.


Palestinian Militants:

Cowardly murderers hiding among women and children, and hiding in Churches


Palestinians and Al Jazeera:

Prefer Saddam over a US-led liberation out of sheer prejudice against the US, and should be completely and utterly dismissed.  They exhibit the primeval prejudice the US has risen above in allowing individual opportunity and freedom regardless of religious belief, even in the face of the present Muslim menace.


Palestinians and the US

Why does the US care about the bloodthirsty barbaric Palestinians who unconditionally hate the US? Why does the US pressure Israel from expanding into Palestinian areas? It is because the US unconditionally cares for human beings in general, beyond any reciprocity from such hate-crazed primitives.



As a culture are a disgrace to humanity.  They elect terrorists as their leaders, get their children to buy, trade, and wear pendants of simple, ignorant murders, and cheer the mass murder of other peoples.



If Israel were as barbaric as the Palestinians they would use counter-terrorism on Palestine - destroy an entire town for every suicide bomber.



If the Palestinians had the upper hand militarily, they would not be as benevolent as the Jewish state is being.



People who create frames of mind to justify completely inappropriate expenditures of energy.



They started it all by not agreeing to the division of Palestine, and by mass-murdering Jews back in 1948.



Muslim Apple Cart Vendor Parable: Lived in an town where fighting raged back and forth. He stood stolidly in front of his shop with his apple cart, and had signs in both languages, "We must stop the fighting and pursue business together." He also has a cordoned-off area that read "Do not enter - Peace Zone." It served three purposes: (1) it appealed to the honor and the goodness in the men fighting on both sides, which by the way was successful, as no honorable and good man from either side crossed the line as long as the vendor stood there beside his statements, (2) it reminded the combatants that not everyone agreed that the fighting was necessary, that there might possibly be a better way to serve justice, and (3) most importantly, it kept him and his apples out of the crossfire, as no one could take up a position to the side or behind him.  He however knew he would get away with such an appeal to peace and brotherhood in the middle of a raging battle, because he correctly assessed that his storefront possessed no tactical value in the first place. He was, after all, a practical man!


Parody on Anti-War Protests:

"We're too afraid to chant "Islam, don't teach your children hate."


Parody on Anti-War Protests:

Show their cowardice, hypocracy, and shallowness.


Peace and Love:

Peace and Love ain't a gonna git rid of Saddam any time soon. Don't take a genius to see that.


Peace Demonstrators:

Peace Demonstrators were silent when American civilians were mass murdered my Militant Muslims. When the US responds, Peace Demonstrators are everywhere. A double standard, and cowardly, because the US is nice, the Muslim Militants are not.


Peace Sign:

"Break a Window for Peace."



Peace is not a one-party phenomenon.  Since the Antiwar Protestor's messages are directed at one side only, the US, and fall deaf on terrorist and dictator ears, they are to be disregarded.



Quoting an exiled Iraqi: "The West thinks the absence of war is peace. Not in Iraq. The Iraqi's are at war now with Saddam."



Would be nice, but not possible with politically ambitious Muslim Fundamentalists making war on the world.



yes, Peace and Love are nice- but peace and love are not achieved by one party only- and the terrorists don't desire it... it is not how they wish to get to paradise...


Peaceful Iraqis:

Are America's friends. Saddam's thugs are America's enemies.



Can hide behind peace signs, but the Osama's of the world are not going to go away as long as there are murderous Saddam's in the world who cause misery and death in their countries then use biased or naive mass media to blame it on the US.



Carrying around a peace sign, blocking traffic, breaking windows, macing police, and shouting "Death to America" may weigh on the conscience of Bush and stop America from war activities, but it isn't going to have any effect on Osama, Al Jazeera, or the Muslim anti-Western prejudice Al Jazeera likes to enflame. So should the US then stop? No. Peace cannot occur unilaterally.



Do not realize the Roosevelt could not get defense appropriations, causing the US military to practice with broomsticks instead of rifles, which in turn emboldened the evil enemies of democracy that infested the world back then.



Most have an ignorant and twisted media-induced view of the military, the government, and their roles in society.  I know, my view was just so completely distorted, twisted, and erroneous before I joined the military.



No matter what peaceniks do, as long as dictator states depend on brutality, repression, and murder, they will incite suicidal anti-Western sentiment to bolster their hold on the country.



Peaceniks during WWII could not comprehend that if the US did not go to war, war would come to the US.  There was no hiding.



Want to put future American civilian safety in the whimsical hands of evil dictators like Saddam and Kim Jong Il.



Well intentioned by naive.



When your nation is being attacked in a deadly manner by insane organizations allied with insane regimes, you don't hide behind peace signs.



Why don't they go to Iraq and disrupt Saddam's murderous operations, or at least chant against them from their own countries? Because they are afraid of him.



Even from the lowliest peasant can come the loftiest wisdom.


People living off the State:

Would rather have the US government give the war money to them.


Peter Arnett:

Should have been fired because he allowed himself to be paraded by the Baath Party as the Voice of the West, as he spewed out Baath Party propaganda.


Peter Arnett:

Sounded like the Iraqis had a gun to his head, or had at least pressured him in some way, made him crack, or manipulated him in some way, as is evident in his lack of logic and lack of facts.


Peter Arnett: "our reports about civilian casualties here, about the resistance of the Iraqi forces are going back to the United States, [and] it helps those who oppose the war.":

Response: He left out "helps Saddam control the weak minds of the Muslim masses".


Peter Arnett: "The first US military plan has failed because of Iraqi resistance.":

Response: Calling Saddam's criminal minions "Iraqis" is an insult to those civilian Iraqis not taking part in Saddam's madness.


Peter Arnett: "This clearly is a city that is disciplined," Arnett said in the interview. "The population is responsive to the government's requirements of discipline. And my Iraqi friends tell me there is a growing sense of nationalism and resistance to US and British forces.":

Response: OK, here is where Arnett crosses the line from opinion to sheer misguided muck. Instead of "disciplined" he should have said "threatened by Saddam". Instead of "responsive to the government's requirements" he should have said "blackmailed and held hostage by the government". Instead of "growing sense of nationalism and resistance" he should have said "in the minds of Saddam's regime only" and "there is an increased level of brutality and threats from Saddam toward Iraqi civilians to support him, or else face execution", and "there is growing hope that the US and Britain can actually get rid of Saddam and his army of paid secret assassins". And he is so desperate for friends, he has chosen poorly, having clearly chosen Saddam propaganda plants. So, yes, I agree Arnett should have been canned. He has clearly lost his senses, if he ever had any. If it appeared in any he was bringing up valid points that rated counterpoints, rather than Iraqi propaganda, I'd say no one should be "banned" or "fired" for bringing up worthy points.


Pleasing Liberal Weenies:

Pleasing Liberal weenies results in the following statement from terrorists: "American forces are weak" (as compared to Saddam's ruthlessness)..


Political Interests:

Will George W. and oil cronies stand to advance in the political polls by preventing mass-murder of American civilian populations by deposing Saddam and destroying his CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons? Frankly, I don't care as long as he's doing his job of protecting his free nation from despotism.



Our Choices: crooked, incompetent, dumb, brute, intellectual, weenie, and any combination there of.



Play to those who'll vote for whoever is currently most popular.


Position on War from Redneck:

"Hell yes, I'm for the war. What do I look like, some kind of parasite minority?


Post-War Iraq:

Bush needs to formulate and disseminate to the world his plans for a post-war Iraq, so those who are willing and able to lead Iraq after Saddam can begin preparations to represent their constituency.


Post-War Iraq:

Should not have to honor the payments on any deals that supported Saddam's rule over Iraq, especially arms deals. This should cut Iraq's 300+ billion debt somewhat.


Post-war Iraq:

What will Iraq be now? Muslims, out of their blind misguided hate of the US, say anything but an American-style government.


Potshots at US Soldiers:

Reasons: (1) gangs of thrill-seeking village idiots; (2) brainwashed Para-military units who were told by the Iraqi Miss-Information Ministry that "there is no future for you without Saddam; (3) Saddam's Whip-Masters are behind them, and it's shoot at Americans or get shot; (4) Saddam's thugs who've carried out Saddam's evils, who really have no future in a free Iraq.



Either from Saddam thugs or village idiots.


Prajim Praiwet thinks he knows all about the U.S. and its wars. The 55-year-old Thai rice farmer remembers four decades ago when the Jungles of his home province, Nakhon Phanom, were a key staging ground in American-backed efforts to eradicate communism in Indochina. Then a teenager, he watched in despair as a proxy war between the U.S. and China terrorized his little village: U.S.-funded Thai troops tortured and killed locals, while the communists responded by beheading Thai soldiers. "America will bully other countries because it is strong," says Prajim. "Everyone else will suffer.":

Response: If the Thai rice farmer knew anything about communism he would have welcomed American-backed efforts to eradicate communism in Indochina.  I'm sure he's not happy the Americans went home and North Koreans are starving while their communist leader stuffs billions into his Swiss bank account.



No. Reactive, Yes.


Prejudiced Brothers:

If they think they are oppressed here, let them go to Saddam and Kim Jong Il.


Prejudiced Brothers:

So many American black prejudiced brothers turned to Islam to spite "Whity". Now that the evils of Islam have been brought to the spotlight (that of preaching repression, ignorance, and hate), the prejudiced brothers are bitter, and have nowhere else to turn, and still want to spite Whity, and so oppose Bush, and could care less about the Iraqi plight or Muslim genocide against "Whity", of which they erroneously think will not affect them.


Problem of Islam:

Is parallel to a Christian David Koresh or Charles Manson having millions of mind-twisted, armed followers rather than just a handful.



After witnessing the people of Kabul celebrating, where are the "Stop the Bombing" protestors now - those who view the world out of one eye - an anti-American one, and refuse to mention the oppression and suffering caused by the enemies of America?



Where are the "Stop the Bombing" protestors now, now that Osama claims to possess nuclear capabilities? Should the US "Stop the Bombing" now and wait until Osama the Madman lays waste a portion of our planet?



He provoked my subconscious nature before I could consciously take control.



It's depressing how many people weave webs of perceptional muck and then stand by them in the face of reality, and giving no regard to the fluidity of human interaction, and refuse to go through life constantly testing and revising their theories. Mankind's only hope is with people who realize that what they perceive is not a very good representation of reality, and therefore keep an open mind. People who realize that only a few of the many causes that cause a social event can be seen.


Pursuing Terrorists:

The President of the US would be derelict in his duty if he did not pursue terrorists to the ends of the earth (as he has in Afghanistan already).



Is nothing compared to habits, ethics, and values.


Racial Profiling

Would alienate the Muslim community. Wrong. They are already aliens. The good of them would appreciate it- they wouldn't get hateful stares if people knew the bad Muslims were being weeded out.



Ramadan hasn't yet caused Muslims to come to the aid of their starving brethren.



He succeeded in achieving 3 out of 4 of his objectives, and achieved many more. He achieved a stronger military, untwisted the self-perception of Americans, played the key factor in winning the cold war, stimulated the economy. He failed to reduce the size of government (added the dept. of veterans affairs) or balance the budget (due to the cost of bringing the cold war to a head).


Reagan "Just an actor"

That's not even conventional wisdom anymore. It is an attractive  view to the super-ignorant.


Reagan's Funeral

Protestors- comprised those who suffered from Central American anti-communists movement, and gays/lesbians. Looks like Reagan did alright.


Red Cross Building Bombing in Baghdad:

An Attack out of fear. An example of the evils freedom fights against.


Red-Cross Building Attackers

Now you see the enemies of the US. It's not hard to see who is good and who is bad here, unless you're a liberal.



Designed to lead us down the right path. All else that has been fabricated around it is corruption.



If religion is to perform it's functions - alleviating the fear and despair of death, guiding us morally through life, and giving us courage and strength in the face of the unknown and in the face of evil - then one must at least allow for the possibility of it's mystical beliefs being fact, simply by acknowledging that there are still facts in nature beyond our understanding. If religion fails in the above functions, people turn to other sources - to science or self-delusions. Terrorists have turned to self delusion.



Throughout history it has been used as an excuse to kill others.



Politically Correct Point of View: Different religions are different paths to the same end.  People must find the path that works for them.  No religion will work for everyone.


Republican Guard:

Are fighting for their brutal, murderous, terrorizing lives, because their time is up, they either die fighting the US or die at the hands of their former victims. Thus they do not mind using their victims as human shields.


Republican Guard:

Are some 100,000 would-be Saddams ready to take his place in raping Iraq.


Republican Guard:

Know they will be convicted of murders under a new Iraqi justice system not designed around Saddam.


Republican Guard:

Looks like the "Oil for Food" program turned out to be an "Oil for Army Rations. Republican Guard found to be stockpiling and consuming the "Oil for Food" rations sent to Iraq to feed the starving children (who are all dead now) from well-intentioned nations around the world, and the Muslim world tries to blame the US for starving Iraq's children during the sanctions period. Imagine!


Republican Guard:

The harder they fight, the deeper their crimes must have gone concerning Iraqi civilians.


Republican Guard:

The war is harder on them since they've grown accustomed to shooting Iraqi civilians who can't shoot back.


Republican Guard:

Will meet a shameful end (using human shields) after a shameful existence (serving Saddam).


Response to opinion "Media Failing Miserably in War Coverage" by Ben Weiss, Accra Mail (Accra), posted to the web April 7,2003

The only problem the US has is in it's not responding to garbage like this fed to the under-educated masses who then act like savages based on such flights of fantasy, and then cry when the US takes action. Allow me to take up the defense of the US and the civilized world in this matter and submit an intelligent response:


Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton:

Ministers of avoiding taxes, since that was their main reason for becoming ministers. If they want to play the con game, fine, but let it be revealed, and let them be treated accordingly.


Richard Reid: "You will be judged by Allah":

Retort: Just as the Father of Jesus will judge you, a would-be suicidal murder.


Robert Farrakhan:

Black Muslims want to bring down "Whity", and destroy the only society on earth that tolerates Bozo's like him.


Rules of War

The aggressor sets the rules of a war. The US has the right to play by terrorist rules.



"Islamo Fascism". Good observation. Liberals continue to miss that point.



Russia does not want the U.S. to use central Asian countries as bases. Maybe Russian leaders have future designs on those countries, and don't want them becoming Western-friendly. On the other hand I don't blame them for not wanting to take part in anything military planned by George W. Bush. His reputation for intelligence is not that widespread so far.



Shutting down it's free presses indicates that it wants to revert to playing mind control games with it's population again, as in it's communist heyday. It will be a weaker and less trusted ally as a consequence.


Russian GPS Jammers:

In Saddam's hands, have made life more dangerous for Iraqi civilians as the US bombs Saddam's installations.


Russian GPS Jammers:

Reckless profiteering with no regard for consequences, expected from a people with many lessons to learn in Capitalism.


Russian Night Vision Goggles:

In Saddam's hands, have made it more dangerous for US forces to depose Saddam. No wonder Russia was afraid to go into Iraq.



"Heroic" in World War II? No. Can't equate whipped and driven slaves with "heroic".  Now an all volunteer military fighting for freedom for a free country, that is heroic.'



His best legal defense is to point to the tactics of the religious/political thugs the US is facing in Iraq.



Largest, most immenent like between terrorists and WMD's, and also the largest source of Middle East tyranny, right up there with religious tyranny.



One petty dictator (Saddam) repressing other petty dictators (Shiites)



Political thug dealing ruthlessly with religious thugs.


Saddam "If Iraq is attacked, he will take the war anywhere in the world "wherever there is sky, land or water.":

Saddam has desired to hold the world hostage all along anyway.


Saddam "We are ready for war":

Sure, Saddam is willing to throw away Iraqi lives to keep himself in power.


Saddam and 9/11:

Only criminals and cowards dismiss the Saddam/9-11 connection.


Saddam and Chemical Weapons:

If he uses them in Baghdad he'll be raining death down upon his subjects without having any effect on US forces.


Saddam and Iraq Phone Service:

Saddam has killed his nation's phone lines.  Why? In order to control the minds of Iraqis through isolation and threats.


Saddam and War:

Saddam has shown that war IS the answer. Too bad, because leftist and liberal pressure is going to prevent the US from stopping short of liberating the rest of the world.


Saddam Doubles:

To their plastic surgeons: "I don't want to be Saddam anymore…"


Saddam in Exile:

Is the most repugnant thought imaginable, him being allowed to leave and not be held accountable for all the crimes he's committed.


Saddam Logic:

Is nothing more than camel dung.


Saddam Loyalists:

Think Saddam will keep hidden the Iraqi civilian blood on their hands.


Saddam Regime:

Giving the families of suicide bombers that kill Americans $35,000.


Saddam Supporters:

Aiding Saddam, not Iraqi civilians. They kill Iraqi civilians.


Saddam Supporters:

Have four reasons to fight: (1) they have blood on their hands they wish to hide, (2) money, (3) threats, (4) prejudice against the West.  The last three can be forgiven, the first will have to face trial.


Saddam to Iraqis:

"You fail me and I'll kill you all with my bio/chem weapons."


Saddam vs. Bush:

Bush will mourn the loss of any civilian life, Saddam is hoping for it, and has been killing them all along.


Saddam/Terrorist Link:

The link is right under everyone's noses and they can't see it.  Saddam creates unimaginable misery in Iraq, steals all the wealth, then blames the US. Ignorant terrorists believe him and commit Civilian Mass Murder in the US. You want a Saddam/Terrorist link, there it is.



"The Western world lacks the tenacity and intestinal fortitude to kick him out of Baghdad." Sadly it is true for most Western nations.



9/11/02 Headline with photo of burning World Trade Center: "God's Punishment".  It's way past time someone gives that assassin a little of God's punishment.



After Sept 11, it is not a good time for being a global bad guy.



Before he meets his Satan master, may his death be long and torturous, and his brutal regime, too.



Does not care about anyone or anything, as long as he stays in power.



Does not need more time to comply, he's played his game for 12 years now, and endeavors to continue playing his for 12 more years.  In light of his sympathies with anti-US terrorism, the US civilian populations should not have to sit by at the mercy of Saddam and terrorist organizations while the inspectors are forever befuddled by Saddam.



Europe and peaceniks claim he is not a threat. Even allowing that he is still part of the terrorist problem, both directly and as a root cause.



Gives an inch when pressure is increased, placating the inspectors and the small nations that fear him and mad rogue Muslim terrorist organizations who's only desire is to commit civilian mass-murder.



Got a sex change and is an old lady now.



Had a Mafia system - where he has you commit a crime, and then he owns you.



Had his "bully boys".



He wanted modern technology, it's been misused, now it's time to be held accountable for it.



His reign of murder and terror is over and his killers are finished.



Holding his slaves hostage, preventing them from liberating themselves.



Is a bully. It's time to kick his ass and turn the country over to decent people, and that does not mean to any of Iraq's totalitarian neighbors.



Is a mortal threat to all, the world, his neighboring countries, Iraqis, his inner circle, and even to himself.



Is Mr. Moneybags and weapons dealer for terrorist organizations.



Is not restricted by the civilized behavior the anti-war protestors are proposing the West takes.



Is the Golem to the Smeagol of Iraq. If you want to believe a Golem, that's your folly.



Kills your father, then offers you position in his regime to become a part of the team.  Refuse and he kills you, too.



May pull a "Jim Jones" and kill all Iraqi's when he goes down. He has shown no morals before, and he won't when he's going down.



No one will miss Saddam



Proved that no matter how much nice-nice you make with him, in the end only force works.



Ruled through fear and favor.



Saddam and 8 of his doubles are dead.



Saddam has done 1000 times more damage to Iraq's children than all other factors combined, not to mention Iraq's young men.



Sends good advisor back to advisor's wife hacked up in body bag after wife pleaded with Saddam when Saddam had advisor arrested for advising him to step down temporarily. I guess Saddam disagreed with advisor on that particular issue.



Stashed so much munitions at Baghdad University the US military doesn't know what to do with it all.



There is nobody in Iraq from stopping Saddam from using or passing out his CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) agents and weapons.  Therefore he must be prevented by external force (read: the US, if the UN is too meek to help the US).   The most effective means is to remove Saddam from power.



Try Saddam on crimes against humanity.



What kind of leader is always in perpetual hiding?  One that has committed crimes.  How does anyone know he's even still alive?



Will get his chance to use his pistol, because I will personally find him and his 17 doubles.



Will not give up his CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) toys, even if it is successfully argued that the US has every right to use force to depose Saddam and find the CMM agents and weapons themselves.



Will use bio/chem weapons on US forces, Iraqis, and US civilians if given half the chance in order to save his own skin.


Saddam's Iraq:

The government owns all. If you don't join the government, no job, no food.


Saddam's Militia:

The US hasn't seen such savagery in an enemy since Imperial Japan, or such a cowardly and criminal enemy since Somalia.


Saddam's Regime:

Desperate butchers who to the last will kill their own civilians in order to protect themselves.


Saddam's Secret Weapon:

Marijuana bombs.  Whoopee! Peace and Love! Here's our rifles, murderous Republican Guard Thugs! We love you! We're flyyyyyyyying…. Come give us a hug.


Saddam's Supporters:

Saddam had everyone of his loyalists get blood on their hands go seal their fate and their loyalty to him. A sort of blackmail. They fell into evil and they see no way out.


Saddam's Supporters:

They are fighting for the man that has doomed them the moment he had them get Iraqi civilian blood on their hands as a seal of their fate. Sadly, it is working.


Saddam's Thugs:

Are they fighting for the betterment of humanity? No. Are they even fighting for the betterment of Iraq? No.


Saddam-Terrorist Link:

As to the link between Saddam and terrorists, it will exist whenever Saddam thinks it will serve his purpose.  US Liberals wish to be at the mercy of the whim of Saddam.


Saddam-Terrorist Link:

It is guaranteed to develop in the future, if it does not already exist.


Sadr "Fighting for his rights."

The right to kill moderate Mullahs. The right to call for the killing of others.


Saudi Arabia:

A rich Saudi Prince who thinks the population is happy - now there is one self-deluded person.


Saudi Arabia:

Of course the Saudi regime will speak out against bin Laden, he wants to topple them. They are still a totalitarian regime not to be trusted.


Saudis: "Not worth lives to depose Saddam."3/25/2003

Bush begs to differ, and he is the wiser for it.


Senator Tom Daschle:

Anti-Bush remarks are tantamount to anarchy.


Senator Tom Daschle:

Chooses US civilian casualties with no progress to resolving the terrorist problem over military casualties with progress in resolving the terrorist problem.


Senator Tom Daschle: "Bush failed diplomatically which lead to war":

No wonder Tom did not run for President, he likes to sit back and be an armchair critic while contributing nothing.


Sgt. Akbar "US is going to rape our children.":

Sounds like Akbar is the first US casualty of the Iraq Miss-Information Ministry.


Shiite: "US wants to weaken the Muslim World.":

Response: No, just the Shiite's use of ignorance and hate to advance their nefarious causes.



The measure of any group of people is based on what they have contributed to the world. What have the Shiites contributed to the world? Have they helped China battle SARS like the US has? No. Can anyone even picture them engaging in such a kind, intelligent act? No. So when the question comes up "What do you think of Muslim Shiites?" Ask, "What have they contributed to the world, and I'll base my answer on that."


Side Benefit of US foreign policy:

Countries responsible for the last two world wars are now holding hands, for the morally wrong reasons, but still holding hands.


Slowdown the Rush to War:

France, Germany, Russia, and China are not in the crosshairs of terrorists with population-extermination weapons at hand, and so they can take a leisurely approach.


Small Nations:

That fear Saddam and the mad rogue Muslim terrorist organizations who's only desire is to commit civilian mass-murder, are placated by Saddam's miniscule cooperation's (and only when military force is imminent) with inspectors. This could go on for decades, plenty of time for Saddam to slip terrorists a few of his CMM (Civilian Mass-Murder) agents and weapons.


Small Nations:

Think they have to be harsh to survive, because in their part of the world genocide still runs rampant.



A big nanny state serves only to break apart the nuclear family, and completely destroys the extended family.



A step between a Monarchy and capitalism.



Failures: Socialistic disability in Netherlands- where 15% of the population is scamming the system and are out on disability. Socialistic prescription program in France, where 20% of the population is addicted to over-prescribed prescription drugs.


Socialistic Health Care

A socialistic healthcare system can't support a nation of pill-popping hypochondriacs.


Soft Power:

Two Problems: (1) It relies on terrorists wanting to be like Americans (they don't); (2) Even if it works, all it does is say "don't attack us, attack someone else." This is below the principles of Americans.


Some Black Mentality in the US:

Con Whites out of the wealth they've built, then enslave them.


Some Black Mentality in the US:

If Bush stops the war now and spends the money domestically, I don't expect to get any of it, and am not drooling over it like parasitic flies on honey.  Do I sound White or Black?


Someone slaps cop through patrol car window. Cop arrests him. Liberal says cop should have brushed it off.

 A good example of liberal weenies letting crime run rampant in the streets.


Sorry Iraqi's:

The UN thinks it's more humane to prevent the US from deposing Saddam forcefully.


Soviet Communist

A parasite that killed it's host (Russia), then moved on to other hosts (East Europe, Central Asia). After this expansion was checked by the US, the Soviet Union slowly died.



Commendations for their UN speech


State of the Union:

"In every country on earth, America has enemies, and friends." "There is good and bad in America, and who is which at any one moment is ever changing.


Suicidal Murderers:

Kill themselves to avoid the shame of what they are doing.


Suicide Bombers

It's easy to find mentally depressed Muslims who just want to die and end their miserable Islamic lives. Terrorist kingpins get their suicide fodder from such ranks.


Suicide Bombers:

Blow themselves up along with people they don't know


Suicide Bombers:

Pathetic individuals who want a twisted pat on the back by pathologically insane terrorist thugs.


Suicide Bombers:

Prefer the easy, quick and cowardly solution. It takes greater bravery to confront your perceived enemies directly and pursue a peaceful solution. The world has been brainwashed to perceive cowardice and bravery otherwise..


Suicide Vests:

50 found, 25 empty packages. There are then 25 insane Muslim human bombs walking around.


Syria and Russia:

Did not broadcast the toppling of Saddam's statue. Why? A little thought about it reveals their anti-US bias to the point of insanity.



Is home to every terrorist organization in the world, and Lebanon is their playground.



Wishes to support evil Saddam out of shear blind prejudice against the US, and a refusal to admit to their own faults.



Afghan Taliban surrendering: It looked like the first bright day of the rest of their lives. Like they were expecting someone to say "welcome to civilization".



Afghans burning American food relief packs: a Taliban propaganda lie, no doubt. A more likely scenario is the Taliban shooting anyone who is caught with a U.S. food relief pack, like they cut off the hands of Afghan women who started a school when the Russians came to their village for a while then left.



America is not all good, but it is not all bad. For bin Laden, the Taliban, and Muslims to deny this about themselves is pure self-delusion on their part.



Cowardly murderers that ran to their holes



Giving the Taliban another chance has been taken as a sign of weakness by the Taliban.



Groups like the Taliban are their own worst enemies.



If the Taliban were on a Titanic, who do you think would jump into the lifeboats first: Women, children, or Taliban leaders? Taliban leaders, of course. They are selfish and uncaring, and about as evil as a man can get.



If you want a country run by a bunch of vicious juveniles, there was your answer.



Men with the minds of children playing with guns.



Nobody believes the Taliban crap beyond the starving, orphaned Afghan boys that are being brainwashed, and street thugs in other Muslim totalitarian regimes.



Taliban - evil leaders appealing to street ignorance to fight for popular causes which in reality will only serve to keep the evil leaders in power.



Taliban "All Afghans will rise up and fight the Americans" is like Hitler saying "All French will rise up and fight the Allies".



Taliban are calling Americans soft. The Taliban are the ones who are soft. Democracy is the hard way. Totalitarianism is the easy way, and totalitarianism has the tragic results.



Taliban Leader: "Bring on 100,000 soldiers so it can be a fight between your soldiers and ours." This statement clearly indicates the criminal, childish insanity of the Taliban regime. No one in their right mind would "want" a battle of that magnitude, unless they were selfishly after earthly glory.



Taliban Leader: "We shot down American helicopter". Simple propaganda and misinformation to keep their subjects subdued.



Taliban: "Adolf Hitler knew a lot about controlling the Jews. We need another Nazi Germany." The Nazi's the Taliban so adores would have wiped the Muslim world off the face of the earth after they were finished with the Jews.



The al-Qaeda network and the Taliban lost all rights when they called for, planned, and executed mass murder in the name of a cause.



The evidence found in the abandoned military compound in Kabul exposes the Taliban as even uglier and more evil that anyone suspected.



The Taliban appeals to the evil in men, where you can hold a gun and terrorize people, oppress people, and murder people at will.



The Taliban are coercing children to fight and die for them.



The Taliban are demanding UN humanitarian aid, yet they suppress and jail humanitarian workers. They demand because that's what they are used to at home, meek compliance with their demands.



The Taliban are thugs enriched by a government takeover.



The Taliban are training children to do their dirty work.



The Taliban cause is lost, not just.



The Taliban defile their own Mosques by storing weapons in them.



The Taliban don't think twice about committing atrocities  or deception in order to stay in power.



The Taliban is beating the West on the propaganda and wits front because that is their primary weapon. Their military arms are, thankfully, as archaic as their philosophies, and they realize this.



The Taliban Mullahs are about as unthinking as the American judicial system when it comes to the written word. Neither applies common sense or higher reasoning., and both let criminals go unpunished for unrelated reasons.



The Taliban straps bombs to Afghan babies and send them out to do Taliban deeds.



To Taliban surrendering who are Afghan: "May this be the first day of a brighter and happier Afghanistan."



What cause are the Taliban fighting for? They aren't fighting for Islam, everyone knows their Islam is perverse, and the US is not there to stamp out Islam. They aren't fighting for their women's rights, that's for sure. They aren't fighting for their country, everyone knows the US isn't there to put the Northern Alliance back into power. So what are they fighting for? The only reason they're fighting is to hide the atrocities they've committed, and to avoid retribution from the Northern Alliance. They are fighting for their own corrupt skins, period.



What is worse - the US giving women rights or the Taliban taking the rights away from women?



Who are the Taliban fighting for? It certainly is not diverse ethnic groups and women.


Tarik Aziz:

Saddam's master liar.


Tavis Smiley

"The Whiny Hour"


Ted Koppel: on reading names of soldiers killed in Iraq:

Good example of completely unbalanced, twisted, and cowardly media. For balance at least he should have read all the names of those killed by militant Muslims, beginning with the World Trade Center; and those killed or lined up to be killed by Saddam, for that matter, before the US intervened. How about all the Iraqis killed by economic sanctions? Where are those names?



It is no longer "terrorism". It is now "population-extermination" that is at issue.



Terrorism is a war of mental states, a war over ideas and perceptions. Beyond that it is simply the acts of depraved criminals.


Terrorist Attack

Attacking the UN headquarters in Baghdad is a good example of the low level of intelligence that exists in the anti-West world of Mullahs and terrorists. The UN was there purely to give aid. This indicates young, mindless men being manipulated by insane madmen.


Terrorist Leaders:

Terrorists leaders wish to perpetuate the ignorance of the Middle Ages.


Terrorist Logic:

Is nothing more than camel dung.


Terrorist Organizations:

Are run by and supported by juvenile, vicious minds.


Terrorist Regimes:

International cooperation is needed to coral these psychotic terrorist criminals. It is too late, however, for terrorist regimes.


Terrorist Regimes:

Misery in the Muslim world is caused by corrupt non-democratic Muslim clerics and government officials, and a lack of respect for freedom, industry, education, and human rights.


Terrorist Regimes:

Rogue totalitarian leaders in the Muslim world use the Israel situation to perpetuate their stranglehold on their nations. Israel in not an enemy of Islam. The Muslim leaders speak from pure politics and greed.


Terrorist Regimes:

Terrorism is state-encouraged criminality.


Terrorist Regimes:

Terrorist countries need new political and religious leadership that does not preach and revel in the death and destruction of others.


Terrorist Regimes:

Terrorist regimes stir up hate to support their occupation.


Terrorist Regimes:

Terrorists are warlords attacking a peaceful nation.


Terrorist Regimes:

The non-elected Muslim regimes are corrupt, greedy, ambitious, menacing, and manipulative. They hide this behind calls to Islam.


Terrorist Regimes:

The state-controlled media of terrorist repressive regimes only release anti-US.. demonstrations in order to fool the viewer that their people support them and are against the U.S.


Terrorist Regimes:

The U.S.'s forefathers fought and died for this generation's freedom. This generation has enjoyed it, thrived in it, contributed to mankind in it, and have even abused it. The totalitarian remnants of the medieval world are angered by it, threatened by it, and wish to destroy or discredit it in order to perpetuate their repressive regimes.


Terrorist Regimes:

Totalitarian terrorist nations manipulate their populations through controlled media and terror.


Terrorist States:

You can fight them there now, or fight them here later.


Terrorist Students in the US:

Are rabid dogs that bite the hand that feeds them.


Terrorist Sympathizers:

Are those who get a thrill out of mass murder, or those with the same twisted logic.



Adults with the concepts of children, trying to be serious and self-important, drunk with misperceived power, following all the wrong paths in life for all the wrong reasons.



Attack others based on myths created by the political left.



Can't be negotiated with because (1) they have the minds of children, and don't know what's real or what they want; (2) it will only give validity to their murderous methods.



Couch ignorance, violence, and insanity in religious fervor.



Do not see the glory of a blade of grass growing, of which no glory is given. Human endeavors- art, science, industry, are like blades of grass growing, they are both of nature. While grass needs soil and sunlight, human endeavors require peace and quiet. Terrorists are devoid of this.



Fight a war based on their misconceptions, fantasies, superstitions, jealousy, misplaced pride, and just plain old ignorance.



Introduction of Terrorists: Meet the enemies of civilization.



Lust for random murder.



Playing a game they cannot win. When it comes down to influencing people and governments by the number of people you can kill and buildings you can destroy, the US will win overwhelmingly in every case.



Rather than work hard and catch up with the West, Muslim Militants find it easier to be destructive and try to bring the West down to their level of suffering and ignorance. They will fail only because although they can cause suffering, they can't cause ignorance.



There is nothing nobel in taking the lazy, destructive path in life, as being a terrorist is. When innocent people are harmed, it's despicable.



True enemies of the people.



Ultimately represent tyranny, repression, ignorance, and violence. Liberals want to cave in to them.



Wrapped up in their own madness and no amount of reason will affect them.



Young men addicted to the thrill of killing, looking for something to brag about.


Terrorists and Children

Have irrationality and illogic in common.


Terrorists and Muslim Fundamentalists

US should do exactly opposite of what they want the US to do- free the people of the Middle East from political and religious oppression and tyranny.


Terrorists and Saddam and Bush:

Terrorists training in cropdusting. With who's agents of mass destruction do you think the terrorist crop dusters had their eyes on? Saddams. And in who's country were the terrorist crop dusters training? The US. And who were going to be the crops to be dusted with Saddam's agents of civilian mass murder? American citizens. So why is Bush in Iraq?


Terrorists- Dealing with Them

However, most people have no guts, unless it wayward, like attacking the US when it attacked Saddam after it was attacked by Muslim terrorists after the iron rule of Islamic Mullahs (kept in control through ignorance, isolation, thugs, and hate-mongering) was challenged by world trade and cultural interaction such as Big Business opportunities for all, McDonalds, Primetime TV, women's rights, Beanie Babies, curing smallpox, sending men to the moon, and Britney Spears (arguably not all good).


Terrorists in Iraq

Why so many terrorists in Iraq? They are flocking to the aid of their sugar-daddy, Saddam.


Terrorists referring to "Crusaders":

Demonstrates their ignorance, self delusion, and insanity.


Terrorists vs the West

As much present vs past, superstition vs knowledge, ignorance vs fact.


Terrorists vs the West

Children vs Adults.


Terrorists vs. USA

Who do you think can kill more people- terrorists or the US? So far innocent Muslims have been spared like retribution by the US.


Terrorists/Muslim political/religious thugs

Their only defense is to hide among civilians and in holy places, and their only offense is ambushing and beheading hostages. What if the US had no regard for the civilians and the holy places they hide in? Then what would be their defense? They would have none, and they would have to change their methods to non-violent means or face annihilation.



Appeals to those who like to go around and kill peace and prosperity-pursuing civilians.



Attack symbols of progress. They want to drag the world down and take over.



Give a terrorist small arms and tow missiles, and he thinks he can terrorize the world. God forbid he should get anything more in his hands.



I don't know if Saddam has any friends in the world other than Arafat, but nevertheless some self-righteous maniacal individual or group could use the war as an excuse to exercise their murderous insanity.



I see the 60's anti-establishmentarianism influencing terrorist perceptions, where the good is filtered out and only the defective is let through. It's constructive to point out defects, it's destructive to refuse to acknowledge the good points.



In the name of Islam terrorists murder their own women in the streets with small arms fire, and brainwash the young into suicidal destruction.



It is their aim to slaughter or put in harm's way any target that is unarmed, unsuspecting, and unguarded, and clueless.



Life in most of the Muslim world is daily embroiled in war.  The Muslims, war is a way of life, and is not bad.



Muslim terrorists are simple criminal minds who thrill in taking "American" lives.



Must fight using street wit, because their military weapons don't measure up. They are winning on this front.



Once terrorists cross the line of murder there is no return.



Since this is the only occupation they know, would become mass-murderers for hire given the chance.  It is their chosen profession.  They possess no other skills, and nothing else would satisfy them.



Terrorist leaders get the weak minded to commit mass murder for weak arguments.



Terrorist logic is not a sharp instrument.



Terrorist reasoning in shaped by figments of their imaginations caused by Hollywood, MTV, and Madison Avenue. Americans can turn a critical eye and know they are shallow, terrorists cannot.



Terrorists act on incorrect versions of the Koran and follow isolated, ignorant clerics.



Terrorists are criminals who follow no laws of government or religion.



Terrorists are demented criminals who hide behind a cause.



Terrorists are not guided by any governmental or religious laws, but only by Satan.



Terrorists at pilot schools are taking education and perverting it.



Terrorists come from countries where they make $800/year and get paid $200/day by terrorist leaders. It is the American equivalent of $5000/day for someone making $20,000/year. It is not about religion.



Terrorists defile Islam for their personal glory.



Terrorists give blind obedience to anyone who feeds them.



Terrorists have made life hell for Muslims in the West.



Terrorists live to kill.



Terrorists misusing Islam are the same as thrill-seeking drive-by shooters. They are dangerous to the public.



Terrorists say Allah holds a special place in Heaven for murderers.



The terrorist demonstrate that the power in Islam is not in it's word, but in it's small arms fire.



The terrorist must use terror, they can't beat the West with morality.



The terrorists did not know the names of their victims, yet killed them anyway. It is easier to kill someone if you are ignorant of who they are. The terrorists didn't even know who was there, and they didn't care.



The terrorists have no regard for human life and they are motivated by the same human evils they are purportedly fighting in U.S. business and policy - lust, ambition, glory, greed, jealousy, and ignorance.



The terrorists needed their own pilot because no Westerner could be made to fly a plane into a building, no matter what the Westerner's faith or nationality, because Westerners are brave and free.



What makes a terrorist? Insanity? Criminal Mind? Misperceptions? Ignorance? State-Induced Hate? Misdirected Retaliation? Thrill-Seeking? Bragging Rights? Temporary Acceptance?



Where they come from, genocide is a way of life. It is perfectly natural for them to want to kill all Americans.



While America pursued peace and progress for all mankind, the terrorist jackals waited for their psychotic murderous opportunity.



Young men brainwashed by fatalistic cultures.


The arrested Minnesota flight school  terrorist:

This war is on terrorism, dupes and all. Also do you think this dupe would have been more sorrowed or happier at more "American" (which includes Muslims) deaths and destruction? Answer: Happier at more "American" deaths and destruction.


The Bible:

There is a time for war.


The bigger question asked by millions of people worldwide is: Is Bush being deceitful? Are the weapons of mass destruction really the issue? Why did Bush really attack? Is it really to disarm Iraq? Is it really to liberate the Iraqi people?":

Response: Bush is a simple man. No conspiracies. No hidden agendas. He sees the world in terms of good and evil. Simple. No bull, and he knows how to talk the language that the bullies of the world understand- force.  Bush did not start this war. Bush attacked because his job as President of the United States is to serve and protect it's people. Osama attacked it's people. Saddam applauded him. Bush would be derelict in his duty if he waited for another civilian mass murder attack. He would be derelict in his duty if he didn't pursue terrorists and the states that applaud them to the ends of the earth.  Saddam is a collector of Civilian Mass Murder agents and weapons (the US should know, it took part in selling them to Saddam before he went completely mad). Put two and two together and you have Saddam saying that old Muslim saying "The enemy (Osama) of my enemy (the US) is my friend.


The doctors, joined by nurses and paramedics, chanted anti-American slogans, calling the United States the "No. 1 terrorist" and "an enemy of peace.":

Response: Due to their political ignorance, these doctors and nurses should be placed far away from where they could do harm to the democratic forces in Iraq.


The Environment

Bush does not give either side everything they want. He does not play to the extremes.


The Free World:

Is run by mature, moral minds.


The Human Race:

Gropes it's way out of these dark ages where it is much easier to argue falsehoods than truths.


The Left

Will always be opposed to right.


The Left:

Has become a banner of anti-US dogma.


The Left:

To all- please excuse my exuberance- but the Left has gone completely looney* since the 60's, and I so enjoy battling their illogic...


The Media

A reality-distorting machine.


The Media:

In the US there is 100x more good than evil, but in the world of media evil sells.  Therefore terrorists and foreign nations receive a distorted  view of America.


The Muslim Man in the Street's Opinion:

Must be weighed with the fact that Muslims do not have a grip on reality anyway due to poor education and state-induced brainwashing.


The Poor

Do not advance mankind, therefore do not rate government money.


The Unwilling:

Want the US to abide by World Trade Organization rules concerning contracts for rebuilding Iraq. Reveals them to be cowardly capitalistic vultures.


The US and War

The US has demonstrated time and again it is above war. Unfortunately it's enemies have not.


The Willing:

Are comprised of nations that still feel the sting of dictatorship. The pampered US-protected waywards do not, and are not willing.


There is an oil conspiracy behind the war in Iraq.

If you believe in an oil conspiracy, you lost money this summer. -Jerry Bowyer.


TIME: What is it that turns a middle-class kid from Kuala Lumpur into a jihadi? He's not despairing. He has a comfortable life. Now he's suspected of trying to bomb a mall in Indonesia? A Catholic from Italy would never go on a mission for the I.R.A.  CHANDRA: The feeling of despair is much greater and more widespread for Muslims; it cuts across class lines.:

Response: Chantra is reverting right back to camel dung again, to avoid admitting the "poor suffering Muslim" argument hold no veracity.


To News Media 1a

The breadth and depth of your news is still to be respected, local and beyond. But concerning Iraq you continue to offer up unbalanced, biased, and now twisted anti-Bush “Crusade”. The future will see the big media stories concerning Iraq right now as being prisoner abuse and Berg, true, but not in the way liberals would like. The most significant side to these stories are (1) how the media sensationalizing the prisoner abuse affair (something the military was already prosecuting), in utter disregard for the safety of those in Iraq, and in the interest of personal gain; (2) how the Democrats, grabbing at straws, jumped on this bandwagon, and put personal political gain ahead of the safety of those in Iraq; (3) how the media swept the Berg story under the rug to (a) get more mileage out of the prisoner abuse story and (b) to hide their hand in causing it; (4) how the media then tried to shift culpability for Berg away from themselves and the Democrats and onto Rummy, who did not create the military but inherited it from Clinton.


To News Media 1b

It’s obvious to the clear thinker that the Bergs should be suing the media (who thumbed their noses up at the military’s request not to sensationalize the prisoner abuse investigations during the current terrorist insurgency in Iraq) and the Democrats, for their blind devotion to political gain. The Liberal Tyranny machine has thus once again and continues to fail this country in the face of foreign adversity; foreign adversity that you liberals yourselves, with your preferences for depraved social perversities, created in this conservative world.


To White Person: "Are you for the war?"

Response: Hell yes, what do I look like, an A-rab? They want to come over here and kill Whities, so we SHOULD go over there and kick their butts.


Totalitarian Regimes:

Attempt to allow only that information the regime creates itself to reach it's people, in an effort to control the minds of their subjected people.


Totalitarian Regimes:

Strangle to pursuit of peace and prosperity in their country, almost as much as religious extremism.



Refused to allow US to create a Northern Front in Iraq, thus allowing the Kurds to take Mosul and Kirkut. Now the Turks want to go in and suppress the Kurds. I say screw the Turks, they shot themselves in the foot, and create an Iraqi Kurdish Province that includes Mosul and Kirkut, with the oil revenues nationalized for all of Iraq.



Has become a body with no moral judgment.


UN Failure:

UN failure to deal with evil dictators has a historical precedence in the League of Nations that could not deal with Hitler, Mussolini, and Japanese Imperialism, and the 100's of other petty totalitarian regimes that existed then.


UN/Saddam Bargain:

The bargain was for Saddam to get rid of his CMM (Civilian Mass Murder) agents and weapons, in order to protect his neighbors from his aggression. Now his aggression, in the hands of terrorist organizations, threatens the Western world, first and foremost the US.  The US should not have to sit idly by while it's allies impress themselves with their petty power politics made possible at the expense of the US military forces in the Middle East.



"Peace among Nations" fails to take into account the nature of totalitarian regimes, that neither want peace or "other" nations.



35 years of killing and repression by an insane regime in Iraq, and it took only 3 weeks to topple it. What's wrong with this picture? How could it have been allowed to continue for 35 years? The UN is mainly to blame. Liberals are trying to take the lead, however.



Cannot see that Saddam will resist to the bitter end.



Does not know the mind of a bully like Saddam.



Failure to enforce it's resolutions have left Americans vulnerable to terrorism and exposed to blatant dangers.  The American President has a duty to take action.  He would be derelict of duty not to.



Full of endless psycho-babble.



Has been reduced to a corrupted tool of petty countries who wish to throw their weight around, and bribe neighbors into electing them to key UN committees, and has become a tool of murderous illegitimate leaders who are trying to protect themselves from the free world while they attack the free world.



Has no muscle in Iraq without the hated US military present in the area.



Is playing the "more civilized than thou" card on the US, and at the US's expense - the UN's civilized methods would fall flat on evil dictator states were it not for the US's threat of force, which is not cheap. The UN's actions are also having the effect of furthering the rule of such evil dictator states and the misery of the subjected people.



Is so screwed up it put Syria (with it's population so blindly prejudiced against the Western world) on the Security Counsel and Libya (run by a murderous dictator) on the Humanitarian Rights Committee.



Not damaged by US, but damaged by itself in it's inactions and futile policies.



Shows it's innate reluctance to act again as it delays humanitarian aid ships in Uum Qasr port until IT deems the harbor is safe, this after the British aid ship already went through.



The UN's hand has been called by Saddam, and Saddam has won for the last 12 years.  The US, with it's civilian population under attack by terrorists, does not have to sit by while inspectors ineffectively drag on for another 12 years.



Wants to solve conflicts by international law. Fine. The failure of the UN is in the enforcement domain - being a body too afraid, self-serving, or high-principled to authorize it.



Loves peace and prosperity, but knows when it is time to put on the gloves.



The under-appreciated and unfairly hated nation comes out on top again, to the benefit of the world, again, with no thanks, and with getting incessantly nitpicked by self-important misguided politicos.


US abuse of prisoners

It's bad abusing the bad.


US abuse of prisoners

Muslim world has no room to criticize.


US abuse of prisoners

The US does not tolerate such behavior. Even before the news media and Democrats made a feeding frenzy out of it, the military itself had made arrests.


US abusive guards in Iraq

Why aren't the liberals showing these guards the same bleeding heart compassion that they show murderous terrorists?


US Administration:

The US Administration has been avoiding the word "Liberated" in reference to Kabul. Rightly so, considering how misused the word has been in the hands of Hirohito, Hitler, Stalin, and Saddam. But the fact is that the people in Kabul have been liberated, one positive side effect of America's war on terrorism. Let the other totalitarian Islamic regimes bear witness.


US aging Hippie Liberals:

Are an anachronism, fighting evil politicians and businessmen who no longer exist except as a figment of their imagination.


US Aid:

The world should realize the US is not all powerful


US Allies:

The US is in the right, yet the US allies want to stand up to the US out of principle, ignoring right and wrong.


US Allies:

US allies who oppose the US on the principle of opposing US influence in the world or because Bush is a Cowboy are placing their self-interests and childish pride in front of their duty to enforcing UN resolutions.


US Bombs:

The number of Iraqi's killed accidentally by off-target US bombs is only a tiny fraction of the Iraqi's Saddam has killed because "he knew their were traitors before they did", or those he killed to gain power, or those he killed to stay in power, or those he killed to warn other Iraqi's, or those he killed out of pure bemusement, or those he killed because he was having a bad day.


US Early Attack:

Like Pearl Harbor sneak attack only to the weak minded.  Unlike Pearl Harbor the US's early attack on Saddam was in hopes of saving civilian Iraqi lives, of whom the US cares much more for than Saddam.


US Enemies:

Do not want the US to do what they themselves would do, and much worse - impose their will on the world.


US Flag over Saddam Statue Face:

It's blatant biased propaganda to try and put any deep meaning into a corporal placing his country's flag over the sickly statuized face of the brutal dictator some of his fellow countrymen have just died to liberate the country from.


US Flag over Saddam Statue Face:

More symbolic than the twisted Al Jazeera view of the US taking over the Middle East, was a corporal rather than a General placing that flag there. Symbol: the common man reigns supreme in a free world.


US Flag over Saddam Statue Face:

More symbolic than the twisted Al Jazeera view of the US taking over the Middle East, was that of an ethnic Asian placing a European-derived flag on an Arab statue. Symbol: The world is getting too small for the Saddam's and their counterparts in politics and religion, and for petty regional views as held in the Middle East.


US Guards

An organization can't predict who will act like fools. It can only take appropriate action.


US has a program of conquest

Not military. Economic competition may be twisted by liberals to look like program of conquest.


US High-Tech Weaponry-

Meant to spare the innocent as much as contain or kill the bad guy.


US Immigrants from Muslim Countries:

I know some which have embraced American culture more than indigenous Americans, who've become cynical.


US in Iraq

What happens when Middle East miss-governance spill over to American soil.


US in Iraq

Without the US in Iraq, Iraq would be in a state of a major (and barbaric) civil war right now.


US in Iraq:

Ask yourself "Who is fighting for the rights of the Iraqi civilian, the US or Saddam?"


US in the Middle East

US should be working on the assumption that there are a lot of friends in the Middle East who would like to see political and religious repression disappear.


US Infrastructure

Operates on honor, decency, and honesty. Anti-US elements have none of these characteristics.


US Iraqi prisoner abuse

The US guards treatment of prisoners was on the mild side of how prisoners are treated around much of the world, and on the bad side of how the US treats prisoners; and yet liberals badmouth the US.


US Leadership:

Who are the movers and shakers - war-mongers or peace-lovers? If war-mongers, there would have been war-mongering before 9/11. There was not.


US Liberals:

Are afraid to root for the good guy in the US/Saddam confrontation.


US Liberals:

Have been brainwashed by the propaganda of the enemies of the free world.


US Media:

Has contributed to lengthening the war by giving hope to the enemy by misamplifying the negative, thereby giving Saddam's regime the hope that the Americans are in, and I quote, "In Big Trouble".


US Options vs anti-Bush Liberals:

So the US could:
(1) stay there until Iraq grows up, in which case the anti-Americans will whine and cry; or
(2) leave now and let them murder each other, in which case the anti-Americans will whine and cry.
(3) not have gone to Iraq in the first place, in which case the safety of US (and other) civilian centers would be at the whims of a Dictator (who's familiar with WMD's), and when the terrorists struck, the anti-Americans will whine and cry.


US pausing in arresting Sadr

US is just trying to save wild-eyed young gun-toting men from their folly, such as trying to achieve the lifelong bragging right of having killed an American.


US Peaceniks:

Mistakenly believe (1) the rest of the world is civilized, and (2) that people are innately good.


US Power:

The world can only be thankful it is the US that is the only remaining superpower and not the USSR, and that good rather than evil has prevailed in the world for once. Those who criticize the US can go to the alternate universe where the USSR is the only remaining superpower so they can get a clearer perspective on good and evil.


US Prisoner abuse

A good example of one political party playing up an issue to weaken the opposition, at the expense of the troops abroad. More troops losses abroad is also a good thing for the attacking political party.


US Prisoner abuse

The US does not condone this behavior. Even before the news media and Democratic Party made a feeding frenzy out of this blemish, the military itself had made arrests. This act of civility, however, cannot be attributed to the enemies of the US, and yet their behavior is not mentioned, and is quickly swept under the rug by the news media and the Democrats, because it does not serve their partisan purposes.


US Prisoner Treatment in Iraq, and Liberals

Liberals trying to turn mistreatment into atrocity. An atrocity is more like the beheading of the American contractor, which the liberals remained silent about. They are making a much beggar stink about hoods over Iraqi criminals. Their anti-Bush politics cloud their judgment, and reveals their twisted behavior- politics first, the safety of others- last.


US Response to Terrorism:

Compared to what I'd have done already, the US leadership has shown extreme restrain, reserve, and civility.


US Unpopularity:

Blaming it on Cowboy Bush does not give credit to the foolish pride of US allies, or to the propaganda issued by the totalitarian enemies of democracy.


US vs. Dictator States:

The difference is the US government is endeavoring to preserve the lives of it's civilian population, while the Dictator States are endeavoring to preserve their brutal rule at the expense of their civilians.


US vs. Liberals

US is strongest nation on earth through industry, and liberals like to run counter to that.


US Weaknesses:

US has two weaknesses Saddam and his regime does not have: (1) a regard for human life, (2) an almost equal regard for historic architecture. If Saddam were to hide under the Ishtar Gates, he'd be safe.


US World Image:

Democrats already killed that with their sellouts, bribery, debauchery, and cowardice.



A country that has obtained it's wealth and position in the world through hard work is not to be toyed with. Terrorists either do not comprehend this, or are manipulating the US toward some goal.



Did a good deed in the Muslim world. The Muslim world should get off the US's back now.



Is as a nation at it's pinnacle in history. It's inevitable that a few jealous malcontents want to ruin it.



Is being completely misreported overseas by leftist media by means of bizarre conspiracy theories, unbalanced reporting of casualties, and by ignoring the atrocities of Saddam while amplyfing and distorting the reasons for the accidental casualties caused by the US.



It's civility a long tradition, not just a 20th century phenomenon.



Usually under-acts and under-accuses.



Is a social and political phenomenon most people do not understand, especially people living under mind-controlling tyrannies, and liberals. Liberals beat at the US phenomenon with their love beads, while the US phenomenon churns on without much notice, attracting millions of legal and illegal immigrants annually, who bring with them the wisdoms of their cultures, infusing America with even more complexity, a pulse which only a fool can say he has his finger on.



Some day soon the world will thank the US and Britain for their high principles and outstanding courage, while labeling France's Chirac as a self-interested petty politician.



The US phenomenon consists of industry, freedom, tolerance, and cultural diversity. Liberals attack it with endless cynicism.


Using maimed US mother-soldier as anti-war symbol

For every military casualty of Iraq, there are several casualties of terrorists, and thousands of casualties of Iraq's former government.


VA Hospitals:

Somebody is making a buck off the system when Federally-subsidized VA hospitals can charge the thousands of dollars a day that for-profit hospitals charge.


Vice Presidents

The choice in 2004 is between a lawyer and an military industrialist.



Vietman was a lesson in how not to battle evil...


Vietnam Atrocities by US

Brought on by the enemy not following the Geneva Convention and endangering civilians by dressing like and hiding among them. Also the North Vietnamese were doing much worse things.



Guardian's history lessons were a bit skewed by hippie professors- the US didn't pull out of Vietman for any other reason than domestic politics... least of all the VietCong and NVA!


View of Military:

The lack of compulsory service in the US has contributed, along with the media, to the unreasonable fear peaceniks have of war.  Perhaps it can be handled without compulsory service with enough wit from the government.


Vote Democrat

If by doing so you can sit home and collect government money rather than work. Just don't expect the country to remain vibrant and healthy.


Vote Democrat?

Let's see: I'm not on welfare. I'm not a homosexual. I'm not a drug addict. I don't believe in socialism or communism. I'm not dependent on government handouts. I'm not expecting any free government money. So no, I'm not voting democrat.


Voting Democrat

When people vote Democrat, they're thinking 'what kind of free money am I going to get out of this?'


Voting in 2004

I'm not expecting government handouts, so who do you think I'm going to vote for?



Americans are not colonialists, they are compassionate and peaceful, and allow other countries to prosper.  When other countries are taken hostage by evil dictatorial regimes, then and only then has the US taken action, and not always with the support of it's peace-loving citizens or allies.


War About Oil:

Sure, whether the wealth it creates is spent by the one for the good of the one or by the many for the good of the many.


War Crimes:

Liberals don't understand why they are crimes. You need to explain it many times to them- that they put innocents in harm's way or make them a target.


War in Iraq "Will make the world a more dangerous place.":

Not as much as the last remaining madmen in history (Saddam, Kim Jong il) make it, or as much as combining the availability of modern technology with backwards mad Mullahs and Osama's running loose.


War in Iraq Opposers:

Have their own evil agendas or refuse to acknowledge Saddam is an evil madman who has weapons of mass murder to keep his own people in check, and that he could easily slip to his terrorist friends to attack US citizens.


War in Iraq:

A lot of Iraqis may die at the hands of Saddam.  But then a lot of Iraqis have already dies at the hands of Saddam, and many more Iraqis will die at the hands of Saddam if he stays in power.


War in Iraq:

Applicable famous saying: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."


War in Iraq:

Bush is not only protecting American civilians from suicidal madmen, but is striking at the heart of the Muslim world's problems- totalitarian states. Why this one? Civilian Mass Murder weapons and having used them.


War in Iraq:

No liberal expected the war to be this clean, having predicted hundreds of thousands of casualties. Yet the liberals are still beating on Bush for nitpicky things.


War in Iraq:

On 9/11, the Mideast problems became the immediate and direct problems of the US. The US has a perfect right to be there, doing exactly what it is doing.


War in Iraq:

The first war where there won't be any spoils. Coalition integrity should see to that.


War in Iraq:

The only suffering the Iraqi's will receive from a war is what their own self-preserving dictator dishes out to them.


War in Iraq:

The US version of conventional war is to destroy a nation's capacity for waging war - targeting military industry and units. Saddam's idea is to exterminate the population.


War in Iraq:

There were many cases for the war in Iraq other than weapons of mass destruction.


War in Iraq:

Things haven't changed since the dawn of time. The US either goes over there and kicks their ass or they'll come to the US and kick the US's ass.


War in Iraq:

Why did Bush do it? Part of it was the American high regard for the individual, who was suffering in Iraq.


War in Iraq:

Will be beneficial to the Iraqi people not part of Saddam's mad regime in many ways - politically and personally. Iraq is one of the most terrorized and brutalized nations on earth.


War is for oil:

Bunk. Energy went from 8% of the US economy down to 4% in the last 30 years.


War on Drugs

Black after black calls it bad. Wonder why? They like their drugs.


War on Iraq

Was a liberal weenie thing to do for Bush. A true crooked conservative would have profitted off of Saddam, like the French, Germans, and Russians wanted to do.


War on the US:

The issue is not if war is good or bad, because war is upon the US by mass-murdering rogue international organizations that are supported by rogue states.  Saddam is an obvious part of the problem.



As long as the other half of the world is still in the dark ages mentally, war will be necessary.



Is a man's game, and it's primary ingredients are irretractable ignorance, pride, and/or aggression, either by just one side or by both.  US/terrorist conflict it is ignorance, pride,  and aggression on the part of the terrorists.



Is not bad when confronting evil than still rules nations.



Nobody in the free world wants war, but history has proven many times that nothing but the threat or use of military force will overthrow an evil regime after it has taken hold of a nation.



The US did not get the ball of war rolling. That was the product of non-democratic groups and nations. It was Muslim ignorance and arrogance and their twisted way of thinking.  Bush's clamoring for war is part of that ball rolling, and such a ball is not easily stopped, and nor it should be in this case.



What if there was a war and only one side (terrorist) was attacking the other (US civilians)?


Welfare Traits

(1) Will sit around in own excrement until someone comes along and cleans up after them. (2) depressed due to not knowing if they can live a working life- though it would do them good.


Western Greed:

Is a materialistic social evolutionary phase that future generations of Muslims will go through and have to deal with.


Western Peaceniks:

Were consistently wrong in the past and they're wrong now concerning the intentions and nature of the enemies of the free world.


Western Reporters:

An additional problem exists with the  West: Western reporters, especially if Caucasian, getting Iraqi opinions (or any Muslim for that matter) off the street and on camera are displaying their typical Western ignorance.  What do the reporters think the Iraqi (or any Muslim) is going to say on camera with Saddam (or their totalitarian leader)  watching?  He'll say anything he has to in order to protect himself and his family from the Assassin-Dictator (or King)  running the country.  It's idiotic displays like that that typify why the Muslim world despises and has lost respect for the West, and Caucasians in particular. I, as a "Caucasian", am disgusted with the ignorance displayed in the media.


What Captured US Soldiers Wish They Said:

Republican Guard: "What is your name, Imperial Colonialist?" US Soldier: "Dem O'Cracy."
Republican Guard: "Where are you from, Bush Lacky?"
US Soldier: "Screw, Utah."
Republican Guard: "Do you have any family, Greedy American?"
US Soldier: "2 sisters, Kilsa Dam and Ura Hood, and a mother, Ima Liberator."


Why Bush attacked Saddam:

Bush had integrity, courage, a sense of honor to his position, and a compassion for mankind. Saddam had none of those characteristics, while harboring a hate for anyone like Bush, and while harboring Civilian Mass Murder agents and weapons while openly applauding civilian mass murder actions by Osama and his nationless gang of psychopaths.


Why didn't Congress say 'no' to Bush on Iraq?

Because nobody in their right minds could defend Saddam, right or wrong.


Why The Unwilling are Unwilling:

France, Germany, Russia, and China oppose the US's ousting of Saddam, while Saddam sits in his German bunker, afraid to fly his French Mirage jets, firing Chinese silkworm missiles at Kuwait shopping malls, and using Russian night goggles to watch his Russian GPS jammers misdirect US precision-guided munitions designed to minimize civilian casualties.


Win Muslim hearts and minds.

Can't win what doesn't exist.



Why weren't any found in Iraq? They crossed the border into Syria.


Words and Perceptions:

If words and perceptions were clothes, we'd all be walking around in tattered rags. They are not worth fighting and dying for, unless one is defending oneself from them.


World Understanding:

How little the world understands America when viewed through the peep-hole of leftist media. The US is many colors, but through biased media, the world only sees one color.



Only the most ignorant and violent Muslim state is chanting "Death to America".


Young Muslims:

I see myself in the 60's running around in the streets yelling for anarchy and rooting for the bad guy, because it was fun and mindless, and angered the elders who couldn't do anything about it due to lack of wit. It therefore was merely a wit exercise put on the elders. Primal tribal instinct, I think.


Young Muslims:

Merely young thugs in Muslim streets acting on mindless populist Muslim street mentality.